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Good Friday Morning, Sept. 9th

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  • Good Friday Morning, Sept. 9th

    Good Morning one and all..

    Going to be heading out the door soon, got the motorhome packed and loaded yesterday, took a lot of trips in and out the door but I got it done, also made a homemade strawberry pie and no bake store, drugstore runs finished, baked beans in a pan ready to go in oven on Sat. morning...this morning just need to shower, get dressed, finish loading my bag and clothes and I will be ready to hit the road...let's see how long it takes the hubby...

    Will be back late on Sunday so not to worry I shall return, that is a warning, LOL

    Have a great weekend one and all.

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God

  • #2
    Good day again today!!! Even better than the first one!

    I have a ride coming to get me after work...going to volunteer for a couple hours...going with a friend after work not exactly sure what we are going to do other than going to Savers...

    Cori is full of it this morning so I need to get off here and deal with her....


    • #3
      Best birthday EVER yesterday. Had a bakery cake from Publix (they have the best bakery!) at work. Picked Erin up and took her to lunch - she gave me a huge coffee mug that says "I love that you're my Mom" filled with candy. Went to bingo for a bit and won $100. Chris baked me a homemade Funfetti cake and grilled dinner. Received over 300 birthday wishes via FB, texts, and calls. A tad overwhelming. Certainly felt the love all day.

      I'm off work until Monday. Today will be my lazy day. Tomorrow I will do yard work.

      And the sweetest birthday gift yet: Chris arranged a cookout with family and friends for Saturday evening. I had no clue, but caught him going through my phone yesterday and he fessed up. How sweet is that?

      I'm off to make some breakfast. Y'all have a good 'un!
      The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


      • #4
        Good morning, all. Woke too early so I'm having coffee here with my friends.

        Today is Lily's birthday. I don't do doggy birthday parties but I'm giving her a bath for her birthday.

        Cool enough to sleep without the A/C last night.

        Beth one of the ladies here has a cat that she walks on a leash every day. It's so cute to see them out walking. Alice the cat is a beautiful soft grey kitty. Maybe you should try training Cori to the harness and then add the leash. Just a thought but it might help burn off some of her energy.

        Boffler, You sure have a lot of get up and go. Hope you can find time to relax after you reach your destination.

        A great day for all of you.


        • #5
          Pat, we were posting. I already wished you happy birthday on FB . Looks like a perfect birthday.


          • #6
            Good Morning.

            Happy Birthday, Lily. How old is she, Barb?

            Sharon, have an excellent trip!

            Pat, great BD. Nice to have 300 friends. Wow!

            Well, I want to get outside and do some yardwork before the heat rolls in.

            Have a great Friday, Everyone.


            • Pat B
              Pat B commented
              Editing a comment
              300? I have 900+ friends on FB - and I just deleted around 200 a few weeks ago.

          • #7
            Good morning..

            I 'm waiting for the Good to happen,,, no sunshine yet.. still very overcast.. it started raining ,blowing before dark and it went on and on .. lots of lightning ,eventually cracks and booms.. and then more rain. this went on until about 3/30am... I was still awake.. I will be dragging all day . not near enough sleep.. but I couldn't get my head to turn off. please tell me, someone, that has happened to you too?. if I would have been in the middle of a good book. I would probably fell asleep. sooooo.. enough of my gripes..

            I'm off to see my Doctor,, have 10.45 appt. hmmmm probably see her about 11.15. or later . nothing to tell her. except I hate this pill neuronton. .dont' relieve pain.... just has me so full of congestion that I cough and cough.. and one more reason I was awake most of the night.. ..I have tried repeatedly to tell her my nerves are like tight guitar strings.. and I'm praying she hears me.. BUT on the other hand, I hate taking meds... or feeling in la la land.. between rock and hard spot.. and enough of my gripes again.

            Sharon, do enjoy your trip.. time to stop cooking and just eat and enjoy the weekend
            Barb.. happy birthday to Lily..
            Pat. what a great birthday for you too... I think the cup from Erin would have been my favorite gift . Chris is a sweet guy, but Erin is your Soul.
            Bethina.. Pay Day !!!!!.yippee

            and hi to you all... my sunny side will surely show up one of these days..

            hugs and thanks to all.
            Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


            • #8
              Good morning.
              I need a shower, then going to see the oncologist this morning. Will learn how my biopsy came out.
              Just had my breakfast...cereal and cuppa tea. Am still not in a thinking mode, so will be back later.
              Hope everyone has a very good day. Pat, I'm glad your birthday was so great!!!
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


              • #9
                No weather surprise here because it is raining. It rains all the time fact the local paper said yesterday we have suffered through the wettest August in history. Carpenter showed yesterday and covered all the open areas on the porch for safety and will be back tomorrow. Weekend plans have also changed a bit. My sister's much bigger town is also having a balloon glow this weekend and they are staying home and invited us to theirs (they will have 13 balloons and we are suppose to have 3 to 6). We have opted to stay here and support our home town. Staunton is home to the boys, Sierra and me too and we will do whatever to help the community grow. Funny I live here in Brighton now and am not interested in its growth or welfare. Guess no matter where you live some places are not home and others always will be. Got a haircut yesterday and have enough left overs for tonight's supper but I do need a grocery trip. Picked up the asiago at cannot get good asiago from just anywhere! will need to grate cheese today. And I still have not run the vacuum. Things I could do but I seem to be energyless already. This rain is really a mood killer! Sharon have a great trip and Maye hope the doctor can give you some relief soon. Pat you have a wonderful birthday is nice when your family appreciates you. Payday Beth! Always the favorite day of the week!!. Just another rainy day here.....


                • #10
                  Good morning! Pat, your birthday sounds perfect! And moving on into the weekend! What a great guy and what a wonderful gift from Erin!
                  My class last night was great! I didn't have one thought of daycare, or my To Do list...perfect evening get away.
                  I can't think right now. I have one little girl, almost 3, who is just going through some stage...
                  I think I may take path of least resistance ...
                  Sharon, have a great trip!
                  My parents used to do a lot of traveling in their motor home when my dad was alive. They would bring back Key lime pies from Publix. The best I have had! We would have them for holiday dinners.


                  • #11
                    I had to get off a minute...
                    Hope you all have a good day!
                    Fingers crossed this day goes well here!


                    • #12
                      Well hello all!!! I've got a moment to breath & thought I'd spend it with all of you.

                      Yesterday was busy busy. Before I could even start in on the 18 pies, I had to go down to the bakery warehouse and pick up some more berries and shortening. On the way home from there, I stopped where Kathy works and bought her & I a bagel each....YUM! She informed me they were coming out to do laundry...right at supper time. That was fine. I've been wanting to have the roast I had in the freezer & yesterday was the day. Made lots of veggies to go with it. Made Cork a chicken breast. It stormed pretty loudly, which caused Blaise afraid to go to sleep. He was in our bed until I went to bed.

                      This morning my feet hit the floor running. I got the German Choc pie in the oven before Blaise went out to the bus. As soon as he got on the bus, I was out to the local grocery store to get lemons. I had enough for the one lemon pies ordered a couple weeks ago, but not for the order I got at 10pm last night from a friend. In fact, she ordered three pies for her & 3 others that are going to be at dinner tonight. She's crazy!!! LOL! Then over to deliver pies & then start on the lemon meringue pies and the first round of fruit pies that needed in the oven. Everything had to be timed for all the customers arrivals today....noon, 2pm, and 4:30pm. Also an overloaded apple & raisin pie for Lew for his birthday which is today. His brother ask me to make it as I was leaving out of ear shot of Lew.

                      Back to the kitchen. Have a wonderful day all!

