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Thursday, Nov 17 2016

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  • Thursday, Nov 17 2016

    I'm extra "early" with this post. But for most of you who are in the eastern states it is already midnight.

    I start this day with sad news.... our dear SIL passed away at around 11 pm EST. I know because a niece called to get E's cell phone #. Which I gave her, but also called only to find its off. I notified our kids and niece & nephew. My dilemma was whether to let E's evil twin sister know. She won't appreciate (1) I knew before her, or that (2) E just spent the day with his brother and SIL, or that (3) I'd probably be waking her up whether or not she was sleep...its a Late hour. I can't win for losing, there. So I decided to leave well enough alone, and her too. I let E know, though. I sent him both a text and an email, not knowing which he'd see first. Anyway, SIL is at peace now. No more torturous crippling arthritis, Chron's, countless meds, or any more that she's dealt with for too many years.

    If E wants to stay for the funeral, I'll have to either try changing my colostomy bag myself, or else find someone who will assist me. If I'm very, very careful, I'll be good til Saturday.

    As for here, a cold front is blowing in tonight. We have a cold few days ahead. Cold for us, anyway. I can't tolerate Midwestern winters any more.

    Don't know. If I'll sleep much tonight. I'm not sleeping all that well, and I hate to rely on a sleep aid. So I might end up sleeping late, or might not.

    Anyway, that's my current news.

    Hope your day is great!
    Last edited by JoGee; 11-17-2016, 01:26 AM.
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

  • #2
    Good morning everyone..

    Early bird get the worm..

    JoGee,i am sorry about your loss.."HUG"...
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    • #3
      Latest news - E's brother was admitted to the hospital early this morning.

      (I tried to add this to my original message, but the gremlins wouldn't let me.). What the heck is an "Empty Response"???

      Thank you, Sassy. And I love the kitty pic this morning.
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • sassygirl01
        sassygirl01 commented
        Editing a comment
        JoGee,Any time..See it made your day..

    • #4
      Good Morning! I'm so sorry for your loss to you & Ellis....(((Jo)))

      Yesterday was good for the most part. I had hoped to get started icing sugar cookies yesterday, but my stomach was doing flips for a while during the afternoon. But in the morning Sue came and we got all six cookie doughs baked off or shaped and ready for me to bake them during the afternoon. Funny....I had two older gentlemen stop by during the day for different reasons and they both ended up buying a pumpkin roll and some cookies that I just baked. Of the 16 pumpkin rolls I baked the day before, I only have 2 unclaimed now, and I'm sure they'll be scooped up in the next day or two. All in all it was a good day.

      This morning I'm baking some pies. Yesterday I talked to Lew (the owner of the farm stand) to see how Linda was doing. She's been battling cancer and was in the hospital most of the summer. She's now in the local nursing home and is mentally very sharp again and would love visitors. So I'm making her a small lemon meringue pie...her favorite. After I get it and the 2 coconut cream pies made, I'm going to go visit her later this morning. Then it's home & start icing some cookies. At least this is the plan. Plans are subject to change.

      Have a good one all!


      • #5
        Good Morning.

        O my goodness, Jo. What a sad time for you and Ellis. I hate that you were alone when all the bad news arrived, and I'm so sorry for your loss

        I have been fooling around taking photos this morning and I need to get here before Donna so that I don't have pies, rolls, and cookies on the brain. LOL

        Nothing newsworthy here. Trash day! Yay!

        Have a good day, Friends.


        • #6
          Good Morning to all....did not make it here yesterday....having a rough go at it trying to figure out what is wrong with my cat...I just don't agree with the vets diagnosis, so I ask for antibiotic because I feel he has a UTI regardless that it did not show in the urine test, so I ask to be given some anyways...sometimes I feel we know our animals better than they do, I just feel that he is stressed about anything...nothing was done differently than it has ever been when we go away. So time will tell...just feel so badly for him...

          I have been busy trying to get ordering done, exchanges done, cards sent out, etc. I have a pkg. to take to the post office today to mail, bought the grandgirls gingerbread house and a gingerbread village kits from Wilton, hope they will have fun building and decorating them with Mommy... wish I could be there with them.

          Sassy, think my cats would have that look also if I brought a dog in the house, LOL...we use to have one and they would groom him, etc.

