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Good Sunday morning...July 17th

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  • Good Sunday morning...July 17th

    Good morning everyone. Woke feeling very rested about an hour ago. Have had my shower and my hair is washed. Having my coffee as I type.

    Still have to study my lesson for Sunday School. Will do that as I finish my coffee. My energy hype.

    Yesterday I figured I'd save myself a $100. and wash my car so I could get all the road oil off. The road to the Lake was real oily during June. Usually that doesn't happen until late July or mainly in August. They never did lay a coat of chipped rock down so I guess everyone "used up" the oil on their vehicles. I know mine was in a bad mess. For those who think I'm not letting my back rest, I have an old desk chair that I use to sit and roll around on. That way I don't stay bent over doing things like that. Also cleaned the inside so it now looks like my car. Poor thing was thinking it was neglected, which it had been.

    Well I'd better get that studying done. Everyone have a wonderful day.
    Last edited by jostoy; 07-17-2016, 05:56 AM.
    Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.

  • #2
    Good Morning.

    Jo, nothing you do surprises me. Wish I had half your energy.

    We are going to church. Have not been there since February.

    Other than that, nothing new going on.

    Enjoy your Sunday.


    • #3
      Good morning....Yesterday was so nice...sad to see my friend go home..but my mom and dad have agreed that if she needs to get away and our schedules all line up then all she has to do ask and they will bring her too me! Neither of us won anything at the casino...we have decided we won't go to the casino the next she comes we are going to Old Town. We didn't do that this time it was too hot... After we lost our money we came home and watched the food network on tv for a few hours...we both agreed that we enjoyed that...then we had burgers for dinner and watched more tv trying to stay quiet so my mom could have a nap...we were worried about her...she isn't bouncing back like we all think she should...the problem is that she wants to go and go and go...then she suddenly is completely out of energy. Late yesterday evening we met my sister and her family and one of her nieces at the 1.00 theater close to my house...we saw Jungle was amazing awesome but a bit intense in parts...

      Today we are going to church this morning...having lunch out...going to my sisters for a bit..and packing up and going my parents..I am going with them this time and will stay for 4 days..I will have my tablet with me but mom and dad's wifi isn't the best so I don't know if I will make here every day..If I don't I will see you all Thursday evening..


      • #4
        Good Morning, nothing new here. Thought I checked in yesterday but guess I didn't. Called Maryann talked to her for a bit told her that I'm sure that Kenny is telling people that the reason he didn't get the taxes paid is because of me, you know he spends so much money on me because I'm so high maintenance. She told me that "everybody" knows that he spends very little on ME and have figured out when he says that "she had to have something" that it means that I tell him that we need things like toilet paper, dish soap, laundry detergent just basic household stuff, guess he wouldn't need those things if I weren't here. She gave me my birthday card and gift early since she didn't know when she would see me, made me tear up since I know that she doesn't have extra money, It was just a new cigarette case that she probably picked up at the dollar tree I told her that I really was happy with it, but she didn't have to get me anything but then my daughter keeps telling me "don't take away peoples joy, when they give you a gift it makes them happy to be able to give you something that you will like and use" but when you know that someone is scratching to make enough to have food and shelter then I worry about the fact that what they spend on me is taking away from them.


        • #5
          Good morning, peeps.
          It's a very "gray morning" here. Guess there is a halfway decent chance for some rain today. It's not quite 6:30, but it's 82° out (going to only 95° today)! 🌵
          No particular plans today. I wrote out some orders for tunic style tops today, also found a few items to put aside for "C".
          I need to look for pants I can wear, now. Even my stretch (exercise) pants have gotten baggy on me. I do have dress pants, but they will interfere with my colostomy bag. So I'll look at cheaper elastic-waist pants next. I really hate clothes shopping.

          I'm thinking it might be a good time to get our car cleaned and Simonized after this week, for protection from the weather. We aren't supposed to wash our cars in the driveways any more. We can get fined for water waste.

          Beth, you will never really "win" at casinos. Before they computerized the machines, you had a better chance of it. Once they computerized it and quit using the tokens, everything has changed. The machines are set so that the casino gets the bigger percentage, and the customer will leave with a small percentage they think they have "won back", if anything. We have a GD who does semi-annual inspections in Las Vegas, and told us how it all works now. I no longer find the casinos any fun.

          Darla, accept your gifts with a smile and appreciation. Your daughter is absolutely right. You are lucky to have a caring sister nearby. Will you still be staying with her soon? I hope Kenny has made his plans. You're in a pretty rough spot right now, but time and consideration should fix that.

          I'm sure by now some people have posted. My typing is slow this morning.
          To everyone I wish a great day. Please hope with me that today and this week bring the rain that's forecasted! 🌧⛈🌧
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • determined
            determined commented
            Editing a comment
            Jo, yes I will be going to live with my sister probably the middle of Aug, he said that I need to be out by the 15th, since he doesn't know how long they will give us. He says he is getting a storage unit for his stuff but he still has no idea where he is going to stay. Think he is hoping that someone is going to feel sorry for him and take him in, I just don't see that happening. His son can't take him because of his lease. You have to list who will be living there and if you move anyone else in you are evicted. He had to go through all kinds of paperwork and everything to move his older son in for awhile, and that was his child and a minor.

