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TGIF 13 January 2017

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  • TGIF 13 January 2017

    I can't believe I am the first one here. Good morning everybody! it's in the low 40s right now, there is some fog, but that should be lifting pretty soon.

    I am biding my time until I can go get my hair done. Thank goodness there is no rain in the forecast for today and it's going to be in the 70s. Our priests are back from their retreat and I am looking forward to being able to go to Mass this evening if I can get a ride.

    I will be on retreat tomorrow and won't get online. I wish you all a wonderful weekend. I hope everybody stays safe and warm and can do something they really enjoy doing.
    "God loves us so much, He gave us friends!" Amen!

  • #2
    Good Morning! Yesterday was down right wet & miserable though warm. I see the sun rising now, so we are suppose to have a sunny but cold day.

    Yesterday was good even though miserable outside. After Bible study I was too meet up with Sue to exchange stuff for each other. I was SUPPOSE to text her when I was leaving the church. Guess who forgot her phone at I just kept praying that she just would come & she did. I was just getting ready to leave & in she pulls. Thank God! Then it was onto Stover's to pick up some bakery supplies....50lbs of shortening, sanding sugar, & 50lbs of corn starch.

    Came home and started baking off the 3 kinds of cookie dough I had mixed up before leaving in the morning. YUM....Pumpkin choc chip, glazed pumpkin sugar, and gobbs. It was just leftovers for dinner. I still need to make the filling for the gobbs & get those done today.

    Blaise woke up early "barking", so he's staying home today. I DON'T have time to be sick, so I'm doing all kinds of preventatives. I promised him we'd go to the library and get the next few books in the Wimpy Kid Diary series so he has something to read this weekend. I have to make a delivery to the restaurant and make a peach pie for a customer. I didn't have any more peaches left in the freezer, but they want one so bad that they ask I make one with store bought canned peaches. It's their dime. I'll make it. Who knows what else I'll get into. This evening I'm going to my Aunt P's to play cards. She called yesterday and invited me & my Mom. My SIL was invited too, but she already has plans. My cousin Colleen is suppose to be coming too (Aunt P's daughter) and we'll teach her the game.

    Time to get busy. Have fun Val!

    Have a good one all!


    • #3
      Good Morning 💕

      Oh dear I forgot about it being Friday the 13th. Wonder how this superstition got started. Must Google it.

      Yesterday my pressure cooker went caplooy so I got in the closet to get my backup, and I found a very buggy floor, so today I am planning an overhaul of that space. Won't be fun, but it has got to be done.

      Catfish and taters for lunch. Be careful today!! Hugs~ ~💋


      • #4
        Good morning everyone..

        Rise and shine..Another wet day...

        I was trying to find a pic of Friday the 13th..This pic was close..

        I was making early this morning..Chili...
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        • Punkin
          Punkin commented
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          Check your messages.

        • sassygirl01
          sassygirl01 commented
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          Pumpkin,I will..thank-you..

        • sassygirl01
          sassygirl01 commented
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          Punkin,Can you check your message ..Please...

      • #5
        Good morning...I got acrylic nails for my birthday makes typing stayed in bed to the last possible second.

        headed to work. hoping to get home early due to ice coming.


        • Punkin
          Punkin commented
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          Be safe and watch out for that ice!

      • #6
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        "God loves us so much, He gave us friends!" Amen!


        • #7
          Aunt P just called.....she said to come early that she'll make her pizza for our supper. YUMMMMMM!!! Aunt P makes the best pizza. I remember growing up going to their place & her making the pizza and we'd have red or orange pop with it that came in those big glass bottles. I think the brand was Mission.


          • #8
            Good morning.

            Just running through... Sorry I have been MIA. I've been finishing up crocheting a baby afghan and crocheting an edging on a receiving blanket and burp cloth for Dominique's friend in Las Vegas... took a lot of time, but I finished it last night. We are leaving in a couple of hours to drive down there, so I HAD to get it done.

            The weather forecast is for snow in Southern and Central Utah. We were supposed to get some yesterday and last night, but although it snowed very lightly yesterday, nothing stuck... and in fact, I think that it must have been fairly warm because our lawn is showing in spots where there was 8" of snow last week!! I hope we don't have bad weather all the way down to Vegas!

            Gotta run and get packed. Hope you all have a great day. I'll try to check in over the weekend, but if you don't hear from me, don't think I've forgotten you all.


            • #9
              Good morning!
              Sassy, your cats picture will be perfect for hubby & his twin sister' s birthday on Monday! Punkin, what a perfect cat pic for today! Thank you both!

              Yesterday was good for us. We hired the neighbor boy (a wonderful young man) to vac the leaves on our property and generally clean up the yard for us. He did a great job and got a handsome payment for it. We just can't do that much any more. Eventually we will discard most of what we collected over 40+ years of marriage. E finds it tougher to do than I.
              It's going to be a very slow process.

