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Friday 24 ...June

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  • Friday 24 ...June

    Good morning everyone..

    Rise and shine..
    Who is everyone doing to day???

    More rain is coming to day..

    I thought i will do something different on the pic.."PEACE"

    and everyone stay cool
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  • #2
    Good Morning.

    6a here. Been awake since 4a. Fell asleep at 2a. Going to be a long day.

    Have the oven and bacon ready. We do a # at a time and John reheats it a slice at a time. I don't eat bacon, just bake on.

    Rehab again this morning at 8 and then maybe a little shopping. Got some wonderful home grown tomatoes Wednesday. Cantelopes here are excellent. Hoping for more of the same.

    sassy, where do you live that you are getting so much rain? Happy for you.

    Have a great Friday, Everyone.


    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
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      I live in TN...
      I am happy too..I wish i can share...Some of need more than ..I do.
      I heard about your "Heat Wave"..That is awful...My heart go out to all of you..

  • #3
    Good Morning! Yesterday was cloudy with rain off & on. It was the nice gentle kind around here.

    Yesterday was good. Aunt J was here scooping grease until it was time to go pick up Blaise from VBS. We did a lot of chatting. The VBS mission project is health kits, so after lunch we went to DG and bought enough for 2 kits and assembled them. I just puttered the afternoon away.

    Not sure what today will bring. Of course Blaise will go to his last day of VBS. This has helped his week go faster since he's anxious to go to camp on Sunday. I need to start packing his stuff to make sure I've got everything. I know he needs a flashlight & I forgot that yesterday. Meant to get one at DG. We had flashlights here, but they are really good ones & I'm not sending one of those with him.

    My computer is making awful noises, so it may be on it's last leg. I unhooked it last night & cleaned inside, but that didn't do the trick. It was filthy.

    Have a good one all!


    • #4
      Good Morning world....and a busy one it is...the sun is out, no rain in sight...and even though we got some the night before, we are still in desperate need of more.

      Sassy, I like that frog...I wish there was peace in the world...

      Maye & Cookie, hope you got all situations talked out and discussed yesterday, so nice of your Aunt to help you out that way...I am so much slower getting things done these days, that what I use to get done in a day now takes me two days, and on and on..

      I will be making myself a batch of beef jerky to take with me on my trip to looking forward to seeing my daughters new house, but most of all the time I am getting with my grandgirls...I bought a fairy garden kit for both of them, hope we get a chance to start working on them..

      So many Drs. appts. coming up, have to see and endocrinologist because of the 3 spots on my thryroid to find out what they are, have to have an endoscopic done because they see a spot on my stomach and ulcerations on my larynx, and other areas because of the acid reflux, and have to have another chest xray because of the two spots of pneumonia because I aspirate acid from my stomach into my lungs to often...the list goes on and on, LOL....the Dr. looked at my report and said I got a pet scan for my lungs and found so many other things..DARN, said he didn't know where to begin...I said just when did I start falling apart so badly? Oh yes, and a spot on my pancreas that apparently has been there for awhile and no one bothered to mention it...But hey, I feel just fine, getting older, but when my Crohn's isn't active I feel wonderful and get all that I can done during that time and enjoy myself...Life sure is a journey folks...

      I will not be on computer tomorrow as we must get packed and be ready to hit the road early, will be dropping off the motorhome to have a recall taken care of while we are gone, it is along our path on I-75 so I will follow hubby in the car, also have the family reunion to attend which starts at Noon, so I have to fix something to take for that, way to much to be on will check in when I can...not to worry, like a bad dream, I will return, LOL..

      Have a great day one and kind, smile, put love in your heart, let go of anger, etc. LIVE!!

      Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


      • sassygirl01
        sassygirl01 commented
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        Thank-you..The whole world should have peace..

    • #5
      Good morning...Yesterday was a busy day for me...I fixed the biggest part of lunch for everyone yesterday....chili dogs and salad and chips...right after lunch the 5 of girls headed to the beauty school right near my house....we all got manicures and pedicures and the girl that was doing my nails is the one that cuts my hair and she just happened to be open when she finished my nails I was able to get a much needed hair cut. I came home and went right back to the store and got corn bread mix...came home put that in the oven for Supper we had ham and beans and corn bread.

      My mom and sis are already doing cakes...Dad is working on the garage..My oldest niece is at rescue camp...and I am not sure what my youngest niece is doing...I will be leaving to volunteer after bit..will be there until 4.

      I hope to do a few things with my mom tomorrow...


