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Monday Morning Jan 9

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  • Monday Morning Jan 9

    This week end was a bad week end for Cori and her behavior...I am also pretty much ready to have the house back most of the time....Some one left a glass glass of water sitting out and Cori broke the glass...I have preached and preached and preached to all of them to not do that!!! After that on Saturday evening after being told time and time oldest niece left her new Starbuck glass glass on the kitchen table with water in it...Cori found it...guess who is buying her a new cup! At the same time that my youngest niece and I heard the glass break and went running too see what my cat had gotten into I disovered her new pet fish in his little tank in the middle of the table with out the lid! I had her put the fish away...She must be much more careful with that thing! After everyone had left yesterday for their Bible Study groups I went up stairs to take a bath only to find cori and my youngest nieces expensive water bottle...Cori got sprayed water bottle got put away....I wanted to hide it and tell her cori got it! I didn't....I reminded her yet again that she can't leave things like that out...the Cat will get them!! I think that Cori knew she was in trouble yesterday..she spent the entire evening sleeping in my room..

    I am still feeling some what icky...woke myself up a couple of times in the night choking!!

    I am going to work today..then coming home and resting and going out to dinner tonight with friends as a early birthday dinner.

  • #2
    Good morning everyone..

    Rise and shine...

    Here is cute pic..This pic remind me of "puss and boots "..Shrek...

    Need another cup of coffee..thank too my "Wake -up" Call...
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    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
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      Love that cat and yes, it does remind me of Puss in boots in Shrek!

    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
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      Paula A,Me too..See...With those big eyes..Too cute...

  • #3
    Good Morning! It's definitely winter out there. Yesterday afternoon we got a bit more snow.

    Yesterday was good. I made 2 pots of soup and 3 kinds of cookies. Took some of the soup & cookies over to my Mom's and we played cards with my SIL & oldest niece. We had a nice time. I left quite a mess and Cork had it cleaned up for me when I got home. I REALLY appreciated that. I told him I'd do it this morning. Kathy & her new BF popped in to pick up some stuff. I had msg her earlier on FB asking if she wanted some chili since that is her favorite, so that was her main reason for coming. I told her I wouldn't be home though in the evening. I did invite her over to play cards, but she had her new "hip attachment" (new bf) with her.

    This morning I'm going to work on paperwork and then if I'm tired of doing that, I'm going to mix up some more cookie dough. I know it seems crazy, but I'm just making the basics. Nothing fancy.

    Have a good one all!


    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
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      After tasting some of those cookies, it doesn't seem crazy to me!

  • #4
    Good morning, everyone.

    What a strange weather pattern we're having these days! from -6 two days ago to 44 when I got up this morning at 3:30! Rain is in our forecast, and because I'm not familiar with the "layout of the land" here in Gunnison, I surely hope we're up high enough to not be affected by any major runoff if all this snow melts in a hurry!

    No real plans for the day. We were going to go over to Home Depot in Richfield yesterday, but for some reason didn't... so, I imagine that Ralph and I will run over today. He needs to pick up more wood to finish his man-cave. We are also going to run by Wally's World to get a small rotisserie/toaster oven. I had one in Las Vegas and loved it, but we left it there for Jamie to use, since he used it more than Ralph and I did. However, we're finding that it's a huge waste of energy to heat up the big oven to cook something for just the two of us when the smaller oven would work just fine.

    Still working on the blanket(s) for Dominique's friend in Las Vegas. We have finalized our plan to go down on Friday, but haven't made any set plans for our return. There's no reason to hurry...

    Donna, could you send some of that cookie-making energy this way? I keep thinking I should bake some, then realize I'm too lazy to do it... That's about the height of laziness, isn't it? LOL.. But, I know that if I did bake some, I'd end up eating 90% of them so it's probably best that I don't. Good logic, right?

    Have a great day everyone!


    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
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      that's my logic, too, Judy! What I don't bake I won't eat...
      do you use the Rotisserie oven for more than rotisserie stuff?

  • #5
    Good Morning to all....

    Bethina, can relate to the glasses being left out with liquids in them or not, rather than preach to everyone when I have company and hear all the complaints, I go through the house and check on things and do what is needed to keep the 'accidents' from happening...people who do not have curious cats just don't get it, water draws cats in, LOL...