              Today should be cloudy. Should still have temps in the 60's today. I won't complain.
              There's a very good chance for rain tomorrow, possibly more over the weekend, too. I really won't complain! We need it!

              So nothing but the usual day ahead.

              Hi Cookie, Beth, Elaine, and all who follow.
              Have a great day, everyone!!!☀️
              Last edited by JoGee; 01-13-2017, 08:52 AM.
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


              • sassygirl01
                sassygirl01 commented
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                JoGee,Is that too cute....Your husband And twin sister that would been great....

            • #10
              Good Morning....I have been up since about 6:30 a.m. but had tons of things to get done before turning on puter, seems once it is on 2 hrs. can go by pretty fast and I have nothing to show for it..trash day gathering was one of them, deciding on something for the crockpot for dinner and making a grocery now it is a few minutes to say hello, read the news and then hit the shower and get the day started...

              Love the cat graphics this morning.

              Worked on my quilt yesterday and will do more of the same today but also a few loads of laundry, hubby ran sweeper yesterday and he has been busy out in the large garage building my cabinet for garage...also got my beef jerky made all in all a fulfilling day.

              Elaine finding dead bugs would put me in the mood for cleaning it out also....that is why I always look forward to spring and cleaning the closets, drawers, cabinets, etc. every now and again a 'stink bug' comes out of hiding and meets it demise, wish I knew where the hiding spot was...

              Have a great day one and all and for those who are superstitious, Good Luck I hear it is also a full moon tonight..

              Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


              • sassygirl01
                sassygirl01 commented
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            • #11
              Good morning, all. The rain has finally stopped. Looks to be back in a few days but it will give us a chance to clear things up a bit before the next wave comes in. Sure am glad to live on a hillside. The apartments on this side have good drainage but some of the others are still having problems during very heavy rain. The pipe cleaning people have been working on it for a few days.

              Nothing much else going on here except for trying to get myself outside into the sunshine for a while today.

              No baking, no sewing, no crochet (darned hands), just a lot of reading.

              Everyone have a great day.


              • #12
                Good morning ,, have been up since 5.... but not really awake until shower was complete!...

                JoG. I have been seriously discarding since Nov.. bought a shredder and so much has already been chopped up.. and have lots more to do...
                but I have been discarding in other areas.. some, one item at a time.. all my collected books that are in good shape go to the local library . they have super big book sales twice a year.. plus they have one room in the Library with donated books, you can buy cheap. ..
                making up boxes ,and tagging with names..,of family items .like the genealogy records and pictures, I want a nephew to have.. sticky tabs with a name on some pieces of furniture ....In Pa. when you die, and the estate is being settled. an assessor comes in and evaluates your household items worth for Tax Purpose... BUT if an item has a tag that it BElongs to someone.. it is crossed off the list.. my handmade oak china cupboard. ( belongs to son ,who made it).. David's guitar, which was gifted to Grandson..just stored here ..etc etc.
                .............actually fun to see an empty space here and there!.

                SassyG.. LOVE that kitten picture!.. still laughing.
                Judy, I bet you will enjoy your trip so much!!

                Aunt P. pizza!... I may have to crash the party Donna..... and I see you are ready for some "help"?..

                we will make a short trip to bank and library... with more books to donate. and I started reading a series that has not been make into Ebooks have to borrow real books.. I love it.
                Have not figured out how to really use my Kindle fire.. I can get a book... read and return.....but I know I not really do it the right way.... will get college kid to come explain it to me,,( as I write it down ,step by step.....)..... once upon a time there were manuals with stuff.. now.. you have to buy?????... the one offered on Google is not for the newest wifi Kindle Fire..

                ok.. its off to work I go.. see you all later .
                Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


                • sassygirl01
                  sassygirl01 commented
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                  Maye,I did too..I could not stop laughing..When i saw it...

              • #13
                Here's another cat, from my DD.
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                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • sassygirl01
                  sassygirl01 commented
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                  JoGee,That is cute.!!!

              • #14
                Suppose to start with the ice by noon then go off and on until Sunday afternoon. We could have a big mess around here! All the schools called off last night so I think the kids have a 4 day weekend...isn't Monday MLK Day? Jon ran out for batteries last night and said walmart shelves were empty! He said every loaf of bread was gone. I remember those storms where you feared being in the house alone with kids and no food! Actually if I have extra here I think it is my duty to make sure I eat it all myself. Nothing going on here but an icy weekend. Positive thought of the day is if the power goes out I have batteries for the flashlight. Enjoy your weekends...I am staying home!


                • #15
                  Good morning, late as it is.
                  I have the spaghetti meat cooked and half the spaghetti noodles. Yesterday's stress over the shelter dinner is gone and I am working on my get it done list.
                  Sun is forecast for the next few days!
                  I am feeding the baby while I type...
                  So, gotta go and hope you all have a great day!
                  If you get a minute on Facebook, I posted a picture of my son Stuart, WA, and his son Owen sitting in the huge snow fort they made!