      • #6
        good morning ..

        lol lol.. sorry Sharon I am laughing only because you have "begun".. the slow descent into the hole all us elder folk get in ..Dr this, Dr. that. and this hurts and that needs attention.. if a month goes by with seeing a Doctor.. you hurry to your calendar and just KNOW you forgot someone!!!!!
        ... I don't notice it so much with myself..well...( except for the little marks the Dermotologist is watching. the Blood pressure the pcp is watching.. my knees that are going to see an Orthopedic Dr. in Aug. . ) will be thinking of you while you are absent.. take care. be safe.

        Donna. that was more fun than work.. I needed to get out of house, away from the grumpy old man.. I understand why he is a grump.. but it was nice to lady chat with you..

        SassyG.. a Froggie!... peace to you too..

        Elaine.. I bet David would like that if Idid up a # and put aside for him....and I have a cantaloupe setting on counter to be cut up today.. but it won't be near as delicious as yours..

        Hi to all you who come in after me .will be back this evening . with comments?
        Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


        • sassygirl01
          sassygirl01 commented
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          Hip.hip hurry..Froggie..

      • #7
        Good morning, everyone.
        Yesterday was cooler with the skies overcast all day.
        Chemo went very well yesterday. (See Maye's notes on Thursdays post.). This morning I awoke to being unhesitant about getting my feet on the floor --- very surprised I could walk without my foot giving out, but not r easy for the leg massager machine yet. I wonder if dropping 2 of the 6 chemo pills helped already? The chemo effect of my fingers feeling like 4th of July sparklers when I touch anything cold .... My tongue will get the same effect from cold food or drink, and throat will feel like a small pill is stuck there.... So warm or room temperature drinks for me all weekend.
        So anyway, my blood disorder left me anemic, doc thinks I look paler than 3 weeks ago. But I'm not feeling it. I try to get more proteins, but I have to choose foods wisely, not always what I want. Of all he's keeping track of, for all he remembers to need to check on, I try to cooperate as best I can. Communication with these oncologist's is better than ever.

        Afterwards E stopped at Olive Garden and picked up dinner to go. There's enough for another dinner today. The spaghetti's meat sauce was much meatier than ever (maybe we should stick with their takeout). We could only eat about half of it, but we still have big bowls of ministrone to open today. Plus extra breadsticks were in the bag. They were generous, but we like their food.

        Today should be 103, tomorrow a "cool" 100°, and rain is now forecasted at 20% each day and Wednesday at 50% ----- for what it's worth. One day of a really good downpour would be wonderful!

        * Cute frog, Sassy.
        * Elaine, E is a bacon fiend. Loves it. We have a restaurant called "Breakfast, Lunch, and OINK" that he likes. (Me, not so much.) I should try baking bacon for him. How long is it in the oven for and at what temp?
        * cookie, hardware stores have some small, inexpensive reliable flashlights good for kids at camp.
        * Sharon, life is more than a journey, it's an adventure. (Sometimes our GPS gets us way off track, and E grumbles......and I ask him, "Another adventure?") There is always change and challenges, isn't there? Enjoy your reunion!

        To all, have a wonderful day. Be the reason someone smiles today!

        Beth & Maye, looks like we were typing together!
        Beth, hope you get quality time with your mom.
        Maye, at this stage when we slow down, it's amazing to find the docs and staff all know you by sight and name and problems. And that turns out to be a GOOD thing!
        (I had a doctor in SV who I suspect never opened MY record folder.....there was another patient who has the same name as mine, and lives in Tucson, too. They frequently called me about her missed appointments and stuff. He sent me to Tucson's University Hospital to get heart stents....the heart doctor glanced at my record and said, "honey, this isn't your problem at all...but I can refer you today to another surgeon who CAN help you!" And thus I got my swollen spleen removed, and I got better. I've got a bad lump there, but E said it actually saved my life.)
        Last edited by JoGee; 06-24-2016, 09:31 AM.
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • sassygirl01
          sassygirl01 commented
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      • #8
        Excitement at the ball fields last night...a deer showed on the field! He left quickly by jumping the fence and ran off. Then there has been a problem with a guy showing up at the fields in the area and approaching kids. we had a police presence last night since he has supposedly been seen around our ball fields for the last two nights. We tied last night but had drama there also. The visiting team only fielded 7 kids but we let the kids play then mid game one of our players got sick and had to leave and the opposing team tried to give us an out since we replaced him mid inning. What? They are lucky we let them play without a forfeit and then they want to play by book rules? Parents are the worse thing in sports. Tonight is our fourth game this week and personally I need a break. Today we have to leave here at 4:30 to get to a 6:00 game an hour away. After tonight we have 3 more games left. Been a hard month of ball in this heat. More hot on the way and we have not had a drop of rain. The cracks in the yard are big enough to eat me! Sierra has been here a lot this week and showed up yesterday afternoon and stayed the night. She got called into work early and just left. Mommy dearest has the 'in laws' coming in and has used Sierra as the house cleaner....she has had enough and came here, she has been here a lot this week and I expect her more next week. These people are nothing to Sierra since her mother and this guy are not married and he has been estranged from them for years. I can understand that...gets tiring to always be told HE is the smartest guy in the room. My sister leaves for home tomorrow and I will be glad when she is home. Haven't talked with her in a week and I am sure she will have tales of their vacation. No plans for today. Need to run for bread but nothing else. Mama blue bird is sitting so we should have baby blue birds soon. Hummer still avoiding my feeder. Last night when we pulled in there was a racoon meandering through the neighbors yard. Guess everyone is moving around looking for water. Pool water is almost to warm to be refreshing. Do not know who or what will appear at our door this weekend. Kids know they are always welcome and there is food around. It is nice to look up and see one of them just coming through the door. Stay cool!


