Good morning everyone.. Rise and shine.. It will be another hot day..Lucky we did not get that rain..
No announcement yet.
Tuesday 7...June
Good Morning. It is a chilly one here right now, at 58 degrees, seems like we just get the pool heated to a good temp then the temps cool off, even with a solar cover...not much planned today except some 'front porch sitting' with my cousin who is coming to visit...been a long time since we have seen each other, so I'm sure no lack for conversation..
I made some tuna salad yesterday and have dark rye to put it on, its a tropical tuna recipe, has crushed pineapple in it, and it is it...comes from the Bill Phillips Eating for Life book...fixing a turkey goulash recipe from his book for supper...trying to eat healthier...I said 'trying'. (that is until we go camping and then the pie irons, marshmallows and hot dogs come out)
Not much else planned, just kick back and enjoy the day...
Hope everyone has some sunshine shining in your life today, whether it is in the sky or in your heart...So much to be thankful for if we just 'see' it...
Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God
Good Morning! The sun is trying to peek out but I think the clouds are going to win. Yesterday the sun would come out for a wee bit and then it looked like rain the next hour.
Yesterday wasn't too great. I did get my trip to Aldi's and the banks accomplished and got Blaise to the library, but that was about it. I didn't feel good most of the afternoon. I did make dinner. Kathy & Jimmy stopped by and took Blaise grocery shopping at Aldi's with them. Since Jimmy's been eating here quite often lately, he offered to buy some groceries with his food stamps, which I accepted. Just basic items. I do the cooking then.
Today I HOPE to mix up and bake off some cookies. It's suppose to be cool (chilly) the next few days, so it's a perfect time to have the oven on. Not sure what the rest of the day will bring.
Blaise only has 3 more days of school after today. Each day there is something special. Today is GUM day and they get to eat in the cafeteria. First grade it coming up quick!
Have a good one all!
Good Morning!
Not chilly here. Hot.
Food arrived after church: Donuts, brownies, chocolate-covered pretzels, homemade rolls, fruit salad, another fruit salad. We couldn't deal with it all.
Therapist called off yesterday and will be here about 7:30a. I much rather get this over in the morning, so that is good.
Have a great day. I am hungry for chocolate chip cookies.
BTW: Made that Granny Cake. Threw the entire thing away. John said it was toxic sweet, and it was. Wish I had my eggs, pineapple, pecans, and sugar back. LOL
Good morning ... sun is shining at the moment .. but the weather guys are calling for 80% chance of rain this am. agggggggg.. however ,I have no plans to do a whole lot... except hopefully go for flowers with Karen.. this after noon... energy and ambitious are both at the bottom of the list ...
I am getting a lot of reading done.. and keeping the necessary stuff done...hey, it ain't easy to get old.. ...... so I will try to do as Sharon suggest ... be thankful for the good things in my life... which is mostly about the good people I know in my life...
I need more coffee . maybe a donut ( huh? Sassygirl. ? )
Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.
The wind is cold here this morning (I think it is coming off the lake). Will go get the shot in my back this morning, don't know if my comment last time made a difference but my appointment is for 10am. Last time it wasn't until 2 and I suggested that they needed to get the diabetics in as early in the morning as they could because of you have to fast and it could cause a low blood sugar problem. Last time they had to bring me juice and graham crackers afterward.
Donna hope that Kathy and Jimmy aren't playing a game to get you to let them move in, you know the be on our best behavior thing. my cousin pulled that on my aunt years ago. Helped out with chores, bought food and as soon as she thought she had changed her ways and let them move in they went back to the same old ways, selling the food stamps so they had money to party on, stealing pawnable stuff that they knew she wouldn't miss right off. She had a necklace that had belonged to her mother that she rarely wore and pawned it (thankfully she found the pawn ticket and was able to retrieve it)
Boffler to answer your question, yes his Mom gave him the house and this is all over the taxes. He has paid them since it went into his name, at least until the last couple of years. I do know that he at least made a partial payment last year but his son looked it up on the website and said that he is 2 years behind. When I have said something about it he has told me "I got it covered" and since I don't see his bank account I had no way of knowing, and since he would tell people "had to pay my taxes" I took him at his word that he had done just that. And yes his Mom always gave into him and according to family members has since he was a toddler. That if his dad told him know he would just go to his mom and she would give in.
