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Wed. Sept. 7

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  • Wed. Sept. 7

    Good morning everyone.

    Got a load of laundry in already. Have a bit of running to do today to get everything I need to take to the Lake. Have our reunion Sat. and it's my turn to "run the show". This may be my last if everyone starts leaving right after lunch. That has been their trait ever since we started this 6 years ago. And they all live right there where we have it. I have a 75-80 mile trip to get there. By staying at the Lake, it cuts my travel time to about 15 miles.

    Well now that I've released my frustrations about my cousins, I'll bid you all a good day.
    Last edited by jostoy; 09-07-2016, 06:50 AM.
    Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.

  • #2
    Good morning..I had hoped to still be sleeping..I actually have a day off in the middle of the week...I am headed to the post office first thing..then depending how much money I have left will decide my next move. I do know that I need to get cori some wet food. I also know the house needs attention..and I want to go to church tonight.

    Yesterday was my official last day with my job coach...when I told everyone on the production team about it as I was clocking out they all were so supportive and think that I am ready to be on my own..also my boss said I handled the sale weekend really well. When my job coach asked me my favorite thing about work I told her my employee discount The thing that I hate the most is Sale Days and Rude customers.


    • boffler
      boffler commented
      Editing a comment
      Hope you continue to like your job and do well in it...getting along with others is key....

  • #3
    Good Morning to all.

    jostoy, have to laugh about the remark about everyone leaving so soon, hubby was saying that about the reunion on his Grandpa's side of the family, we all got together, most of them live close, they come, they eat, they leave, LOL...and we come the much further than anyone else...Hope you get to enjoy the time with everyone...

    Maxie, sure do not envy the sh*t stirrer being back, so much better for all of you with Sierra when she is not around...will never understand ex's like her, peace and harmony for the children should be upmost, keeping opinions to oneself...need to see a picture of your porch....also have thought about the whole house vacuuming system...

    Well today I need to make a list and get things around for our weekend trip, annual fish fry at my sisters in southern Ohio, also want to surprise her she will be 70 yrs. old the 28th of Sept. but since we will all be there this weekend going to surprise her with an early birthday...I have to make a list of what we will need in the motorhome and for the fish fry and get busy...

    Got the bills paid yesterday, the house back in order, and supper cooked, the rest of the day I just relaxed, felt I needed onward and has heat warnings of extreme heat so I must get this done early, have a great day one and all.

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • #4
      Yesterday was so hot the schools dismissed early and today also. Andrew and his dad came in and hit the pool then we had a healthy meal of take out Taco Bell. If today is a repeat of yesterdays heat we will be on the same schedule...only today I get to pick the fast food. I am thinking cheeseburgers. Now bet you are all wondering how I can be planning supper when I haven't even had my morning coffee and I will tell you that in this stage of my life I spend a lot of time thinking about food. And that is just the way it is. Carpenter is to be here soon and I am all ready for the new porch. I have a vision of the front and I know it won't be finished until next spring when I can do some planting...even have the stain picked out for the porch which cannot be painted until spring. We will replace the faded shutters with new green ones and a section of old sidewalk will be busted out and the porch extended a bit...cannot wait for the project to be completed. Silly me, nothing gets finished around here on schedule. I have laundry to do and still need to run the vac. I listened to my sister vent yesterday morning for over an hour and then just picked up a book and read the entire day. Have another book to start that my bil gave me...the History of Salt. I do like history and he and I read a lot of the same books but this one seemed not only were the Roman soldiers paid in salt but the word salary came from the word salt. I know but it floats my boat and squeezes in nicely between the murder mysteries I am partial to. With my sister coming Saturday for the first time i need to do some cleaning. Dust the fans and well, maybe just dust the fans and run the mad as she was yesterday at her husband if I make the place to appealing she might move in here! Time to get moving. Both kids are to be here today but mommy dearest may have other plans since they have been off on a fabulous vacation to Minnesota visiting the in laws. Bet they loved her and that special personality of hers. Reunions are funny mom's side had huge ones every year and we laughed that we were no longer related to these people after so many years but Italians are related to everyone I guess. They came at dawn and left at midnight. But I would just as soon see people leave after lunch than to watch them all play on their phones and only stop to eat. Have a great Wednesday..I am looking forward to mine!


