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  • Sunday...10..July

    Good morning

    Rise and shine..

    Niot much is going here..Getting ready for church..

    I saw this pic..And could not stop

    And everyone have a nice day..
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  • #2
    Good Morning...I tried to toggle advance editor so I could enlarge and change font etc., it would not respond.

    Always good graphics with cats...

    Had a really busy, busy day yesterday, run here, run there, find two TV's to replace the ones stolen from motorhome then find the right brackets to hang them, except with the bedroom one, it will need a frame built to hang it from, it was on like a door front, it hung on that like a picture frame and they took the frame and all since it was attached...having a hard time finding a replacement so hubby will make one, he is a great wood craftsman.

    Got our grocery shopping done also while we were at it...Have a friend coming tomorrow lives over and hour away, have not seen her in almost twenty years, lost contact the first move we made to IL, and reconnected this past year...looking forward to it, hope the weather is nice enough for a swim also..planning a lunch menu. cousin was here for the day last week, and now my friend coming to visit, life if good...oil change for hubby's truck on Tuesday, and my test on Wednesday morning, hubby has to take me as I will be sedated...then who knows what Thursday and Friday will bring..

    Beautiful morning out, nice and cool, sun is shining, but it is so very dry, we need rain in the worst way...hubby will be watering today...I bought some awesome Corinthian Bells wind chimes while in GA, they are tuned to the scale of E and I love the sound...can't wait for hubby to find a good place to hang them...I have looked and looked for wind chimes, never found the right ones until I found these, and they are made in the USA.

    Well time to run, bathroom is calling, have a great day one and all.
    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
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    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
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      Now I am on a hunt for Corinthian bells!

  • #3
    Good Morning !

    Hi sassy. Hi Sharon.

    Not cool here. Dry. It is good for hay, but not for lawns.

    Went to Farmer's Market yesterday and got preaches, watermelon, butterbeans, Heirloom tomatoes and yellow squash. Nice,,

    No plans for the day. Hope you all have a lovely Sunday. 😄


    • #4
      Good morning everyone.

      Was missing in action, but I did try to post Thursday before I left for the Lake. However, this site decided to take a break from early morning activities I guess.

      Anyway, I'm back and had a nice time on this trip. Didn't have to spend my entire time working hard. Did do what I call some little things such as putting on 2 storage compartment brackets as well as some other small jobs that only took maybe 30 minutes or less. At least now when I go I can enjoy my time there.

      Time to get breakfast then get ready for S.S. and Church. Everyone have a good day.
      Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


      • #5
        good morning ....

        another lovely sunny morning .. coffee on deck... visit from Mark.. David now taking his mid-morning snooze... he goes to bed at 9:30pm , gets awake at 3:30ish am.. takes this morning nap... later he will sleep in afternoon.... and still he complains how he doesn't get any sleep at night.

        Jostoy .. had to smile at your remark....::now I can go and enjoy my time there"... you KNOW you were enjoying all that work!... you thrive on work...... but it is time to watch the sunrise and sunsets.. and read .. (Pst, how far away do you live from me????.. just in case you get this mad desire to work again .. )

        our Sunday doesn't have much planned...probably go get Davids standard dinner at noonish.. and I will get back to reading ..

        This is youngest Granddaughter"s real Birthday... today she is 16 ... can begin to drive. she is in Ohio. competition for international Baton .. and she won first place in one of the solo competitions... yea.. Bethany!..

        so many nice and good things the news media could flash their many cameras on ... but instead all their frantic voices ever talk about is Tragedy..violence and hate. they would have you believe that there is nothing worthwhile an beautiful in our country and with our citizens .. they are Wrong.....oops. better put the soap box back in the closet .. its Sunday.. and the good Lord IS in control.
        Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


        • #6
          good morning my keyboard is giving me fits.


          • #7
            First 2 cucumbers of the year. Guys didn't find them until one was enormous. Fixed it like cucumbers and onions without the onions. Smaller one I ate yesterday with ranch dressing, Very good sure beats the store bought ones.

            Nothing on the agenda today but to maybe do a load of laundry and relax. Have a good day everyone.


            • #8
              Good morning, everyone.
              A new week begins. Where in the heck did last week go?
              What's magic about 2:30a.m? I was mostly awake since then, but crawled out of bed at 6. I foresee a nap or two today. 🔮
              No plans today except reading the paper.

              Hot and sunny day ahead. 🌵 Yesterday E noticed that the mourning doves were sitting on the ground in the shade of a tree. Guess our Mexican tile roof was just too hot to sit on.

