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Nov 1st ....Good Morning ....All Saints Day

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  • Nov 1st ....Good Morning ....All Saints Day

    Good Morning Sleepy Heads!!! The sun is shining just like yesterday...LOVIN' IT!!!

    Yesterday was good. Not super productive, but a nice easy pace, which I needed. Got some cleaning done and baked 2 carrot cakes for the freezer. Went out to lunch with my SIL. Made up some pie dough and the pasta dish my husband requested. Took Blaise to several family members' houses to Trick or Treat. Had a nice visit with Aunt J during the afternoon and piled her up with soup and goodies.

    Today I've got to make a couple pies for an order and get a box of cookies ready to ship. Thing I'll run into town. Aldi's has chuck roast on sale & today is the last day of the sale. I've GOT to do some laundry. Another slow but sure day. Need to put a call into the doctor to see what I do on Thursday morning if my blood sugar level is too low since I'm not allowed to eat. Thinking of all the angles.

    Have a good one all!
    Last edited by cookielady; 11-01-2016, 07:24 AM.

  • #2
    LOL...Rise and shine...

    And it looked like another beatuiful day..With beatuiful sun rise..
    I am starting on my Christmas gifts..For my friends and family...

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    • #3
      Good morning...been dealing with another attack from mommy dearest so things have been testy around here the last week. If she wants to be an ignorant witch why does she haul her daughter around on the broom with her? And why is an almost 20 year old fitting herself for a broom? which we are expect to pay for! If you can't say anything nice don't say anything so I have been silent for the last week. Weather has been beautiful and Hallmark Christmas movies are back for the season. With 2 Hallmark channels I am set for a few months. Have a week full of appointments so will be busy. I like early morning appointments so I don't have to sit in waiting rooms...yep, that is just part of my antisocialness. My sil from Texas is in the area with a sick mother so we are meeting Thursday for lunch. My sister says if she is driving two hours for lunch I had better be there so I will save my wonderful excuse for another time and lunch. Time to head out for the first doctor this week. If I was really sick I wouldn't mind all these followups...just a waste of time. Andrew trick or treated last friday which was the only night for this area so we have had a quiet Halloween and I already ate all the leftover candy so can start the month free and clear of that worry. I'm off so have a good day all!


      • #4
        Good morning everyone.

        ​Maxie, I do miss your humor when you don't post. But I can understand your frustration with "mommy dearest" and your grand-daughter. Sierra is old enough to stand on her own 2 feet. She must like using the excuse of "mommy dearest" to lash out at you and your son.

        ​Got all my projects done yesterday. Today it will be just getting the garbage collected and out for trash day tomorrow . Will also fill the car for the trip to T.H. tomorrow. And that folks is all I have to do today. So it will be a very relaxing ( boring) day.

        Hope all have an enjoyable day today.
        Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


        • #5
          Same here with the good candy, Maxie: all gone. I made sure to use up my little treat bags and all the chocolate first, then doubled up on the M&M small bags and finally ended up with giving out two Tootsie roll pops. Just have the big bag of mixed tootsie roll candy left and I will donate that to the shelter when I take our first dinner on the 11th. It rained last night so most kids were being driven around and accompanied by Moms with umbrellas. Nice enough night for me and it was totally over by 8:00pm
          My grandsons in Maryland had a great Halloween! tons of really good candy bars it looked like with Reese's cups I the mix. Boone, the 10 year old, kept saying, I love America! his mom posted that on Facebook along with pictures of the three boys with their pile of candy on the rug...what a haul! It was their first Trick or Treating. Their school had a cute parade that Spencer videoed and posted so it was almost as good as being there with them. And, like Donna, they had sunny skies and no rain.
          Happy November! I have two kids coming early this morning and then my normal early day girl, so I am up a bit earlier and waiting to see what our weather will be. I am ready for some sunshile so I can get the leaves raked up. ONe of the girls at church posted she needs off jobs to buy feed for her rabbits so I told her if she wants to rake after the storm passes to call me. The phone rang almost as soon as I posted it!
          The dinner for my friend went over well. It was one of my stand by's, meatballs in the crockpot with a mixture of barbecue sauce and grape jelly over sticky rice (in the rice cooker). They had not had it and really liked it. The lemon cake was the same one Becky had made for my birthday. her lemon curd is so good, aand the lemon buttercream frosting is my favorite.
          Ok, I better get the lights on and the door unlocked; the wind was so bad yesterday I had to put one of the big water bottles in front of the door to keep it from blowing open. Too much weather stripping around the door I think.
          Have a great day! Stay well and most of all, don't let anyone get you down!


