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Saturday, Sept. 3rd

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  • Saturday, Sept. 3rd

    Good morning everyone. got a day to myself, so will clean out the big flower pots where the flowers have died and get them put up for the year.

    Hope all have a great day.
    Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.

  • #2
    Good morning.
    Help yourself ☕️🍩☕️🍩☕️🍩☕️🍩☕️🍩☕️🍩
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • #3
      Good Morning!

      jo, relax and rewind. You deserve it.

      JoG - THANK YOU. I've been up since 4 and needing a donut - may take 2.

      Company tonight. Getting things spiffed up. Pulled out the drop-leave table, and the spiders had done a job on it and the carpet. Got it taken care of.
      Just hamburgers, but it still requires a clean house.

      Janet, I couldn't wish for anything more than to put John and David in the garage and let them spend the day - just like at Donna's. Then you and I could make pie crust!
      Are you any better yet?

      Y'all have a great day. BB later to check on you.



      • #4
        Good Morning, Have to unload the U-Haul today. Still not fully awake.


        • #5
          Good Morning just a quick hello, needed a break,, got a lot done already this morning...everything in pans ready for oven, hubby on the other hand is all of a sudden doing things like putting tools away and putting his things were they belong out in the garage, I'm always riding his butt about keeping things cleaned up and put away out there...but now he decides this morning to do it, good thing I got those ribs ready yesterday because no way would he be ready today....he is a procrastinator drives me crazy!! but on the other hand he is very good at so many things...he just needs to be more organized about it...and he doesn't appreciate my comments, LOL...

          Looking forward to having a house full of people, lots of good food a cookin'.

          So glad to see that Darla made it to IL the settling in can start..

          Have a good day one and all, be safe with the holiday weekend..
          Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


          • #6
            Good morning...I am one day off this weekend...I came straight home from work yesterday instead of volunteering after work....I had a horrible head ache..anyways when I got here I had a surprise guest my daddy!!!! We went out and got a sandwich last night...he has asked me to cook he requested Spagetti...easy enough...will get garlic bread as well...

            In the short time I have been up I have completely changed cori's litter box and spent 10 minutes chasing her from the laundry room....more time removing her from places she shouldn't be...she is full of it this morning...

            I am off to the laundry mat in a few to wash my quilt big blanket and fitted sheet. The to the store to get the stuff for Spagetti...will know later if my sister and her family will be home in time to join us..if not maybe we all will get ice cream or something..


            • #7
              Darla, no move is ever smooth but sounds like you had good help and a story or two to tell later. Glad to have you in Illinois! Heading to buy the produce for my salad and maybe make that pineapple upside down cake I have been craving. If it turns out it goes tomorrow and if it doesn't I can eat till my heart and stomach are full. Quiet night last night with both kids gone and Jon out with friends. Looks sunny out and suppose to warm up for tomorrow. I will take my suit but dipping a toe is doubtful. Doesn't take long to cool a pool. Sharon I know your gathering will be a success..your husband sounds like mine was and my son is. Tools always left laying and right now the drill is still in the kitchen from when he fixed the gutter Monday. Just sitting around on the desk like an ornament with the extension cord still attached. Patio looks like that too...hoses, charcoal, whatever he used last. Like father like son and me a neat freak. When we were working inside last winter I would gather tools and put them all in a tote or box and haul them to the tool room and when he started anything he would just haul up the boxes that he never unpacked and put away. Actually I think he liked just having to haul up boxes and paw through them. Anyway, stop and enjoy the day with family and ignore MIL. Maye, hope those shingles let up soon and Pat, thank goodness that storm missed you...they are expecting a mess up the eastern coast evidently. Wonder how Nalani is faring with their weather? I haven't seen anything about the Hawaiian storm. Sunny and beautiful today. Still too cool for me but warming. Have a wonderful holiday weekend all! Have never baked a cake in the new oven and we have had it since January...hoping for a masterpiece. No word from the carpenter.


              • #8
                Good morning, and thankful for it!
                About 3:30 yesterday right after I Swiffered the daycare, I started feeling a little dizzy. By the time all were picked up I had a full on vertigo and barely got to my bed. Becky got home and brought me two ginger capsules and I lay down on my left side and stayed that way. Woke up around midnight and I felt like it was easing up. This morning I can get around, cautiously, but much better. Nothing spinning, but I can't have on the ceiling fans, yet. Just that sight gets my head going...
                Anyway, glad to see Darla got to IL and sure hope you can feel a sense of some relief.
                I didn't have any absolutes on my to do list, so I am proceeding slowly. Some herb tea this morning was just right.
                Take care and take some time for yourself.
                Maye, I am thinking about you. And all my RT friends!


