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Wednesday ~ January 4

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  • Wednesday ~ January 4

    Good Morning!

    Have not been here for a couple of days, I think. Too hectic around here. Church and company on Sunday. Company on Monday and 2 doctors yesterday. I'm ready to hibernate for awhile.

    Was so warm yesterday folks were wearing shorts. This morning temp is at 31. Some people will still wear flip flops even this cold.

    Nothing much to report. Need to make some kind of soup this morning in order to be ready for lunch. John likes his soup to "stay." ???

    Hope all is well. Have a good Wednesday.

  • #2
    Good Morning! Another lovely dreary wet day here in W PA. Love it....NOT!

    Yesterday was a very productive day and I even took some time for myself. I organized my big freezers then transferred everything out of the chest freezer & unplugged it. Made some PB pies. Just cleaned here & there. Took Blaise to BB practice for the first time last night. Of course he stoved a finger. It was black & blue this morning.

    This morning I'm going to help with the donated glasses that our church then sends with missionaries. I've never done this but it sounded like something I might like to do and it's a small group. Then going to take a PB pie into the doctor's office for their weekly treat. Not sure what the rest of the day will bring. We might go to the library once Blaise gets home.

    Have a good one all!


    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
      Editing a comment
      What a great service project!

  • #3
    Morning...nurse practioner said I have a virus. I feel worse today. I just my mom! I may or may not have my youngest niece here today. I told my sis she could stay home if she wanted I am not going any place today. She can pretty m7ch take care of herself and bother me.


    • #4
      Looks like the sun may make an appearance but cold with snow predicted for this evening. Not sure what I did yesterday so it must not have been much! I did do some grocery shopping and then made a pot of broccoli soup so guess you could say I made supper. Tonight the boy will be back and I think I will make swiss steak...or something similar. Need to run home to make a stop at the lab and run into the dollar store for battery's. I always keep batteries on hand and we are out of AAs. Little boys use a lot of batteries! Have a stuffy nose and half a headache so hope I am not coming down with sisters grands were all sniffing and snotting last weekend and Andrew had a cough when he was here. I just know the entire world would look and feel better if the temps were in the 80s and the sun came out every day. Every day that passes is a day closer to Spring!!


      • #5
        Good morning .

        today is Daughter's birthday... my baby girl.. was born 50 years ago. no, that;s impossible!.. we will probably see her at some time today ..( as long as the roads stay just wet)

        Got in the running around yesterday. so hoping I can stay in. keep shredding . or reading .. or maybe set up a puzzle. more sleep. January is a good month to do next to nothing ! ( if you can stay home that is). like Donna, doing inside the house, organizing things..It used to be my "making Quilts,Afghans " month way back When......

        Elaine, running to, setting in Doctors office... time consuming and tiring .. Tomorrow D. see his PCP at 2.30 in afternoon.. will be there to?? 4.30.?? .
        I finally have a book on the Kindle.. reading .. won't even touch another setting until I am done... or it will disappear. .. so will take that along to Dr. office ,

        back to doing my nothingness.
        hope all are well. I will return to READ
        Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


        • #6
          Good Morning, another dreary morning here also and as much as it affects me I have to get busier today...I have made a lemon meringue pie this morning, let's hope it doesn't cry, hate it when that happens..hubby went through closet yesterday and cleared out corporate casual clothes and clothes that no longer fit or he didn't want...Goodwill store got a load onto his chest of drawers to get rid of dress socks he will no longer be much more room.

          I am going to do some laundry first thing today, then get busy dusting while they are washing this all after my shower...

          Maxie I hope someday Sierra wakes up and sees things for what they really are and who 'truly' cares about her well being..

          JoG, sure hope you are doing good.

          Bethina,make sure you don't have something that you can spread to others.

          Elaine, I have that same feeling, overwhelmed with so much that was going on.

          Donna is the energizer bunny..
          Paula and all her 'children' I could not do it..Paula I don't think I ever posted any recipes at Mimi's, I cook but I am a down to earth cook, southern mostly..
          Pat hope your new year is going well.
          Nalani, hope to see you here again.
          JoS, doesn't matter what mood you are in or what is going on we are here for you.
          jostoy has been under construction again soon it should be finished.
          BarbCA hope you are doing better now...stop by.
          sassygirl, has the cat got your tongue?

