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Nov 8th Tues Election Day

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  • Nov 8th Tues Election Day!!!!! Good Morning! The sun is rising beautifully.

    Yesterday was good. Got my errands in town done and once all groceries were put away, I started baking. Made 3 pies, 2 carrot cakes for the freezer, and baked off a batch of ginger snaps. Aunt Maye/J came and scooped grease for the afternoon and we had a nice chat while we each did our own thing. I had wanted to take Blaise to the library but a customer who SHOULD have arrived before Blaise ever came home was a no show. I finally called him and left a msg and here he had a job that he was trying to finish before dark. If he would have called & told me that....grrrrrr! Anyways, he's coming this morning. Kind of pooped out for the evening.

    This morning Sue is coming to help. I had hoped that we would be scooping & shaping cookies, but I didn't get the dough mixed up, so we'll be doing that. The lady is coming for her wedding cookie order, so today will be very profitable. I'm also thrilled to be getting 2 shelves emptied in my freezer. After everyone is gone, I've got a couple deliveries to make and go vote.

    Speaking of voting, Becca was here when I woke up. She woke up around 2am and decided just to come down and be here when the polls opened. She hadn't planned to come until this morning, but when she was wide awake at that time, she figured she might as well get the driving part over. It was nice to see her for maybe 15 minutes. She went over early to stand in line. She has classes this morning.

    Well....time to get lil man ready for school & out the door. Have a good one all!

  • #2
    Could some one please merge my good morning with this one


    • #3
      Good morning everyone..

      Rise and shine..

      I was trying to find a pic...With something with poll..I thought this was close...
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      • #4
        Jon left for work before the polls opened so we will pick up Andrew from the bus and go off to vote this afternoon. Sierra voted for the first time last week at early voting in her county and I know my eldest son is voting because we talked last night. News this morning is full of election crap and i will be glad when it is over! Have another early morning appointment and then just one more this week. Talked with my sister yesterday and our girls shopping trip for Saturday is for breakfast and then hit the mall. Yesterday that crock pot turkey was a hit. Andrew ate like there was no tomorrow. Oh and that tea I was so excited about? He told me after I drink my tea I get to take him to the book fair. What?! So, in other words, drink fast and get out your check book. I will write it off as quality time with my grandson but a nice racket for the school don't you think? Glad he gave me a heads up though because I do not carry money into these events. Yesterday was a cooler day but rain today and cold into the 30s for the night. No news or excitement around here...


        • cookielady
          cookielady commented
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          Now I'm SURE the book fair info was sent home a week or so ago because they entice them with what they might be able to buy. Our schools have always set aside a time during the school day for them to do their shopping and one evening if the parents want to bring in their child and shop with them. I've volunteering next week for a small (20 minutes is all they assigned me) period of time one morning. It's not when Blaise's class is coming, but that's OK. The PTO just sponsored a Read A Thon fundraiser and they could earn book sale points/money. Blaise earned enough for $10 worth of points. He loves to ready.

      • #5
        Good Morning...its almost all over but the shouting!! Networks will be losing a lot of money after this is over...
        Had to take my kitty Rufus to the vet yesterday he is having a urinary problem, they say it is caused by stress, seems our trip to Disney upset him. Even though they come in twice a day to feed them and spend a little time with them, seems that was not enough... they said I need to encourage more fluids, they gave him a pain shot and fluids hoping to encourage him to use the bathroom more and get rid of the inflammation...they gave it a name but I don't remember it...just he is sensitive and missed us. I am still fighting the high blood pressure, and I am supposed to get a Remicade infusion but the wheels of medicine move slowly...and having two Drs. is not the ideal thing either...well I need to get myself dressed and ready to go to my civic duty and vote...

        I hope everyone has a good day...tomorrow will tell the tale...

        Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


        • cookielady
          cookielady commented
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          Our Missy cat gets stressed. When we were in Shelby she started pooping upstairs and had all kinds of scabs around here neck & tail. The vet gave her a steroid shot and she was as good as rain the next day.

      • #6
        Good morning everyone.

        ​Got home earlier than I thought I would. Being the first for camper closer, I didn't know how long it would take me. But everything went smoothly as I just moved at a steady pace, keeping the list of what needed to be done in my head. When I got there Sunday around 1:30, I immediately started in on the leaves. Sure glad I took my electric blower as I don't think my battery operated one over there would have moved all those leaves. I'd blow, then rake into a manageable pile, then burn. I had to do this 6 times and they weren't small piles.

        ​After dark, I started cleaning all the storage spaces. After I got all that done, I sat down and watched a DVD until it was time for bed. Got up the next morning and mowed mulching what leaves didn't get blown into a pile. Had to blow off the slide-out and roof first in order to get those leaves. Once all the mowing, mulching was done, then it was time to lock everything down for the winter. Even made it to the power company to have them to disconnect the power for the winter time.

