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Monday 8 Aug..

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  • Monday 8 Aug..

    Good morning everyone..

    What a storm last night.

    I am here..Need another cup of coffee...
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  • #2
    Good Morning, sassy and Everyone Who Drops By:

    Well, no storms here. Just heat and more heat. Everyone is sticking close to home.

    Nothing new here. Blood check for John this morning, so we do have to leave home, but we have no shopping to do.

    Hope you all get your week off to a great start. Hugs ~ ~ ♥ ♥ ♥


    • #3
      Good Morning....Sassy, sure wish we would get some of that weather, amazing how dead everything is around here, our yard is really stressed...leaves brown falling off of trees, etc.
      Elaine, hope the blood check has a good result..Not as much heat supposedly today for us, right now have the windows all open and it feels so good..
      My plans for the day are doing some laundry and then getting ready for a dentist appt. this afternoon...had a filling fall out last week, kept feeling like something was stuck in my tooth, had a toothpick and pushed on it and out popped the filling which has been there since the late 70's early 80's...front tooth no less...
      If the weekends are a preview of when hubby retires I may not be around in the mornings, LOL...he seems to throw me off kilter, will just have to learn a new norm for myself.
      We went to a car show and rib off over the weekend, 6 blocks of cars, I love Nova's and got to see a lot of them...hubby has a friend who runs the show and he has a corvette..
      Today will be leftovers for the hubby as I will probably won't be eating supper this evening..
      So onward and upward, need to call jostoy and see what the problem is...or she might just be busy...have to remember the hour time difference...
      Have a great day one and all..find a reason to be happy, think positive, not negative.. I put this on my Facebook page today, and it is how I truly feel about things..

      Sometimes people tend to think highly of themselves and their beliefs… too highly, actually. This can lead to looking down on other people and their decisions without even knowing it. In certain cases, some people’s egos go so far, they may intentionally want others to feel degraded. But, this is a false way to live and gain respect.
      To transform this, one must understand that each individual sets a different standard of how they want to live their lives – and that’s okay. We all have unique value and no one is better than anyone else. Respect that and honor others as you honor yourself.
      Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


      • sassygirl01
        sassygirl01 commented
        Editing a comment
        boffler,I would send some too you..Now we have too much..

    • #4
      Good Morning

      Hi Elaine,, try to stay cool.
      Hi SassyGirl. I' ll take a cup of coffee too.

      Family got home from vacation last evening about 9pm.. stopped here and picked up Dog, Fish and the Mail.. Shelby,dog, was so happy to see her family.. and my cat and I got a good nights sleep..... no more snoring beside the bed... She is a very good dog to dog-sit.. but poor kitty was not happy with her in the house.. family had a great vacation.. looked exhausted..

      have one quick trip out to library today.. ordered the newest book by Elly Griffiths and it is to be in today..

      have leftovers in fridge that need no extra cooking today. will be a great day to wash and hang out something.. think I will do the bedspreads.. will smell so good!.

      have a good day .be back later to read about your day
      Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


      • sassygirl01
        sassygirl01 commented
        Editing a comment
        Maye,All right...Someone have to bring the

    • #5
      Good Morning!

      Yesterday was good. I only baked 6 pies for the stand. I took 10 down at 9:30 and by the time I came back at 1pm with the fresh pies, they were all sold. Got to talk to a couple customers who had pie questions, gave them my card, and told them to call me and order the exact pie they want. Blaise & I went to Butler and had lunch at Arby's then onto Aldi's to grocery shop. Needed baking supplies. After I got pies delivered and groceries put away, I finally sat down and took a little nap & read some. Felt good. Came out to clean up the kitchen and saw the leftover cherry pie filling and decided to make a pie to take with me to cards. My brother was excited! We had a nice evening of cards & food.

      This morning I have to make 6 loaves of cottage cheese bread for a customer who called last week & ordered it. I'm not delivering any pies to the stand "day off". After the bread is done I'm going to start working on the 2 crates of peaches and make filling out of them. Slow but sure. I want to squeeze in a trip to Ambrose's farm stand. They have some different stuff than Lew's. Will have to cook my husband a nice dinner so he has some leftovers.

      Have a good one all!


      • #6
        Morning all - it's a quiet Monday (so far) in tourist land.

        Rain, rain, and more rain - we are told to expect 6-8 inches between today and Friday. Bah! Like Donna, I need sunshine!

        Need to mow the backyard, but it looks like a lake and will be too wet for a while.

        I'm off to open the office and grab another cup of coffee. Y'all have a good 'un!
        The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


        • #7
          Good morning...Heading out on the bus to see what kind of trouble I can find...headed to do some Thrift store shopping...a trip to schnucks...lunch out...and walmart...I may or may not make muffins today..If I do make muffins it will be a double batch and take half of them to my sister and her family.


          • #8
            Good morning!
            Doesn't look like we had overnight rain, but the humidity is up to 65%, and it should be 100° out come afternoon.
            I don't have muffins on hand, so I grabbed an Eggo and put red plum jelly on it. And a cuppa tea. ☕️ I'm set for now.

            E will call the AFB this morning to see about getting my new military ID card. I'm cutting it close because I'd forgotten all about it. That's our only plan for today.

