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Friday December 30 ~ New Year's Eve Eve

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  • Friday December 30 ~ New Year's Eve Eve

    Good Morning! 6:30 here and no one up and about yet? Odd.

    Two big problems today. Need to cook bacon. Do not like it and detest the lingering smell. AND we have enough gas points to save .90 a gallon and have no place to put it. HATE that!

    How do you cook bacon?

    Gotta stoke the fire and dust as it seems my niece called last night to tell us they are coming from Dallas, and John did not bother to tell me.

    Enjoy today, Everyone! 💝

  • #2
    Ladyeug-it won't let me comment on your post. My mom cooks the bacon we eat in the over..she lines a cookie sheet with foil and then lays the bacon it and cooks it in the oven until its done...I googled it and it said the temp to use is 400.

    Work today...I hope that I can keep my eyes open..cori was full of it all night start at 230ish when she got into my nieces legos...I got up and cleaned them so that cori wouldn't wake my niece....then I tried to be quiet when I got up...but everyone else already being up when I got up sent cori into vocal craziness. She also Knocked a metal water bowel down the steps...lucky it was empty but it made a lot of noise.

    My dad mom and sis are headed to the hospital daddy has to be there at 730 to have the melanoma removed from his ear....Mom doesn't drive in the dark at all anymore so my sister took them just incase its late tonight....also to keep mom company...I sort of wanted to be there with but we don't anticipate it turning into anything major and if it does and I need to get there my brother in law will take me..but we don't think it will a big deal.

    Hopfully they will be home this evening.,...I have a party to attend with the ladies in my Bible study that meets on Sundays...I have cookies to bake this afternoon or purchase from the deli. I have not decided.


    • #3
      Good Morning! I'm up & in the kitchen.

      Yesterday was good. I finished up stuffing my thank you letters in their envelopes with a couple inserts. We then headed to Saxonburg to mail them (needed more stamps) plus a couple other stops while there then headed into Butler for lunch at Arby's and groceries at Aldi's. Puttered the afternoon away.

      This morning I'm making Mickie's cottage cheese bread. Enough for 4 loaves of bread. I'll reheat the cheesy potato soup I made yesterday and then take a crockpot of it & 2 loaves of bread into the doctor's office for their lunch. Talked to the girls a couple weeks ago and we agreed they'd be sweeted out by now, and soup & bread sounded better. Need to also make an apple pie for my Mom to take as her dessert for tonight's gathering. My Mom's side of the family is meeting in the little social room in the apartments my Aunt P lives. We met there for the first time last year & it was much easier on everyone instead of someone's home. Now it's debatable how many will come since the flu has gone through Aunt Maye's branch of the family. I talked to Aunt Janet yesterday and her & Uncle Dave were still wiped out.

      Elaine...have you ever tried using that pre-cooked bacon? I fry mine but I like the smell.

      Have a good one all!


      • #4
        Good morning everyone..

        Rise and shine..

        I am up ..But not moving need anothe cup of coffee...

        When i cook bacon..I have no trouble..But the clean up..I use the Ferbeze to get rid of the smell..Of the smell..
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        • #5
          Lost my post...darn I hate when I do that!! Nothing of much importance to rewrite...going home for blood work the endo ordered today and dropping a bunch of old pictures with a guy we share ancestors with. He is not a relative but there was some family intermingling way back when and we know these strange people are his relatives and not ours. Gosh I hope so because laying claim to some of these Deliverance types would put a crimp in our claim to normalcy! Aren't old family pictures a hoot? The tree is down and boxes stored away. The bags of gifts to go tomorrow are by the door and I will pack my travel bag after doing laundry this afternoon. This is the last and best of our Christmas gatherings. My sister will feed us well and there will be a bottle or two of wine opened...hence the need for a travel bag on my part. Need to get moving and finish my chores..want to change my bed and be ready to watch a hockey game this evening. I do love going to the games but it is certainly nice to put on warm jammies and watch from your own bed. Spring training will start in another month or so then I will have a few months (MAYBE) of hockey and baseball. Another reason to wish for Spring!! Sunny but cool this weather predicted so if winter is going to be boring lets just move it along into Spring!!


          • #6
            Good morning, everyone.
            Am I the only one who nukes bacon? I have a bacon rack so the grease slips down into a pan and the bacon is grease free. I use thick-cut bacon for that, because I can get a better cooking time....the thin cut bacon burns more easily.
            *. However, the best bacon I've eaten was my daughter's oven-cooked bacon. She puts foil on a jelly-roll pan and tops it with good paper towels to gather the grease. When it's halfway cooked, she puts the bacon on a second such pan to finish the cooking and gather the last of the grease. The greasy towels and foil go directly into a garbage bag and put outside, and the pans into the dishwasher (once the bacon is on a serving plate). She learned this from a chef at an upscale restaurant shed worked at. Really, the best bacon I'd ever eaten.

            We've had days of overcast weather. Just this minute I see some sunshine peeking over the mountain. I hope we have a nicely lit day today, and a bit more warmth.

            Countdown to haircut: TODAY'S THE DAY! Yay! Mid-afternoon. Little children will no longer scream and cry. Adults will not cross the street to avoid me. I'll be human again. Dogs won't whine and cover their eyes with their paws!

