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Thursday 26..Jan...

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  • Thursday 26..Jan...

    Good morning everyone..

    Rise and shine..
    WOW...!!! I am the first person...

    One nice day..We had rain last night..

    And going to wash the rag quilt..And wash out that funky smell out...

    My twi little kitty woke me up this morning..I got the coffee..The only thing i need it is donuts..
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  • #2
    My kitty had me up as well...after she ate she wanted to play so instead of going back to sleep I dealt with cori attacking my feet.

    Work today...then getting my nails done..then my youngest niece is coming here and we are going to the movies while her dad works on the house...and my sister and oldest niece go to her volleyball games


    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
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      Bethina,You too..Mine jump on the bed...

  • #3
    Good Morning....

    Sassy hope to see a picture of your rag quilt...making quilts can sure occupy a lot of time, the hard part comes when putting them together..

    No plans on my agenda the closet emptied out yesterday and things put in the cabinet out in garage, I filled it up completely. I am seriously thinking about starting on drawer and vanities in the house, supposed to be a nasty day out so need to find something to do to keep me from seeing how nasty it is outside...this is when it gets depressing. Hubby worked on taking out a few trees outside, wanting a privacy fence out back, since we got new neighbors back the lane it has been like grand central station and with having a deck and pool a little more privacy is needed, plus that, when they come down the lane at night their headlights shine in my eyes...

    Need to get some chicken breast out of the freezer, chicken breast, some chicken noodles and green beans for supper, sounds good to me.

    Well folks time to go read the news and see what is happening...I know we had a homicide in our city last night need to go and find some details if possible.

    Have a good day one and all sure hope someone is getting some sunshine somewhere, send a picture...

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      Just got the call from my biopsies. Biopsies show no cancer, the crohns is in remission but I have some sort of colitis inflammation going on so I now have another medicine to add which is a suppository (Canasa) at night for three weeks to stop the bleeding and frequency of going to the bathroom...yeah me, LOL...and a call into the cardiologist to try and get an appt. for the AFib...But all is good, no complaining...

      JoG just read what you said yesterday, I am so glad I can be an inspiration to you...makes me feel good. Trying to adjust, making the best of a bad situation, etc. just makes it seem so much less pleasant...Love ya

    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
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      boffler,I am working on it..Coming Soon...On some quilts..That is fun part..To put it toeghter..

  • #4
    Good (early) morning.
    It's 29° outside, getting to 54° today. Another day to dress warm.
    Got my mocha and so I'll be fully awake soon.

    E did the laundry yesterday, or most of it. Turns out we don't see eye to eye how it's done, bit it'll get worked out eventually. Wait til I get to show him my shirt shrinkages! Plus I'll be sticking the dryer sheet box up onto the side of the dryer with super magnets. 😏
    Otherwise, nothing specific on my agenda today. Except fill my pill containers again. My mailed prescription came in yesterday, which I was beginning to worry about. Odd how the military insurance says certain pills need to be mailed in 3-month batches to me, while other prescriptions I can just get from the pharmacy down the street.

    Yesterday I slow-cooked a pork tenderloin right from from my freezer. It turned out yummy, moist and tender.. At the end of cooking I added a yam and some veggies. The yam was large, and good to serve us in another meal....we will have it with the leftover pork. Will have it with different veggies and a cranberry sauce.

    We are sorting thru magazines and other accumulated mail. What to keep and what to toss.
    So as soon as E gets up, I'll go get dressed, then see about my share of it. I usually toss more than he does.
    But he's getting better at it.

    Sassy, an ET Cat! Wow! How funny and cute.
    Beth, I can't sleep with pets. Cats are often active at weird night hours. Mine had adjusted to MY schedule, not their whims. In my awake daylight hours they knew they'd be well taken care of.

    Now, let's see who posted while I was typing. 😄
    To everyone, have a wonderful day! ☀️
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
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      JoGee,I thoguht the same
      I could not stop laughing...Thank-you..

  • #5
    Good Morning! We had some sun yesterday for a few hours, which was nice.

    Yesterday was good. Got the sugar cookies & gingersnaps baked off then we headed into town. Dropped off the goodies at the doctor's office then went to lunch. Picked up a few items ($90 worth) at Aldi's and then headed home. Had a customer come & buy some of the GS and I gave her some of the LL to sample. After she left I went to Saxonburg to drop off a doz GS for a customer and a plate of cookies for my Mom to take for game night last night. Then I started on the baking & filling for the ladylocks. I filled about a 1/3 of them with a raspberry flavored filling. YUM!!! Didn't cook dinner because Cork & I weren't hungry and Blaise just wanted a PB sandwich. Works for me!

    Bethina....I take it your sister & family left your place & moved into their new place? You have your peace & quiet back?

    This morning I have Bible study. When I get home I need to ice at least a doz of the sugar cookies, but I may do more. One doz of them are cupcake shaped and they are for my niece's 18th birthday which is tomorrow. I still make whatever goodie they desire. If I decided to stop at Giant Eagle after BS and get the Oreos that are on sale (I have a $.75 coupon that will be doubled), I plan to make 3 PB pies for the restaurant and be ready when they call. I need to cook dinner tonight. I bought tons of fresh veggies yesterday, so I need to do something with some of them. I made up a small bag of fresh veggies for Blaise's lunch. He'll be surprised & hopefully enjoy them.

    Have a good one all!


    • bethina
      bethina commented
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      Sis and fam are still with me but only to sleep.

  • #6
    Cookie, you get coupons doubled? I haven't seen doubled coupons since the stores offered their store cards for customers and their own sales. Nothing here gets double, much less triple, coupons off.
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • #7
      Good Morning!

