Morning..dreading today...didnt sleep well last night...half price day at work. Chiropractor appointment this afternoon. 3 cab rides today.. I forgot bus isn't running
No announcement yet.
Monday 1/16
Good Morning!!!! The sun is trying to peak out and it was sunny all day yesterday....LOVE IT!!!
Yesterday was good. Met most of my family at Applebees for lunch. We arrived at 11am and were the first through the door. They had to put tables together to accommodate all 9 of us, so it was good we were early. I got one of my favorites...oriental chicken wrap & onion rings. Originally we were going early so that we'd be back at my Mom's in time for the 1pm football kickoff, but due to possible icy conditions, they changed the kickoff time to 8:20pm. So we all went back, talked & played cards, then had cake & ice cream about 2:30pm. We all went home, snuggled down, took naps, and then we TRIED to watch the game. Our cable/DISH went wonky and the picture sometimes looked robotic. Cork watched it for a while online and then gave up because he had to be up by 4am today. I listened online to the end, and the Steelers won, but it was a nail bitter again. The last 3 out of 4 have been that way.
This morning we are having a mom & her 6 year old come for a play date. I met her while volunteering at the school book fair. Both boys are only children and they only live about a half mile away. Since there is no school today, I called & invited them over. Not sure what the rest of the day will bring. Doesn't matter.
Bethina...I LOVE half price day. I don't bother the employees and I take the hangers off & fold my clothes as I go along so that check out is much quicker that way. I try to be a good customer.
Oh btw....yesterday was Mickie's birthday too. Happy Birthday Mickie!!!!
Have a good one all!
Good Morning Rounders....I awoke thinking I did not wish Mickie a Happy Birthday, remembered she and Donna shared the same day. I do wonder about her, seems it all happened so quickly, first she had a house with her daughter and dogs living there, wonder what happened to her doggie? she shared cheese and recorded shows with in the mornings...miss her...
Don't know what the day may bring, hubby is not happy with his cabinet says he is out of practice, well like Maye said, I must think of more 'projects' for him to get him back in practice, LOL...he is a big help around the house though. And he doesn't mind cooking at all, will even fix my plate and bring it to me, so I guess I will keep him warts and all like he does me,
Just fix myself a breakfast burrito, love my breakfast burrito maker, in 5 mins. you can have a burrito...can also use it to make bean, beef and other burritos..
Well time for more coffee and to finish my burrito, have a great day one and all....they say freezing rain for us this morning then warming up to just having rain...another dreary day...
Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God
Good Morning.- Martin Lutheran King Day!
Sharon, describe your burrito maker. I bought John a machine that was round, put egg in one layer, bread in another. Is it anything like that?
Saw a couple of photos of Mickie - even a video on her FB page of family giving her cake in her room. Wonder if we can call and talk to her. Miss her so much.
Donna, our FB game was a nail biter, too, but unfortunately, Green Bay kicked a field goal in the last couple of minutes and won, but it was a great game!
Rained all day and night, and expected to do the same today. Leaving at 8:30 for cancer center - test and 2 shots, as usual.
Have a good day, Everyone.
Good morning
we spend the whole evening at Karen/Bills.. watched last part of the Packer, cowboy game... (Packers won, my "team",sorry Elaine but have been GB fan for years ) then , in the company of Donna's brother Toms family,we watched Steeler game.. and nibbled .((..I had to keep my back to the game as I am a jinx for the Steelers.. even being in the room affected their game..)). and because there was no
evening snoozing we both slept until after 7am. !...
Sharon, Karens son Jacob was in the kitchen yesterday making a fried rice dish... I watched him thinking ..some lucky gal is going to get a cook someday.! one in sight yet..
....yeap . more cupboards coming up...
Sassygirl.. another cutie!
a lot of running for you today Bethina.
need a quick short trip to groc. store. out of creamer and bread.. got gift card to a favorite restaurant , and we are taking granddau. and fiance with us about 4ish . .
Hi to you all .see you laterTake it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.
Good morning.
