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  • Wed..3..Wed..Aug.

    Good morning everyone..
    Rise and shine..

    Not to day..Another day..Of Spotty shower..

    I got my "NEW" washer yesterday..I am so happy..I had to the store in person..And find the Manager ask them where is the washer..

    I told them what happen..The person..I talked too had no people skills.At all..The Manager will little chat too him..

    Now going for shopping..Before the rain get here..
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  • #2
    Good Morning Sassy...that kitty is like the one that gets on my desk in front of me and since I have a touch screen his tail makes all kinds of trouble for me, LOL..Glad you got your new washer...sure it will get a workout..

    Was a sad but yet happy day yesterday, a friend of many years lost her battle with colon cancer only 63, they were a big part of my kids lives back in school days, my son and her daughter were boyfriend/girlfriend junior/senior years of school, and my daughter and her other daughter best friends...we all spent a lot of time together, was so good seeing all of her kids again and their children, so many nice hugs and the sharing of memories...but also so very sad...that big "C" word. The one thing I know about getting older, how time is fleeting and you lose those that have shaped or been part of your life and past..My kids all thanked me for representing our family in their time of sorrow..

    Had really good chicken fajitas last night, Kroger has the packaged fajitas chicken or beef, they are great, all you have to do is do your veggies...and when it comes off the grill slice them...we love fajitas.
    Don't have a clue about todays dinner, will look in the freezer and see what jumps out for me, LOL
    Need to get some birthday cards addressed and in the mail today.

    Bad news, since our daughter and family moved and are in a different school district the calendar school year is different and she got the school schedule yesterday and they don't get a fall break in Oct. so looks like our Disney trip will be cancelled, will lose some money on that for sure, but now we must decide when we can go, looks like next year as November is already big disappointment there..

    Well folks time to read the news and get my day started..

    Happiness is what you make it...SMILE
    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • jostoy
      jostoy commented
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      Seeing if I can post a comment since I can't make a post.

    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
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      Can't the kids just miss a little school? Take work with them?

    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
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      Boffler,Mine do that too..And right in front the screen..I bet that is trouble..I am so happy..For my washer.

  • #3
    Went and let the vampire have a couple vials of my blood, then on to Hardees to pick up our breakfast. Ate that and then made some ham salad for dinner. Did a wee bit of book work and am wiped out now. Time to lie back down. At least got that done and it is just 7:45. Son needed to run to Terre Haute to pick up a compressor as a customer has one out on their AC. Glad we did the blood work early as this humidity sure makes it rough with breathing problems.


    • #4
      Good morning!
      Yesterday there wasn't a speck of sunshine all day....hard to believe. Looks like the same for today, so far. There were obviously overnight showers, though. Today's forecast is for 50% chance of scattered showers, plus afternoon or overnight rain showers again. Can't believe the humidity is 89%! So it will only be in the mid-80's today; right now it's a cool 73°. Nice, except for the icky feeling of the air. The desert should soon be blooming with something or other. Many of the prickly pear cactus have many bright fruits awaiting harvesting.

      Yesterday I did 2 loads of laundry. Chopped veggies to make a great chicken veggie soup.
      Today, another load of laundry, plus coming up with a meal for when E gets home tonight. (Have to do some leftover magic".) He has a "fasting ultrasound" this morning, then needs to run to DD's in Phx to pick up my medical supplies he'd left at the hotel. Then home again with a stop at a grocery store, enroute.

      Oh yes, and I need to ask my doctor to change my blood thinner prescription. We've been trying to set up the delivery for it ---- which I object to anyway, since they deliver it from the midwest to here (consider our usually very hot weather, plus a metal mailbox that gets to 150°+) in non-A/C mail delivery vehicles!!! So far we have been trying regularly for 3 months to cooperate with the insurance. We get to where they have all our information in place, tell us it's being processed....then a week before delivery time they say they don't have the information in their records, or 6 other lame excuses. It's not good for our stress levels. E has started to go ballistic when the call or letter comes in about No Delivery. I've never seen his blood pressure so high, and him screaming into the phone something about "having to watch me die" because of their inadequacy to do their job. At the point, the quickest and easiest solution is simply to get the prescription changed to something else. It's ridiculous, really. I will be talking to the nurse who attempted to get it through the last time, too, to see what her experience was with them.

      Life has its ups and downs. We just have to deal with it.

      I'm glad you got your washer, Sassy. One less thing to worry about, huh? 😊

      Sharon, I'm sorry about your friend. Also about the Disney Trip having to be cancelled.
      Thanks for the reminder of birthday cards. I gotta get this month's greetings in order, too.

      To everyone, have a good day.
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • #5
        Good morning....lunch and movies with a small group of people from my activity group. We are going to see the Secret Life of Pets not sure where we will have lunch. They are picking me up around 1230.

        Cori just realized I am still home and not rushing around getting ready so she is now demanding that I pay attention to her!


