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  • Tuesday..16.Aug..

    Good morning everyone

    Rise and shine..

    Maye...Where are you???I got the coffee nice and "HOT"...All you have to bring it is the donuts..
    They say it might rain..Just get the roads wet..
    And it only....6: 45 am...Back to the salt

  • #2
    Good Morning, looks like we got more rain overnight, not complaining by any means, even though FL LS are getting hit really bad, can't believe all the flooding and misplaced people and families...

    Left early for my Drs. appt. in MI yesterday, changing my Remicade infusion schedule, will now get it every 5 wks. instead of every 8 wks. will try that for about 4 infusions and see if it seems at about 5 wks. I start having problems, even though I told her my quality of life this year has been so much better she wants to try for even better, and if that doesn't do it, maybe add another med...Have many phone calls and appts. to make today to get this done right, I do not want another scope down the throat so hoping the gastro Dr. that did it last month made a video and can share it with the other gastro person. Need blood work, need to find out which pneumonia shot I received, etc., etc...much to get done today.

    Maxie, was so sorry you didn't get any birthday cake, I love the story about the train(s) those memories last a life time.

    JoG, my hubby is really bad about leaving things behind at motels, mainly because he hangs things on the back of the bathroom door or on the side of the bed opposite of the door so he doesn't (see) them when he does his last look before he closes the door and walks down the hallway.

    Wonder if it is raining in IL where jostoy has her camper? She so wanted a new septic system in..

    Sassy I can only handle one cup of coffee a day, but a piece of toast with preserves sounds really good.

    Donna so very proud of Becca, she has learned you work for what you want and if someone helps or gives you something it is a gift, not something to be 'expected'...she learned a lot from you and actually from Kathy also, from you good work ethic, from Kathy, what she doesn't want to be...

    Well time to get this day started...

    Even though it is dreary outside I am loving it because we need the rain so desperatley...about time to go shopping for some mums for my flower pots on each side of the garage...I think Mums are so pretty.

    Smile your on candid camera...

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
      Editing a comment
      I am just one cup of cofee too..Homemade jelly...

  • #3
    Good Morning!

    Yesterday was good. Sue arrived at 9am and we worked steady until she left at 1pm. Got dough all made for the week and some of it rolled out and I got all the peaches made into filling for at least 22 pies. Decided to make a pot of chicken rice soup for supper since I was out of any creative ideas for supper. It tasted great. After dinner we went down to the pool. While down there Lew called and decided to order 8 pies for today, so I got those done during the evening. While the peach pies were baking, I made cherry filling & mixed berry filling and that's what the last 4 pies were.

    This morning Sue is coming again for 4 hrs. My goal is to have her finish rolling out the dough into crusts and I plan to bake a German Choc pie for an order and make 2 carrot cakes for the freezer. I'll help roll dough too. It feels good to get ahead of the game. Later on I'm either going towards Butler and picking up my supplies for Sunday's homeless shelter dinner or going the other way and picking up my bakery supply place order. Time will tell.

    Have a good one all!


    • #4
      Good morning...cori is a bad bad bad kitty or my dad is a bad bad daddy...I would say the must have shut her out of the tv room last night when he went to bed so she was in bed with me every hour wanting me to get up and play...needless to say I am starting my day with a an exausted this morning...who knows what this afternoon..

      My parents are still here I came home from work to find mom going through pictures sorting them into piles for my sister and I to go through...We had a wonderful delicious made hamburger Fajitas...a favorite of mine...then mom my sis and I went through more passed all my grandma hoffman's recipies to my sister and I. I think that I am going to let my sister have most of the originals and make copies of the ones I want to is something called lemon delight..I may actually make that today. or brownies or something I am in the mood to bake.

      Work is still going well..I still like it...have figured out that I don't like Mondays


      • #5
        Good morning everyone.

        Still raining here. I checked the rain gage when I got home yesterday afternoon, and it had 4.8 inches of rain in it. I would imagine that we now have at least 5 inches or more by now. My gage doesn't hold anymore than 5 inches so if it's spilling know what that means.

        It rained the whole time I was at the Lake. The septic guy did come out and probed for a tank and never found one. It was just as I suspected, only tile ran out from the concrete pad. He will get the cost of supplies then call me with a quote. He will put the tank close to the concrete pad and then run the tile at least 45 feet towards the field running at an angle to miss where I park behind the camper. Right now I have a 10' length of sewage hose stretched to the limit. So it will be nice to have an operable and proper sewage system in place.