              *Love the cat pic, sassy.
              *Sharon, the only wind chimes I have are indoors, but very pretty with blown glass gold-and-white butterflies. I've had several other ones that were given to me, gorgeous sounds, but unexpected high winds did a real number on them....couldn't even find all their parts to repair them.
              * Fresh picked veggies are always the best.

              Wishing you all a great day.
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


              • sassygirl01
                sassygirl01 commented
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                Thank-you JoGee

              • boffler
                boffler commented
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                In the instructions on my chimes it says in high winds to take them down to protect them, they come with a warranty also...with normal care of course..

            • #9
              Morning! Got home last night and even though we had a good time, we did a lot of work and are tired. My niece is accepting the new job in St. Louis and we have helped stage her house for sale and also watched over the workers doing the painting and repairs. If need be we will go back and help supervise the movers. It was work but also we had a good time. Both grands were here when I got home and it was good to see them. Andrew's team did make the playoffs and they start Tuesday. Hope they are short and over but he is excited so I will but on my rooter shirt and go to more baseball games. And that is all my news. Have caught up on all the kids and their father have to tell me and think I will sit around and worry about laundry tomorrow. Nice to be home.....


              • #10
                Aloha all!

                It will be a nice day here I think. It's just a little after 7AM so I'm not sure yet. Have a good day all!


                • #11
                  Good Sunday morning! Nalani beat me! I took way too long getting ready this morning.
                  I had such a great birthday yesterday it is hard to get my mind back into " real life" mode.
                  A friend just told me my mower really was I am going to look for a good deal and save so I can do it myself. I just don't have enough for a lawn service to do And they aren't even doing the kind of work that looks above what I can do. Mostly because my grass is not a very good kind
                  After church it will be a ride to a fruit stand for peaches.
                  I will be posting later, after I get home, the Triple Lemon cake Becky made. If you are on Pinterest, it is there. The lemon curd was much easier to make than I would have guessed. She did it all!
                  Have a good day!


                  • #12
                    Hey all!!!! It's a pretty sunny day here. Yesterday we got a few sprinkles. Just enough to make the dust on the car look dirty.

                    Yesterday was a busy one. I finished up the last 3 pies, warmed up the fruit pies that I baked on Friday, got it all cleaned up & Jeanie came to pick them all up. They were for her 57th class reunion. Sat down to read a bit and the phone rang...the restaurant. He wanted 3 pies and a carrot cake. If possible, by supper time. Fortunately I already had a baked carrot cake in the freezer, so I just had to ice it, and I already had 3 crusts rolled out & in the freezer, so it was all done in 2 hrs. I then made a batch of SW Mac Salad for something different. Made hamburgers for Blaise & me for supper along with the salad. Did up all the laundry too. Cork wanted to flip the mattress, so I decided to strip it & wash the sheets. Man, I LOVE the smell of sheets that dried outside.

                    After church & SS, we stopped at the flea market. I got Blaise a tablet of tracing paper and got Becca a couple kitchen gadgets. I'm going to create a laundry basket of stuff for her for Christmas since she's planning on getting her own apt once she graduates in December. Came home, had lunch, and then headed into town to grocery shop (by myself!) and a couple other stores. Our Sears store is closing and everything is marked down 40%-70%. I got Blaise a couple pair of jeans and my Mom her BD gift. This evening I'm going to my SIL and we are playing cards with my Mom & her Mom. I'm taking some of that mac salad and some other munchies.

                    At Sears I was chatting with the lady & then saw her again at Rural King. We jokes & laughed today. I got thinking afterwards. She was a black lady and it never entered my mind to treat her any different than anyone else. I personally think the media along with others has tried to make a divide.

                    Have a good one all!


                    • Paula A
                      Paula A commented
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                      I agree, Donna! The media stirs things up and in their own favor often...

                    • determined
                      determined commented
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                      Yes, sadly the media stirs the pot and causes problems. I have many on-line friends that I truthfully don't know what race they are, if they are gay or straight or what faith they are. I talk to everyone the same. I think if we would all just look past the difference and treat everyone the same way we want to be treated we would be better off.

                    • boffler
                      boffler commented
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                      Donna I was just telling my hubby the same thing last night...

                  • #13
                    people getting along and being nice, kind , helpful.. and "Human" just does not make NEWS...

                    belated Happy birthday Paula.... and you work too hard!.. as does Jostoy , Donna.. Maxie and a few others around here...

                    I like to be busy.. but not work like you ladies do.!.. ( maybe I did that back 30-40- years ago.. can't remember)..
                    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


                    • #14
                      Boffler - we weren't home that week the chimes got mangled and scattered.....we were out of state visiting relatives.
                      I thought being on the "protected" side of the house, they'd be fine. But the winds don't seem to miss anything.
                      🙄 Live and learn.
                      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

