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Jan 10th

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  • Jan 10th

    Good birthday celebration with friends last night was very very nice....but the best part of the evening was having my parents and home to myself for a few minutes! LOL

    Evedently after my sister dropped me off yesterday she called my mother and let into her over the broken glass. We both thought I was done over and worked out...anyways on their way here my parents stopped and replaced the cup using money from my now all should be well and if gets broken again I won't be replacing it! My sis tried saying I was saying I shouldn't have to replace the cup..not at all what was being said...what I was saying was that she would have to wait for me to get a pay check on Friday. Oh well just glad that drama is over and that Cori didn't break anything else last night...

    20 water pistols are coming to the house today to try to train cori to stay down from the counters..and tables..

    Working this morning first thing...Mom made cup cakes for me to take. Chocolate with chocolate frosting with chopped andi's mints on top...not exactly what I wanted but these will taste thought I wanted Chocolate cup cakes with chocolate icing...What I wanted was chocolate cup cakes with peppermint flavored butter cream. After work I finally get to volunteer...I haven't been there since 2 week before the holidays started...after that my friend Maggie and I are going to get our nails done...

    I will finish my birthday celebrations with my family just the 7 of us. We are going out for Pizza and could end up at a movie...One of the theaters around here has new release movies for 5.00 on Tuesday nights

  • #2
    Good morning everyone..

    Rise and shine..

    This been one crazy weather..One day we have snow...The next day we have rain...Crazy..

    I saw this pic..Too cute for
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    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      Love the nose art....LOL here I do have cat art...Yes it is crazy weather, hard to predict rather to have school or not...Mornings are the best so I will rise and shine and have an hour to myself before hubby gets up. Have a great day Sassygirl.

    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
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      Thank-you...Me too..It is crazy weather.....It is...I bet it is ..Nice and quite...You too..

  • #3
    Good Morning one and all....Bethina hope the drama is over for awhile for you, that is why I said yesterday in order to not have so much drama when you have visitors is just go around and make sure nothing sitting around that has water or a liquid in it, I know it is your house, your rules, but also want you to keep your sanity when having visitors.

    Yesterday we did go to Lowe's only to find he couldn't buy any lumber because he forgot to stop and get rid of the cardboard he had in the back of his truck, since we are 30 mins. from Lowe's I said surely we can find a place in this town that has a recycling bin, so I went and ask a fellow at the desk and he told us so off we went to get rid of it, then back to Lowe's, I ask for him to drop me off at Wallyworld so I could get the things I needed while he went to Lowe's then he could come and pick me up when he was finished...worked perfect and he took me to lunch all in all a great day. Felt good to get out of the house and now he can start on building that cabinet for me out in garage...have so many bigger items to store out there covered...roaster, crockpots, pressure cooker, canner, large Tupperware containers, paper products, etc. will be able to clear out a few closets....will also be organizing dresser drawers that I store tablecloths, placemats, etc. in..

    Well Paula hope you didn't have to use a boat to get around, and that the wind has not brought anymore trees down...we are supposed to be getting high winds and freezing rain and a dusting of snow today.

    Maxie love reading the happenings in your family, good thing that door swings both ways.

    You know what people do with their lives are their business, and if they are having an identity thing that is also their business, but if you are transitioning, wearing a skirt, nylons, women's shoes and clothes but yet have a beard is not the way to go about it...that to me is drawing attention to yourself...and yesterday at Walmart that is exactly how one of the employees was dressed...

    Having some veal parmesan for supper only because of a container that was not labeled and hubby thought it was chili and defrosted it, LOL....and since we have spaghetti and meatballs last week thought we would go another way today...sounds good to me..

    Have a great day one and all...hope to see a lot more of you when I come back....

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • #4
      Good Morning! Apparently is snowed after Corky left around 6am. We got to walk out to the bus stop in virgin snow.

      Yesterday was good. Got laundry caught up and did paperwork. Spent about an hour on the phone with health insurance companies & doctor's offices straightening out billing issues. It all ended well. Cork met up with an old friend who was a former employee of his, so he was later getting home. I made a dish he had requested and I made Blaise & I a pork chop dinner. A good day all in all even though I didn't get to bake anything. I did get a couple calls from customers ordering their Christmas cookies, so now I'm almost up to 80 doz. I'm thrilled.

      Still more paperwork to do, but hopefully it doesn't take all day. Yesterday I brought the card table out & put it up beside me so that I could sort everything and that helped. Still have a few more piles to tackle. If I get those done by noontime, I'll be in the kitchen mixing & baking. Have to get a pie ready for the doctor's office order for tomorrow. Blaise has basketball practice tonight, so that's what I'll be doing for at least an hour & a half.

      Happy Birthday Bethina!!!!! Mickie & I have one coming up later this week too. I have to get a card out to her.

      Have a good one all!


      • #5
        Good Morning. Happy Birthday, Bethi!

        Well, we have had a week of deep freeze and now we are heading to 70. WIIIIIIIIIII NDY! Hope all the remaining leaves get blown away.

        We are so lucky with our cat. He has never climbed on anything, been curious about things that are not his. He just wants his world the way it is, and if we don't disturb anything or have too many people in, he is content.

        No chores on the horizon. I'm sure there is something to do if I look around.

        Have a good day, Friends.
        Last edited by ladyebug; 01-10-2017, 09:10 AM.