            Yesterday we went and got my surgical wound checked. It's doing good. A slight rash on one end of it. It might be a good time to wean myself off this belt/brace I've been wearing. The nurses thought so. But the doctor, who wasn't in, hadnt said anything. I have enough scars across my torso that I can be mistaken for a war hero.

            Well nothing much else going on today. Hope the nice weather holds. We are due for a wet weekend, if the weather guys are to be believed.

            Have a wonderful day.

            Love that cat, Sassy!
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


            • Paula A
              Paula A commented
              Editing a comment
              You're so funny!

            • sassygirl01
              sassygirl01 commented
              Editing a comment

          • #7
            good morning,,,, well. conditionally good ... I'm alive and its morning .... other wise ,it had snowed. and still does off and on today. cold.. DAvid developed a red ,not.exactly a rash. on most of his body yesterday.. was running a little bit of a fever.....still lightly visible today.. I doubt is either one of us will feel like Partying this evening ...sad and sorry... I like my relatives.. and its so nice to see the nieces/nephews and some that have little ones. ... I really think if I caught one more germ ,a sneeze or a cough.. .I would get sick,... I have nothing to fight an infection so the wise thing to do is stay home.

            SassyG... that looks like my dishwasher. and now I know how the door hinge got broken!...
            Jo G... No one will recognize you !... and you'll have to sign all new papers again!... so don't get to big of a change.
            Elaine,, if John has gotten like David,, He didn't tell you on purpose about company.... it just flew out of his mind,never to return.

            time to hunt something to eat for lunch .. for these 4 am people ...and then it will be nap time..
            Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


            • sassygirl01
              sassygirl01 commented
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              Maye,did you know that "I" was there..Taking the pic..
              Now you know.!!!..That darn

          • #8
            So good to be home again, even if the same things that had to be done before I left are still waiting to be done. Becky has been sick with the flu the whole time I was gone and apologized that she didn't get anything done. I don't care. I still have days off and nothing to do! Just being in the house and yard getting tings picked up, rearranged and put away.
            I always get ideas from visiting Stuart and Jenni. She is very organized (more so than I even have a desire to be) and I always come home with great ideas I can do on a smaller scale. Rylie, 15, made a white bean chicken chili that was delicious. So easy it is embarrassing to think of serving (as an adult), but using cans of white beans, chicken breast and a big jar of salsa! Over really good tortilla chips (Juanita's from Costco) and I am ready to go to Costco! I hesitate to ever make a bean dish for the shelter but for a church potluck I think this will be good.
            Laundry and bed changing is on my agenda as well as a manicure and pedicure that I scheduled well before I left...wish I hadn't but, I will be ready for whatever comes my way.
            Hope you all have a good day and continue getting better. Beth, prayers for your dad's surgery.
            Pat's posts on FAcebook all sound good and she was happy seeing many of the winter guests back.
            So happy to be back at my own computer and have you all at my fingertips again!


            • cookielady
              cookielady commented
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              Beans are a good protein though.

            • bethina
              bethina commented
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              Please post the exact recipe for the white bean chicken chili...sounds like something most of my family could love..and I am all about easy!

            • Paula A
              Paula A commented
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              Beth, I will ask Rylie and post it in the Kitchen!

          • #9
            Good Morning....back from our unexpected trip to Mt. Orab, OH to see hubby's Dad who was having an amputation done, that was not a good time at all...did stay with my sister as she lives in that area also, that was very nice visiting with things come with family drama, well in hubby's family at least and for some reason I can be the target when it comes to his sister...grrrrr...and today is the Christmas celebration with his Mom, sister and brother and up early to get things done as it is a little over an hour down there..I will be so glad when I can just get a good nights sleep and not have anything I HAVE to do...I am exhausted mentally & physically...and want anything to do with Christmas to be gone...not looking forward to today have already warned my hubby that if his sister starts her BS with me I am going to let her have an earful... playing nice has not worked with the spoiled brat...

            I need to make some mashed potatoes this morning will put in crockpot, made coleslaw last night and we will be making biscuits this morning also....his Mom no longer cooks a meal, she hasn't in many, many years but she will either buy pizza or fried chicken....well she is buying chicken but not the sides, someone was bringing potato casserole hubby and I decided to make the things you usually get to go with off I go to get busy...Maybe one day next week I will tell of my trials and tribulations of the past week. LOL

            Happy New Years Eve....thankful for all of you here..

            Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


            • #10
              Sharon, I can relate. When we go to E's brother's memorial in a few weeks, I'll have to deal with his "evil twin" sister. We don't have a clue why she turned on us, but it's been years. Basically, I'll be ignoring her as best I can.
              Staying warm in Michigan's weather will be my main focus. Fortunately, there will not be much I'll *have* to do there.
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


              • Paula A
                Paula A commented
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                I tend to think the ones acting like that are just jealous of your happiness and so miserable about themselves that they take it out on everyone else. If they would could only look IN the mirror and be honest about what is bothering them about their own life and then Fix it or Forget it.
                Believe me: a little Self talking to is good for you! I can talk myself out of a lot of grumpiness.