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Wednesday, June 15...GET UP

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  • Wednesday, June 15...GET UP

    Good morning everyone.

    Did everyone go somewhere else this morning or just sleeping in for a change? I've been up for a while, but just got here.

    Got some real deals at JCPenny yesterday. Got $50 of goods and only paid $26. Got $10. off each item plus another $5. off with a coupon. Also got a pair of winter pants of Alfred Dunner for $3.45. Now if that isn't a bargain, I don't know what is.

    Today is an oil change in my car and maybe the lawn mowers. The car is 85 miles over oil change mileage and this time will probably tire rotation as well. Have to check my book. While that is being done, I'll do what little grocery shopping needs to be done. Think I'm about through spending money. At least the big amount type anyway.

    Hope all have a good day. I may or may not be here in the morning as I'm going to T.H. to get some sod for where my little shed sat. The grass seed didn't take so I will lay sod opposed to messing with grass seed for the big area.
    Last edited by jostoy; 06-15-2016, 06:41 AM.
    Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.

  • #2
    Good Morning! I'm up!

    I have ridden my bicycle and washed a washer-full of towels. Getting ready for the therapist a 7:30.

    Bought a gorgeous T-Bone yesterday so that makes lunch no work, since John grills it.

    Watched a ballgame until midnight last night and am not feeling too chipper this morning.

    Have a good day, Everyone.


    • #3
      Good morning..I am up just long enough to check the board and get a drink of water..going back to bed since I have no place to be until 12:30 when my ride picks me up to go to the Chiropractor. Still debating church tonight.


      • #4
        Good Morning...a beautiful morning it is, a bit humid but only 70 degrees, a nice gentle breeze, supposed to get rain which we need, but for now, even though it is overcast it is the kind of morning I taste better with the windows open or on the deck...

        Yesterday went just fine, didn't need the two pills as the Dr. directed, woman at the place said one would be plenty...Took it right after they injected the 'light me up' stuff in my IV and after 45 minutes was ready...kept my eyes closed and didn't get a panic attack...I can say for the rest of the day I was sleepy, doesn't take much of any meds like that to knock me out...Will go to the Dr. on Friday to hear the results of both test...Next week it is time for another Remicade infusion then the following week we want to go visit daughter in GA.

        Today I need to catch up on some household duties, my son and his SO will be here this weekend, he is bringing me the trees I want...two Autumn Blaze Maples for the front yard and two dwarf peach trees for out back...he works in landscaping so can get them at his cost...and has a truck to bring them here without messing them up.

        Elaine your lunch sounds great, have to decide here something for supper, and what I will fix when the kids are here, he will be splitting the weekend between here and his Dad's house...for those that don't know, my two oldest kids are from a previous marriage, the youngest is with my husband. We live in the same town and actually have a very cordial relationship, swallowed my tongue or bite it many times while they were younger and even some now a days to keep it that way...I just wanted the kids to never feel like they had to make a choice...and they feel very comfortable with all of us...heck at Christmas we went to my daughters in laws house and we all spent the evening together and had our picture taken with makes my heart feel good and has made it so much easier and nicer for the kids..

        Well time to drink some coffee, read the news, catch up on my mail and get this day started....

        Have a great day one and all, as for me, hoping for some rain, I would rain dance but would be afraid to dance up something scary! Or hurt myself like Jostoy!
        Last edited by boffler; 06-15-2016, 07:36 AM. Reason: Great bargains Jostoy!!
        Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


        • jostoy
          jostoy commented
          Editing a comment
          Boff, I wasn't dancing. If I had been doing that, I probably wouldn't have been in the tree line.

      • #5
        Good Morning! Yesterday was absolutely beautiful. Cloudy this morning.

        Yesterday was very good. I spent the morning in the kitchen while it was cool. Made picnic food...mac salad, pot. salad, deviled eggs, baked drumsticks, baked beans, and barley bake. Then spent the afternoon cleaning house since I invited my Mom for dinner...the house needed cleaned anyhow. Stripped our bed & Becca's and washed all the bedding & got that back on. When I opened my door to go to bed last night, it smelled so wonderful...that line fresh smell. Kathy had a friend plus Jimmy here at supper time, so I skillet cooked a package of hot dogs. Cut up some watermelon and we had a great dinner. Clean up was easy since I had made almost everything in the morning & had it already cleaned up. Took Blaise swimming for a while after dinner. Had a nice visit with Mom.

        This morning I need to run to Saxonburg and stop at the drug store for a Rx and State Farm to drop off copies of our drivers license since we now have all cars registered in PA and have PA licenses. You are suppose to do that within 20 days of moving, but as of tomorrow we'll have been in this house a year. Blaise & I have appts at 11:30 for haircuts and I'm getting a perm. Can't stand this flat straight hair anymore. Not sure what I'm going to do once Lori moves in September. We've bartered for at least 15 years goodies for hair. Not sure what the rest of the day will bring. If it doesn't rain...swimming. Have to think of something for dinner. Maybe spaghetti.

        Have a good one all!


        • #6
          Good Morning, dentist at 9am this morning, will know once I get there if she will pull all 8 teeth I have left or if she will only pull part of them. She looked at the x-rays and said it looks like pulling all of them shouldn't be a problem. I know for the last 2 days have one of them that has been hurting, Had to get my Dad's family's bad teeth. Cousins that were taken to the dentist every 6 months and to the orthadontist every year, had a fortune in their mouths and still all ended up having to get dentures by the time they were 40, so guess that I've managed to keep mine this long is a good thing.

