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Time to hit the floor, its Friday time for the weekend.

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  • Time to hit the floor, its Friday time for the weekend.

    Good Morning....geez where is everyone?

    Well yesterday did not go as planned, they hooked me up, got the IV started, but my electro shock patches on, gargled and swallowed the nasty numbing stuff, got more nasty numbing banana tasting stuff sprayed in my throat and it was off to la la land but when they woke me up I found I had not been shocked, but the TEE test found that I had a blood clot in one of my heart chambers therefore they could not shock me, so now it is another month of taking blood thinners and try again in a month...they also found that two heart valves are leaking a bit nothing to be concerned with just yet, but will watch waited an hour for most of the la la feeling to go away and we came home...they said I did great while asleep no problems getting the tube down, they laughed when I told them I was not satisfied with their choice of breakfast..

    So life goes on, I go with it, hoping and praying not one more thing goes wrong with this ole body, got more miles I want to tack on..

    So Elaine how is John doing?

    I like Facebook and share a lot of my life there because of so many friends and family that go share there also, but I love coming here for my 'friends and family' here and love hearing about what is going on in your life, so please, share away..

    Some snow on the ground, very, very cold out there, but they say it will warm back up curio cabinet got delivered yesterday, think I am going to like it..

    Hope you find a reason to smile and be happy today...
    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God

  • #2
    Good Morning everyone..

    Rise and shine..

    I like Facebook too..I keep in touch with my family..And friends too..

    I like coming here..And put up "NEW" kitty pic..That everyone to enjoy..And have good laugh..

    NO.!!!Snow..But it is cold with breeze....Brr...

    I have supper in the crockpot..Chicken,potato,pea...
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    • cookielady
      cookielady commented
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      Cute! I'm the cat in this pic. LOL!

    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      Oh our pets sure do like to wake us up

    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
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      Boffler,That is for sure...They sure do..

  • #3
    Good SUNNY Morning! It's frigid out there but they say it's suppose to go up into the 50's tomorrow....crazy weather.

    Glad they found the clot before they did anything...guess it was good they did that TEE test (tee & bananas for breakfast...yum!) but sorry you have to go thru it all again. Maybe they'll give you grapes the next time with your TEE.

    Yesterday was rather productive. I had a request for the Amish sugar cookies to look like BB's, so I tinted the dough orange & used orange sanding sugar then once cooled, I used black icing to make some "lines" on the balls. Cute! The test was when Blaise & Cork came home & ask "who's the BB for?". Got the gobbs baked & iced. Also baked some of the cupcakes. Found the one cake mix was too old, & didn't want to risk it, so had Cork pick up a fresh mix on the way home.

    Speaking of Cork. When he took his car in for the 7th time (when's the lemon law come into play?), the mechanic said he thought part of the problem was the tires, so yesterday Cork got 4 new tires put on the car. Man, now I've got to bake & sell another 1000 dozen to pay for those....furnace & tires...steller week! Thank goodness for Discover card yesterday. LOL!

    This morning I'm going to try making a Samoa pie for the restaurant. There is caramel in the pie "filling" and once it sets up, you pour a layer of caramel on top of that, then mix some caramel & toasted coconut & put on top of that, then drizzle with more caramel & choc to look like the GS cookie. The crust will be made with Oreos. Then I've got to finish making & decorating the cupcakes. It's for a customer's husband's 40th BD & she's getting 40 cupcakes. I think that's all the baking I HAVE to do today.

    Need to go to the bank then since I've got all these wonderful bills to pay. LOL! I'm just thankful I can pay them. We may have nothing left when we hit 75 but for the time being we are taking care of business.

    Have a good one all!


    • #4
      Good morning, everyone!
      I didn't sleep in too much this morning. Am feeling mostly better. Still, my stomach isn't quite right yet.
      So I did sit in the yard yesterday, as it was 82°. It felt sooo good! Today should be 88°, so I'll be outside again. I'm very glad to have these temps even for just 2 days. But this weekend it'll plummet a full 20°, and possibly with rain.

      Sharon, I'm sorry to hear the test didn't go as planned. (Hugs). I hope the blood thinner gets rid of the blood clot. Monday I see the Oncologist again, and find out what he plans for my blood condition. I try to not think of the fibrosis eventually damming up my blood flow.

      Sassy, thanks for this mornings pets. I feel like that cat, too. 😸

      Cookie, I don't know how you do all that you do! Super Mom.
      When you're 75, the kids can take care of you! 😄😂

      Well, not much happening here. Nothing newsworthy.

      Have a super-duper day!!!
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • sassygirl01
        sassygirl01 commented
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        JoGee,You are welcome...Me too..

    • #5
      Good Morning.

      Just got back from the motor company. They couldn't fix one of the door locks on Tuesday, so had to take it back again today. All these trips to town!

      Sharon, I'm so sorry about your situation. You amaze me at how well you take these situations. I'm afraid I would not be as brave.