        • #6
          good morning

          moving kind of slow..this morning ... interrupted sleep. David had got into a twist getting up to go to bathroom and then could barely walk so rescued him and got back into bed... was awake for almost 2 hours ....
          ..I have come to the conclusion I am married to a Mule... He does not take his pronged cane and leave by the bedside ,, nor does he put a glass of water with pain pill or tylenol., beside him on night stand.. needs reminder every day to take every pil...IF I take over these jobs . I will soon begin to feel He has reverted to childhood.. agggggg... poor man ,,, Im not a very good caregiver I guess.

          Had a great day yesterday at Donnas She made pies , I made 1 cup Shortening Balls for her.. and we talked and talked.. will have another day like that soon .. because she will get the 50# Lard box next trip to suppliers.. went to the farm stand where she delivers pies. and bought great corn on cob.. will get some more corn today so I can make little bags for in freezer.. plus I bought box yellow beans..will cook those today, cream sauce. yummmm..

          Sharon.. Nightstorm will hopefully see your SOS ... as he cruises through here.. if not , let me know or Email ,text KIM... cant' have Jostoy Missing!
          SassyG.. cute kitten... ahhh . how quick they grew into naughty cats!

          JoGee. so nice to read you are a busy lady these days... sounds good!.

          ok.. must get moving .. going on 10 and Im still in night clothes. yikes..
          Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


          • sassygirl01
            sassygirl01 commented
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            Maye,LOL...they sure do..They turn on that cute factor..Puss &Boots...

        • #7
          Good Morning!

          Yesterday was good. Since I didn't have a car for the day, Aunt J came & took me & my pies to the stand. She then came back over later & scooped shortening balls for me....50lbs of 1C scoops. I baked pies & rolled crusts while she scooped & we chatted a lot. Got the kitchen sort of cleaned up and then made dinner. It was waiting for us when we got home from the garage. Unfortunately they never got to his car, so he got a loaner. They weren't even sure where his car or keys were at. Came home, ate, cleaned up, and went for a short swim. We slipped a swim in during the afternoon too. Made a batch of blackberry pie filling & cherry pie filling.

          This morning Blaise had an 8am dentist appt, so I loaded the pies in with us and we dropped them off on our way home. He sent me home with 3 crates of ripe peaches. I know I have to bake at least 6 peach pies and we'll wait to the end of the day & see if they need anymore than that since they had 3 left from yesterday. Will squeeze some swimming in there somewhere. Leftovers for dinner. Becca comes home tomorrow night for 2 days. Doesn't look like she's going to get in her new apt this weekend....darn!

          Have a good one all!


          • #8
            What kind of peaches, Donna? Hope they are freestone, with all you have.
            Garbage day and the big truck has come and waiting for the recycling truck to come so I can get that bin off the street.
            Not much going on here, other than summer winding down. One school district starts next Wednesday and then the county schools start the following Wednesday.
            Hope you all have a good day!


            • #9
              Another day....have a bunch of laundry so should get up and get moving. Should change my bed and should find something to cook this evening...appears to be a lot of shoulds but I can already tell there will be more won'ts. Suffer from a lack of energy. No sun yesterday and this morning it has already sun keeps the heat down but I am ready for a full day of sun! My patient is moving around nicely. He is very independent and has been doing the steps and rummaging in the fridge. Today should be his worst day. Sierra says he snap chatted a picture of his bandage yesterday so he is feeling no pain. Then he showed me a patch on back of his knee that looks like poison ivy. He is so allergic we know how to doctor it but I need to run out for germX so he can keep his hands super clean. He reacts instantly so somewhere between the hospital, the car and getting inside the house he contacted poison ivy. Need to get moving and check on my patient and then shower and start the day. Guess I will do my running first. Sierra has a work picnic so will not be here this evening but I expect Andrew to come in to check on his dad. So darn sorry about that Disney trip!! I myself would be disappointed. Next summer we have one soon as Jon's vacation is set I will book for June. Ocotber would have been a perfect time weather wise but we have never gotten a fall school vacation. Love that place and am so disappointed for you. Peach pie sounds delicious! We had blackberry cobbler last week and it was wonderful. My bil finished off the last piece under so much ice cream it was a waste of flavor...Opps just saw the time. Happy Wednesday to all!!


              • sassygirl01
                sassygirl01 commented
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                Maxie,You too..It seem they like to grow over night..

              • determined
                determined commented
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                Maxie, I know this sounds silly but trust me it works. Jon needs to get a lead fishing sinker and put it on a chain around his neck. When I was small and had poison ivy so bad that my hands were swollen to where I couldn't feed myself, my Dad was telling someone he was working with and they told him about the lead sinker. From then on I didn't step foot out of the house without it on. The only times I got it ever after that was when I forgot to put it back on then being anywhere close to it I would be covered.