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Tuesday ~ 11/29

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  • Tuesday ~ 11/29

    Good Morning.

    maxie, I had not even noticed the type until you mentioned it, but for me, it is GREAT. It is about 12 pt now, which is what we are used to seeing. Yay! Now I don't feel like I have to boldface it to make it legible.

    Paula, I was so saddened to read about your daughter. Your spirit and outlook on life are a blessing that have helped you cope with great loss. Jo, I'm so glad to learn that the surgery is going forward and they will put you back together. Don't worry about sandals. People around here wear them year round, even with winter clothes.

    Donna, a bakery is exactly what you need. My neighbor started out in her home selling on the square on weekends. As a result she now has a cafe/bakery and is doing very well.

    I'm still on my data diet. Need to go on a food diet - maybe later.

    Sassy, love the kitty yesterday. I have a video of mine playing with the ipad.

    Janet, beth, Sharon, Everyone! Love you and wish you a good day.
    Last edited by ladyebug; 11-29-2016, 08:18 AM.

  • #2
    Good far I am surviving 7 people in one and dad will leave and return to IL today....then my mom and cousin will come back on Thursday....I have found that I really enjoy the couple of hours in the afternoon that I am home alone...

    Funny Cori story

    I got into the pantry to get the cereal out for breakfast...I am sitting there eating my breakfast and I hear this aweful noise..coming from the pantry...cori had snuck in when I was getting the cereal out....this is the 2nd day she has gotten herself shut up in a space....yesterday it was the laundry room...some one shut the door after I left for work.

    My plans for little bit of shopping...then home to relax


    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      Beth I have to watch that constantly because I also have a cat that has a way of doing that, always have to check before closing closet doors, panty doors, etc.

  • #3
    beth - I merged the topics. Although yours is 2 minutes earlier than mine, the computer did the ordering. Anyway, we both made it here. Have a good day, Hon.


    • #4
      Good morning everyone..

      Rise and shine..I so happy to see the rain..

      My heart go out the people who lost there home..From this fire..I hope this rain help..
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      • boffler
        boffler commented
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        Sassy, so sad what is going on in many losing their homes, businesses and so much more, and so many will not have jobs, homes, etc. for the holiday...Lord hear our prayers.

      • sassygirl01
        sassygirl01 commented
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        Boffler,Tell me about..It is just awful..It just break my heart..And so close..

    • #5
      Good morning! One tree is decorated. Seems the troops got caught up in bad Christmas music and the trees turned into a sideline. Boy did I hear some bad Christmas music. I am amazed at what these kids can do with ipads and computers and cell phones...who would download crappie music anyway? My family!! Today I am heading out to buy some groceries. Thinking a pot of chili today and either spaghetti or meatloaf tomorrow. Sierra says she is coming back tomorrow and again Friday afternoon before work. She was very pleasant last night...helped Andrew with math and set the table...started the music thing with her little brother. Tonight starts the spelling with his dad. 3 nights of absolute horror! We all enjoyed to week off. Today I will wrap my sisters birthday present. Maybe that will set the tone for wrapping those Christmas gifts. The road and rail construction has finally closed the entrance to our little subdivision so now you must travel out of your way to go back in the opposite direction to get anywhere. Plus we will be getting a stoplight. In the middle of the boonies! A stoplight! I think sometimes progress is a little ridiculous and certainly inconvenient! Enjoy your Tuesday...sun is peeking out here!!!


      • Paula A
        Paula A commented
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        I found a Classical Christmas channel and it is my morning music now.

      • boffler
        boffler commented
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        I love all the older Christmas music, watching CMA Christmas show, very good...Glad you had a pleasant night with Sierra, LOL enjoy them when you get them..I have bought gifts but not ready to wrap yet, if I did I would be sure to mess it up one way or the other..

    • #6
      Good morning! Speaking of music...the piano tuner showed up yesterday in spite of my leaving a message on his voicemail to wait a week, but I am thrilled he did. It took an hour beyond the two he thought it would, and way more noise than I thought tuning would make, but when he started playing What child is This? my eyes just started overflowing! OUr piano sounds so good and I was wondering how I could wait until Becky's birthday to tell her. But I did remember all the tests and finals coming up and this will be a wonderful gift that she does not expect at all. I sent the music teacher a big note of appreciation for the referral and told her how happy I was with him and his work.
      I wasn't going to post on Facebook about Stephanie's birthday but decided why not? I posted a couple of photos with her in them and a poster that was her favorite. It shows a bouquet of roses with one daisy in the middle and says Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful! She sure was! When she was in a rehab for traumatic brain injury she had a roommate who was recovering form a stroke (a woman in her 40's) and she liked the poster also, so when she was released Stephanie gave it to her. That was one thing I was always grateful for: with everything that impacted her after the head injury in the car accident (not enough seatbelts and she was the one not in one in a car full of teens), she remained her loving self.
      anyway, it is another day and my thanksgiving dinner and leftovers are nudging me to get back on the diet and not reheat the potatoes or dressing or whatever anymore. Good day to clean out the refrigerator.
      As Elaine said, I love you all and the warmth I feel here. Yes, sassy, I pray that the rains will put out the fires.
      Thinking of all of you with a smile on my face!


