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Tuesday July 12, time to get this started

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  • Tuesday July 12, time to get this started

    Good Morning world....yesterday was a great day, you've heard the saying about not seeing or talking to a person for years and years and once you meet again it is like no time has passed at all, well that is how it was yesterday with my friend Julie and I, we had not seen or talked to each other in almost 20 years and we just started laughing and talking when she got here and before you knew it, 6 hrs. had passed and she had to head back home...we talked, laughed, ate, swam, etc. and got caught up on life...she lives about 1 1/2 hr. away, will be making a trip to her house pretty soon...she is a nurse at a nursing home so will have to work around her schedule..

    Today I am meeting another friend for breakfast, I did her hair for years and years, then when I quit work we had already had a great friendship and it continued...haven't seen or talked to her in a very long time, only through Facebook, so another great day ahead, then at 4:00 have to take hubby's truck in for an oil change...then tomorrow morning the endoscopic test, so probably won't be here in the morning...will check in later when I get home.

    Not much else planned for the day...And to answer or respond to others, YES feeling good and being able to connect with friends and the world again feels great, I do not take it for granted, but I do try and take advantage of feeling good...still afraid to travel to far on my own, had to many times when it hit and I was not able to make the trip back myself...well time to get dressed and get my day started...

    Have a great day one and all. Don't work to hard, and Maxie, keep the hair.
    In the kitchen we want Elaine's cookie crust she has been making.

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God

  • #2
    Good Morning!

    Sharon, you make me feel good all over this morning. So happy you are on top of the world.

    We are heading to hospital for John's transfusion. His HGB dropped to 7 after the chemo, so this is what usually takes place.

    About the crust:

    2 C cookie crumbs ( I use Newman's Own Vanilla Alphabet Cookies)
    1/4 C sugar
    1/2 stick butter

    After melting the butter and adding the sugar, mix in crumbs. FREEZE for up to 20 minutes. Does not require baking.


    • boffler
      boffler commented
      Editing a comment
      Thank you Elaine

  • #3
    Good Morning! Yesterday was a very pretty day and hoping for more of the same today.

    Yesterday was good. Spent the morning cleaning & doing some laundry & got the two whole chickens smelled wonderful. Then started in working on dinner slowly but surely. There were 8 of us for dinner to celebrate my Mom's and brother Ray's BD. I made 2 dishes I've been telling my SIL about. My brother Tom ask on the way out if I've given Sherry the recipes. They LOVED the orange chicken and declared it better than any they've ever gotten out at a restaurant. Made me feel good. We also had the spinach tomato chicken pasta Alfredo dish, salad, fruit salad, and rice. My SIL brought the cake. She had ordered a 1/4 sheet cake & they claimed she ordered a half sheet cake. Cake was sent home with everyone. My brother took his daughter Maddie out for sample location shots for her Senior pics that he's working on. They'll be back with different clothes some day they said. LOL! I said I'd be honored if they'd use pictures taken here. Us ladies played some cards while they were doing that all.

    Not sure what today will bring. I don't have any definite plans. Need to do some paperwork. Plan to take Blaise swimming at some point.

    Time for breakfast and meds. Have a good day all!


    • #4
      Good morning...volunteering today....Just a few more days until my best friend and parents are here!!! I am so excited!! They will be here Friday...Friday evening we are going to a cardinals game..she loves the cards..and my niece is singing at the game...then on Saturday my sister has something that she needs my mom to help her while they are doing that Lisa and I will go to the casino for a while..then we all will go out to supper and then Lisa and I may see a movie at the dollar theater...then on Sunday we are going to church with my sister and her family...its just easier for all of us to just go together...then we will head to my parents I am going back with them and staying a few days and seeing a lot of my friends...I am so excited! Then my parents will bring me home next Thursday...and we are going on Friday to visit with some potential kitties...again I am so excited!!


      • #5
        Good morning, everybody.
        A hot, sunny day ahead, here. Forecaster said lower temps by the weekend. 🌵 Possibility of a bit of rain, maybe.
        For me it'll be a long day. I woke at 2:30, then 4:30, then by 5 I finally got up.
        This afternoon I see the Infectious Disease Doctor about my foot/feet. I have no idea what to expect. (Also, all these new doctors, their names are a real can't tell by their names whether that person is male or female, much less pronounce them. Most are very nice, anyway, but sometimes they quickly prove themselves idiots. We can only hope we get a good one.

        No other particular plan for today.

        Yes, Sharon, it's so good to hear the happiness in your words. Enjoy breakfast with your friend.
        Elaine, best wishes to John with his treatments.
        Cookie, have you posted your recipe for Orange Chicken? If so, I missed it. E would love it for sure, and I love most things with orange. Will you post it for me, please? That Alfredo dish also sounds tantalizing, too! (Gads, I'm pretty darn tired of frozen dinners.)

        Breakfast & meds are next on my list, too.