          So many of you just a few that jumped in my head this morning....need to go find some breakfast, have a great day one and all....hope we all get some sunrays, we sure could use it for our moooooooooods...

          Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


          • bethina
            bethina commented
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            Boff the np I saw yesterday said I shouldn't be contagious...I am still trying to be halfway careful..keeping my hands washed that kind of thing..

          • sassygirl01
            sassygirl01 commented
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            boffler,LOL..You are cute..!!!..I been working on my jacket...To save it..And the time flew by..

        • #7
          Wednesday morning and the garbage trucks are rumbling around and the rain is, too! I put my winter quilt back on the bed last night.
          It was pouring when I went to the bank and the store after daycare yesterday. And dark! One of the school kids mom gets off at 4:45, so with the rain clouds it was pretty dark already. I took my umbrella and just sucked it up and got things done.
          Yesterday one of Gary's cousins texted me and asked me to post about his son's dog which they can not take overseas with them (whatever country won't even let them come in). By the end of the day a family up in WA saw the post on my DIL's page and went to look at the dog and took it home. Which was way better than having to fly it somewhere; and I would have fostered if we couldn't find a family right away...a little poodle, 3 years old. Anyway, that was adog story with a happy ending.
          One school girl came under he weather yesterday and I told her mom I thought she was too sick to come today. I kept her away from the others and let her watch tv and she was down and coughing and all most of the day. You could just see it in her eyes. So there will probably be two less kids today...The baby, of course, was totally used to being held and nursing the whole time I was off, so he didn't want his bottle and wanted to nap being held. Interesting day, but it all worked out. Good thing I have a couple of rooms for daycare.
          I didn't get the cookie recipe posted yet (see above for the reason!). I will try to later.
          Better get going. Hope you all have a wonderful day and feel appreciated for all you do. You amaze me!


          • #8
            Good morning, everyone.
            Yesterday was a fiasco of wasted driving time. E was trying to donate my leftover boxes of colostomy supplies (yes, there are places that accept them!). We stopped at the first medical place, and finding the right entrance was a matter unto itself. E went inside, and found out they had moved to the north side somewhere. So off we went to the new address, and again none of the buildings or doors reflected that they existed there. So the "main" entrance was a logical place, so E went inside. Yes, they were somewhere in their. Not answering their phones, emails, or anything. So the receptionist downstairs personally went upstairs to get someone.....but never returned. E waited almost 1/2 an hour. So we left that place and went to the Cancer Center.....the people were busy, nobody bothered to relieve E of the boxes, but rather ignored him altogether. After 20 minutes he said the heck with it and left. So we went back to the first place where my shoe store also was. I like SAS Shoes. Costly, but really do last "forever". I bought 1 pair and we headed home. We stopped a tour local Pizza Hut, placed an order, E went and bought some cereal in the shopping center's grocery store, picked up the pizza and went home. He hadn't eaten all day, but at least I'd had a slice of bread. With my morning mocha.
            We hadn't expected all that confusion with the medical supplies.

            Today we need to get our tires checked out at the dealer's. I'll go for the ride.

            Hi Boffler. Yes I'm doing good, and getting better. One glitch is turning over in bed. My tummy still has some sensitivity, not to mention still has surgical scabs, so I make half a turn in bed and need to sit up some to finish the turn. Does not make for a full good nights sleep, but the effort is only maybe half of what it started out to be. I rise & sit easily enough. I don't really need my walking aids much at all. My appetite is way down, though, and my weight is exactly 10 lbs less right now. So I can probably add more "fun foods" to my day without much worry. Too bad I still carry that "lump" from my splenectomy. Makes my clothes fit funny, off to one side. 🙄 But what the heck. doctor appointments this month at all. Yay!

            Today should bring us a temp in the low/mid 60's. We're getting gradually more sunshine. (Yay again!). However, rain is again forecasted for Sunday. This means spring will be a blowout of wild flowers. It also means to beware of the possibility of more grass fires.