        ​Today is oil change day for the car. Don't have to go vote as I did that last week thinking that I wouldn't be home today. Just hope that everyone who is registered goes to vote. There are too many people who think that their vote won't count, but it could just be their vote that gives us the better of the 2. And I don't know which one that might be myself. I just know who I voted for.

        Everyone have a great day after doing your civic duty.
        Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


        • #7
          As soon as the sun comes up I will put out the flag. I dropped off my ballot last Monday. There are drop off boxes around the county and the one by the library is easy to get to and no standing in line. Although I miss my old polling place. The workers were all ladies from our neighborhood. Because of classes on Tuesday and Thursday Becky wasn't able to be a poll worker this time.
          I took my mother out to dinner after daycare. She had just got home from her Florida trip and I knew she hadn't gone to the store, yet. All three of us had breakfast for dinner.
          I got a text from a school child mom (her little boy still comes on school vacation) asking me if I can care for her new baby! Not born, yet, but I will happily hold that spot! So happy for her as they have been trying to get pregnant. There will be 7 years between the two children. So even if I have to be more careful with my budget, it will be ok and I know them already and she said she couldn't imagine anyone else taking care of her baby. Warmed my heart and just what I needed to hear. Appreciation is so important!
          Hope our day goes well; all of us, wherever we are and however we vote. Friends and support for each other, no matter what!


          • #8
            Good morning everyone.
            Please, by all means VOTE, if you haven't yet. We voted early by mail-in ballots.

            Yesterday our PCP threw our day off kilter. I had just texted E that his appt would be late, because I was STILL WAITING. E stopped in my exam room to see if I was okay (yeah, just getting very edgy). The nurse told him she had to get him in the next room right away because the doctor was running "20 minutes late". As the doctor approached then, I had just called out "NO, that was 45 minutes nod counting!" She gave me a nasty look, but he just apologized, and told E he could stay in my exam room as he was next. Then I had to talk to his new dorky assistant, who didn't know what questions to ask, and hadn't seen my chart. So I just brought him up to speed on conditions and status, most of which were handled by the oncologists, but their results affected this doctor's care. So I don't have diabetes, I have a neoplasm problem that affects those test results. I think the boy was ready to cry, and not sure he understood half of it. But then the doc came in, and gave me the briefest of checkups, asked a few questions, and said come back in 6 months.
            Then he talked with E, who told him his problem, status, and gave it a name, "Old Dude-itis"......and he didn't need the nurse's stats or to talk with dorky boy. He told the doc that he might be back to ask about assisted suicide depending on how the election turns out. The doc said he might be in that same line. It's really scary, isn't it? Then we were dismissed.

            Then we finished running our errands, but it was much later than we'd anticipated. We were pretty exhausted when we got home. Didn't turn on the TV even. Just ate our dinner and read our books, and went to bed.

            The grocery stores are substituting their brands for name brand items. I don't like it. E plans to say something to store managers. I have to go to Target today to get one item that the stores quit carrying.
            You know I like a morning mocha. I like the Great Escapes pods, but the acid seems high. I use an International Coffee or Maxwell House - the Swiss Chocolate, just a level teaspoon - to add to my cup to cut the acid. Makes a PERFECT mocha for me. What the stores carry is a Mocha Latte, not at all the same, and it changes the taste. I may have to start ordering that online.

            Okay, enough of my whining. Today has to be a good day.

            Cookie, pace yourself, don't overdue. You still are healing.
            Beth, you have quite a day ahead. Hope it's a good one.
            Sassy, love the pic. Love the kitty. Loved David Baker best for Dr. Who.

            To everyone, have a great day.

            Wow, 4 of you posted as I typed! 😃
            Paula, I'm not at all surprised that you're in such demand!
            Jostoy, it good to be ready for winter. (We still haven't figured out our winters!). LoL
            Poor Rufus, Sharon. I hope he improves quickly.
            Maxie, I love reading your family's activities. Who's the Ringmaster???😂 Kinda reminds me of when my kids were still young, at home. Your time gets juggled, not theirs!
            Last edited by JoGee; 11-08-2016, 09:35 AM.
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


            • sassygirl01
              sassygirl01 commented
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              JoGee,thank-you..I love David Tennant.....Of Dr.Who..

          • #9
            JoGee...I found this pic..I know that you like ..Dr.Who..

            You should wear this shirt..You know i would.....We would be great

            All we need it is the Time Lord.???lol..
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            • #10
              Good evening

              went to vote .. got there just in time to be in the line with the bus load of people from the Senior resident facility... our ladies running the election site were speedy , efficient and didn't have to wait too long ..
              now for the almost never ending chatter the rest of the night on TV... Think I go lock myself in the bedroom . turn on some music ,grab a book and read..get the results in the morning ..

              Cute pictures SassyGirl..

              JoG.. I do like a Dr who takes time to talk with you .explain things.. too bad the person who makes the appt. books him so tight... but as long as he takes time with David and I.. I don't mind waiting while he does same with others..I always carry the Nook REader with me. hope they soon get all your meds sorted out properly!..

              time to brew a cup of tea... see you in the morning ..
              Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