      • #5
        Good morning, everyone.
        Absolutely nothing going on here.
        Can't believe todays high temp will be only 74°(20° drop), and we have a 100% chance if Rain/Wind today. I have to see it to believe it. But it looks like we've already had some very-early morning showers. For all I know, it may be all our area gets, but it's better than nothing. 🌵
        No big plans today. Have to sort and put away meds I'm not using any more. Do a bit of crocheting. Have to get the paper before any probable rain might occur...too early at this moment. E races to load the dishwasher and laundry, which is fine with me. I like that he scrubs the cookware without complaint.
        I hear the trash pickup trucks outside....yesterday was our normal day for it, but the holiday pushed it one day after.

        Jostoy, E's family reunions had crafts, games, etc., scattered about so people didn't leave too early. I miss the reunions, but the bulk of family is in MI, and the "honor" of setting them up would fall to E's twin sister who lives out in Sun City near Phx.
        Beth, I'm glad you still enjoy your job. Hope that continues for a long time.
        Sharon, so you have our "heat warnings", and we're getting flash flood warnings in some areas. Yikes! The fish fry sounds good. Early happy birthday wishes to your sister.
        Maxie, I love your outlook and love hearing about your family's escapades. 😆

        Wishes for a good day to all. ☕️
        Last edited by JoGee; 09-07-2016, 08:37 AM.
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #6
          Cori allowed me to get some more headed out the door to the post office..

          We have a huge reunion weekend on my mom's side of the family we meet for a weekend of camping with a huge meal get together on Saturday...alot of us say its our favorite weekend of the year..always memorial day weekend...I hope I get to go this year..not sure because of it being the next huge sale weekend at work..will wait to see. There is also a rather large reunion on my dad's side of the family..always fathers day weekend....when I was little and grandpa and all his brothers were alive it was so huge that you didn't know half the people there...grandpa was one of 11 boys that lived to adult hood. All of the brothers and grandpa are now passed so its not nearly as big.


          • #7
            Good morning, all. Another sunny CA day here. Have some more work to catch up on but seems I always do.
            Haven't felt very well for some unknown reason. Went grocery and Walmart shopping yesterday and even Pet Smart for some fish for my aquarium. My poor lonely Zebra Danio now has 3 babies to follow around.
            Came home so pooped that I put away only what need to go into the freezer and fridge. Couple of other items but still more for today.

            Weighed myself yesterday and found I had gained 6 lbs. since last time so I came home with a lot more veggies and no sweets. Argh! Gotta stay away from ice cream!!!!

            Well that's all for now. Good luck on your job,Beth.


            • #8
              JoG, my temperature at 6:50 this morning was 74*! Our cooler mornings have left for awhile. And with fires to the north and south our air quality is awful. Smells like a campfire outside.
              Baby is back today and smiling, happy to see me. M
              I have another class at my favorite shop this evening. It will be holiday decor...can't wait! I don't need to buy any more, just get new ideas. Although, there is Always some new garland that calks me name...
              Barb, I hear ya on that 6 pounds...I was back on serious veggies yesterday and went to my bedroom early to read and stay away from the ice cream! I need to get excited about losing a few pounds.
              Not much else going on, except happy it is already Wednesday!
              Garbage is gone and cans are back behind the fence...
              Hope you all have a productive happy day!


              • #9
                Good SUNNY Morning!

                Yesterday was good, but not great. Sue came and we got quite a bit done, but both of us were suffering from fuzzy brains. Mine eventually turned into a bad headache. I did go to Aldi's and stock up and got it all put away before laying down for a nap. Made the two pies for the restaurant that I'll deliver this morning. Saturday they got a cold PB pie with Oreo crust to see if it would sell & something different. He called yesterday and ordered another one already. That's good! After dinner I went down to the pool to clean it & put in some chemicals. I told Cork we are shutting it down this weekend. Nobody has swam in it for almost 2 weeks & it's ridiculous to keep paying the electric to filter it for nobody. I'll go buy a new cover and another 100lbs of chlorine for next year since they've got the stuff for 25% off.