Today we will have an overcast day, only 20% chance of rain.. we had rain (not storms) all of yesterday and the whole night before. It'll be only in the mid 50's today, and warmer tomorrow. The neighbor boy had just meticulously cleaned up our yard. The wind and rains brought down so many leaves from the Pistache tree out front, it looks like our front yard was never touched. 🙄
Today is also E's birthday. He wants to go to the movies today....he will totally relate to the, not so much. I
don't understand the interacted of math and the space programs. The technology is complicated, to me. But, it's his birthday, so we will see that movie.
I will also break in the new shoes that I'll be wearing in MI, while we are out today.
I wonder if he will want lunch or dinner out today as well.
My stuff is all set out, ready for packing. I got it all sorted and ready. Personal stuff & toiletries are in plastic zipper bags and inside a larger zipper bag. My Med's are always in their dosage case in my purse, along with a printout of what they are and which doctor(s) prescribed them. I think I'm ready for our trip on Wednesday.
Well, E is up super early this morning. Guess I'd better get breakfast out .
Hope you all have a super duper day. ☀️️~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Create a beautiful day wherever you go.
Jo, I am going to that movie (Hidden Figures) this coming Friday with a group of friends.
I am not a math whiz like two of my kids are, but I lived through segregation in that area (Norfolk, Va.) and read the book.
It was much more of a History book. What I really enjoyed on the personal level it revealed a different income level of people than The Help did.
Let us know what you think of it after seeing it today.
and tell Ellis happy Birthday! Appreciate all the Science guys!
Foggy morning...winter sure does get the most our of crappy weather! Nothing planed for the day except may go out for some groceries...should plan some meals. No kid today. We never count on Sierra being around ever and plan nothing for her. Used to plan some of her favorite meals when we knew she was coming but that sure did not get us any thanks. I only have contact with her when she instigates it. But no more woe is me stuff. If I were to sit and plan a weeks worth of meals it would be a shock to everyone even me. Would I even stick with the menu? I am a lazy cook and any excuse could steer me into fast food in a heartbeat!! My computer is messed up and needs someone with a little expertise to check it over. Wish Scott were coming home but he is back to work after his month of vacation so I am sure he is not planning any trips here. Bet he is depressed after all that time off but he says he loved having Christmas off and will do it again if possible. Today I feel pretty good but worry this cold may try to come is like it will not give up! No one watches football around here but I did watch a great hockey game last night. Thinking I will head in to shower and start laundry before needing my morning nap. So tired of always feeling tired. Son is off today so maybe I can hand him a grocery list and stay in. The ice falling from the trees sounds like it is raining out...goodby ice, hello fog. Winter stinks!
good morning! So glad it worked out to have a day off to take my mom to her pcp. I got up at my regular time, although I did stay up last night...not for the game, but for Victoria on PBS.
While Becky and I were at my mom's in the evening we had the Steeler's game on and I was keeping tabs on the cowboy's game. Friends on both sides of both games.
Aaron Rogers is from Chico and played at a local high school....As I drove over to my mother's you could pretty much guess where the Game houses were with all the cars parked on the street.
One day of sun today and then we are looking at rainy, windy 30 mph sustained winds!
I hadn't heard from Spencer, my Maryland son, and it turns out he is in Montreal on business. He messaged me and said it was cold up there, too.
Because of all that snow up in WA, my granddaughter now has school scheduled to the end of June!!!! I told him they should make up some work packets to send home with kids as snow day work and then they can count it as a day of school.
His Superintendent said calling a Snow Day is the hardest decision he makes because he knows children will Go Hungry because of the food the school provides and they won't get.
What a heartbreaking thought.
Prayers for all of you today and your loved ones.
I do know if this is going to show as a comment or a new post...this site is really messed up on my computer. Anyway...I did not realize the lunch situation weighed on principles that much until Sierra was in school (my boys went to Lutheran School) and I got to know some of the public school teachers. They told me that our principle arranged for lunch to be served even on noon dismissals. He wanted to make sure every child had a hot lunch offered every school day. And yet funding for schools is the first cut in state budget battles. Public schools are so important to more ways than education. Staunton now has a lunch food give away all summer for low income families. I hate that so many kids and parents have to depend of these programs and the school systems to feed their children. I feel these small schools know their families and consolidation is both good and bad. We are lucky to have these principles and teachers and communities that see the need...