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Memorial Day ~ 2016
Good Morning, Everyone. :
These darn therapists! They can't even give you one day off. Have that to look forward to.
We won't be doing much celebrating, and between us we have had very few servicemen in our families. John had 2 brothers in WW II. Thankfully, they both survived.
I always remember my first husband today. Bill went to Viet Nam in 1968. We got the news the day we married. We lived through the year, but 9 years later the marriage died. God blessed me with John 5 years later, and I have always hoped that Bill was as blessed as I have been. I have no idea where he is today. I hope he is OK.
Well, that was macabre, but it is my memory. Hope you all have a happy day.
Good sunshiny morning to all...
Elaine, I like your memory, at least it was not spewing with hatred...when talking of an ex sometimes that happens...I also honor all the men and women that have served...it truly is the ultimate sacrifice!! And how blessed are we to live in this great nation.
Yesterday we left the house early to go watch our son race, first time I have ever been well enough to go watch him...I loved it, he did great...I did wear a white shirt, had a hat and also had umbrella to stay out of the sun...it was overcast for a big part of the day, later the sun came out in full force so we came on home....I am supposed to stay out of the sun...but I did also have on my SPF 50 sunscreen from head to toe...Don't want to have to get another shot.
Today we are having our son and his girlfriend down for a cookout and swimming...we do have a lot of trees around and at certain times part of the pool is shaded...so I might get in the water, LOL...nothing fancy burger, beef hot dogs, a few sides, dessert. Mainly just spending time together is what I enjoy most, always missed that so much when moving away from them..
I wish I could feel this good all the time, getting so much done that I have let go for so long...next week going to tackle the kitchen, take all things out of cabinets and wipe them down and clean outside of cabinets...a get rid of anything outdated...
Well one and all, let's say a prayer of thanks for all those that have fought to keep our nation free and for those that have lost their lives and for those that continue to fight..I was thinking about all the men and women that miss their children growing up, the deaths in their families they can not be there for, etc...how very sad, we should give thanks EVERYDAY!!
Have a great day, let the flags fly...
Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God
Good SUNNY Morning! Yesterday turned into a dreary day after a beautiful sunny morning.
Yesterday was good. Came home from church and decided to head into town to grocery shop since we were out of milk. Came home with a trunk full. Some items I planned to get and some sale items I just couldn't resist. After getting all that put away, I mixed up a couple batches of cookies, a pan of brownies, and made creamy chicken for dinner. I'm so blessed to have a husband who cleans up the kitchen sometimes w/o complaint. Kathy was suppose to be coming home for the night. Well she showed up around 11pm to get a change of clothes and ask for a plate of cookies for the picnic they were going to today at Jimmy's Pap's. Becca came home in a good mood, so we chatted for a while.
This morning I'm making the deviled eggs I'm to take for the picnic we are going to later this afternoon at my SIL's Mom's. I'm also in charge of dessert, so I'm taking cupcakes & a big tray of cookies. I could have gone fancier, but I figured it's a picnic. I'm always making pies & cakes for the birthdays and other gatherings. Becca is working. We are picking up my Mom and taking her up with us. She'll either come home with us or my brother Tom's.
Those that have served in our family were all blessed to come home alive, but that doesn't diminish my thankfulness for those that didn't. It makes me sick when others (mostly young people) are disrespectful of the flag & the military. Though it was the same when I was growing up during the Vietnam war. Idiots.
Have a good one all!
Good morning......
Sunny & hot again today. No plans for us.
Good news for me, there is very little inflammation in my bad foot today, and still-present-but-less discomfort to walk on it. It might be all cleared up in the next 6 days' of antibiotics I'm taking. But seeing and feeling this difference is GOOD!
I do have a holiday from PT today, and am glad of it, but do go back Wednesday ---- it's Monday's & Wednesday's for my last 6 appointments.
3 of my mom's brothers and 1 BIL served in the military, and 1 of my dad's brothers served as well. 3 were Army, 1 was Air Force, and 1 was Navy. All survived and returned home. Though I was fairly young at the time, I believe that 2 of the Army ones returned with some PTSD.....there was a sadness in them that no one could touch. My dad was 4F (heart).
