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Tuesday, dec 20

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  • Tuesday, dec 20

    Good morning Rounders. I have not had a sleep-through night for so long now. Been up since 3 am working a jigsaw puzzle.

    DH went to the doc and she told him to just take Aleve for the pain, inflammation of the heel. He is okay. He has the Diabetic Nerve Pain in his feet all the time, but this was a different pain. I think he walks too much, and he is rough on shoes so I know he pounds the asphalt. After so much of that pounding you are going to get pain and discomfort to some degree.

    I had to take down my huge wreath out front because the Frazier Fir branches were brown. That is what happens here because it's too hot to have real greenery outside. We have been in the 80's almost every day and yesterday I thought it was summer all over again. Hot, humid. I wear shorts almost all year.

    I hope all of you have a blessed day.
    "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  • #2
    Good morning everyone

    Rise and shine...

    No rain to day...It will cool..

    Good day for laundry..

    I saw this pic..And it is one ungly
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    • #3
      Good Morning 😀

      80? Oh my! It is 20 here this morning. It wa so cold Sunday that I wore a coat I have not had on for at least 30 years. I used to wear it all the time and it is never cold enough anymore. The planet is definitely getting warmer.

      Nothing happening here. We always spend Christmas with niece Nancy's family. She and I share meal plans. Her 2 sons are in Houston and daughter in Dallas and they all come home. But this year there is a new baby arriving any minute in Houston, and nobody know what's going to take place. So we are in a holding pattern.

      Hope everyone has a good day. I have some egg nog I must try to make a dessert with.

      Hugs 💋💋


      • #4
        Good morning I had my good morning post started earlier but Cori decided to unplug the computer...bad kitty!! She is being a bad bad kitty this morning..but I still love her!

        Work is of my support people from the Austism office called and talked with my bosses...They had really great stuff to say about me...The store seems to have slowed for the hoilidays and I am good with tommarrow I am going to volunteer in the morning...then in the afternoon if my youngest niece is here when I get home she and I will walk to the store...I have some things I need to pick up and she wants to get stuff to go in her parents stockings...I think I will follow her example and make stockings for my parents. I have seen a couple of things at work that I could put in a stocking for my mom...and I will get snacks stuff for my dad's stocking....

        Plans for the rest of the day after work are to try to get home on the bus...I don't know how long that will take because there are only 2 buses doing 4 routes today..if I understand it correctly I won't have to wait long after work but then will have to ride until after 2. No one seems to know anything about how long the buses will be messed up by having to share bus of the drivers quit 2 of the drivers are out sick.


        • #5
          Good morning!

          It's warmer today than it was yesterday... almost a heatwave at 9° (it was -3 yesterday). Heard on the news that they are expecting snow tonight and tomorrow, but I don't know if that's in my part of the state or if it was the forecast for Salt Lake.

          Ended up not going to Salt Lake yesterday. Decided to let Jamie go pick up Dylan and spend time with him. He doesn't get to do that very often. They went and picked out Dylan's birthday and Christmas presents. We will try to get up there later in the week, depending on the weather.

          Nothing much going on in my world today. I may actually break down and bake some cookies. I haven't done that in ages. Just have to decide which kind to bake. Leaning toward my Giant Ginger Cookies because those are something all of us like.

          karlinann, where do you live that it's 80° still?

          Hope you all have a wonderful day. Stay safe... and dry... and above all WARM.


          • karlinann
            karlinann commented
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            I live in sunny Florida, but it's not very warm today. The weather can change drastically here too. Yesterday I was thinking I might have to turn the AC on, but today it's cool and nice.

        • #6
          Good Morning...another chilly one, told my daughter coming from GA to pack there Ohio weather coats, LOL

          Got some frosting made and colored ready to frost those cookies, the Grandgirls ask if I was making any, how can I disappoint, and to make sure not to put to much frosting on them, they are not into it.. I do have buckeyes made, ritz bitz, puppy chow, and 7 layer cookie bars...that is plenty, will make banana pudding and éclair cake for Christmas Eve and Christmas, oldest son will be here on Sat. for the evening but will not be here Christmas Day.

          Well now my other kitty is not doing so good, he has something wrong with his ear, equilibrium, etc. if he shakes his head, moves to quick, or tries to jump he just flops all over the place so will be making a call to take him to the vet, sure it is just ear infection because I go a lot of dark brown wax out of it yesterday, looks like it has been there a long time...He tried jumping from my rolltop desk to top of cabinets like he usually does, well he didn't make it, came falling down taking my phone/answering machine with him and breaking off the paper holder on my printer...Seems the excitement just never ends for me...does it have to be around the holidays.