            Beth, washing your hands frequently is good...... also be sure to get enough rest to get over that virus!

            Sometimes it's hard to be the master of our mooooods. Situations can wear one down. Distractions are good. Why do some people think these "adult coloring books" are great ways to relax? I have so many. Goodwill might inherit them.
            Or I'll regift them to a friend who likes them, as she has a birthday coming up. I do NOT like them at all! Coloring is boring. What I like is drawing, creating my own pictures. I've been that way since Kindergarten.....actually, well before that.

            Barb, I hope your doctor can fix your back pain problem.

            To everyone have a great day, whatever you're doing today. ☀️
            I need to get some breakfast.
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


            • #9
              Another morning of running around...why do our lives demand so much running? Guess living in the boonies could be part of the problem...that and the fact that I left so much of my daily life back in Staunton. Sierra called to say she would be! That meant that the meat I had our for supper was not enough for 4 of us and the girl may be 5 foot nothing but she can pack away food! So I had run in the grocery and get meat and Andrew needed batteries so that was another stop. The lab was not busy but I sat forever and ever. I know most people since it is home town and it is nice to say hi to people you haven't seen in ages but waiting is a pain. I had picked up pork cops and decided to bbq them so had to stop when I got home to buy sauce. Another stop. I will stick the chops in the oven and boil red potatoes that the kids both love so meal time is easy. My head feels better so maybe I just needed a run around day to clear the cobbies. I have no idea if Sierra will let me talk to her. I do have things to tell her since she was unavailable for family functions this season. Plus I would like to talk with her about life in general...but depends if she lets me talk or shows me mommy dearests attitude. Could be a testy afternoon. Need to brown the chops and she did say she was bringing in lunch. Someone has not run the dishwasher so that is running and will need unloaded before eating tonights meal. Snow prediction is 1 to 3 inches around rush hour tomorrow. It is only19 this afternoon but sun is still shining. Wish me diplomacy with my afternoon visitor...


              • #10
                Good morning... just running through because I have things to get done... but I just realized I haven't been here in a couple of days and wanted to say 'howdy' to you all.

                It snowed again last night. Only about an inch, but the big stuff is expected this evening and through tomorrow. Have to run downtown to the grocery store and post office to pick up mail. Need to get that done before the weather hits.

                We have finally planned a trip down to Las Vegas to see Dominique and her family. Ralph will finally get to meet his great-grandson, Tommy. We will go down the weekend of the 13th-?? How long we stay depends on whether or not Jamie is still here and is still working up in Ephraim. He was told by the Utah union hall that they should be starting to man the job down in St. George just after the first of the year, and he's on the top of the traveler list. I'd love for him to get the call out very soon because then he wouldn't be living with me, and he'll make almost double the wages plus have benefits, and not have to work in sub-freezing weather. But, if he leaves before my planned trip, I have to take my horse of a dog (black lab/rotweiller mix rescue dog) with me. We don't know how she'll get along with Dominique's dog because last time we tried to introduce them, Kibble (mine) had only been with us 2 days and she didn't take kindly to Lucy (theirs) coming into her newly found home. Now that she's settled in with us, she may be better. If we have to take her and they don't get along, we won't be staying too awfully long because we'll have to keep them separated

                Well, gotta run... just wanted you all to know I hadn't gotten lost again... hope you all have a wonderful day.


                • #11
                  Good afternoon everyone..

                  I am the late one...

                  I been working on the jacket..And trying to fix it..Without destory it..I try everything i can think of.

                  I remember my Home etc days..Like to fix zipper etc..
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                  • #12
                    Aloha all!

                    Just checking in as it most likely evening for most of you. Cool here and it got down to 59 here in Kihei. Sweater weather. Have a good one all!


                    • #13
                      Hi Nalani.
                      The WW changed our "possible rain" to Friday. But it looks like it's working it's way up to 70's again. For a little while, anyway. I relish any warmth.
                      Oh, yesterday we noticed the mountain tops were snow-capped, somewhat. So I was surprised to see that temps are rising again.

                      I wonder what our old homestate of MI weather will be when we go in a couple of weeks. They're suppossed to be getting an arctic blast of cold weather shortly.
                      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