            Wednesday morning I start the chemo routine again. It's a 2-wk thing, but afterwards I'm halfway through it. It already seems like forever, so I'll have to be reminding myself it's only half of "forever".
            Got my bone density scan results. I definitely have osteoporosis. On the outside I'm looking okay, but oh heavens, reading all my test results makes me feel like I'm coming apart inside. Chemo isn't helping matters. So what's keeping me upright? 😱

            Elaine, I hope John's blood test shows good results!
            Sassy, enjoy the coffee.
            Sharon, self-righteousness leads to Pride, which is not a good thing; it ruins one in the end. As for retirement, it takes some adjusting to. You'll find your own routines. What's hard (for me) is when hubby has to "take over" what have been traditionally "my areas" but I got over that and he's gotten in the habit of waiting on me. I have to tell him I can do this or that again. Or I won't, and will enjoy the extra attention. 😈
            Maye, home is no longer a Kennel Club, or whatever! Nice!
            Cookie, always cooking!
            Hi Pat. My DD is in the Orlando area for the apartments' committee meetings. Anxious to hear her results.
            Beth, muffins sound good. So nice of you to share!

            To everyone, have a great day.
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


            • #9
              Good Morning, don't know how the SS appointment went. This Dr seemed a lot different than the last 2 I saw. Much friendlier and seemed to take more time. The only thing he did say was that yes alzhiemers runs in families (is gentic) when I mentioned that I worry about not being able to remember dates etc. That since 5 of my Dad's aunts and 2 of his sisters all had it then I may be at greater odds of it, but on the bright side I'm still "young" for it to be setting in.yesterday was a bust. He got up and told me "let's run over so you can see Annie before you leave" well we stopped at their usual haunt and they weren't there, So I thought he would run by their house, but no, we went up to the other bar and then came home. Today I have to call my PCP because he and I both forgot for him to write out my script for my Lyrica and it is one of those things that can't be called in. Hope I can call and then just pick it up at the office to take to CVS. Have to run to the store, fed the cats the last can of cat food this morning, which means since we are going to be out we will stop by Katies which means another day down the drain. Well just called the office and they will have it after 12.

              Boffler your saying is the way I was raised. Daddy always said "Your Granny always said You aren't any better than anyone else nor is anyone else better than you. You don't know their story and so you can't judge them, the only thing you can do is to show them the way" Basically that if someone hasn't been taught that stealing is wrong you have to show them that it is without judging them. Could be why looking back at my friends in school they ranged from the "hoods" to the Doctors kids.


              • #10
                Good Monday morning! Kids are here and all happy to see each other.
                New child won't be here until Wednesday, but that is ok. We are going to enjoy the last two days before the kindergartener goes off.
                I will check back later. Need to get the breakfast started for kids!
                Hope you all got something to energize your day!


                • #11
                  I'm late but have a good excuse. Andrew and his mother picked blackberries yesterday and I have been up eating cobbler. The only problem I have with eating cobbler in the morning is should I put ice cream on it or whip cream....since it was morning I went plain. Yummy!!! Then my sister called and we are going to St. Louis Wednesday to meet the movers and help arrange furniture. At the reunion my niece brought mom and daddy's cuckoo clock to Jon. It holds memories for them both since my dad always yelled at the two of them to stop playing with the chains. It never worked for her but she wanted him to have it. Well, he tinkered with it yesterday and sent her a video of it cuckooing and then him playing with the chains. She said it just went to show it had finally found the right home. So now the crazy thing is cuckooing every hour! I stopped the chimes on the regulator clock because two noisey things at night are enough! Jon is off getting his stitches out this morning and I need to shower and dress...maybe have a little cobbler for lunch. If I can keep the son out of it I might have enough left for supper. I LOVE blackberry anything. When they dropped off the berries yesterday we got Andrew and his stained shirt. He ran outside all afternoon and his shirt is soaking but I doubt it will come clean. Sierra buying her books this morning and is stopping by before work so I had better dress. No sun but no rain either.


                  • #12
                    Hi again.
                    Darla, do not worry about Alzheimer's. Stay as active as possible, and keep your mind active with good things. That should hopefully slow down the process IF you're going to get it. Okay? Concentrate on positive things. 😏
                    Periodically I read the Desidrata, and it gives me a sort of peace. I've had a copy for about 50 years now. I think that's where your Grandma got her words of wisdom, as it was published in 1927. I have posted it (again) in Subjects of Interest today. Do relax, take a deep breath, and read it.

                    Hi Paula. Sounds like you're having a good start to a good day!
                    Hi Maxie. Blackberry cobbler meals. Sounds good to me! 😉
                    Last edited by JoGee; 08-08-2016, 10:29 AM.
                    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                    • #13
                      Aloha all!

                      Jo, once you reach 75 you can get a permanent military ID card. Makes life a lot easier.

                      another hot muggy day here. Went early to pick up a med, get gas in the car, and pick up some stuff from Longs (CVS).

                      Have a good day all!


                      • #14
                        Great..... If I'm lucky, they'll skip the one year and issue it now. Probably depends on who's working? Some used to be more easygoing than others.
                        Oh, you can't just walk in and get it done any more. Ellis called to check, and I go in by appointment and confirmation number on Thursday morning. Fortunately my PCP appointment is in the afternoon. He accepted the appointment without checking the calendar date, or he looked at the wrong Thursday and thought I was all clear. Fortunately I was clear enough. *sigh*. I really do dislike going on the base. Finding the right street, cross street, and building number is confusing. Sometimes you get in the building, but to get to the right area you go around to another door and ask directions again. That DID happen once.

                        Thanks, Nalani, for the info. I'm glad to know I CAN get a permanent ID.
                        We don't hang out on base, so I'm not up to date on the info.
                        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

