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monday...6 June..

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  • monday...6 June..

    Good morning evryone...

    The weather here..It is cloudy...And sticky..The sun is coming out..

    the furbabies are watching birds..

    And everyone have nice day..
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  • #2
    Good SUNNY Morning! FINALLY! Yesterday was another dreary one with a bit of rain off & on.

    Yesterday started, lunch, nap. Once I got up from my nap, I finally had some energy and got some cleaning & laundry done. Went to my Mom's last night and played cards with her, my SIL, and niece Maddie. Talked to Becca a couple of times and she's doing good. One of the other girls moved in yesterday, so she's not there alone anymore, which is good. The other two aren't moving in for at least another week.

    This morning I'm running into town to grocery shop and do my banking. Only 4 more days of school after today. Going to enjoy doing it by myself today. Then home to do some paperwork. My cookie supply is dwindling, so may mix up some dough. Won't bake it off until maybe tomorrow. Need to tend to the pool since it hasn't been opened since Friday. The weekend weather wasn't nice.

    Have a good one all!


    • #3
      Good sunshiny morning to all...nice breeze, good day for opening doors and windows...the kitties are even more content this morning with everything open...
      Hubby is working on building a fire ring with patio type area around it, even though we would get rain showers off and on yesterday he worked right through it, LOL
      He cut out a nice square where he wants it, laid down fabric and then covered with stone, he will lay flat patio bricks out and then will build the fire pit area in a circle in the middle...he use to do this as a side job, working landscaping and wall building and such...looking forward to having it so I don't always have to be camping to enjoy a good fire..

      jostoy I would love to come that way to buy a hat, but it seems I can't even find the time to make a camping trip to GA this month, to many Dr. appts. and test...always something with me, LOL...

      Donna I can see why you need a nap every now and again, at my age it takes me twice as long to do things I use to do in half the time, if I took a nap I never would get anything done, But you are the backbone of the family and you are what keeps it forge on...

      JoG, loving your positive attitude about all that is going on with you, it helps in recovering for sure...know I think of you on a daily basis and say a prayer for your well being..

      Paula, do you get a break in the summer also? Or do you have children all season long? I admire anyone who has it in them to take care of a room full of children, As much as I love them it could not be me..

      So many graduations and reunions coming up and of course it is on weekends and just enough to keep us from going anywhere camping, I should not complain, but I am, LOL...between that and Drs. appts. we are house camping trip I for sure want to make is Niagara Falls, maybe in Aug. or Sept..and hopefully take the Grandgirls to Disney in October...

      Well time to get this day started, make my bed, get dressed, have a cup of coffee and read the news, then get busy...have a wonderful day one and all, focus on the positive, find a silver lining, or hang onto a thread of hope...

      Happiness, peace out..

      Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


      • #4
        Good morning everyone.

        Sharon, don't let the camper be like the boat.

        Have a lot to do today in preparation of going to the Lake for the rest of the week. Have things to do here first while the grass is drying. Pack, sort through some tools in a tool box, and then go this evening to help mow my friends yard.

        Hopefully I will get my electric line ran and set up. The roofer is also suppose to roof the shed Wednesday. So as you can see, I'll be busy as a little bee this week, then hopefully the next trip over will be for strictly relaxation. Relaxation means to be fishing.

        Time to get some breakfast then get the day started. Everyone have a wonderful day.
        Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


        • boffler
          boffler commented
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          No way will that happen Jo, lots of places close by to camp, not so much with the rivers...and we want a smaller one easier to load and take..all that is keeping us here this month is me, my test, Dr. appts., infusion, weekends - graduation parties and family are always busy also...but it makes a person feel better if you can be.

      • #5
        Good looks like it will be a really pretty day today...will head out on the bus to cash my check and get some groceries.

        Work last night was pretty much the same as normal..things are starting to get kind of easy...and I really starting to enjoy it...waiting to see if I will be scheduled for next Sunday..I hope that I am...I got to learn how to put helium in the balloons last night..I enjoyed that...also had a customer ask me to show her where three different items were and I was able to show her right where all 3 things were with out having to ask another coworker. I still am pretty proud of myself over that.


        • #6
          Good morning, all. Still hot and sunny here.Temps will be in 90s and high 80s all week. Poor Lily can't understand why I won't take her out in the middle of the day. I think the side walks burn her little feet but she doesn't show any discomfort unless we step off onto the blacktop.

          Going for a radiology test today and I have to fast for 6 hours so I had better get some breakfast so I won't be miserable later.

          Later everybody.


          • #7
            Good morning! ☕️
            Today is PT day for me. Just 6 sessions left, on Mondays and Wednesday's. Nothing else planned for today.
            I do need a shower before PT, though. And some breakfast.

            Yesterday the temps peaked at 112°, today is forecasted for "just" 111°, but better relief comes tomorrow when it's down to 105°. 🌵

            My eldest DD will be schooling her GD (the autistic one) this summer, just so she doesn't forget what she has learned in school this semester. I was able to suggest where she looks for teaching supplies and ideas for activities; no big expense to her. The child has so much energy it's unbelievable. At a family gathering, I notice that 4 adults take turns keeping her entertained/focused.