          Boffler, can't say I have exactly that kind of relationship with my X. At my daughters wedding I just made sure I steered clear of him. There were some points that I wanted to yell at him "Look at your daughter, really look at how beautiful she is" but kept telling my self, not my circus, not my monkey. I can hold my tongue but he on the other hand can't

          Maxie, your talking about laundry brought back memories of my Mom's oldest sister, the woman ironed EVERYTHING, including socks and underware. When going to spend the week with her daughter, always made sure to take enough clean underware so I didn't have to deal with the stiff ones. All of the cousins used to chuckle when she would say "you only need to bring 2 outfits, I do laundry every night" which she did but then she ironed every day. Not just ironed she starched everything too.

          Well best get off of here and get ready.


          • #7
            Another 98 degree day today..had one on Sunday also. Both kids will be here today to swim with their dad and I will get a hair cut. Seems I get my hair cut every week! Last nights ball game went fine...not sure if we won but sat in the shade and even had a breeze. One of the little boys got hit square in the face with a pitch and broke his nose. When Sierra played ball they wore face mask in their helmets but I understand, now that I am running with boys, that that is not required for them. Andrew had a nice hit and game went fast once the blood was cleared. I have a pork roast in the crock pot and will make a simple dinner when they exit the pool sometime today. Have an early appointment so need my coffee and will read some news. My poor Orlando is getting the brunt of the news lately. So sad and horrifying on all fronts.


            • #8
              Good morning, everyone.
              Looks like I'm not much of an early bird any more. Must need the sleep.
              Well, today is the last day of 'Round 1' chemo pills. 😊 As of tomorrow I begin my 7 days of being off those meds. Then next Thursday I get the IV and meds again, or "Round 2" begins.

              Today will be another sunny day, and temps are in the low 100's for now. Fathers Day will bring 116°, a sizzler for sure. Days like that, I think about Phoenix which generally beats our heat. I no longer have to deal with that extra heat.
              The weatherman says to pray for rain, which will help cut down the wildfires. I wonder why they don't consider hiring the Native Americans to do their rain dances? 😄

              I'm anxious to see my oncologist on Friday, to get something done about this worsening foot pain. I took an oxycodone yesterday, which didn't work at all. I have just a few pills left. I don't know whether to try 2 today, just hoping to get a day of relief, or to forget it and just deal with it.

              E has a couple of errands to run today. I will stay home, I think.

              Jostoy, you really got some good deals yesterday!
              Elaine, I hope the day improves for you.
              Beth, I recommend that after seeing your chiropractor, that you spend the day resting afterwards.
              Sharon, your yard must be looking like paradise. Sounds great. You did good for your kids, keeping the families at least cordial. I made a clean break of it with divorces (2) kids didn't need exposure to either the guy who fell into alcoholism & drugs, nor the guy who threatens with guns if he didn't get his way. Both had tried to get me back, but I made my standing very clear. E, too, had a bad divorce experience, both of us reluctant to marry again, but love won out, and the kids were better off for it.
              Cookie, that watermelon sounds good. I might have E get some while he's out.
              Darla, I hate starched clothes. I buy mostly knits. Dress shirts go to the cleaners.
              Maxie, there certainly is a lot of unrest around the world. After hearing the Orlando updates, the news showed the rest. Is anyplace safe any more?

              Well, time to get breakfast. ☕️
              Wishing you all a great day, and may peacefulness abound. 😊

              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


              • #9
                I have a house full and they all came together! Car after car pulling up...and my son in Japan called with some things to discuss and get my thoughts...
                So, I am just checking in and reading posts and wishing you all a good day.
                63 wonderful degrees here! Feels like the Coast!


                • #10
                  Good late morning .

                  have been awake, and up since 4.30am.. we have been Invaded by some sort of little bug.. looks like an ant but gets wings.. the kitchen.cleaned out and sprayed a bunch last Sat....David got up about 4 . and discovered they were "back".. and was trying to smack them down,, finally came and got me.
                  take a wet rag and wipe them up.. they are massed around the one window and the refridgerator door???... they live long. and die when they get a whiff of the spray... but I have not been back to sleep... David has. for over 2 hrs. ... agggggggggggg

                  Hannah coming in a bit .to put spaghetti sauce together..

                  we have only three ex s in our family.. ex DIL , Ex son in law and an ex Granddaughter in law. ..and ex,engagee to granddau... but he don't count ..
                  although I really liked him..... Davids sister has an ex and her daughter has an ex married a man with an ex ( and two grown kids).. so used to including them in some family things like weddings... seems kind of normal.....I still love my ex Daughter in law. ...have not seen nor do I ever want to see daughters ex... they had no children ,, Thank you Lord....

                  JoG. sure hope you get some relief from that foot.. is it Nerve damage?.
                  and hi to all. especially Justy


                  lunchtime already

                  Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


                  • #11
                    Maye, flying ants? Aren't those termites? Better get that checked out quickly!

                    My foot.....its cellulitis, which I picked up at the hospital in March. The other foot pretty much healed on its own. This one didn't. I had the antibiotics for it, which cut the inflammation in half, and took away the pain on the right side of this foot. But chemo interferes with the immune system, so the inside ankle is painful and shoots pains up that calf as well when I walk or cross my legs.
                    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                    • #12
                      Aloha all!

                      Off to go zip lining with my granddaughter in a few minutes. Hope I survive.


                      • #13
                        Good afternoon everyone..

                        I am sorry..I am late..

                        I something i had to take of..

                        Here is cute pic of cat..I wish i had looked like
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                        This gallery has 1 photos.


                        • #14
                          Really cute cat photo, sassy. Thanks.
                          Hope all is well with you. Have a relaxing evening.
                          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