      • boffler
        boffler commented
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        Paula I saw the pictures and she is a beauty...I somehow missed what happened to Stephanie and the manor of her passing...I am so, so sorry....a heartache that will always be there, plus losing your husband also...but I agree, you do have a gracious way of looking at things, admire you for that...and the way you and your family love. What a wonderful thing with the piano and surprise for Becky...such a loving and thoughtful thing.

    • #7
      Hello to all....late getting here, woke up early, had some coffee, read the paper, sat on the couch and promptly fell asleep after hubby left for work..Got the oil changed in my car yesterday, tires rotated, then headed to another town in search of a basket for my Christmas tree...I ordered a new tree and also a basket for it but the way the basket was made did not hold my tree properly so I went searching for one, took my tape measure to make sure, found one at Pier1, they are so intrigued by the whole idea that they want to see a picture when it is finished...Hoping to make it look like a tree that would be planted after Christmas by being in a basket...

      After I got home I ate a sandwich then headed out to the grocery store, should have known better, for me its eat and then soon I will need to find a bathroom, well from the back of a store to the front to the bathrooms was a bit to far...grrrr, such is life of Crohn's, LOL Then home, unload the groceries and start supper....after all of that I was worn out..
      Today will be used catching up on laundry, doesn't take long for the towels and washcloths to get a head of me....Hope everyone has a good day...hello to all that have been here and to those lurking and to those that are yet to come by.

      God Bless TN!!

      Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


      • #8
        Good morning.....
        I was awake at 4 a.m., but after sitting up a bit I decided to go back to bed. Now it's nearly 9 a.m., and Wow, I can't believe I slept that long! Must have needed it.

        We're still under a freeze-watch, weather-wise, and it doesn't let up til this time tomorrow!

        Thanks Elaine, I will be glad when the doc puts me back together, too. I've been doing more around here, and feeling better. But I still need to do a lot more walking every day. I wonder if E wants to go shopping, or hit the mall (so near his favorite candy shoppe!)

        Our nieces & nephews in MI are debating when is a good time for their parents' joint memorial. Our niece here in AZ told them "oh, just pick a time and day, and they (that's us) will be there!" So I had to tell them all about my upcoming surgery and need for recuperation time, if they want to figure it in.

        Oh, my iPad shows no difference in the print here. But E is getting me a laptop for Christmas. (My desktop computer is so outdated....I doubt I'll ever understand why you can't keep one up-to-date very easily. Well, maybe I do....they change the way those mysterious parts inside are made, and the old ones don't have the same capacity to do the newer jobs. But still, I hate to see the old-but-still-beautiful computer be scrapped.

        Sassy, I love todays Kitty graphic. Thank you for this daily gift you give to us.

        Paula, there's nothing like a newly tuned piano! Our youngest has my original piano. I now have an electric piano that looks and Feels like a real piano, and never needs tuning. It has a few bells and whistles on it, but I've seldom used them.
        I, too, was surprised to hear about your daughter. I'm so sorry. Sharon expresses things so well, so I think I'll just "ditto" her comments.

        Beth, I think most cats are curious, and like to sneak peeks in places where they might get stuck in for a while. That often makes for funny stories. 😉

        Well, I hear hubby stirring. Hes overslept, too, today. Must be the weather.
        Time for breakfast, then.

        Have a great day, everyone!
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • sassygirl01
          sassygirl01 commented
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          JoGee,Aww..Thank-you..You are welcome..See made your day little bit happier..

        • boffler
          boffler commented
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          JoG so glad they have a date to put you back together, guess if they ever have to bag me I will have someone who has experienced it to talk to....I pray that things finally go your way. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for sure.

      • #9
        Hey all!!!!

        Yesterday was a bit rough, but I eventually got out of my funk and was productive. I baked off 52 doz cookies all by myself. I was exhausted. Didn't even cook dinner. Kathy called once she got home from work and said she'd need my car one more day because her boss said he really needed her today on her shift & then she could start coming in later so that she had a ride to work. I could live with that. I went to bed feeling better.

        This morning Sue came and scooped all but one kind of cookie, so now I have those to bake off today. I really thought it would take us to Friday to get all this dough done, but we work so well together. Tomorrow I'll mix up more dough so we have something to do Thur & Friday when she comes. I'm feeling good! They called & said the transmission is slipping, but if she doesn't want to get it fixed ($2000), that if she goes easy on it, it should get her through 6-12 before it dies. This will give them time to look for another vehicle. She'll bring my car back tonight after she gets off work.


        Have a good one all!

