got in around 11:30 last night. Not without much drama. First off I think I was jinxed, got a phone call Thursday that we needed to pick up the U-Haul in another town, I called the main number and went bat-crap crazy. They gave me extra miles and I think she said extra day and a discount. But then Friday morning got a call that said that the truck would be in the original pick up place, so maybe they listened when I asked why they couldn't bring it to where it was supposed to be and told them that I would take it to social media that U-Haul is not a good company to work with. The girls didn't get away from down here until later and so didn't get there as early as planned but they went and got the truck and Thank God they are still young and able because they asked "what goes" and did all the loading of the truck. The one rather bad thing was that Fred broke his chain yet again and wasn't there when we were leaving so he got left in IN (guess he didn't want to leave his girlfriend). Put the cats in the carrier in my nieces car. I rode in U-Haul anyhow, with the other niece, That was my first plan since I didn't want to put stinky dog in nieces brand new car. Felt like I was on an old comedy show giving the neighbors a show trying to get in the darn thing, Niece had to come around and boost me in. No problems once we were on the road and we made pretty good time.
No announcement yet.
made it IL
Good Morning just a quick hello, needed a break,, got a lot done already this morning...everything in pans ready for oven, hubby on the other hand is all of a sudden doing things like putting tools away and putting his things were they belong out in the garage, I'm always riding his butt about keeping things cleaned up and put away out there...but now he decides this morning to do it, good thing I got those ribs ready yesterday because no way would he be ready today....he is a procrastinator drives me crazy!!but on the other hand he is very good at so many things...he just needs to be more organized about it...and he doesn't appreciate my comments, LOL...
Looking forward to having a house full of people, lots of good food a cookin'.
So glad to see that Darla made it to IL the settling in can start..
Have a good day one and all, be safe with the holiday weekend..
Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God
Brought the cats into the enclosed back porch. Ebil is still in hiding but Gus came out and ate, she then had figured out where the door to outside was and went to it. I opened it and 3 small dogs were sitting there so she wasn't sure she wanted to go out, took a few minutes before she decided it was safe and she made a beeline to under the car. They aren't used to "country" noises yet. Chickens and geese carrying on and such. They are "city" cats and only really know traffic sounds which aren't here.