    Judy we sure are having weird weather patterns....starting with some snow here this evening should end with freezing rain....don't like that...but I would like to have a really good snow. Love me some snow cream.
    What kind brand of rostisserie/toaster oven do you buy?

    Donna, cooking is therapeutic so doesn't matter what you are baking or cooking it brings you go for it...

    Sassygirl that cat reminds me of myself this morning, with hubby home will have to figure out what day it is, LOL...yes, more coffee..

    Got the bed sheets off the bed and in the washer, had my breakfast, dressed and one load of clothes folded, now heading out the door, there is a recall on my Jeep Grand Cherokee so have an appt. to take it in, thankfully hubby is home to follow me and then we can do some shopping for a few hours until it is finished...Have a great day one and all...oh yes, yesterday was not a good day for me in the kitchen, had to laugh, everything I did was a flop, I was 0-4 in the kitchen, sure hope today is better, told the hubby some days it is best to just order out, LOL...
    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • #6
      More rain, more snow and more wind: that is what they just said on the weather report...winds gusting up to 56 mph yesterday and in the 35 mph range today.
      It's a good thing my trees came down last year and I have a whole new roof for this storm!
      My neighbor on the west side of me is worried about the fence, but I told her in a Facebook comment we can have a joint fence party, so she knows I will help.
      Because of the weather yesterday I just stayed in after church and did some work in the daycare and not much else. I saw a number of friends were without power around us, but our neighborhood is in the same power grid as the hospital and we seldom lose power and if we do, it is restored very far. It was the pictures of flooding on Facebook that were really causing me to pay attention. We aren't in a low area, but I have good friends who are and one has very bad health issues, so I was watching and texting with her.
      the dog shelter also posted photos of the creek and then when the water was covering the floor of the shelter, but a kennel in a town just to the south of them called and took the remaining 9 large dogs for the time they need...all free! I will check into boarding our dogs there when we go to Maryland in June...Wonderful service!
      Donna, my grands really are enjoying the snow! And my son...who played with the one snow scooter as much as the boys! I should have sent 4, I guess!
      Today is the last day of Christmas break for the kids. The teachers are going back for an inservice day. Then it will be back to our normal routine and I will definitely miss my school kids and their conversation but the younger ones will like being in charge again.
      Hope you all have a good day, get your plans done and things checked off your list!
      Take care whatever you do and think positive.


      • #7
        Morning...going to finally warm up but guess that means no sun since it is again gloomy. But I will not be totally happy now until summer. Yesterday we did hang some pictures but only in the boy cave. Seems with these colds and ick we were not in the mood to work together. He went off to the grocery with a list and I spent the afternoon blowing my nose. Today I will make a batch of meatballs and freeze some, make spaghetti sauce with some for tonight. Need to change my bed and do some laundry but just not feeling 100% today. Nothing much happening around here and no positive thoughts to send.


        • #8
          I thought I had the depression under control but it bit me again yesterday. I really am grateful for all the rain we're having and it will be around for quite a while yet. It woke me about 5:00 with the wind just whipping everything around so we tried to snuggle down and sleep some more bit that didn't work so got up and had a cup of coffee. Now I'm ready for another.

          Not really much to say so will just send a hug to all. ((((((Rounders))))))


          • #9
            I am running late, but I wanted to check in. I am headed to book club. I am really looking forward to it. It is bright and sunny out, but very cold. I think it's about 33 degrees right now. I will come back later and read all the posts. Have a great day everybody!

            Correction - it is only 27 degrees out. BRRRRR
            "God loves us so much, He gave us friends!" Amen!


            • #10
              Good morning, everyone.
              Oh, boy, did I ever sleep in this morning.
              Today will be warm (in the 70's again), tomorrow cools down to 70 then lower, as there might be rain by the end of the week. Or not. Forecasts can be so fickle. I soooooo look forward to warmer spring weather, despite the fact that only points to the onset of the sizzling summer. I hate being cold, and in about a weeks time we have to head to cold-country.

