Good morning working this for groceries and that kinda thing this afternoon
No announcement yet.
Monday 8/22
Good Morning to back home last evening, must have been tired, we both overslept this morning, which is real unusual for me...what a 'washout' the weekend was, on Friday a long drive made a whole lot longer by construction and traffic delays, and on Saturday rain delay on the outdoor drama, the buffet dinner was delish, we all got seated and then the announcement that the drama was cancelled, with all the wetness and such made it dangerous for the horses and actors to perform, so no drama, back to motorhome, good thing I keep movies with us because no reception because do deep in the mountains, and to wet outside to build a fire....will call today for refund, not able to make a make up date, good thing I bought the VIP tickets otherwise you don't get a refund...
A really funny thing happened while there. On Friday while loading the motorhome I kept smelling what I though was sewage, went out and bought some odor killer to sit around, and Lysol spray. Told the hubby the smell was stronger on the area by the sofa, kept complaining so we stopped hubby put more deodorizer down the sinks, johns, etc. I could still smell it, he of course is tired of hearing about it and does not smell anything..Again on Sat. morning I mention it and he is more than a little irritated at me!!! He will look into it when we get home...Well we needed to run a hose to fill our tank and when finished my son ask if we had something he could use to wipe down the hose before putting it back in the compartment, I go inside get some rags and he comes around motorhome gagging, choking, etc. says "Mom did you wash these the last time you used them?" and I had, and he said smell this thing, he was going to use it to wipe sweat off his face and it stunk so I smell it and immediately knew it was what I had been smelling. So I go inside the camper, lift up the doors overhead and here I find the source of the smell, a bag of potatoes that hubby had left behind last time we used it, which was the end of July!!! They had turned to nasty smelling liquid...Thanks gosh the source had been found...Hubby of course blamed me for not knowing they were there, but he is the one that unloads when we get back and if I dare question his ability to not get everything out and double check he gets a little bad, from now on this gal will be double checking!!! Oh the smell was getting to me and he could not even smell it...I have the nose of a bloodhound.
Maye, so sorry that you have the shingles, sure hope the meds are going to help, I have heard they are painful and miserable...
Donna amazing how many pies you can bake and even more surprising they know they can call you and within no time at all have pies available.
Maxie, your life is pretty busy and full right now also.
Pat, back to school for Erin and the fun is she dealing with what she say from her Fathers actions?
Bethina, I hope you find something that is not stressful on you and that you can 'play nice in the sandbox' with others..we always tell our children, you have to adapt and adjust and know that you need to do all you can to get along and the world does not revolve around you, but the other way around.
Nalani, sounds like you stay busy with activities and such, good to be involved...I think moving was definitely the right choice for you.
JoG, your travels sound fun...being blonde, LOL
Paula how many children do you have daily, ages? and the length of time they are there?
Well to all that have or will pass this way I bid you a great day. I have some stinky rags to get soaked, bleached and washed...
Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God
Good morning, starting of a lovely day it seems. Sun shining brightly and just 60 degrees at present. Nothing much other than the usual happening today. I did get middle son to start getting estimates on 2 of his rental houses for one metal roof, one vinyl siding and guttering for both. Decided he wasn't going to get around to it so I would just pay for it. Then the youngest wants a muscle car so I'll get that for him to even the score. Decided they might as well have the money now as wait for it as part of their inheritance. Also I see the properties from my office all day long. So, I will get a nicer view out of it!
Good Morning, not sure when the last time I checked in was. Same old stuff here. Had a little talk with myself, seeing all the flooding and stuff going on, told myself that others are going through worse. I think today is the only day that there isn't something going on with Dr.s I go tomorrow for a back X-ray for SS. Funny when I didn't have coverage or Dr care they just told me NO. Now I have records (x-rays, MRI, etc ) and they are sending me for more test because they don't have enough evidence??? Between the appointments and rain don't know when I'm going to get stuff out for a yard sale.
Morning allIt's my day off! YAY!
Sharon, Erin seems to like school a bit better this year - thank GOD!
The big news is that Turd checked himself out of the rehab hospital in GA and hitchhiked all the way home and arrived Saturday night late. What an idiot. Erin told me "Mom, he's gonna die". And I told her how sorry I am. After all, he's still her Dad.
Just finished raking the yard and am about to hit the shower. Y'all have a good 'un!The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.
Drugs have a strange hold on people I know how hard it was to quit smoking years ago can't even begin to imagine the hold drugs has on people...feel bad for Erin she has that worry...shame on him. I am so glad Erin seems to like her school a bit better this year, hope it continues...make sure to ask each day how her day went, what teachers she likes, what subjects interest her, etc., etc...even though they hate to answer questions, later on in life they will remember how much you cared...BTDT...
