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Tuesday Today ~ 2/7

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  • Tuesday Today ~ 2/7

    Good Morning.

    I just had a chance to read yesterday's posts, and I so enjoyed the conversation.

    So nice to get Maxie by way of Donna. Thank you, Donna, for that, and for my BD wishes.

    Speaking of needles, shots, blood testing - I think John wins that competition. Testing EVERY Monday, plus two injections, and then one week of shots every day. When you stop to compile it all - for a year now - it is too much to comprehend, really.

    We have another recall on our car - this time it's the door locks, so it's off to the dealer at 7a. We get one day off, and something else comes up. LOL

    Have a good day, Everyone.

  • #2
    Good Morning Elaine and all who follow...

    I will go check out the post from yesterday, seems my world is moving a bit fast right now, not as much as John but a lot going on with me right now also. Blood thinners, INR checks, they are moving my cardio version up to this week, will be having it done on Thursday...not looking forward to having my heart shocked because I know how sore I will be afterwards, LOL...hope no burn marks...this week is just busy, busy.

    They say today we might get some nasty storms pop up, good day to just stay inside, which is fine by me, I think having your blood thinner changes how you feel, queasy for me.

    I have had one recall on my vehicle, got that taken care of right after Christmas, hope no more, and we have had two on the motorhome...

    Stopped by my favorite store yesterday, The Granary, such beautiful furniture, paid for my curio cabinet that will be delivered on Friday, I love Amish made furniture..the quality is just so good and so real wood.

    Well going to rustle up something to eat this morning, feel kind of wimpy need some nourishment, LOL

    Have a great day one and all..

    Elaine, so very, very sorry to have missed wishing you a Happy Birthday, I do hope you baked yourself something delicious...

    Last edited by boffler; 02-07-2017, 08:01 AM.
    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • #3
      Morning today better be a better day at work or I might sersiously do I don't know what!!!! I got into some trouble for doing something that I didn't realize was a problem because my job coach got little breaks approved before she left. That was the first thing that happened. Then we had 6 new volunteers and how to explain what was going with them. Is they came to my department and completely disrupted everything I was doing because one of the girls was steming vocally meaning making all kinds of noise with her mouth. I couldn't deal with it and went and asked my supervisor what do and he said ignore...needless to say my autism got in the way and I was pretty upset by the time I got out of there. My saving grace is that today is not a day that the volunteers from that organization come.

      working this morning...maybe getting nails done this afternoon..going out to supper with a couple friends and the guy that I like! I am super excited and bit nervous at the same time.


      • #4
        Good Morning! Yesterday was lovely but this morning it's dumping buckets of rain.

        Yesterday I FINALLY got around to seriously doing the laundry, though it's still not complete. I worked on it all morning while cleaning a little of this & a little of that btw phn calls. One of the calls was to the doctor's office to report my sugar levels and ask about getting a Rx for this new insulin since it's really working. Well they have to get approval for it since it's so new & isn't on the list of approved Rx's. I sure hope it gets approved.

        After Lori came & picked up her big order, I headed into town. First stop was at the UPS store to ship 3 big packages for Cork. They had pre-paid labels on them, but the store he tried to ship them from on Saturday was going to charge him for doing it, so he brought them home. The REAL UPS store doesn't charge, so I went to the one close to the one Aldi's across town. Came home & finished making a pot of chicken rice soup. I had the pot simmering with the chicken the whole time I was gone, so it was almost ready when I got home. My Mom had called my brother to bring home something for dinner since she wasn't feeling well. He called me and ask if I had anything, which I was just getting ready to call my Mom & offer soup anyways, so he stopped by on his way home and got food....2 kinds of soup & some sloppy joes. She's set for a couple of days now. I could have run it over, but he was going by anyways right when I was finishing up. Of course we had soup for supper too.