              Today we will be out. I need some ModPodge to supplement the super glue so I can repair a figurine that 'someone' broke. Gonna check D&D to see what clothes are marked 70% off. Need a few things from the grocery should be a nice day out, and I'll get to do a lot of walking for exercise.

              Cookie, baking those delicious cookies is not silly. I need to get my kitchen sorted, or I'd be doing the same!
              Cats! Those gorgeous, funny, exasperating, mischevious felines.... gotta love 'em!
              Judy, weather patterns are changing everywhere. Just take each day for what it is.

              Well, my mocha is nearly finished and I still need my cereal. E should be up in just a bit. It's about time to start my day.
              Hope you have a good one! ☀️
              Maxie, take care of that cold. Stay hydrated!!!
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


              • #11
                Beth, DO NOT buy her a new cup. It was her own fault for leaving it out after being told time and again not to! Whoever did it needs to be responsible for their actions.
                "God loves us so much, He gave us friends!" Amen!


                • bethina
                  bethina commented
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                  I will replace it the first time but after this I won't

              • #12
                Good afternoon,,,

                I have been hi-jacked !..... set up the 1000 p.puzzle.. and also using the new shredder every day... and shredding all old papers. except for the memory kind... btw. How long should you keep things like bank statements.???. . income tax papers. I have already eliminated all old credit card receipts. and any bank receipts where we no longer band anymore..

                Bethina..... I ..totally agree with Val.,(Punkin).... your house! your Cat... they have all been told and told about her habit of hunting down water is now THEIR RESPONSIBLY. !.. again Your House, Your Cat.
                If they leave your glass out and it gets broke..ask for it to be replaced... if they don't like it... they can leave... sorry.. sounds mean.. but its time they watched the young one!...

                back to the hi jacking... I'm also on a sleep pattern of not being able to stay awake.. think it is the cold ,with the furnace and the humifier on. I set down to read .and I sleep.. oh well, Its a January thing... better than last year.. when D. was approaching surgery!.

                Paula. routines are nice too.

                BarbCa... I'm beginning to think that the Depression crap is just another part of the aging stuff. .. maybe not having enough energy to do things that would keep us busy... thats why I get into the puzzles. .plus games on the Iphone.. and lots of reading . should even dig out the excess bits of yarn and crochet "something ".

                Hi JoG. Maxie, Judy and Donna... hugs to you all... and back to the puzzle.. semi hard. well,,,, HARD..
                Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


                • #13
                  Beth - - - get plastic cups! I still say that you are wrong to let them get away with doing what they want VS what you ask of them. IF someone had gotten hurt, would you have paid the ER / doctor bills? Don't be unkind, but do be fair. Fair is not paying for them to be irresponsible. Like Janet says, if they don't like it they can leave.
                  "God loves us so much, He gave us friends!" Amen!


                  • #14
                    Is it the Starbucks glass up that got broken. No, you shouldn't have to pay for specialty, expensive (overpriced) merchandise. You can't really afford that, can you. If they've been told more than once about Cori's obsession, then they should have to replace it themselves. That's the only way they'll appreciate what they have. Maybe you should have plastic cups for the kids in particular.
                    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                    • #15
                      The day ended up being overcast. Dreary. But we did go shopping. Got a couple things toward fixing my figurine at Joann's. The cashier was quick to lose her register, and gave me a very annoyed look when I asked for my change. She must have given me the dirtiest coins in her register.

                      I thought the next stop was D&D, but E was perplexed that he didn't see it. It was a good 5 miles back, so he made a U turn and went back, but I still had to point it out as it was hidden by newer stores til the very last minute. So while he was there, I went to World Market......for the first time, they had absolutely nothing that tempted me to buy.

                      Then onward to D&D. For an up to 70% blowout sale, I found nothing I could wear that was reasonably priced. A zippered sweater cost $99. Sale? I think not. Anyway, there were 2 zippered sweaters and a sweater jacket that were my size, and all made me look like a sack of potatoes. 😐

                      Enroute to home, we stopped st Walgreen's and I picked up a couple of foot care items.

                      By the time I got home, I had a runny nose, sneezing, and some coughing. So I have honeyed tea for now, but no chicken soup on hand. 😒
                      Hope I didn't come down with something.
                      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

