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  • Wed.17..Aug..

    Good morning everyone..

    Rise and shine..

    Need another cup of coffee..

    We had the lighting last night..It is bad...

    Another day of rain...And everyone have nice day..
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  • #2
    Good morning Sassy, and everyone else who opens our cyber door.

    Up early as I woke up and felt like I had had enough sleep. If I lay in the bed, my back starts to hurt. I'd be like Sassy's graphic this morning. I'd rather not "feel so alive".

    Today is the trip to T.H. with E. and V. Am looking forward to it to seeing my little gal in action. She has started living with her daddy and step-mother. The step-mother has 2 girls which V. falls in the middle, as far as ages are concerned. According to V. the two girls are a little mean to her. Have never known V. to lie, so I believe V. is having a hard time living with her daddy. I sure hope her dad "steps up to the plate" and helps V. to adjust to her new environment.

    I will get my new septic system put in next Tuesday. The guy called me last night with the quote and I gave the O.K. So I will be going to the Lake again next week, which will make me going 3 weeks in a row. Anything to not make me go to the "outhouse".

    That's about it for me today so I wish all have a good day.
    Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      I don't remember you telling me about V going with her Father...I pray it works out also, she has had such good care with E... Hope all goes well in the septic system install...I do not like outhouses at all..

    • jostoy
      jostoy commented
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      Boff, this only happened last week that she went to live her daddy.

    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
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      Jostoy,Sound like me..It feel like i took a cat nap..I had that last night..I had terrible back spasms..Thank-you

  • #3
    Good morning...fell to sleep before 9 last night..and cori was very well behaved and actually let me sleep til 5. Please say prayer for Cori...she may need an emergency trip to the vet mom is going to call her vet while I am at work...she has an eye iritation of some sort...we think that we may have accidently smacked her in the face with her feather toy while playing with her or she did it to herself...It doesn't look to bad but not clearing up enough for us to not seek reassurance...

    Work today..hoping it goes fast and I don't miss my bus...I missed the first one yesterday and had to wait another hour after getting off work to get a ride home....I think it will go fast we have a huge sale today..after work I am scheduled for a hair cut...and dinner out with friends this evening.


    • #4
      Good Morning

      hello earlybirds... I was up about 5am .. but got busy with paper work.. and loading the washer.. and a dozen little odds and ends I do every morning ...

      yesterday was a good day... Got to spend approx. 3 mins. with the new othrpedic Dr.. his staff had xrays done. paper work all filled out. questions all answered... he read that in the hall ,came in.. put xrays up to show me my knees.. I have osteoarthritis but not looking bad.. he said lots of options open.. I told him this was an evaluation appt. so when a knee crashes on me.. super pain. etc.. I would already be a Patient.. shook my hand and sent the tech in to give me shots.. did apologize for short visit.. running an hr late on appts.. I liked him real well.. shots did not hurt and already the knees are not hurting .. tummy is feeling better too.. some of the tummy stuff is probably due to Stress...

      Left David here alone.. He went out and swept out our huge double and1/2 garage.. sweeping motions really bad for sciatia people.. he moaned and walked terrible all evening .. more stress..

      see you later... dryer beeper is yelling at me.
      Hi Sassygirl. love the picture
      Hi Jostoy.. Hey, I have an honest to goodness "thundermug" here .. was my Grandmothers. better than wetting down the bushes..
      Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


      • boffler
        boffler commented
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        Maye the news was actually pretty good, keep taking that Vit D...glad you got a shot and some relief...yes stress is a killer on my gut for sure and it sets off all kinds of trouble...

      • sassygirl01
        sassygirl01 commented
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    • #5
      Morning all

      Woke up at 2:45 this morning with severe stomach cramps. Took about 30 minutes for it to subside - then I fell back asleep on the couch and didn't wake up until almost 5am!

