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Thursday ~ July 14

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  • Thursday ~ July 14

    Good Morning, Everyone.

    I woke yesterday to a computer that would not work. Kept telling me fan not working. Well, I called my nephew Frank and he took the entire thing apart. Wish I had taken a photo of it laid out but didn't think of it.
    Anyway, between he and John they got that fan to go, and I am now back in business but with a mission to get a USB drive to copy my hard drive onto.

    I was so sad to read about sassy's mother this morning. Life always tilts when you lose your mom.

    Will be leaving soon for final knee appointment. Three hours in the car will kill most of the day.

    Hope all is well with everyone. Need to get back later and catch up.

    Hugs To Everyone.

  • #2
    Good Morning ..

    Hi Elaine... will the therapy continue on the knee or is it done too?

    going to be a full day today... last cleanup on bedrooms. before company gets here tomorrow.. don't want to be messing around cleaning while they are here... David has checkup with pcp at 1pm... later this evening we are going out to supper with my sister ,her birthday today.. and her son Ray,,, in between , numerous little things will get done.

    So hi to all the wonderful busy ladies and ARM ( where are you).. see you later

    Hugs to SassyG...
    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


    • #3
      One more day until My bestie and parents come for the weekend!!! I am very excited!!! Then I am going home with my parents for a few days...I am planning to see what friends I can..I was supposed to have lunch with some of them on Tuesday...but my mom text me yesterday and asked me if I could change my plans for Tuesday to include lunch with my granny...turns out she has to go where my granny lives to take her to an appointment...I told her I would change my plans to do that...well my friend got their panties in a bunch and said some hateful they knew my mom wouldn't let me see them...and that I should have told mom no that I couldn't change my plans...well my aditude has changed about seeing them...yes I want to see them..but if I don't see all of them then I don't get to see all of me seeing my 80 something year old granny and one of my aunts that I don't see often should trump any other plans I may have...My granny says I am her favorite grandchild...the only that pays any attention to her...They should understand and I shouldn't be made to to chose between them and my granny.

      Today I volunteer...get a hair cut...and finish up my room and the kitchen.


      • #4
        Good Morning, Storms went through last night. Haven't really looked out to see if there was any damage from the winds. Power flickered a couple of times. Hoping that my hip doesn't act up today like it did yesterday. Carried the trash out to the herby curby and then was in pain when standing, did do up dishes, had to give up and take a pain pill and hit the recliner. Kenny got all the test ran, wasn't supposed to see the lung Dr. for 3 months, not sure what they showed but his nurse called. Go to pharmacy and pick up antibiotics (he is already taking one every other day) and has to go see him next Thursday. The other test seems that they didn't show anything wrong with his stomach and GI tract. While taking the trash out found out that the beagle that has been hanging around is a female, she doesn't run but moves away very fast when she sees people. Sure hope she belongs to someone around here and just manages to escape to come to visit.


        • #5
          Good morning.
          Where is everyone today?
          My chemo appointment is earlier today, so we will have to leave an hour earlier than that. So I need to find some appropriate oversized shirt to wear so they can easily get to my port. They really appreciate that I keep that in mind every time. It makes everything more convenient for everyone.

          Elaine, do they give you exercise instructions on paper? You can ask for copies of the exercises that you need, and do them at home on your own time.

          Beth, if your friends don't understand about caring for family....and that at your granny's age, your time with her might be limited.....well, then they aren't very good friends, are they. If they don't understand love in families, I feel very sorry for what they are missing in their own life.

          Hi Maye, Darla, and all who follow....
          Have a great day!

          I'll be back later to read more.

          Pat, did you get the picture I sent you?
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • #6
            We also had storms yesterday. We are thinking a tree is down over the creek but didn't see it until almost dark. Jon will go out today and investigate. Trees were bent over in the wind and it rained so hard! Possibility of more predicted for today. Today I get my haircut and will see if I can't get that tire put on earlier than Monday. I had an appointment for last Monday but had to cancel and they remade it for the next Monday. This weekend I am going to my sister's for a family nephew had passed all his testing and is a full fledged, licensed pharmacist...and want that tire changed. When they plugged the flat a few weeks ago they recommended I replace it because of the location the nail went . It is just that I haven't had time and or inclination to go get it put on. Pulled a bunch of weeds in the back yesterday and should pull in the front. Every rain is fertilizer for the weeds. Haven't decided what to do about supper tonight...something simple I am sure. Sun is shining for now and time is ticking so better get moving. Have a wonderful day. Beth I gave Serra wall hanging that said 'do not worry about what people say behind your back...they are behind you for a reason'. You make the decisions you want to make and that make you happy....within the law of course.


            • #7
              We were without power yesterday afternoon for about 2 hours. We got our supper delivered by messenger and it was horrible. Can't see why they can't warm things up when late like it was. Oh well, that happens very seldom so expect a few problems when it happens.


              • #8
                I am sitting here with two kids waiting for the rest and trying to post and respond to endless chatter at the same time!
                And, the two who are supposed to be off today just drove up...oh, well.
                Beth, I am sure it will work out. Changes in schedules happen to everyone ( see the sentence above?).
                I was at my nail appointment last evening and talked about the need for good combs for the hygiene kits. She is going to ask one of her salon distributors about donating and also will split the cost of a case with me of the ones she gives away from the salon. They have a wide tooth end that is much better for combing out wet hair, etc.
                Did I say yesterday I have a friend who had hip replacement surgery and yesterday she posted a video of being up on crutches with a little weight bearing at day 4?! She is a little younger than me. I was super impressed. I was asking another friend how she knew she needed knee replacement just to know what to be watching for.
                Hope you all have a great day!


                • #9
                  Good afternoon, yesterday was wash after the test, slept the day away, made me nauseated and running a temp....feeling some better today, but still running a temp and bloody mucous...they say if I still feel like that way tomorrow to call the Dr...He did not seem concerned about anything he saw, yes I have inflammation in my esophagus but to be expected with acid reflux. Still sleeping a lot today, just feel like that game Wack A Mole, I being the mole,, everything hurts, LOL...

                  Hubby will have to do the cooking tonight, nothing sounds good and the smell of food is not sitting well with more water and tea for me...maybe a piece of toast...
                  Haven't been on the puter or IPad, but hopeful tomorrow it is a new day and I will feel much better...bearly of dreary news, BUT, this too shall pass...
                  Have a great day one and all..
                  Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


                  • #10
                    Afternoon everyone! My day is just slipping by.

                    Yesterday morning I spent in the kitchen prepping & cooking food to take to the church for the youth group's dinner. They are on a local mission trip for the week. I actually got in the pool and swam with Blaise last night after dinner.

                    This morning Blaise had an 8:30am dentist appointment. He has 4 cavities btw several of the molars. He has to go back to have them filled in a couple weeks. If they were in teeth that he'd be losing soon, we'd leave them go, but he probably won't lose these molars for another 4 years. We then went to Aldi's and then home. I called my Mom (it's her birthday today) to see if she'd like to go out to lunch at Pizza Hut. We'd go to one that was close to Becca, so that's what we did. Blaise was being a turd until the food came. He was so much more pleasant once he got some food into him. Not sure what the rest of the day will bring. I need to pay some bills.

                    Have a good one all!