        • #6
          That is our cat, too. He is so quiet you don't know he is around...until he sees the bottom of his dish showing and then he meows until I figure out what he wants. He is the only one who can free feed. the dogs are fed twice a day and their food is not left down.
          I woke up not feeling the best and just happy I can function and will have less kids today. I hate the just slightly off feeling...oh, well, drinking my smoothie and probably not doing the floors before daycare. I can adjust.
          Donna, that is amazing that people are ordering now! I am not sure where we will all be for Christmas, so I will be ordering for the cookies to come to My house!With my daycare schedule it is hard to get that many different kinds of cookies made. Yours are so good!
          Bethina, have a great day! Sorry about that drama, but with pets and little kids it gets chalked up Accidents! And damage control, like reminding people to put away their cups,etc.
          Hope you all have a good day. The wind outside is noisy enough that one little dog is nervous and not eating, but by tomorrow it should be winding down...fingers crossed.


          • #7
            good morning .. think I must have gotten some catch up sleep last night... woke up with Plans for the day... a few anyhow...

            First to get dropped was the Dermatologist appt... reschedule for April.. just not taking a chance on road conditions ..was understood by my dear lady Dr.

            next . stripped my bed and everything is in the washing machine... getting rid of all those germs I have been coughing and wheezing everywhere at night. .. planned lunch.....

            looked up how long I needed to keep back bank statement ,,recommend one year. be sure to save anything that pertains to taxes or loans paid off. ( I kept all of 2003 where we did the buying and selling of houses)... but have a stack of stuff ready to go through the shredder.....
            have plans to CLEAN the bathroom.... you ladies know the kind I mean of clean I mean..

            Bethina,, Happy birthday!... and sorry, If I sounded kind of mean yesterday... was just sticking up for you!... the water pistols will help .I have one to train my KD Kat from pawing ,at my house plants.. a spritz of water and a definite NO.. . soon only need the NO.. ..hope everyone is happier now..

            SassyG... I have Kitty Art on my windows ..especially where she sets and watches neighbor doggie .

            Sharon,, there is that nice part .. you get lunch out a lot.. keep it simple .Arbys is fine..

            Hi Elaine, Donna. and I will take that 70degrees... ... at least I will!...

            better get busy while I have "busy bug" working ... see you all later
            Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


            • sassygirl01
              sassygirl01 commented
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              Maye,I have nose art too..mine like to watch the birds..

          • #8
            I guess it is morning...dark and very windy. Suppose to be warm for a couple of days then ice has been predicted for later this week. I hate ice! My cold hit with a fury yesterday! Then Jon called to say he was being forced to work over and I would have to get Andrew. When he heard me he called Drew's mom and she picked him up early so I was in bed last night at 5:00. I hope this is short lived because I am already sore from coughing and my nose definitely needs a box of puffs. Fed Andrew his beloved spaghetti and meatballs and he disappeared into the boys cave after helping clear the table. He knew I was not doing homework so he was in a pretty good mood. No plans to cook for me today. Good luck training your cat Beth...I have never had a cat but understand they sorta do what they want. I don't understand the big deal about a destroyed glass when it is your house and also the cats home. Again I have nothing to say and no positive thoughts so I think I will go back to bed.


            • #9
              Good morning everyone!
              HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BETH! 🎂
              Must be a good month for birthdays. E turns 80 on Monday next week.

              Sassy, the dog art is funny! I'm a cat person, too. I miss having a cat or two, but I've been unable to care for one for the past decade. I have some friends who just feed the strays that come by. But we don't have strays in the city. Heck, I see notices on the mail boxes about missing cats, but I never see one. Oh well. Such is life. Remember when we had pet stores that sold pets as well as everything else connected with owning one? I don't see those any more. Nor do I see newspaper ads for "free kittens/pups"? Nonexistent today.

              Well, our temps are going down again. But we likely won't see winter weather like most of you. Maybe some rain soon....or maybe not. The weatherman changes forecasts overnight sometimes. E is talking about senior living Phoenix, near the kids. We sure have lots of stuff to be rid of, if that ever happens. He's questioning my putting various things in the Goodwill bag, and I tell him we've had it for ages, don't need it, don't use it, so bye-bye.

              I really want to sort through my music books. I have 2 shelves of them. Don't play my piano like I used to. But I want to keep it, and just some of the music. I wonder where is a good place to donate them? Any suggestions?

              Paula, don't go getting sick!
              Cookie, it's amazing that Christmas cookies are still being ordered! I'm considering Valentines Day, as this month is too whacky for me - all personal stuff considered.
              Boggles, you day yesterday sounds like a good one. We were out shopping around, too.
              Hi Elaine....and I'm sure a few people posted as I typed. Hi everyone!

              Hope today is a good one for all. I'm glad we don't have winds today.
              It's clear and sunny, if fairly cool. ☀️
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


              • cookielady
                cookielady commented
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                I sent out a letter thanking all my customers and told them my prices were going up. I made them an within the next week and they could get 2017's Christmas cookie order for the same price as 2016's. Several took advantage of that. One lady saved herself $35 by doing that. In November I'll be sending out my regular letter and for those that pre-ordered, I'll remind them what they ordered and they can always order more, just at the new prices.

              • sassygirl01
                sassygirl01 commented
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                JoGee,It is funny...Me too..I aamc at person tooo...Thay are handful...
                That is so strange...Not even see one..