All of my children born and grew up on AFB's within the states,
Have a nice holiday, everyone.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Create a beautiful day wherever you go.
Good Morning, no plans here today. All that served in my family came home in one piece, but Kenny's Mom's brother was lost in Europe and his body was never returned so the family never really got to say good-bye to him. It is sad that so many came home but never really came "home" Donna so glad you said Vietnam WAR, makes me so mad when people diminish those Vets service because it was never declared a WAR. When the BIL was able we used to go with him to some of the reunions and it was just so sad to hear the stories of the crap they put up with when they came home. A couple of years ago, coming home from my Sister's there was a young Marine Vet on the bus. He wasn't in uniform or anything, but some a$$hole heard him telling his seat mate about his service so at one of the stops started calling him a "baby killer" and disrespecting him much like the Nam vets were treated when they came home, made my blood boil, I listened for a bit and then had to speak up, told him that the only reason he was allowed to run his mouth and be so rude was because of MEN like that young man protected his rights in this country, then told the young man "Thanks for your service". A$$hole turned and got back on the bus. Okay rant over.
Got some great news yesterday, my cousin who was in the motorcycle accident a couple weeks ago and was in a coma has came out of it and is responding and seems to know who people are, the family had decided to to take him off of all life support and were making plans for his funeral. My brother and SIL had went up to see him yesterday and had told the niece how good he looked. SIL said that she was sure he had said my brothers name, guess later in the day he told his wife that he loved her and made an attempt to get "frisky". Goes to show that the doctors are not the ones in total control but that GOD has his own plans.
Good morning!!!
Great flag graphic, Elaine! And Darla, thanks for speaking up to that punk on the bus! I would have, too, in your place. At least, I hope I would.
Our barbecue yesterday was Wonderful! I put up a great picture of my friend Barbara and I with Becky and Barbara's daughter Jennifer.
Then when we got home Stuart Facetimed us so I could see Derek open the two gifts I had sent and then sing Happy Burthday and blow out the candles on his cake.
Technology came through!
Today is visit the cemetery and then CPR recertification because my card has expired and the retired fire chief I take classes from was kind enough to call and ask if I wanted to do it today. All his Saturday classes are filled and paid for and no one cancels. He is that good! And the ones the daycare office puts on with the Red Cross are $100.00'and 8 (!) hours! On a Saturday. I was going to sign up and pay for the next one on June 25th, but so grateful he called last night...none of the classes refund your money for canceling, so I didnt want to commit to the Red Cross one the 25th if I didn't have to. My Saturday's are so valuable to me emotionally as well as physically.
It's not about me....but I sure go on, don't I?
Sharon, so glad you were able to go to your son's race! Hope you don't have any negative sun reactions, either.
As I put out the flag this weekend I kept thinking of Maye sewing hers up just like a modern Betsy Ross! I love our flag, one we got through our Congressman when we visited Washington, DC.
Donna, our chocolate peanut butter cake roll was a huge hit! Becky and I shared a small piece so I know we will do it again when my son Stuart brings his family down.
Have a great day!
Aloha all!
Darla my husband served over two years in Vietnam (different times) and both times he came home safely although others in his unit did not. So I feel blessed that I had 62 years with him. I still miss him a lot and am thinking of him all the time. My husband hated Jane Fonda for the harm she created for Vietnam Vets and I do not respect her either.
Have put my flag on my lanai and there is a slight breeze so it is waving nicely.
Patty and Meagan are here and will leave shortly after or Memorial day picnic here. Wednesday Patty will fly to Ohio as my oldest granddaughter has to have a complete hysterectomy next week. An old scar tissue is attaching it's self to her other organs and they have to open her up, take out stuff. She is having this done by a special doctor in Columbus. Patty is a registered nurse so I am glad she will be there to take care of her afterwards and run any interference that may be needed. Meagan will stay in Hana with her dad and I'm sure she will be back to stay with me a time or two.
Have a good day all!