          I need to get to the store, also have never gotten my cards finished, the list of 'needs to' is getting longer, and tomorrow is my infusion I am feeling a bit overwhelmed!! Hubby says stop worrying, do things in the order of importance and what gets done gets done and what doesn't don't fret about it, Christmas will happen whether you do or you don't. Love he can be so calm...NOT!!!

          Well time to get my shower, frost those cookies, try and finish card, and maybe grocery shop....Yeah right!!

          Have a great day one and all...
          Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


          • #7
            Good morning...
            52° out now, going to 76° today, then gradual decreasing temps through the weekend with rain it stands now.
            E wants to get some cleaning done here today. He's been loading up on sweets and needs to "work it off".
            Speaking of sweets, be careful about ordering gift packages of food for people. My friend sent me a top brand of chocolates, which looked and tasted "old" when we opened it. Then SD sent a goodie basket through FTD, and everything tasted rancid so we threw it out. Pity. I know the senders meant well, but tis the season to move the old stock, I fear.
            Yum! Ginger cookies, Judy!
            Elaine, what's more precious than a new baby!!! And that reminds me, I need to wish my Eldest DD a happy birthday today!!!
            Beth, how great it is that your autism people and bosses praised your work!

            To all, have a warm and wonderful day.
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


            • #8
              Lots to do and I intend to get it done and be ready for Christmas. I hate that tomorrow is a lost day with a doctors appointment. Googled the directions yesterday and not sure I understand them so will just leave early and if I should happen to stumble onto the place fast will take a book. When you have no sense of direction you spend a lot of time going in circles...I drive by landmarks and new places are always worrisome. Today I need to finalize my grocery lists and get that shopping done. Yesterday I got the last of the gifts together and hidden for Santa. They have been spread out in different places so now once Drew falls asleep Christmas Eve everyone can grab and put under the tree quickly. Temps appear to be warmer this has a different feel. Enjoy the hustle and bustle of the next couple of days. Beth, glad you got good news about work. Since we are are doing Christmas a day early I am beginning to feel rushed!


              • #9
                Good sunny morning! It is even 25 degrees....a heat wave. Its not going to last though.....we are to have lows in the single digits and snow Sat. and Sun. If this keeps up, I may not get back to church until spring! I ended up being very lazy yesterday. My abdominal pain is increasing and i have somehow wrenched my left shoulder so I'm bathing it in aspercream. I'm telling you, I am not aging gracefully! Today I will attempt the cookies and do some wrapping when all the guys are gone to work. I function better when I just have the animals to contend with.....they only annoy me when food is involved.

                Last week we buried my kid's last grandparent....first husband's mother. She had bee very close to me and my kids through the years and it was difficult, but she was 98 and clear as a bell till the last day. I loved her and we will all miss her. I'm sure she made it to the pearly gates;she was a hard working, good christian woman as long as I have known her which is over 40 yrs. Anyway, she is on my mind this Christmas season. Hope they are having a big birthday blowout for Jesus in heaven.....she will enjoy that.

                Well, time to get up and move so I'll catch you all later. (((((rounder friends)))))
                Good friends are like diamonds...precious and rare.


                • Paula A
                  Paula A commented
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                  Sorry to read about your loss but what a great life it sounds like she had right up to the end! I always try and imagine what the reception looks like for them as they arrive at that pearly gate! Lots of happy people waiting for her!

              • #10
                Good morning! It will get somewhere into the 50's here and will be sunny when the sun comes up. I will take kids out in the afternoon like I did yesterday. It is too cold in the morning.
                I tried a mix of rubbing alcohol and water that I saw on Facebook that some weatherman put up for frozen windshields and it sure works! I put in 1/3 cup water and 2/3 cup rubbing alcohol and spray it on and the windshield turns to slush and washes off. Much faster than using the hose and having it re-freeze on me.
                Sharon, I try and tell myself that same speech your husband gave you about what gets done and what isn't important, but somehow it doesn't sink in. When I read what everyone else is doing it just cranks up my anxiety and I stress a little more. I do a lot of self talk (Paula, slow down and enjoy the season!)
                Hope you all have a good day, stay warm and do something calming for yourself. I am going to try and find something that fills that need for me...I'll let you know if I succeed!