        This morning our new furnace is getting installed. The high is suppose to be in the mid-50's, so it'll be a good day to be w/o heat for a while. While they are doing that, I'm going to bake a fresh batch of ladylocks since all the ones I made last week are gone. Some of the fresh ones are getting shipped out tomorrow. I'm going to experiment with a doz or so and fill them with PB flavored filling and Choc flavored filling to see what those would be like. Need to run to the bank once the check arrives to pay for the furnace.

        Have a good one all!


        • boffler
          boffler commented
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          Donna, you stay busier than anyone I know...I hope that the medicine that is working gets approved also. So nice to fix your Mom some food, but then again that is who you are, always thoughtful, loving and very faith filled...Love you

      • #5
        Good morning everyone..

        Rise and shine..

        It is on and off rain..And foggy to day..There is bug going around..Stomach bug..
        Here is cute
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        This gallery has 1 photos.


        • boffler
          boffler commented
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          I like this pic...we had fog also....temp today was 60 tomorrow they are predicting snow...strange, strange winter.

        • sassygirl01
          sassygirl01 commented
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          Boffler,Thank-you..Another day with fog..And in the 60's with rain...This have been strange weather..

      • #6
        It is such a windy morning! The wind woke me up at 3:00 and then it was just on and off dozing. Not raining at the moment, but the wind is still blowing.
        I have a couple coming after nap time to check out the daycare. They need childcare but also told me they are waiting to get into Head Start. I told them I have an opening until October when I get a baby, so we will see. When they tell you right off they are looking to go somewhere later but can't understand why my opening is only until October could be a red flag, but who knows? First time parents don't understand how hard it is to find great childcare.
        I hope you all have a good day, get done what needs to be done and enjoy the journey! Winter makes it a bit of a challenge...but we are up to it!


        • #7
          Good morning everyone.

          ​Went with E. to Lawerenceville yesterday so she could purchase a new washer and dryer. We ate breakfast out after she made her purchase.

          Then came home and fixed a cabinet door by putting a magnet closer on. Still have a few other doors to do. Will need to buy more since they do the work.

          ​Then later, "I stuck my finger in a electrical socket" so I could get curl back into my hair. I was rushing to make my appt., and then half way there I realized that the appt. wasn't until 2. I guess I had it my head that I needed to leave by 1:30, and that changed in my "pee-brain" that the appt. was at 1:30. Anyway, I have decent looking head of hair again.

          Today I meet some of the women from Church to see a movie. I'm not going to think about that time, it is written down what time the movie starts.

          ​We have rain also this morning. A hard clap of thunder woke me at 6:10, but I went right back to sleep and woke again at 9:00. Getting lazy in my old age I guess.

          ​Everyone have a great day.
          Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


          • boffler
            boffler commented
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            Jo that's what you get for thinking to much, out for those electric sockets could be enough to curl your eyelashes...what movie are you seeing?

        • #8
          Good morning, all.
          Today we meet out new PCP. I'm still in a state from my cardiac appt yesterday, and 6 pm opened a letter changing only my PCP. We'll see how it goes.
          Yesterday we got to the hospital 30 minutes early. We were an hour late when called back to get my stats. The nurse left us in a room after the stats. So 15 minutes later she bursts in says I need an ECHO done, and she's gone. 15 minutes later the doc finally(!) arrives and we talk. The nurse comes back with the ECHO machine and hooks me up. Shakes her head after a few minutes of listening.. And moves some of the discs around. She did that 3 times. I said, "Great! She can't find any pulses in my body." Which she didn't appreciate much. Finally the doc returns, looks at the paper, and says he doesn't see a heart problem. He listens to my chest, "don't breathe!" To my back, "breathe!" To my chest again "don't breathe!" (I was glad to have been an underwater swimmer when I was young....I held my breath using that experience, as the doc wasn't quick at listening.). So he determines I really have no heart arrhythmia, maybe a couple enlarged areas, but that's it. But he'd like to double check it in 6 months. Left the office only to find that the front desk is closed by 4 p.m., and I am far too late to make that appointment. Well, if I don't call today, I'll call tomorrow. I also have to set up an appt for another ECHO on the big diagnostic machine before seeing the doctor.