      Didn't post last week - had my annual evaluation at work and was very unhappy. My manager failed to put ANY of the accomplishments I had done on it and only recommended a 3% raise (which the board approved - big whoop). So I stewed on it for a few days and put together an email to my boss stating all of my accomplishments and asking that he forward it to the board (in hopes they will reconsider and give me a larger raise). But even if the raise doesn't happen, I wanted them to know that I had made a super effort to better myself in the workplace and to make this a better business by saving them money and labor wages. My boss finally sent it to the board yesterday - I am waiting for any response.

      So I'm out of my blue funk and back on the treadmill. My co-worker, Susan, is on vacation all this week and I pretty much am in charge of the office all day.

      Erin starts back to school tomorrow and she's actually looking forward to it. She's gotten into the Pokemon Go game and has been down to the local marina a couple of times with friends playing it. It makes me happy to see her out of the house and engaging herself.

      Paula - I got your profile pic installed.

      I'm off to grab some coffee and get this office rolling. Y'all have a good 'un.
      The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


      • boffler
        boffler commented
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        Pat I know that 'funk' of which you speak, have seen hubby go through it so many, many times.....I call it the 'brown nose raise'!! They always seem to be the ones that get the most and do the less. At least you are standing up for yourself, my hubby did that one time and the next thing you know his position was being eliminated and we were on our way to IL!! It was either that or no job...

      • cookielady
        cookielady commented
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        Good to see you back. Good for you for sticking up for yourself. Hope they respond positively.

    • #6
      Good Morning to all...

      Sassy, love the graphic and so true...
      Beth, hope the kitty gets some eye drops and will be just fine..
      jostoy, enjoy your trip today.

      Nothing much on y agenda, Crohn's is causing me a little bit of trouble, I hate running a temp and the dreaded 'chills'!! Just staying in comfy clothes, taking Tylenol and lots of water...get my Remicade infusion tomorrow which will be a big help...
      Going to make some potato soup today, easy on the gut, and easy on other areas as well, and it is warm...
      Have a great day one and all...I'm not complaining, just taking it easy.

      Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


      • Pat B
        Pat B commented
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        Oh Sharon. It's always something with Crohn's, isn't it? I hope the Remicade helps immediately!

      • sassygirl01
        sassygirl01 commented
        Editing a comment
        boffler,thank-you so

    • #7
      Good Morning! OK...enough rain already.

      Yesterday was good. Sue arrived and started right in on rolling out pie dough. I made a large german choc pie that was ordered and 2 carrot cakes that I put in the freezer naked for future orders from the restaurant. I then started rolling dough too & we had all of it rolled out & in the freezer by noon. Amazing! After lunch Blaise & I ran errands the Pittsburgh way and picked up my order from the bakery supply place. I hope I've got everything I need for a while. Came home and baked the 6 pies for the stand. Business has slowed down big time and I think it's because of all this rain. Last week I was making 12 pies each day & they were selling out.

      This morning after delivering the pies, Blaise & I are heading into Butler to grocery shop. I have to pick up all the needed groceries for the homeless shelter dinner we are preparing for on Saturday. I made up 72 hamburger patties a couple weeks ago & they are in the freezer. I had HOPED to grill them, but if it doesn't quit raining, that's not going to happen. Will come home & bake a few pies. I have one lady coming after she gets off work later this afternoon for a fresh baked peach pie. Now that's the way to do it. Need to do some laundry too.

      Have a good one all!


      • Pat B
        Pat B commented
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        Donna - I searched in my files and I can't find that German chocolate pie recipe. Would you mind re-posting it in the kitchen?

      • cookielady
        cookielady commented
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        I posted it in the kitchen. I've tweaked the recipe a bit from the original one I found on FB.