                • cookielady
                  cookielady commented
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                  Did all the cookies arrive yesterday?

                • Paula A
                  Paula A commented
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                  Not the WA ones and I haven't got an answer yet from MD.
                  Spencer is having company from Japan tomorrow, so it will be great timing for the cookies!

              • #11
                Afternoon all!!!! The SUN IS SHINING!!!! It's still cold as a well diggers destination, but at least it's bright.

                Yesterday was good but stressful. My morning was shot going to town, but that was OK. I just wanted to finish baking off 4 kinds of cookies and get things ready for today. What happen? People kept calling or stopping in to pick up orders. It was a good problem, but when I get side tracked, I loose my groove. After dinner clean up, I gave up. Of course the phone quit ringing then. LOL!!! I did get all the cookies baked & the finishing touches on a couple of them.

                This morning I had Sue come and we got all the cookies iced (11 doz), pie dough made & rolled out, and finishing touches put on a couple other cookies. Had a few phone calls, but Sue kept plugging along. Did I tell you she's going to teach me how to make ladyfinger cookies in Jan or Feb? I ordered the pins and bought the icing tip. EVERYONE asks if I make them, so I may double my orders next year. I told her if I commit to making them, she HAS to help me. They are SO GOOD!!!

                Heard from Becca. She got her final grades and considering she was basically working full time, she did very good. We are proud of her. Heard from Grandpa Bob and he ordered Blaise's Play Station 3 and it should be here by Friday. He'll be so excited.

                Have a good one all!


                • #12
                  Time has gotten away from me. I did not realize that it was afternoon already. I've just been puttering around doing little things here and there. I'm not aging gracefully either!

                  I don't have any idea what the weather is. It looks like it may be sunny out, but I have not opened the blinds yet. I need to get my butt in gear. I'm hoping that I get called from my friend and told that she can pick me up for Mass this evening. The Mass is for a great priest friend who is celebrating his 55th anniversary of ordination today. He will be 86 next month and he is amazing. He's a great priest and a great friend.

                  When I went to Mass Sunday night, they announce the death of a friend of mine whom I did not know had passed away. She died on Wednesday and was buried on Friday and I knew nothing about it. That was a real downer.

                  I have a squirrelly friend who doesn't ever remember who I am. She has sent me two packages and both of them are for somebody else. How do I know that? They are for people who are expecting a baby. The first package included a workbook for new mothers that this person wrote and a card congratulating me on my baby. Package #2 is apparently a baby dress and affixed to the package is an invitation to a baby shower which isn't going to be held until May 2017. Like I said, this woman is squirrely. It has been a lot of laughs and I'm trying to get in touch with her to tell her that she made a mistake. I don't think God is going to give us another Christmas in May. LMBO

                  I hope everybody who is going through tough times, including kitties, has a quick recovery. Have a great day everyone!!!
                  "God loves us so much, He gave us friends!" Amen!


                  • #13
                    Reading this on my phone. NOW I see how you make comments! But will finish posting. When I get online

                    and I am finally here at 4:21 pm.. a most frustrating of days... One major project planned for today...was the trip to pick up My pills.. (Yesterday the pharmacy faxed the Dr. no script... ,, and I called the Dr. office .they never got a fax???.. today I call Pharmacy and tell them this "sad tale". and I would call dr. office again.. I did.. ok. Dr would sign and they would fax out scrip... it is now after 4 . I called the Pharmacy , yet again.. and still no scripts.. agggggggggggg..... I have one pill left . tomorrow's lonely little pill.. not worried..we deal at a local private Pharmacy. where everybody knows your name and Im sure I would be handed a few more little pills until the Fax Machines get fixed!... we are dealing with a Dr. who is just covering my Dr. patients. this week.. ........I am about fed up at this Dr. office.. maybe start hunting new pcp for me..

                    included in that trip was a few more stops.. but since I must go out tomorrow , I just left the rest wait.. so I have Pie crust mixed up and in pans.. I started sweeping and rearranging the downstairs rooms.. ( a Saturday job). should just sweeper and dust upstairs. so I don't need to that again. No one will be upstairs .

                    YIPPEE..Pharmacy just called ...they finally got the scripts.... i will pick up tomorrow morning ..
                    Last edited by Mayebarnes; 12-20-2016, 05:04 PM.
                    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