Son is back to work today so I have the house to myself. Sierra starts classes today so I will be hearing from her. Or not...evidently we have been the cause of some sort of dissatisfaction in her life. We never know. She did not go yesterday and missed a wonderful day. The 2 year old sat next to me and talked and talked and talked. A few words I understood but not many...when I ask a question I always got an answer in some strange baby language. My sister and I just enjoyed her commentary so much although we never did figure out what got 'smashed'. I have never seen a 2 year old with this type of language smart. My Scott was a very early talker but this little girl has him beat! The three little ones were in the pool with their grandpa when we got there but the rest of us sat and ate. Seems everyone brought a dip and we ended up having a very late lunch. May be our last pool outing for the season and Jon is even talking with this colder weather snap about closing up the pool. I need to plan some meals for the week and drag out the ole crock pot. Tomorrow I am having my knee checked again. I managed to aggravate it this summer and it has not improved with time. My balance is bad enough without a limp! We have a lot of fall trips and gatherings planned and I need my legs. Scott said his plant is talking a family day and plant tours. Andrew has been asking how ice cream is made so I want to take him. Staunton is having a balloon glow in a couple of weeks and that will be in a field, we always go to the Yule cabin in the fall and check out the ornaments after lunch at Lamberts. Apple picking time is almost here and we make a day of that. Then there is our girls Christmas shopping trip and sometimes we make it a weekend affair...all of which require walking. Plus Disney next summer...I must get my legs back!! Why is it Mother Nature does not consult with us when she decides to move us into our golden years. The mind and spirit are still saying LET"S GO but the body is saying WHOA! Well, beleive it or not, my nose is cold in this house. It is suppose to warm up into the 80s but who ever heard of 60s in August? But it will cut the air conditioner bill...but then again it is August for crying out loud!!! Maye so sorry about the shingles. I have heard they are absolutely miserable. Hope you got good meds and it is a light case. Rotten potatoes...oh my, but I do think women were given better noses than men. Rotten potatoes, leaking gas valves, dirty diapers...yep, women were given better noses than men! Happy cool but sunny morning from here.
Good morning, all. Still sunny in CA but a friend posted pics of rain in the mountains. Not too far away.
Nothing much going on here.
Rotten potatoes are one of the stinkiest things there are.
Everyone have a good day. Gotta get my stuff together for re certification on my apartment.
Good morning!
Before I forget your question, Sharon:
6 kids now that the two school kids are back in school.
Baby 9 months old. 2 year old boy, 2 1/2 year old girl. 2 3 year old girls and 1 4 year old girl.
I love these 70* mornings! I could do way more work than I have time for. I overslept also this morning.
My grandsons in Maryland start school today. Having a routine and friends is gong to be great for them.
Hope you all have a good day!
happy mid morning ..
Maxie, you heard right..the shingles Hurt... ...not a constant pain. but stabs of pain. and the skin where the red pimples are is so sensitive. ,,clothes rubbing, touching the area...I have not had the fever with it (yet).. and the little area of red spots have stayed small. ( so far).. hey,,,,you all can say CHRISTMAS as much as you want to and be forgiven if this will just dry up and leave.. Called my PCP Dr.. to see if they are getting any of the reports from the ER and The FasterCare.. and Yes, they were there.. I wanted to know if I needed more pain meds. could I Call and get them.. Nurse ,Laurie,( my favorite who recognized my name and voice.!).ordered to my pharmacy... yes.... looks like this is going to be another week of misery.... and That is not my kind of life....... btw....the visit to the orthopedic Dr. and the shot into the knee is working le lu lia!.
was wanting to go to Aldis this morning but decided I did not need anything that badly .. will finish up the one load of laundry and then find a spot to hide in... my Caregiver can figure out something to eat for himself..I still have a serving of rice soup for me..Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.
Good morning. My brain isn't totally in gear yet. Boy, did we oversleep this morning. We did come home in the rain, surprisingly. I have said for a long time, if there's ever another Great Flood, I'll sleep right through it. I seem to sleep best when it rains.