Talked to my sister yesterday and have a plan, depending on if he will allow me to take things, and not let everything go in the house, my nephew will come with his truck. so that what we can't fit in her suv we can put in the truck. But who knows if he is going to be spiteful enough to loose it and let whoever gets the house get everything. Yes when he gets in his mood he will cut off his nose to spite his face.
Good morning, all. Bad day all around. I had a fasting test yesterday but got my time mixed up. Thought it was 2:00 but it was 12:00. Next one is set for 12:00 also. Now I have to change my follow up with the Dr. too.
After that took Sis to lunch and then went for groceries. Didn't get everything on my list because I was pooped. Came home to a broken toilet. Didn't know it was broken but the water had been off for awhile and it did the pipe banging thing when I flushed it. When I came in a couple of hours later the floor was flooded. The chain had broken off the flapper and was trapped under it. I turned the water off and sopped up about a gallon of water. Too late to call the manager but it's OK until they get the office open at 8:00.
I am thankful for me dear baby Sister who is so good to me. I am thankful that someone else will fix the toilet instead of having to do it myself. I am thankful for my neighbor who doesn't know it yet but will give me a ride down to the community hall so I can vote.
Well, that made me feel better. Have a great day.
Darla, why does he have the power to "allow" you to have things? Do you not have community property in your state? Sounds like a spoiled bratty child to me. I had that type of situation for 13 years and decided he would always be a selfish brat and got out of it. Best part was 3 beautiful daughters.
Barb, since we aren't married the community property law wouldn't apply. Since most things that are mine (given to me by people up here) aren't things that are nice but not something that would bring any kind of money on a yard sale (most were picked up at yard sales and thrift shops in the first place). For the most part nothing that is actually mine, isn't worth the fight if he decides that I can only take my clothes and pictures.
It is a beautiful morning here. And Finally, the California Primary! A Huge day at our house because Becky, who has always been more interested in politics than any of us ( and I have been on our county party steering committee and Gary was a City Councilman for two terms) has a job as a poll worker. She has wanted to work on a campaign but is super excited to do this. Last week was their training day: new voting machines. I have been using the mailing ballots ever since Gary's health started going down and I couldn't get to the polls Early. West Coast voting time zone is bad enough without being late to the polling center... Anyway, as a poli sci Major she is pretty happy, even with the 6:30 am to 9:30 pm work day! This is a huge step for her; after years of anxiety and panic disorder from being a victim, it shows how we can overcome and move forward.
We are excited that our temperature will be below 100 and by the end of the week it will just be 80's! Love that!
So glad that storm did not get to you, Pat!
I have found I love ground turkey! Turkey burgers or used in taco salad are my favorite ways.
Well, I better get going. Kids will be here any minute. Have a great day!
Good morning.
It's cooling off to 105° today. (No, Maye, we avoid going out in the extreme heat.). A nice suprise ahead, if it really happens --- temps drop to the high 90's on Thursday & Friday, with a 20% chance of rain! It will be so welcome.
Yesterday I had my PT person run off a copy of my exercises, then went and bought those rubbery exercise bands, so I can do this stuff at home. It won't be long til the PT sessions are done. We still need to get a bag of marbles; one exercise is lifting marbles with your toes and putting them back in their jar. We work a lot on toe and ankle exercises; I need the core muscles and strengthening exercises as well. My last official session is in 3 weeks. Any questions I have, I can ask my DD who's a PT. Too bad she lives so far away.