      John is doing well since the last bout on Monday with his stomach. But I will say that when he bounces back, he does it rather well. Has been eating normally again all week.

      Jo, I envy your weather, but I don't want it that warm this soon. I think we still have a lot of bugs the weather needs to kill out.

      Our numbers are getting fewer and few here. Sad. Hope we can at least get Maxie back.

      Have a good day, Everyone.


      • boffler
        boffler commented
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        Elaine makes me sad also our numbers are getting lower before long, if not careful, we will lose this place.

    • #6
      good morning

      holding my breath .. I am having major computer problems... first with the "look". over large everything . and can't reduce. and today I try to run Avast scanner... and it stalled. it has a sign . it is corrupt!... so somewhere inside there is a bug.. and I have no idea what to do.... do if I disappear. I will let Donna know... and then go buy a new computer!.... I can use the iphone to read the forum.. but hate posting from there... but will if it becomes necessary..

      hugs to Sharon.. darn,, all prepared and now its "wait, wait, wait".. many thoughts coming your way..

      better sign off for now..
      Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


      • #7
        OMG! When I came here this morning something popped and I am back! No one on this end did anything so if there is a ghost doing computer repair someplace...thanks! Andrew came home from school sick Monday and has tested positive for the flu and strep so have not had time to call computer he would be happy to know I did not call him with the germs in this place. His mother called the school for homework yesterday and they said there have been so many kids out, half of Drew's class is missing, that they are not doing makeup work just review for the unfallen still coming in. He is home with his mother today so I have a day off. Little guy was pretty sick but he is as tough as his dad when sick. Tuesday it was almost 70 here and Wednesday a snow burst covered the ground and down into the teens yesterday and today back to 60. What a winter! I am hoping it is over...we are grilling tonight. Sierra is coming this afternoon instead of Saturday. I have been in contact with mommy dearest and no one likes the situation but the girl is happier than she has been in a long time and as long as her grades are good....oh well....I wish she would talk to her dad though. My voice has also come back!! Jon laughed that it probably came back so I could moan and groan when I get the flu from ANdrew. Doctor just wanted to send me to an ENT and I thought crap no...I came home and started allergy meds and a decongestant you get from the back of the pharmacy and in a couple of days I was talking. I had been reading some allergies were acting up so self treated. Probably dust allergies in this house. If I dust it will be with Lysol! So I am off to read on face book. Had texts this morning to go read but I always come here first and viola! it was a surprise. I hope whatever fell back into place stays there...boffler test sounds icky. Sun is shining and back to 60 sick guys and absolutely nothing planned for the weekend. Blues are back to playing great hockey and Sierra just called and we are heading to the big mall since her class was just cancelled. Gotta run in to shower. It is is so great to be back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        • boffler
          boffler commented
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          Welcome back Maxie....glad whatever gremlins had a hold of your computer let you go and come back to us...what is going on with Sierra? and you and Mommy dearest talked???!!! I also am having issues with allergies, just haven't figured out what yet...So glad you are back.

      • #8
        ps Donna...thanks so much for keeping me in touch. You were great!!!


        • cookielady
          cookielady commented
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          My pleasure. Wonder if Pat needs my services too? She hasn't popped in for well over a month.
          OK...back up. What's happening with Sierra & Mommy Dearest?

      • #9
        Yeah! Welcome back, Maxie. And thanks to whatever powers that be, that got you back!

        I'm sorry to see our numbers dwindling, too.
        BarbCA is likely hurting. Sometimes Jostoy, too, unless she's traveling someplace. I think Val and Pat must be mostly on facebook. Justy, where are you? JudyG pops in occasionally. I've lost track altogether of any others, but would welcome them back in a heartbeat if they'd pop in.
        ARM, are you lurking?.......say something to us. What's up with you these days???
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #10
          Yes JoGee, I am just lurking. Don't have anything important to say so I just look. There isn't much to say so I just lurk, lurk, and lurk.


          • boffler
            boffler commented
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            ARM just seeing a post hello from you makes me feel better, let's me know you are still around even if just lurking...

        • #11
          At least, please, say Hi to us a bit more often. 😀
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • #12
            Good morning and happy it's Friday.
            I have the chicken cooked and ingredients ready to put together for the shelter dinner. I am sticking with beef and ham after this. The chicken dishes are too bland.
            No rain or wind at the moment. The flooding is due to water being released from Shasta Dam. I am not sure if Becky will be able to drive her usual, faster route to school or if that bridge is still closed.
            Sharon, I agree with all that has been said. Your attitude is a remarkable asset to your health plan! I hope you post a picture on Facebook of your new curio cabinet!
            Donna, I would love to see the BB cookies! I may need to order some for my Maryland boys!
            With all our crazy weather yesterday the temperature stayed at 60! It felt colder with the wind...
            Hope we all have a good day!


            • #13
              I didn't get here this morning...over slept a today was just that work. this evening I am fixing dinner for my dad and brother in law. Spagetti and garlic bread. My sister and the girls will be home tomarrow. They will drop mom off in illinois.