Had a great weekend. Friday was our day to veg out and just relax there. Saturday we had a bit of breakfast, then later met up with middle DD had her DDs for was their breakfast, as it turned out. She's a major cat lover, so we gave her a meowing cat skeleton for Halloween (early) and some cookbooks. After which E dropped me off at the bridal shower. I played the first couple of games, but the rest were out of my league so I watched. It was fun, there was much laughing. Only 2 young men were there, GS and someone's cousin. So when the gals grabbed a partner to make a wedding dress out of toilet paper, GS was the model. The other guy was a "designer" fo one of the girls. There were 4 models altogether. One gal was wrapped in the kitchen, but I don't think they quite finished with her. My vote went to the guy and gal who finished on time with a short dress, a veil, plus shoes. Poor GS was too buff to carry off the wedding dress properly, but had a fairly complete "dress" til the fake "boobs" fell off. Then the brides older sister was a model, too. They didn't quite finish the skirt on the dress, didn't get a veil either, much less shoes. The dress was good for some stripper type dancing, which she did (without actually stripping it off). She got the rest of the votes, though. Both designers and models got prizes, though. It was one of the funniest things I've seen. I got my DD to get her bride to open gifts before everyone left. I had a book on making artesian breads, which I didn't wrap. I put an elastic cord/bow around 2 corners and slipped the card with a very nice check in it between the cord lines. She looked perplexed if not disappointed to get the book. (She will probably find use for it with Russian/Israili in-laws). We told her to open the card, and her eyes popped when she saw the check. She was speechless, and very happy. [Considering she put herself through medical school, picked the job she wanted for that job, and is continuing her education, this will ease her mind between concerns of her wedding and educational needs.]
Her in laws bought her the biggest Kurig coffee machine there is, I think. Neither bride nor groom drink coffee, or even like it. But the in laws do. (As she quietly complained to me.) I quietly told her that sometimes you need to keep certain things on hand for frequent guests, like her in laws, her mom, her grandpa.....etc. she said , " yeah, you're right grandma".
Oh, BTW, everyone at the shower called me Grandma. Nearly everyone came to say or hug me goodbye at the end of the party. I didn't expect that.
Breakfast with our friend on Sunday. She still learns stuff through people about medical treatments, considering she is a nurse par excellence. She calmed some of my anxieties with stuff she has learned through her husband's similar illness.
Then afterwards we went to younger DD's home S of Phx, gave her a dog skeleton that barked, as she's a dog lover. Stayed too long...E talks over me a lot so I didn't get much of my conversation in. But when we arrived there, my worst nightmare step out of the car and my colostomy pouch burst. Fortunately we had the emergency pouch kit, and I had a change of clothes left in the suitcase. So getting cleaned up and changed was the main thing when we got there. 😱
Boffler, I see parallel things in our lives (yours & mine) that are much alike. Scary. But interesting as all get-out. Not the potato part, though. 😄
Pat, that's so sad for Erin to have to go through. But I hope she uses that in positive ways.
Maxie, is it that cool there already? Gives me a bit of hope for autumn. I'm tired of the heat here.
Well, E is making breakfast. I want eggs but not feeling like cooking. So he offered.
I'll be enjoying a nice, sunny day, probably still in the 90's. And appreciate that Mother Nature gave us rain here while we weren't home. At least we got rain and the trees will be happy.
Have a great day, everyone,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Create a beautiful day wherever you go.
Jo sounds like a very interesting, yet very fun shower....yes our lives are very similar, I always travel with extra clothes, an extra Depends, and clean up wipes and small trash bags...just for the bottom half...yes similar, but you a lot more serious, and a lot more going on with health issues...I swear if we gave into it we would soon go down hill fast, that is why a positive attitude is necessary..hard to keep at times, but needed..and we are alike in the fact that we have hubby's that would, and do, all they can for us...
Good Afternoon all! My feet hit the floor running & I'm just now getting a chance to sit down for a few minutes.
Yesterday was super productive. Cleaned Blaise's room to my satisfaction even though he cleaned it the day before. At least I didn't have as much to pick up. Finally boxed up & put away the cardboard "bricks" that have been stashed under his bed. No more! Laundry got done & put away. Then onto the kitchen. Made a pot of chicken rice soup & spinach tomato pasta both per Corky's request. Made myself some barley bake...YUM! Made a fruit salad & peach pie for cards last night. Corky cleaned up the kitchen. Oh...also finally cooked, cut off, & froze the corn from the 2 doz Lew gave me the day before.
This morning I had Sue coming and I wanted to have my first round of pies in the oven before she got here. Ended up making 22 pies today. Not all for the stand though. One of them is a fresh peach pie I'm taking to a party at my friend Lori's per request. Lew gave me a bushel of apples, so I made several plain apple pies & several apple raisin pies. Lew & his friend Ed both LOVE apple raisin pies, so he ordered one for each of them. Whatever, he's the boss.
Have a good one all!
Aloha all!
Boffler, I had a good laugh at the potatoes. I've had that happen and know how awful it can be. One potato can do it. Also onions smell really bad when they go bad too.
Maye, it sounded like the nurse called in to the pharmacy to get some meds for you shingles. Have you gotten them yet. Seems to me you need more then pain killers. That pain can be excruciating.. Hope you start getting over it soon. I still get twinges now and then in that area. of my left shoulder.
Hot and humid here. We did have a little rain earlier and I went walking in it. We have a type of rain here in Hawaii sometimes that I think drifts off from a heavier rain elsewhere. You don't get wet really it just cools you off. Love it.
Have a good day all!