            Hi Sharon. Thank you. And I think of you with all you must go through, too. I admire who you are.
            Cookie, you stay so busy! And you make the best cookies, too!
            Jostoy, yes, you're a very busy bee!!!
            Beth, you're making good progress! Yes, be proud!
            Sassy, I love Garfield.

            Hope to see others posting soon.

            Well, I'd better get breakfast, and get my outfit together for today, and get myself ready.

            Have a great day!
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


            • boffler
              boffler commented
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              Thank you Jo..

            • sassygirl01
              sassygirl01 commented
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              I thought we need Garfield to start our day...

          • #8
            And I am late again! I am catching up on my sleep for sure! Another ball game last and we won again...Drew had a good hit and scored and even got to slide twice. Red letter day for the wash machine!! One little guy hurt his knee and was carried off the field and to the ER..hope all is ok. They are only 9 year olds. Jon went out and bought a bigger pool and will spend the day taking down the rest of the swing set and leveling the ground. Sierra is coming today to be her dad's helper. She may be little but she is mighty and she talked daddy into the bigger pool. I must must must go to the grocery or we will be knocking on a neighbors door asking for handouts....and you all know how I like neighbors! Suppose to get hot this week and Jon is on vacation nest week so hope the trend continues and the rain is finally gone. Have a pair of hummers that visiting and a pair of Blue birds but they are not settling. They fly in and out of the bird house and do nothing...Pat, good to hear from you, Jostoy you make me tired before i am out of my jams. Jo, think of you all the time. Boffler, we love our fire pit just wish the wood would dry out enough to make a fire. Think I need to buy some of those starter logs. Good morning, happy day to each and every one of you. I am thinking spaghetti for supper since I have the meatballs frozen and it is a fav of Sierra's. Drew is on the farm with his uncle..they swam in the pond yesterday. Personally, I would rather not swim at all if all I had was a pond but he says I am a girl. Yes, I am and one who will not swim in a pond...ever!!


            • boffler
              boffler commented
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              Maxie your going to have to have a plastic tote to keep the wood in to keep it dry, or under a tarp... I love pies of all kinds over the campfire...also hot dogs, all beef of course.. Maxie I remember those years of baseball games, had three kids that played from young'uns until they graduated...oldest son went to college on scholarship for baseball..and actually made his mark, broke a record..and it still stands..Those were the days, but it must have burned me out because I don't even watch it on tv now..

          • #9
            Good Morning ...

            good nights sleep plus.... I just couldn't get awake.. was in bed dozing off and on until almost 9am.. I guess it was because I had no plans to go anywhere or do anything in particular today.. no lessons.. no appointments. did not need any groceries. I will run a load of dark laundry after bit.. make a nice lunch.. and the read read read.. ....I guess if I really wanted to ,,there are cupboards that need sorted and stuff tossed out . and probably a window that could be cleaned again.. and the kitchen could be mopped again.....a couple small sewing projects waiting .. I will wish for this day back once I get busy again

            Boff. the fire ring sounds so set around after dark?.
            Cute cat SassyG
            Bethina, you are doing great on your job!
            Jostoy.. you are moving around so fast, getting all kinds of stuff done.!
            Hi JoG.. 112! do stay in out of that!?.
            ~~~Donna, be over one of these days soon to help.
            Barb. hoping for good news on your test today.

            I need more coffee.. SassyG.. bring donuts tomorrow? please

            Elaine, where are you?.
            Justy, You ok?
            Hi Paula.
            ~~~~Nalani. and all names I missed.
            Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


            • sassygirl01
              sassygirl01 commented
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              You got the coffee..I will bring the donuts....

          • #10
            Good Morning, nothing has changed here, keep looking around at stuff sitting and thinking "that would probably sell on a yard sale, but knowing that he isn't going to let me start taking things down and getting them together for that, had a long talk with Maryanne yesterday, made me feel a bit better. I know that if he lets me have a yard sale that I will be selling all my books except my Harry Potter set, since I only buy at yard sales and in the thrift shops don't have to much tied up in my books and so won't get much out of them. I keep telling myself that I came here with 2 suitcases and if I have to can leave with the same, but at the same time keep looking a stuff that I really don't want to leave for someone to make a bunch of money off of when(if) they take over the house.


            • boffler
              boffler commented
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              Darla unfortunately he controlled his Mom with how he acted and now pretty much doing it with you, "Let's not upset Kenny"...She did him no favors and now everyone pays...he can and could make it so much easier oh you and himself if he truly wanted to..His Mom left him that house correct? Was she the one that always paid the taxes and such? What a mess, so the house is paid for and this is solely for not paying taxes?

          • #11
            It is late here. School kids came and it is a different dynamic.
            It is also the anniversary of our daughter's death. A day that can be really hard on Becky but I saw she posted so I felt ok to post, too.
            It is 10:45 and 88 degrees. No clouds but it feels humid. And, yes, I feel guilty even saying that because I know so many of you Really feel humidity but I always say, the Kid Factor ramps it up!
            I will post the lemonade cream cheeses pie because it was good and refreshing!
            Have a good day!
            Sharon, I am taking off the week my son and family come down. Last year I took off a week to go to Hawaii.


            • boffler
              boffler commented
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              Paula, not an anniversary to celebrate...but then again you can celebrate the life she sorry...(((((hugs)))))