        • #9
          Good Morning, actually slept in, but of course didn't go to bed until 3sam, foot cramps,and a ucky stomach, was no need in trying to lay down, or even get in the recliner, as soon as I would put my feet up my feet would start cramping and sending pain up my legs, not the back of them but the front, walking don't help those.

          Aunt Maye, I'm the one in the family that doesn't mind the "messy" or boring jobs, as long as I have good company while I'm doing it. Had a friend who with 5 kids seemed to never get all the socks mated, they just went into a basket until she needed a pair for someone. In fact she hardly ever had time to fold the laundry and it would get dumped into the unused crib, would go over and while the kids played would fold laundry, her husband would open his drawer and say "Larla was here" (her one son didn't do his D's at the time, so that became my name to the whole family). Had a cousin who started calling me "Darda" before he ever started to walk and so now my Aunt and his older sister still call me that.

          JoGee, I really think that not paying attention is common with most Dr.s. That is what I miss about having the same Dr. for everything in a small town, they knew who you were and most of the time knew family history to go with it.

          Cookie, when my one cousin's son was in boy scouts and had to make a first aide kit, his Mom called her brother who was an EMT and asked him what besides the basic's should go in it, Seems funny but he told her kotex and tampons, since they are made to handle heavy blood flow they come in handy, in fact I've seen things now where even the male soilders are requesting them in care packages, the tampons work wonders for gunshot wounds since they expand and will slow the blood flow until the person is gotten to a hospital.

          Good to see ARM and Punkin here.
          Last edited by determined; 06-24-2016, 10:14 AM.


          • #10
            Good morning! My Friday kids are here and happy!
            Pest control guy is here, too and all is going according to schedule.
            I am scheduling a doctor appointment next month for the first day of vacation. Not how I want to start time off, but I need a chunk of time.
            Our dinner last night was good. I went thinking I wanted steak, but they had a new fried green tomato burger ( tomato on top of burger) and it was good!
            Baseball field drama is almost always parent based! Gary was president of Farm league age and my understanding of little league included way more than I ever wanted to know! We had people calling all hours to complain of how the coach lined up the team, where their child was playing and the ugly colors of the uniform. Unreal!
            My kids loved playing, though, so all the volunteering ( I was over candy and jerky sales) was worth it.
            Have a great day!


            • #11
              Aloha all!

              Jo, wish we had an Olive Garden here on Maui. I do miss them. There is probably one on Oahu. Loved their soup and salad and the breadsticks.

              Hugs for all with aches and pains. No fun at all!

              Today some of us will go on an outing on our Kalama Heights bus to Lahaina. It looks like it will be a beautiful day out so far. Maybe a little too warm in Lahaina. Anyway we will have lunch at a restaurant of our choice and there are many to choose from over there. Then shopping, but think I'll check out a couple of small museums. Should be fun a chance to get away.

              Have a good day all!


              • #12
                Darla, my GD throws all her clean socks in a basket, but they're never sorted. Most days the socks don't match (knee socks are her favorites)......but they manage to "fit in" with whatever she picks to wear with them. She has her own look and it works for her. A trend setter, I think.
                At graduation this month, the guy she thought was "the coolest guy in school" approached her, and he thought she was the "coolest girl in school". They started dating! 😄

                Thank you, Nalani. 🌺
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • determined
                  determined commented
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                  Jo my youngest daughter doesn't mate the socks, like your GD they all go in a basket, she wears them unmated but Larry and Keithan like theirs to match, so they will just dig through and find mates for that day. While I was there I sat and mated the entire basket. LOL

              • #13
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • #14
                  going to make response in separate post..
                  Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