          • #6

            Im still here... just being extremely lazy this morning ...well,, maybe just taking a Morning off. from the hurry hurry .. gotta get somewhere feeling.. no major plans .but could clean here there and everywhere.. company coming in for Thanksgiving . ( is it really that time of year already?)...

            but think I will sort and make neat some more kitchen cabinets.drawers.. I do like neat cupboards and dust doesnt bother me.. ..

            Had a wonderful chat with Donna yesterday..... her hubby might not like being back in Pa... but I sure do like her being "next door"..

            no cooking today .. fridge has lots of goodies in .. yea...

            Maxie.. hummmm wasn't Halloween yesterday... isn't that open season on Witches????? ..I heard the season last until Thanksgiving .. sooooo... just let it all out!... thinking of you..

            Will be back later to see how JoG. Barb. Nalani. Elaine and all you ladies are coping today.. you will find me under the kitchen counter, sink.
            Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


            • #7
              Good Morning....Maxie agree with jostoy about time Granddaughter learned a thing or two, but then again I know how that would end up, you would be the villain and lose the granddaughter, they always seem to stick up for the parent no matter what....sad situation, makes the blood boil for sure...I would be wanting to knock "mommy dearest" out with her own broom...

              Well can't sit and type for very long, hurt way to badly across the chest muscle and under my right arm....went to the Dr. and all the xrays showed the lungs were fine so the brilliant deduction is I pulled a muscle from coughing and some pain meds, a shot in the ole bun and now it will just take some time and rest...and sitting at this computer just seems to really aggravate it...

              So will get off of here now...Another Dr. appt. today, gastro check up time...

              Have a beautiful day one and having my friends here...and Maxie, so good to see you Pat needs to stop by also..

              Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


              • #8
                Good morning.
                It's 6a.m. And it's a wonder I wasn't awake half the night.
                Yesterday, after posting here, I ended up taking a nap til about 11a.m. Got to the Cancer Center and found out I had a temp of 102°. The assistant read and explained my tests. The doctor came in later. The good news is that I'm cancer-free, and won't be needing any more chemotherapy!
                It was nearly 6p.m. when we got home. We'd had no time to put up any of the decorations, not even the "La Bamba" skeleton. (Sorry, Paula. No pics this year.) It was very dark, very few porch lights, no street lights. I only spent maybe 1/2 hr outside. By 7 I was asleep in bed again. Couldn't keep my eyes open. In the short time I was outside several "thanks" from parents for giving the glowing necklaces. One guy said to never get them at WM, as they were not bright at all. (OK, WM was still selling last year's stock....those don't light up well.).
                E said that only 150 kids came by last night. It was so horribly dark out the parents didn't like being out even with flashlights, and the kids didn't even argue.
                I need to ask E again when he's going to see his brother. I vaguely remember him saying "after the 14th." E will go see his brother on Nov 15-20. I won't be going this time.

                Today we both are going to get blood tests for our PCP. We have an appointment to see him early next week.
                A few days later I will see my other Oncologist.
                Then we look forward to a visit from a MI niece & her hubby, for a day, in Phx. He also has relatives here in AZ.

                Oh yeah, I have paperwork to get a permanent handicap placard for the car, so falling in parking lots or stores is less likely to happen. (My knees are still tender from my fall at the cruise lines terminal.)

                I don't seem to be feverish this morning. That's a good thing, anyway. The doc said my strange little fevers may be caused by my bone marrow fibrosis, but if it starts going over 102, get myself to the hospital!

                Well, I'd better make my tea & toast, and get dressed for today.
                Have a really good day.
                Last edited by JoGee; 11-01-2016, 01:04 PM.
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • jostoy
                  jostoy commented
                  Editing a comment
                  That is great news, JoGee. You should be able to get rid of that bothersome colostomy bag now.

                  Here in Illinois, those permanent placard cards are only good for 5 years. I've had to renew mine 2 x already.
                  Last edited by jostoy; 11-01-2016, 09:38 AM.

              • #9
                I have one more oncologist to see before I can get rid of the colostomy bag, Jostoy. He looks after my blood disorder.
                They all specialize these days. And yes, I'll be sooooo glad when I can have the colostomy surgery reversed.
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • #10
                  I am the doc waiting on meds..i sinus...infected ear canals and my strep test came,back positive. Heading home and back to bed


                  • #11
                    Aloha all!

                    That's good news to look forward to, Jo!

                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~to all!

                    This morning my friends are going zip lining, and I am taking a book and will read and watch. Did that a couple of months ago with my granddaughter. Once is enough for me. Looks like it'll be a beautiful day for them.

                    Have a good day all!