    • #8
      First day of school today. Andrew was here yesterday and when i sat supper out he ate like a pig. Then he and his dad went to the pool. To cool for me, in fact it only suppose to be in the 70s for this weekends pool party. Hope my sister is far enough south that it is warmer than predicted for here. Sierra texted early this morning and she is sick. Some type of summer cold I expect but she is one that gets sicker than anyone her mind anyway. Jon is past a year with no medical bills paid, thank you very much governor, and she and mommy dearest keep running up medical bills for stupid colds and other petty crappola. Can you imagine a state that does not allot money for it's employees medical expenses? This governor will not budge until the unions are broken. I am getting a hair cut this morning and boy do I need a couple of inches cut off. Never did get hold of the salon for my pedi. Yesterday I truly did nothing but fix a meal. Today I will do some running and probably not much else. Think I have the end of summer/start of school blues. Why did summer fly by so fast? Seems it was just May! At least sun is shining this morning....


      • #9
        Good Morning.

        No No No. Never enough rain. We are on day 3 and rejoicing. Grass is green again, cattle and equipment have had a great bath. Excellent!

        Crazy day yesterday. Took John to hospital at 7a for blood transfusion. Came home and got myself ready for my annual bloodwork. Went to my doc, stopped by the market, came home and garage door would not go up AND I don't have a key to any of the other doors. So I sat in the car for awhile and then decided to just go to the hospital, but on the way past niece Nancy's house, I had to tinkle, so I stopped there.

        Frank wanted to come see about the door, but he couldn't budge it. So by noon John called and I picked him up. We got in the house and he looked at the problem. Spring broken. He has 2 sets of spare springs stored but of course he cannot do that kind of work anymore, so he called the overhead garage door place and they are supposed to come this morning. Fingers crossed.

        Do today I have a newsletter to do and I need to begin on the Retired Teachers Handbook. Fun. Fun. Fun.

        Better get busy. Have a great day!


        • #10
          Good morning.
          I slept in a bit today. Woke with night sweats a couple of times.

          Yesterday the white fluffy clouds spent the day joining together, eventually forming a huge dark cloud. Nothing happened til well after sundown, and for about 45 minutes or so we had lightning. Just lightning. Today is forecasted to be sunny & clear, but starting tomorrow it's the 20% chance of rain for a few days, as temps drop from 100° back to the 90's. 🌵

          We did go to the movies yesterday. Saw Meryl Streep in the role of an opera singer, Hugh Grant as her devoted husband. The guy who plays Wallowitz on The Big Band Theory was her piano golly, I think the guy really plays the piano, and very well! A funny and tragic movie. Meryl Streep always plays her roles perfectly.

          Not much going on today. Maybe a trip to the hardware store (love their kitchen items...and the baby chicks)!
          I'm losing stamina again, walking about. Occasionally finding my balance wobbled again. But through next week I'm not being treated for anything. That leaves me nervous. But nothing I can do til the docs figure out what to do. And I'm wondering about the med I was suppossed to take "for the rest of my life"? The results of that has already been shot. Will next week's biopsy tell more than the obvious....that the red cells have quit production? Why do we have to wait so long for procedures and answers? Oh well. All in good time. Hoping nothing screws up in the meantime. Don't stress, we only fight ourselves when we do.

          Well, you all look pretty busy to me. Will finish my pineapple muffin from Mimi's, and my tea. Muffin ain't so tasty as expected. 😝

          Have an excellent day.
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • #11
            Oh, what a beautiful morning! School now has started throughout the county and it's just me and my little brood of 6. No other Boss than me.
            Pat, first: thank you for All the technical help. Second: wouldn't you think the Board would want to keep their bookkeeper happy? I hope they pay attention to your email!
            I have a ham in the crockpot...trying a pin and hoping it works. I just can't watch it in the oven and the recipe I found is from one of my favorite food bloggers.
            Boffler, my niece is doing a semester as a Disney intern and couldn't find a doctor in the area (?!) for her infusion treatments, so she flues home to MN for them. So far, she is doing well.
            Hate to leave you all so soon, but kids are all here now and I want to get the schedule started.
            Hope your day goes without a hitch!