        Today I'll clean the house a bit, then tomorrow I am taking E. and her GGD to T.H. The GGD wants to go to toys-r-us and E told her that the toys were expensive so GGD said she'd take her money and E's. I thought that was funny coming from a 5 year old. I'm afraid V. will have an awakening when she starts to school in 2 weeks. She has always been protected and taught to be very kind. Even though she will be going to a Christian school, kids can be so cruel. I told E not to be surprised if V. comes home with some naughty words.

        Time to get me some breakfast. Everyone have a great day.
        Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


        • #6
          flying by.... have an Orthopedic Dr. appt... with a guy who specializes in Knees... just want an evaluation ... get started so when the day comes that one of the knees decide to really lock or Im in such pain I will be established with a Dr. ... Sister is going with me.. and then we will have lunch..her belated birthday treat... David better BEhave while I am away.... grrrr. see you all later.

          Donuts were supposed to have been delivered to your house SassyG.... ..UPS Guy didn't show up yet?.... will check on that!
          Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


          • sassygirl01
            sassygirl01 commented
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            Maye,I know what happen..The UPS went next door..He miss my house...By two houses.
            OH FUDGE>>lol..We will try next time...

        • #7
          Good morning, all.
          Another regular day in the 🌵 desert. The sun seems to be slow climbing over the mountains this morning, but there will be sunshine enough, 100°, plus monsoon humidity.
          E has an appointment this morning. I plan to stay home, maybe wash my hair and try to tame it. He may want to see a movie or something this afternoon....fine with me if he still feels that way after being in the heat. My muumuus are a godsend in this weather.

          Like Boffler, I think toast with preserves will suit me fine this morning. I have Earl Gray tea, Hot. 😉
          Cookie, your day sounds like another busy one, yet again. But yummy!
          Beth, do you have a kitty tote for Cori? Some people put over-active pets in their tote/cage overnight. Eventually the pets modify their behavior, and learn to settle down. Easier with dogs, but it works with some cats as well. Can cats take valerium???😼
          Jostoy, my uncle (slightly older than me), my cousin and all her friends, even my dad, all attended Catholic schools. I know they all are "different" than us parochial kids. They all come out with a "harder" attitude. My uncles tricks on others could be cruel; I'd nearly jump out of my skin because he'd sneak up on me a lot, and I cried when he broke my toys. Uncle & Dad were careful of public words and behavior; my cousin and friends had a lot of filthy ideas and comments about priests/nuns. I was thankful of not having to attend those schools. My cousin did steal some of my toys and other belongings...lipstick, money, possibly clothing (but I had a lot), jewelry. Her brother stole game pieces from my games. I learned to take them on long walks when they visited. I hope it won't be hard on V. 👧🏻
          Maye, you almost ran me down! E also has problems with his knees, especially the one they had to deal with the miniscus. I don't think they did his knee properly. If it gets to where he needs it treated again, I hope better doctors are available. Hope yours is more helpful and helps against the pain.

          Well, my brother had to have eyelid surgery. BTDT. I don't remember any significant pains with mine. His lady sure does pamper him, though.
          E's only surviving brother is in rehab, still, after breaking his hip. He's finally responding to treatment. But he's not yet ready to function at home on his own. His wife is wheelchair bound with arthritis, and either one of the kids or an aid is with her at any time, day or night.
          Oh, Lordy, may I never get that dependent.

          So that's life in my little world today.
          Hope you all have a great day!
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • #8
            gloomy but haven't cared enough to look out and see if it is raining. Just don't care. I cleaned and caught laundry up yesterday and do not have a thing to do today. I could probably find something but why go look? I woke with a headache and think I will just do whatever today. You all seem to be busy and have errands to run, doctors to visit but I am taking the day off...


            • jostoy
              jostoy commented
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              Maxie, I've cleaned my house already and baked some cinnamon apple muffins while I had breakfast. Guess what I'm doing the rest of the day...that's right, taking the day off. Sounds better than looking for something to do.

          • #9
            Good morning!
            Off and running but enjoying the day. It will be hit again, but thankfully, the morning starts off in the 70's so that is when I hustle to get the floors, bathrooms and general cleaning done.
            A friend came by last evening and mowed my lawn. He had the blades lower than my previous lawn care guys and I love how it looks. Now to see if the other friend tunes up the yard sale mower and brings it over, but no matter what, just seeing the lawn last night convinced me I made the right decision.
            Spencer videoed the huge thunderstorm yesterday in Md, . Hope you guys getting the storms stay out of Harm's way.
            Well, today is well on its way. Kids are bouncing balls, baby is next to me eating and I need to get myself going.
            Hope you all have a great day!


            • #10
              Aloha all!

              Everyone seems to be functioning properly today except maybe Beth's kitty.

              All is going well here.

              Maye, that is good that you are seen an orthopedic surgeon and get your self established. Maybe he'll give you a shot in your knee to help with pain.

              Have a good day all!