                This morning Sue is coming again to finish rolling out the dough. We work very well together. My stress level is next to nothing right now. It also helps that Kathy is in her own place. We see her maybe once a week, which is just fine. They are learning to manage on their own. Becca got her Internship report card and got all glowing marks & comments. They ask what letter grade she should get and her supervisor gave her an A+. She worked 43 hrs last week...and went to school. Some of the days she worked over 10hrs this weekend, so that's how she got so many hrs. She knows she needs to cut back because she needs more study time, but with it being the first week back to school & a holiday weekend, she had the time & energy. Got the floor mopped already......3 hrs later....Sue came early, so we got busy right away. Got both kinds of cookies made and now starting on some peach and some nectarine fillings.

                Have a good one all!


                • Paula A
                  Paula A commented
                  Editing a comment
                  What kind of a cover and where did you find it?

              • #10
                good afternoon

                what a weird day so far... got awake at 2 am.. and just tossed and turned ,,coughing, full of congestion, ( pills?) finally gave up, got up . set in chair and read... David got up about 5ish, make coffee.. I ate a bite of toast. couple sip of coffee and went back to bed... slept sound until 11am. wow.. however, I am still groggy. ..still have a naggy pain in my side.. you gotta hate shingles!!!........ I do go back to Dr on Friday... will pray for miracle in the meantime.

                do you all know how I enjoy reading your Posts everyday???! a light in a dark room... if you think you don't have anything to talk about... that;s not true...I want to know how Bethina's job is going .. How Paula's coping with the Kids. how I can sympatize with BarbCA..about being pooped. after shopping .btdt..... JoG and I want to read all the latest updates on your health. Maxie,,,"History or Salt"... who is the author.? . I need a wee bit of variety from all my Dead Body books. and Sharon, how organized you are... that was me when I was your age.. but I lost the Zip and Jostoy... maybe they need to hold the reunion in your neighborhood... so they can't run home so fast... that Idea would fall flat as a pancake ,right?. Donna needs me to make grease balls, I love spending the time with her.. grease balls are just a good excuse ..
                time for another nap..

                Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


                • maxie
                  maxie commented
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                  'Salt...a World History', is written by Mark Kurlansky. He also wrote Cod...another history book about cod the fish. BIL also has that one. I agree you need a break once in a while from dead bodies. But I hate romance books and do enjoy a good murder.

              • #11
                Maye am glad to see you're up and about, for a bit at least, I'd give you that miracle if it were mine to give.
                What is it with this change of s eason. You have shingles. My DD has strep throat, the young man next door has a bad cold, my brothers SO's daughter has just discovered she has Melinoma Stage 3. A cyber friend in New Orleans was going through chemo in her female organs; she just finished chemo a couple weeks ago, but has a lot of dizziness even yet. Ellis has been sniffling a bit, but not too's less now that I'm cooking again. 😉 Every time I turn around someone's coming down with something.
                I want everybody to be healthy!!!
                Wow, and Sharon's a Superwoman among us. She just had that big family gathering, and now she's heading off for her sister's birthday! Yay, Sharon. I'm impressed. Watch out for the mosquitos. MI has 31 cases of Zika, and OH is just below them.

                That book of Maxie's sounds good. Interesting, even. Wonder if Amazon has it for the Kindle?
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • #12
                  on top of loving to come read here , amazing how much I have learned from each of you.!!!. and I will check on the Book ..thanks for speedy reply Maxie,,
                  I too do not read romance ( todays romance) books... I do not read mystery written by authors in USA... they must feel they have to have a sex scene in every chapter.. and now it is so blunt that its disgusting ... I have a few English male authors.. some write excellant mysteries.. and keep the "love" scenes. to a comfortable lever... Hey, Im not a prude , just don't care to read that kind of stuff... any more than I like to watch the super undressed look on the beach these day.. its bedtime , I ended up about an hour ago taking two ibuprofen.. not recommended to take with Neuronton... but it was listed as a medium on the should or shouldn't list. and surprisingly I have had a bit of relief.. will hold off taking more and hope this lets up tomorrow
                  Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