          JoG, so sorry about all that is going on in the family, my regrets to you and my situation Jo I have found out over the years if it is not my family on my side I say nothing, because it is never taken well if I I let the hubby do the talking....seems I am always taken the wrong way or something negative comes of all in all I would say I am related by marriage but not 'really' family....sad but true...and have been reminded of it in different ways many times..

          Cookie, don't think you ever have many down days, always busy....I could not come close to doing all the things you do...

          We got the sweetest Skype video message from one of our grandgirls, she had us in tears, she was telling us how much she loves and misses us and wishes she could see us...and blew us lots of kisses...she is such a sweetheart...of course we do have a special bond with her, we took care of her for a month when she was born because my daughter had sepsis and almost died so we bonded with that newborn..

          Anyone hear from Darla? Wonder how she is doing, if she has heard from Kenny how he is doing? And her dog Fred....hope she comes by and visits..
          How about Justy? So many that I think about...and miss. Donna, have you talked to Mickie lately?

          Time to get off of here and get a shower, big delivery coming so I must be dressed and ready...Have a great day one and all...busy season ahead.

          Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


          • sassygirl01
            sassygirl01 commented
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            Boffler,That is for sure..AWW..

        • #7
          Good Morning .

          AGAIN ... up at 4;30 today... I might see a lawyer about separation papers from that hubby and CAT!. or maybe just invest in some ear plugs!.. .. I see an afternoon spent snoozing!..

          ok .. glad I got that off my chest...

          Jo.. times of sorrow seem to come in bunches. . and I wish you weren't there thinking about someone you could get to come help you?

          SAssygirl ... that would BE my K.D. Kat...!..

          Donna, Linda will be so tickled to see YOU..

          Elaine,, watch out . once the baking bug bites you won't get out of your kitchen!.. Im planning pies for Thanksgiving .... and then remembered . I like Cheese Cake...gotta have one of those.. .....then spied a can of peaches . and thought of your recipe for "easy Peach Cobbler," .. the one with bread... and I will make one of those Saturday morning ..and on and on..
          ( The buns are made , and over to Karens Freezer.)..

          Grocery shopping this morning ... the list keeps growing the stores are close and I need to get it All today.. we have been predicted to have bad weather for a day or two...

          Hi Rounders one and all... be back later to read...
          Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


          • sassygirl01
            sassygirl01 commented
            Editing a comment

        • #8
          Morning all

          Nothing new here.

          Jo - deepest sympathies to you and Ellis.

          Y'all have a good 'un.
          The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


          • #9
            Good, chilly morning. Dropped to 29º last night so it was cool inside when I got up. Switched on the heat and it's comfy now. Frosty! How long until spring?

            Made cranberry cheesecake yesterday so it is ready for the potluck. Have a dentist appointment at 10:00, wait for the Dial-a-ride bus and bake off the mince pie when I get home so it will be fairly warm at serving. If I was sure it would still be warm enough I would make some hard sauce. We always have a crowd for the Thanksgiving dinner.

            About all except to tell on myself. I'm using pre-made pie crust. First time in my 82 years I have done that. Baking is complicated here because of limited space. I remember when I was very young and we lived in a very tiny house, I would bake and decorate wedding and other fancy cakes to sell. House was tiny but somehow it was easier then.

            Try to see you all tomorrow.


            • #10
              Oh, sorry, Jo for your loss and that you and Ellis are away from each other.
              could you have a home health assistant come help you just once for the bag?
              The handyman is coming again this morning. I just have to adjust my attitude. And get over the noise, and disarray of everything. He left yesterday saying he would be back and have to clean the floor before he could do the rest of the trim???? Just tell me the sofa has to be moved, or something. After I got finished with evening things and Becky was in her room for the night, I moved the couch and dusted (!) scrubbed and got it all cleaned. Who knew? Then moved the other furniture he will have in the way this morning and now there is no more dust...
              Becky thought it all looked great when she got home and didn't mind all the things on the table that were taken off the surrounding surfaces, so that was when thought I just need to deal with it.
              Boffler, hope Rufus gets to feeling better and this
              gets cleared up.
              Maye, it worked and I got it off italics!
              I also found a piano tuner and he is coming Monday. I am not sure how long it will take but happy to finally find someone.
              The turkey I have to cook for the church dinner is not as big as I heard it would be, only about 14 pounds so that should be fine for me to get out of the oven. I may cook it in the morning while Becky is here anyway, since they will be carved up for serving ahead of time. No big Norman Rockwell table presentation.
              Hugs to you all! Things can change so quickly in our life. Keep a positive attitude and be the kind, caring people you are. I have found that leads to no regrets at those final good byes.
              Sunny but chilly today. Hope the sun is shining for all of you!