          Elaine, I just have a port inserted, which is barely used any more. But my veins have been getting fragile and they couldn't draw blood sometimes....ergo, the stupid port.
          Sharon, I'm sorry you have to go through all that.
          Beth, that's just life. Dealing with all kinds of people. Putting up with "stuff".
          Cookie, sooooo busy. So much cooking and baking. You're amazing.
          Sassy, love the cats...they remind me of one or two I've had in the past.
          Hi Paula. Somebody to fill a temporarily empty space. How lucky is that!!!! 😃

          Well, time for breakfast.
          Have a great day, everyone. ☀️
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • sassygirl01
            sassygirl01 commented
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            JoGee,I did too..I had one of those cats too..Just the one..He looked like that pic..He was a beatuiful cat..

          • boffler
            boffler commented
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            JoG know all about the breath don't breath, not for long though...they just added another test to my agenda for Thurs. before the cardioversion, Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE): How It Works
            Transesophageal echocardiograms are much less common than TTEs. They are typically used when good visualization cannot be obtained via TTE. (Visualization may be blocked by scarring, excess body tissue, or collapsed lung.) Here’s how the procedure works:
            Eating or drinking is not allowed during the six hours leading up to the test. Only water is allowed until two hours before the test. If your physician’s instructions are different, follow his or her instructions.
            Electrodes are placed on your chest. These electrodes are connected to an electrocardiograph monitor. Blood pressure cuffs and a pulse oximeter will also be attached to your body.
            A local anesthetic will be used to numb your throat.
            An IV will be given for sedation. (You will remain awake.)
            While lying on your left side, a thin, flexible endoscope is passed down your throat. Though this may be uncomfortable, it should not hurt and will not interfere with breathing.
            Once in place, the transducer at the end of the endoscope is adjusted so that various images can be taken of your heart. The entire process takes between an hour and an hour and a half.

            Looks like Thursday is going to be a blur for me, LOL...all is good, life will be better afterwards....just so they make sure the ole ticker keeps on ticking just like the energizer bunny..

        • #9
          Sharon, that test sounds like pure He!!. Keep your sense of humor. I hope 🙏 that you don't have the bad after effects.
          Also that it goes smoothly for you while you're there.
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • boffler
            boffler commented
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            I will keep my attitude, gets me through a son was concerned today I told him remember your Mom is a tough ole bird and just like the energizer bunny, take a licking and keep on need to be taking off work and making the drive, Dad will let you know when it is all over with...

        • #10
          I am writing this on a completely ridiculous computer!.... my screen is enlarged to about a 50 font setting and I can't get it back to normal..

          I was hunting an old game on a cd.. found it.. opened . and when I closed. my computer was so messed up .!!!!!!... not being a computer guru... I had no idea what to do. I have messed around here and there and at least got the screen down to all of screen covering the front. and can navigate but is like I have set it for a sight problem .. easy to read your post tho"...

          Going to need help to get this fixed tho..

          Dr. visit yesterday for me. was good... because I told her I felt great.. which I do. most of the time.
          the knees are not her problem.. she did insist from now on I take the 10mg. of potasium every day.
          .... easy one..She also gave me a little talk about my frustration with David changing behavior.. basically, have more patience, be kinder... and accept what is happening.. easy to say, hard to do.

          enough of this big print.. see you later.
          Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


          • #11
            Maye hold down the shift key and up on the top where the numbers are keep clicking on the - key...Maye I had a best friend when I left OH for IL her hubby was fine when I left but within the year he was dead...dementia, I told her one day the very same thing your Dr. told you, I told her she had turned into a person I didn't know anymore, she needed to remember the good years, the love they have shared and the children, grandkids, etc. He could not help what was happening to him and she needed to LOVE him like she has never loved him...she thought his thought process should be the same, she felt he was doing things on purpose to make her mad. I was very angry at her for not being a better person...I know it has to be hard but OCD needs to go out the window...or you won't be any good for anyone...Love you Maye, do all the research you can, find a forum for people with spouses that have the same thing so you can talk and share...
            Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God