                • #9
         bathed, my hair washed, dressed, and at-the-ready for when stepdaughter can show up. Turns out she'll be stopping in the Phoenix first for her delivery. The small town she's delivering her afghan to is there. It'll take them a 2-hour drive to get here, so we'll see them for supper tonight and then breakfast tomorrow before they return home to NM.

                  So the 90° temp will be butting 100° for a few days. Then Tuesday we've got a 60% chance of rain and temps smash down to the low 80°'s. 🌵

                  Sharon, my hubby is also a procrastinator "par excellance" ! I've learned to ignore and live with it. I do what I need to do in my timeline. A child-rearing book (back when) says it's because (you & I) were potty trained early, and (our guys) were potty trained late. [Remembering my early experiences with my mom, it sounds accurate to me. I couldn't hold myself on the adult seat, and fell in, and she stood there laughing in utter hilarity til my dad came and yelled at her to get me out of there. ] 😎
                  Anyway, your gathering will be a huge success. I'd like to show up there, too!

                  So, Bethina, you need to quit chasing that cat. Close the doors where you don't want her to be. Then ignore her while you get your stuff done. Remember, you own her, not vice versa! 😂

                  Maxie, that cake sounds great! Might drop in there, too! LOL

                  Darla, glad you made it safely there.

                  Elaine, we're going out to a new microbrewery tonight....hamburgers are on the menu. Not that I drink the brews. Other normal drinks are available.

                  Hi Jostoy! Time to relax and enjoy the weekend.
                  Maye, hope you're starting to feel better.
                  Nalani....on my mind, this stormy season. Hope you're doing good there.
                  Pat, what's cooking?

                  Wishing everyone a good day, an overall excellent weekend! ☀️
                  Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                  • #10
                    good almost afternoon...

                    Got a pretty good night's sleep.. even a second snooze ,after I had breakfast .. the annoying pain is still with me.. the acetaminophen helps ,gets me through the day..
                    Donut was delicious JoG...
                    Darla. glad to hear you arrived . now for some more hard work
                    HI PAULA..
                    Maxie . how did the cake turn out.
                    Bethina have a happy day with family!'
                    Sharon YOU will have a great day

                    Jostoy I have one pot of dead flowers that need the same as yours.. but it will wait...

                    Elaine... I read you post off to DAvid and he smile and started to remember all the stuff them two talked about .He too, would so enjoy a day like that. right now..The Round Table brought us together. ..and ,Bless Donna, she made it possible for us to get together..
                    I know some of you others have met each other in person. but even if we haven't .. we still "Know" each other..

                    time for more pills.. will need to make a lunch of some sort today..
                    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


                    • maxie
                      maxie commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Oh Maye, you know how I cook...haven't even started it yet. Did buy the ingredients but also need to boil eggs, look for a nice salad bowl to take tomorrow, have another cup of coffee, make my bed, find a cake pan to bake it in, have another cup of much to do so hope I find the time to bake!

                  • #11
                    I still am trying to figure out why she has been so crazy today...maybe that earth quake..they are saying people have felt the after shocks all the way in saint louis....I do usually keep the laundry room door shut...I just opened it to go in and she followed then the hid...and then she got out of the house into the garage with both doors open...luckily she got scared in the garage and dad was able to chase her back into the house with broom..I was just almost panicked when she got to the garage...not sure where she is right now but don't exactly care...I know the doors are closed to rooms she shouldn't be in and she can't get out...


                    • maxie
                      maxie commented
                      Editing a comment
                      We did not feel the earthquake either but people around the area say they did. My son in the Boot Heel of Missouri says it didn't wake him but it would have had to have shaken him out of bed and onto the floor for him to feel anything. They claim animals sense things so maybe it did bother the kitty.

                  • #12
                    Good afternoon everyone..

                    Did little house cleaning attack the dust bunnies...

                    And did some laundry..

                    I thought would pop in and "HI"...
                    You do not have permission to view this gallery.
                    This gallery has 1 photos.


                    • #13

                      Aloha all,

                      Haven't been here for a couple of days. Lots going on but all is quiet and boring again now.

                      We had hurricane warnings and had to get ready for that. Patty and Meagan came in Thursday and were going to stay 2 nights so they could go to the luau they have yearly here but with hurricane Lester which could hit the Hana highway hard they decided to skedaddle back to Hana in case there were lots of landsides on the road. Yesterday morning they finally delivered the huge new air conditioner to replace the broken one. This is the air conditioner that cools the dining room, halls and other open areas in the building. The humongous crane arrived while we were eating breakfast so everyone went outside to watch. Patty and Meagan stayed for that event but then left. Yesterday we had the annual luau they put on here and it was fantastic and the floor show of hula dancing and singing was wonderful. Now today everything is back to normal and boring.

                      Have a good day all!


                      • #14
                        HI Nalani.
                        I'm glad you are safe from the hurricane. You were in my thoughts.
                        That new A/C should make the weather more tolerable.
                        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