              • #11
                Well, E is finally awake and texted me. I called him right back to be sure he read all of my messages.
                He will have breakfast with my brother and his SO, a wonderful Austrian lady. I told E to be sure to eat a hearty breakfast to get him through the day.
                I know his nieces were up all night, so are either asleep this morning or at the hospital...with their phones off!
                I did give him permission to stay a few extra days, but he says as things now stand, he doesn't plan to...... that I come first in his life. But he will let me know if the status is such as he might need to stay, but he doubts it.

                All I can say is that I'm glad SIL is finally at peace. I'm sure E's brother wants to be, too, now. We'll see what Fate has in store for him. I don't think he can live at home alone now. He's too weak, and losing his wife unexpectedly will wear him down.Well see how it goes.

                Thank you for your concern about my being alone. I will be fine. I'm quite independent when I need to be. And Ellis wouldn't have made this trip if he thought otherwise. He tells me he's in awe of the inner strength I have. A couple of my daughters have said the same thing, and hope to be like me. Me, of all people. Boy, that's a tough legacy to uphold.


                On another note, the house feels cold. That cold front had us in the low 40's, and it'll be only 70° this afternoon.
                Instead of turning on the heat, I plan to make gingerbread cupcakes. I bought a mix for that, which I'll add to. The house will retain the ovens heat til tomorrow, and then I'll bake something else.

                Sharon, I may never hear about how the Evil Twin will take the circumstances. But I've probably got her attitude nailed, from past experiences with her. I will also be criticized by her for not letting her know, but that's the lesser of my 3 other "evils". I avoid her at all costs, but do send greeting cards for major holidays and birthdays. Going through the motions of being family, anyway.

                Paula, I can't just call for home assistance. There is paperwork to fill out after a doctor's authorization. We have a niece who's a nurse just outside the other end of Tucson, but she doesn't do the bags. But maybe her nurse-DD might.
                It would seem silly to ask my Phx GD, who's also a nurse, to make a 2-hour trip to help, although she would. I wouldn't be comfortable with her nurse-hubby doing it, though.
                E installed a mirror on the bathroom door, so I can see what's going on with it and how to position to put the bag on.... if I need to. Or I can drive (or call a cab) to the clinic and have a nurse assist me there.
                But it looks like this one will hold up til E returns, a matter of watching my intake. But it might be interesting to try it myself this time, if I need to. Right now it looks like the Fates are on my side in this matter. It may easily wait for E to return.
                Last edited by JoGee; 11-17-2016, 09:56 AM.
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • #12
                  Good morning everyone.

                  ​JoGee...sorry about your loss.

                  ​One two..buckle my shoe, three four close the door.. five six,, pick up sticks. So guess which one I'll be doing today! Lets see, I don't have any shoes to buckle, and I closed the door last night. So that leaves "pick up sticks". Yep, that is the plan today. I got all my neighbor's leaves picked up yesterday afternoon and noticed he has a lot of sticks that need picking up. His leukemia has come back and he is presently in an Indy hospital. It has been less than a year since he had the bone marrow transplant. From what I hear, it doesn't sound good for him.
                  Anyway, he MAY get to come home this weekend, so I want his yard looking nice for him.

                  So I guess I'll bid you all a good day and then get busy.
                  Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


                  • #13
                    Jon is off today so we will do some grocery shopping where I will have help carrying in bags. Book fair was a success...for the school! Andrew got books and a spy pen and an eraser that looks like a straw and won't erase anything and a poster. I truly hope the school is finished selling me something for the rest of this year. Damn damn damn state and it's short changing the schools so badly. Jon is walking an informational picket line this afternoon and I think I will pick Drew up so we can drive by and honk support and he can stick his head out the window and yell at his dad. Then we will drive on to meet Sierra on her break and have supper at McD's. Hope dad is home in time for spelling although the last couple of nights it has been very quiet during spelling. Have we crossed a line maybe? Suppose to be the last of the nice days then winter cold. Glad I am not in the area with the snow warnings! We are traveling Saturday for Thanksgiving Dinner!! Coffee getting cold so better move on..Jo sorry about your loss. Have a great day everyone.