        • #6
          Yep,Beth, much better game last night. I listened to half on the car radio but got to see the finish. Go Waino!! If it wasn't going to be so hot today I would grab a friend and head to St. Louis...isn't that metro great? We park at the Casino and ride cross the river. Had a perfectly wonderful day at my sisters. I love watching her baby grands and the littlest is 2 and yelled "janie's here" when she saw me and even took her bink out to give me a kiss! My grands are out of the kissing stage. The kids of all ages played in the pool and there are always funny stories they delic! Saturday starts our reunion week with people in and out of her house all week. Some family stay for a few days others come in for the day. My boys will be there on their days off but Sierra and I will stay for the week. Looking forward to is a relaxing week where we live in our swimsuits and eat and drink a bit to much. Going to be a hot week this week. Jon worked 16 yesterday so I never saw him and Scott called to say he was in St. Charles and would come over to visit but I was not home and his timing and my timing did not work to his stopping at my sisters. I will see him next weekend. Have a car appointment early tomorrow morning to get that new tire finally and will get my blood work done at the same time since it so early in the morning. I love love love my short haircut...wash and wear! And right now I need to wash it so I can start the day. Have a wonderful Sunday everyone. A day at the pool and I feel refreshed and ready to go (even though I did not put a toe in the pool!!)


          • #7
            Morning all

            I actually have two days off in a row!

            Already have lasagna made and Korean chicken skewers marinating. We are having family & friends over tonight to celebrate Chris's birthday (which is actually Tuesday). I'm also going to make a chocolate cake with chocolate ganache for him (his request).

            Got to get this house cleaned up so I'd best light a fire under my hiney.

            Y'all have a good 'un!
            The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


            • #8
              Good Morning, short and sweet this morning...hubby has been getting up earlier on weekends and totally throwing me off my game, guess I best start adjusting as he will retire the end of December...used my smoker yesterday, it was great, except for the small downpour we had, we were scrambling to get an umbrella over the smoker, and in the process we both got soaked..we decided we should have done this smoking thing sooner and maybe we would have gotten some rain..
              Woke up at 3:30 a.m. with a temp again, told hubby anyone mentions another test of any sort besides my chest xray I am going to tell them a big fat NO!! Was doing so good until they started messing with me...this will pass I am sure but it sure upsets me...have a family reunion in IN this weekend to get ready for...over a hundred people so far are need to get my recipes together, go shopping and start cooking..
              The smoked pork was delicious yesterday, and I got 3 qt. bags of it in the freezer..
              Well life and hubby are calling, have a great day one and all....I plan on it..

              Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


              • #9
                Good morning! I can hear doves and robins right now. Windows and doors are open for awhile. Our temperature will be like Jo's, except no rain forecast.
                We are not an the high level drought restrictions. We can water between 9:00 pm and 9:00 am. I have already been out and had the sprinkler on. I have a timer for it, but really want a better sprinkler. In ground ones would be best, but too expensive and I am not that DIY person.
                I have a little more to do today to be ready for my new flooring to be put in tomorrow.
                I have church and then freezer jam. The Red Havens were gone by the time I got to the market so I bought Faye Elberta, a good freestone with beautiful color.
                Maxie, your week with family sounds wonderful. That, hopefully, will be my week starting Next week. Only it will be at my house and I won't get to be the guest...
                I have a lifeguard from our city pool coming tomorrow for swim lessons for three of my preschoolers. And the two guys doing the floor...the dogs will be barking.
                I will be deep breathing!
                Pat, please send me the pin/recipe for the cake and ganache. I am the sole lemon person in my family. The rest are true chocoholics!
                Have a great day and enjoy it!


                • #10
                  Good Morning!

                  Yesterday turned out busier than I had planned. Got a call from the restaurant and he ordered 3 pies & a carrot cake. While the pies were baking, I mixed up enough to make 2 carrot cakes. I've frozen the other one for the next time they order. Finished icing the cake then headed over to my Mom's to pick her up and we went to Terry's (Aunt Maye's DIL) 50th BD party. I had a nice chat with Pam and another friend that I hadn't seen in a few years. Made spaghetti for supper. Went down to the pool for a bit then settled in for the evening. Started a new book.

                  This morning was church & SS. We stopped at an Estate Sale on the way home & the flea market. I had no money with me, but figured if we saw anything we really wanted, we could go back since it's only 5 miles down the road. I saw several things as the ES and at 1pm everything under $100 will be half off. Now hopefully what I wanted is still there. Not sure what the rest of the day will bring. Cork says to just relax, but once I get some energy, there are some things I'd like to get done.

                  Starting tomorrow is VBS at our church 8:45am - 12:15pm. I'll get some things done in the mornings now.

                  Have a good one all!


                  • #11
                    Sharon, when I had temps at the hospital, aside from feeling uncomfortably hot I had a bit of trouble breathing. They did nothing for me, the young nurses didn't think to check my temp. I realized what it was after I got back home.
                    (I'm sure it was caused by excessive meds while I was on a liquid IV diet for those 2 weeks. They sure tried to get food in me the last day or two, but it was difficult to eat more than a few bites after that kind of fasting.)
                    ANYWAY, the point is, when I had that hot/breathing problem at home, it helped to raise the head of my bed (or add extra pillows), to get the temp down down and the breathing easier.
                    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                    • #12
                      Good afternoon everyone..

                      We went to church to day..It was good for us to go...

                      And doing the last mins things..Before my company come ...this week..

                      This is cute pic...
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                      This gallery has 1 photos.


                      • #13
                        Aloha all!

                        Rather tired today so wont do much.

                        Jo, you should get yourself some muumuu like dresses or shifts. Would be so much more comfortable for you.

                        Have a good day all. Cute picture, Sassy.


                        • #14
                          Thanks, Nalani.

                          I do have some muumuus. From 3 different catalogs. They all fit differently. One, too late to be returned, is so big it'll be going to Goodwill. I don't see them in the stores here, but I tire easily yet when shopping. I wish I could try them on before I buy.
                          But some catalogs are showing a slight difference in some of them, and I do have my eye on a few more muumuu/shifts, that I want for more special occasions.

                          But I still like the tops/pants for a changeb of pace, especially evenings (come October and the GDs wedding).
                          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