        To everyone, have a great day. 🤗
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • boffler
          boffler commented
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          Jo I just sent the recipe I use for Orange Chicken by private message on here

      • #6
        good morning , make this quick... been busy picking up house and now we will leave for the groc stores and bank etc etc.... will check in later in afternoon....
        I did get my downstairs "house" all clean and ready for company yesterday... so the rest can be done in little bits at a time.... this getting old crap.. is a nuisance.... you can only work about 1/2 hr and then set down a 1/2 hr.

        see you all later .
        .( sounding good, Sharon.).
        Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


        • boffler
          boffler commented
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          LOL Maye just told Doug that this weekend, he is having a hard time realizing he is no spry chicken anymore either and can't believe it takes him so long to get something done....I told him get use to it, what you use to do in a day now takes a week, with breaks and naps thrown in.
          Had a wonderful breakfast, we have been together once in the two years since I have been back and we had a lot of catching up to do with lots more to come...her hubby is in a nursing home and she spends everyday there with him, sometimes even spending the I will be visiting her there also.

      • #7
        Don't know what I did yesterday but did not make any of the calls I was going to make or run the vacuum or cook a meal. Right now it is raining but sun is suppose to come out and get blazing hot and we have a playoff game tonight. Since we are going to Staunton...the ole hometown...for the game I think we may go to the Mexican Restaurant for supper. I have been here in Brighton for one year..the time has flown. Am I happy here? Maybe content is more the word. I can stand it but I am not big on country living. BUT..they missed me while I was gone so that makes you feel good to come home to a full house of people who miss you rather than coming home to an empty house that is as clean as you left it and....oh, did I go there? I should stop with they missed me! Sierra left her work shoes here so will be stopping by with mommy dearest to pick them up this morning. No worry about mommy coming in fact she will not even look at me when I wave and I do wave several times just so Sierra sees how rude her mother is by ignoring me. Must remember to keep the snide cracks to myself like 'oh did your mother break her arm? or she must need glasses cuz she is not seeing me wave'', you know,smart aleck crap that gets me in trouble with the granddaughter. But I do smile when I make cracks so that mommy knows how sincere I am when I wave. Looks like the sun is coming out and I need to see what has fallen into our beer trap. Jon opened the slug bar the other evening and yesterday we had 8. He says they are snails but I think they are just curled up slugs. No matter they have destroyed my giant hostas and deserve the beer trap we are setting for them. Saw my first Japanese Beetle yesterday so they have arrived. A hummer flew up to the feeder and put his nose in the air and flew off. Blue Birds are both on constant feeding duty and I love hearing those baby birdies when food arrives. Going to balance my checkbook and start paying bills...still have to make phone calls and appointments. Where does the day go? Have a happy and productive day everyone. Enjoy the summer sun...the year is half over already!


        • #8
          Good Morning, Kenny's test yesterday took way less time than he said they told him they would, but maybe he had things mixed up and the ones he took the other day took longer. We went out and he got checked in, got to where we needed to go she told me to wait in the one room while he went to change into a gown, they went to the next room and she came back and told me that he needed my help (he has been telling me that I do nothing for him).

          Prayers are working, he seems to be figuring out that he has nowhere and has pushed everyone who has cared about him away. That and maybe he is figuring out what an a$$ he's being.. He said yesterday that I can do whatever I can to have a yard sale and make myself some money. Talked to Maryanne after I got home and he left to go pick up "Fred's bones" She said she is just so made at him right now, but then between us we figured out that if I'm taking the freezer and dresser that I can always put stuff in them once they are on the truck, also the fish tank. will hold stuff, then just have to unload the stuff out of them before taking them off the truck. Then when he got home and I asked if he was going to cause problems if I started carrying stuff up from the basement and just putting a little bit at a time out for mini yard sales, he said no and that I could put the snow blowers and extra stuff in the garage out too since he was just going to put them out in the alley. I know that my books probably won't bring much but all except my cook books and the Harry Potter can go. Then I talked to Sheryle, I had asked her if she had any bigger size shorts that didn't fit her anymore cause I've been stress eating and have only one good pair, she told me that she is going to take me out for some what she calls "thrift shop therapy" basically we do this every so often just to get us both away from the stress for a little while, she knows that I never have much money when we go so sometimes she will hand me a little cash to go with what I have and sometimes she just takes what I have picked up, or she has decided that will look good on me, and puts it in with what she is buying. Of course even at a thrift store I seldom spend over $5,


          • #9
            Thank you so much, Sharon!
            Thank you, too, Elaine!
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


            • #10
              It is a late check in for me. Good, beautiful day things are moving along.
              My older school girl asked if we could have cucumber slices with salt and Lemon juice on them. I have never heard of this but tried it this morning. So good! I just always did salt and grandmother always put hers in vinegar, but lemon juice is much better IMHO.
              Determined, wish I could come to your yard sale.
              Thank for the recipe, Elaine!
              Have a good day!


              • determined
                determined commented
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                Paula, won't really be much, just odds and ends and what I can carry out on my own. Have some dishes in the basement that Kenny's Mom had and were in use when I got here, kind of like crockware, I got tired of constantly have to clean up broken ones so through thrift shops I replaced them all with corelle ware, I don't care that they don't match, they do break with the littlest bump. Some odd coffee cups that I have replace with ones with cows on them. I don't even use those but Kenny does, I have 2 cups that I got when my one friend died and one that I had bought for James before he died and I use them. Truthfully not expecting to make a whole lot but as the old woman said when she was peeing in the ocean when her husband was drowning "every little bit helps"

            • #11
              Love your last sentence here, Darla. Glad you have a good sense of humor. 😂
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