I enjoyed shopping at Bed Bath & Beyond yesterday. E seems to really enjoy shopping there, too. I just went for the stretch bands. He ended up with a bag full of stuff, all useful. He's become my housewife, and I enjoy seeing him pick out stuff "we need" or "would really be handy". He's been good at taking my "how to" advice, and has become innovative on his own now. It's really nice.
Anyway, one trip around the store (using my walker) did me in. Was glad to get back home.
No plans today. I'm expecting a package from my brother today, early for my birthday. He's a sweetie. Yesterday I got the sweetest card a gal can get from a brother.
Sharon, healthy eating + camping food = balanced diet!!!
Sassy, that's a funny cat!
Cookie, try to take a bit of time for just you, and relax.
Maye, take 2 donuts. You deserve a treat.
(((((Darla)))))... Good luck, girl. Take what you really want, what's yours....I wouldn't trust him to hold anything for you. He seems to have one heck of a mean streak.
Hi Beth, Elaine, Justy , Barb, Jostoy, Maxie, Paula......
Have a great day. ☀️~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Create a beautiful day wherever you go.
Morning all
For all who contacted me yesterday worried about the Tropical Storm - no worries. We got 6 inches of rain, but that's it. Nothing major. All good.
Back to work today. Chris and I are still looking for a new place to move, but no luck so far. We are viewing an upstairs condo near my work today, but I'm not thrilled about living back on the beach. *sigh*
I'm off to get some real work done. Y'all have a good 'un.
Elaine - I made some German Chocolate cookie bars yesterday that were absolutely FABULOUS. I will post a link to it in the kitchen.The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.
Sierra and her dad worked like pros yesterday in the heat. Have the entire play set torn apart and stacked. They measured off for the new pool and then threw sand...still need a lot more sand to level the area but we cannot get a truck down in there so they are hauling bags and bags and bags. Everything here is on a slant, slope, hill, whatever..nothing is level. He worked his daughter and they had a few laughs. I toted and hauled but mostly ran the errands. Knee was howling last night but not as much as the shoulders of those other two will be today!! Andrew has a 6:00 game and with travel we must leave here before 5:00 since we are taking him. 3 games this week...Jon starts vacation Saturday for two weeks so that should help with the times on these games. Pam, the neighbor had called and ask to use his car port for her yard sale and that has motivated him to clean the shed. I was amazed at the stuff he had pack-ratted in this house. All my stuff was taken to Good Will or Scott took or family picked through but he has plenty of his own. Pam's mother died a few months ago and she has all her furniture etc. If my sister's liner is in I might take off down there to be out of the way. If not I will hole up in here and read. Have been reading again. But for today I must run the vac and mop the kitchen floor. We did not eat until 8:30 last evening so have that mess left. Supposedly a cool front came through last evening after a day of sun and hot. I am still looking forward to those warm nights. Been hearing horror stories about the buffalo gnats? We do not have them but Sierra says they are horrible around the lake, pool, pond they live by. Just coat the outside of the house. We sit a lot outside evenings and have not had any problem...just normal every day aggravating summer gnats. I can still see my husband swatting at the summer gnats around his sweaty face and giving them his special name. I do not know who else uses his phrase but our entire extended family uses it. My husband had a way with words that you knew what he meant...graphically! Busy day for me so better get going to decide what job I will be eliminating or if I will even do any. Got a new book Sierra gave me soooooo.....happy day to all of you. Elaine sounds like you are doing wonderfully with your new knee.
Donna - the place we are currently renting is 4 bedroom/3 bath. It is WAY too big for us. It also has TWO A/C units - our power bill last July was almost $500!
We really want to downsize so Chris can quit his weekend job - or only work it when he WANTS to, not because he NEEDS to.
The rent on the condos where I work would be CATASTROPHIC for us. Even a 1 bedroom unit would be almost $1200 a month. And at a minimum, we needs 2 bedrooms because Erin needs one too.The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.