Good SUNNY Morning! Yesterday was a dreary one and I didn't step foot outside.
Yesterday was good. Kind of slow. Once I found some energy, I did make 3 PB pies for the freezer and finished off the Gobbs. Got the laundry caught up again. That's never ending. Took a nap in the afternoon. Gary called & he got my car back in running order, so Cork went & got it. The garage is only about a 1/4 mile away, so we usually just walk one way or the other. Well that will take a couple doz pies to make up for it. God always provides for what we need.
Cork requested a chicken pasta dish and I was hungry for orange chicken, so I made both and there are plenty of leftovers. I like the dish I made for Cork, but he no longer eats the orange chicken, so we are both happy.
This morning I'm home from church with Blaise. He says he feels like he's going to throw up, but I think it's just all the yuck that's been draining down into his stomach all night from his cold. We are suppose to be meeting most of the family (not our 2 girls or my nephew) at AppleBees for lunch. Then going back to my Mom's for cake afterwards. We were originally working everything around the football kickoff that was to be at 1pm, but with the ice storms predicted, they changed the time to 8:20pm. Kind of monkeyed up our plans, but we'll all just go home & watch it at our own places. Chose to still go early at 11am instead of dealing with the crowds at 4pm. Besides, my nieces had plans for later. Becca is working and Kathy has forgotten the last 2 or 3 years, so I didn't even bother calling her.
Have a good one all!
Yesterday was good. Kind of slow. Once I found some energy, I did make 3 PB pies for the freezer and finished off the Gobbs. Got the laundry caught up again. That's never ending. Took a nap in the afternoon. Gary called & he got my car back in running order, so Cork went & got it. The garage is only about a 1/4 mile away, so we usually just walk one way or the other. Well that will take a couple doz pies to make up for it. God always provides for what we need.
Cork requested a chicken pasta dish and I was hungry for orange chicken, so I made both and there are plenty of leftovers. I like the dish I made for Cork, but he no longer eats the orange chicken, so we are both happy.
This morning I'm home from church with Blaise. He says he feels like he's going to throw up, but I think it's just all the yuck that's been draining down into his stomach all night from his cold. We are suppose to be meeting most of the family (not our 2 girls or my nephew) at AppleBees for lunch. Then going back to my Mom's for cake afterwards. We were originally working everything around the football kickoff that was to be at 1pm, but with the ice storms predicted, they changed the time to 8:20pm. Kind of monkeyed up our plans, but we'll all just go home & watch it at our own places. Chose to still go early at 11am instead of dealing with the crowds at 4pm. Besides, my nieces had plans for later. Becca is working and Kathy has forgotten the last 2 or 3 years, so I didn't even bother calling her.
Have a good one all!