      Brrrrrr! Temps hit 75 by noon and by 7p, we were hovering around 37. Cold this morning.

      Trash day! Got a lot of stuff moved around yesterday, like Sharon. Had 2 tables in a closet and wanted to move one out, so that required a lot of shifting. I am slowly discarding all of the stuff
      I had for ceramics - paint, glaze, etc. Can't believe how much I accumulated (and spent $$$ on).

      Well, have a good day, Everyone.


      • #8
        Earlier I would have said Good Morning. Now I will say Waiting to call the plumber kind of morning! All of a sudden my bath water stopped draining and Becky started saying there was water all over the floor of the daycare bathroom!!! I am waiting for my mom to wake up so I can call her place mover who cleaned out roots at her house last month. Hope it can get fixed quickly. I can't believe I will be telling the kids to Not Flush!
        Sun is coming up and that makes everything easier.
        Keep your fingers crossed for me today, please.
        And the rest of you stay well, happy and may your pipes stay clear!


        • boffler
          boffler commented
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          Oh No Paula, definitely not a good way to start the day, so just say 'morning' that will be good enough...hope you can get it fixed quickly...

      • #9
        Maye you out there somewhere? Didn't see you yesterday nor this morning so far, are you and David okay? Did I miss something? Worry Wart patrol is after you!!!!
        Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


        • sassygirl01
          sassygirl01 commented
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          Where is Maye.????I had cute kitty pic for her..The E.T...
          I am right behind you..And hear us "ROAR"...

      • #10
        Good Afternoon
        I posted Tuesday evening about 7pm.... and then Wednesday.. ( yesterday).. I got up at 5 am and Kept company with the bathroom with a very watery diarrhea... until about 8am.. finally got some anti diarrhea med into me. I felt like a wrung out dishrag but ..........( no idea what brought that on!)

        my dear hubby wanted to go to Walmart.... now,, folks...I do not like to him drive himself where there is lots of traffic..his reaction time has slowed down.. and traffic can get confusing...
        ..................soooooooooooo... I bundled up and we went to Walmart ... grabbed a few necessary groceries.. He got whatever it was that was so important.... ... we stopped at an Arby's .( special coupon, three roast beefs for $5. )... he went in ,got them and we came home.......................and I disappeared into my lady cave room.. to sleep.. ..came out long enough to give only student his lesson.. and then back to lady cave for more """ stare at the puzzle pieces "...

        I know I have not been here as much as before.. have been struggling with some depression .. For those of you who have losted your partner early .. please forgive me if I sound mean.toward David. but I get so angry when he doesn't think how I feel.. .........and it is so hard to watch your spouse no longer be the person you leaned on. I guess I'm a
        lousy caregiver.. and I end up in a "poor me " mood.. not pleasant company for man nor beast...

        I should have come in just to see SassyG. kitty.... they always cheer me up.. Thanks for caring .. I will make a sign for the wall...... THE ROUNDERS LOVE YOU....

        Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


        • sassygirl01
          sassygirl01 commented
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          Maye,You will "LOVE" my kittys..Me too..Any time..You would do the same thing...That is good idea.I like too see it..AWWW..

      • #11
        Maye, I considered that you may have come down with something. Lots of stuff going around and lots of people are getting different kinds of sickness. Take care. Yes, the Rounders do love you!!!

        Sharon, I'm glad you don't have cancer. You don't need anything else on your plate. We both ave multiple things going on at once, or taking turns being the thing that's foremost and active. Some days I want to whine and gripe, then you come along with Words Of Wisdom that make me come out of that funky pity party. If you can keep your sanity with all you've got going on, then surely I can get out of my wimpyness and enjoy the world around me and care more about others. Thank you so much for that. Its nice to have days that I can actually forget what I have going on internally.

        Paula, I hope the plumber could take care of your emergency bathroom problem. How is your Mom faring?
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #12
          Posting to say I got my mom's plumbers who fixed it and only charged for the hour it took! Not the digging out or filling in they did. 75.00 and I am really happy.
          Maye, I don't know what to say. Except none of think we are good caregivers. And none of your posts sound mean. Whatever words we use here, whether we call them our rant, vent or letting off steam, is ok. We all need a safe place! And I value the trust that is implied with everything that is said here.
          My mother is doing very well, I think. I know she needs me to do errands and after daycare is not my favorite time to run them, but on Becky's school days she has no time. And the difference between community college and Chico State is huge! She was a little down yesterday . So, that whole sandwich generation is alive and well here.
          I say, as I used to tell myself, find what offers you some comfort, stress relief and just do it! Waking up early to house is kind of hard, and I don't have a clue how to help with it. So, whatever makes the rest of your day less stressful, you just discover it and make yourself do it.
          I firmly believe there is some variation of help for all of us.


          • cookielady
            cookielady commented
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   scooping grease while talking & sampling at Donna's!

        • #13
          Paula, I'm glad it got taken care of....and with a price break! You deserve it.

          I agree, nobody thinks they're good caregivers; but give yourself a break. It's hard to do, oftentimes, and all we can do is our best. Right?

          OK, I sing E's praises, but he's lost his patience a few times. He apologized later, though. But it's a lot to do. That bag changing he's done? Yeah, I'm supposed to do that. Bit with a hand mirror in one hand, I need a hand for the bag, a hand for the scissors. You cut the "pattern" in the sizes you need, measure it to the stoma........oh, the stoma can change size and shape on you! Then you need to check the surrounding skin for rash or whatever...treat the skin, add an adhesive to help the bag stay put. That's a lot to do, and you're lucky to have someone to do that for you. Is it any wonder E got upset, as he's doing all the chores anyway.

          Maye, give yourself a break. You do well.
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

