Good Morning all you fine, sweet, loveable people...a quick hello again from me, heading to the shower, get ready and head out the door again today...going to be a dreary, rainy day would much prefer to stay inside...going to try and find out what this aggravating, itchy rash is...then a stop at the store...thinking of all of you...will check back later today.
No announcement yet.
Thursday morning express coming through
Good SUNNY Morning! I know it's not going to last, so I'm enjoying it. Rain is coming for today & tomorrow.
Yesterday was good. Had a nice visit with my cousin Karen when she dropped off some cookie cutters. Right before she arrived I got a "wrong #" text. I informed the person of that & we texted back & forth a few times. It went down hill and it was a sex text....ewwwwwww! Karen laughed at me. I was horrified and that suggestions. I got the # blocked and reported them. Baked off all my cookie dough. I should have gotten 20-22 dozen out of it, but the witches hat is larger than my average cutter and I only ended up with 17 1/2 doz. So after mixing up all my icing, I mixed up another batch of dough and will bake it off so that I get my 18 doz as ordered. I did get the hats iced, so now only 14 doz to go today. Stopped for a while to go pick up Blaise from him school field trip and they were a half an hour late. He had a great time.
This morning I plan to ice & ice some more.
Have a good one all!
Good morning...I woke realizing that in 3 days I will get to my mom and daddy!!! I am so excited to have them here for a few days...! Today is volunteering which should be fun! I have a special project to do with some of the individuals...not sure if that will be today or will wait for Tuesday which is the normal craft day...Hoping to get a pizza after I volunteer not sure...Then working on getting the house in better shape for week end company...I am so excited for my parents visit...and as it works out I was not scheduled to work this Sunday...I was bothered by it at first but now I see it as a blessing and get the extra time with my family..
slow morning here.. but we will get it rolling Sharon!
had to shower early.. get all tidied up in some decent to be seen in clothes.... Karen and I are "maybe" going on a shopping trip and pick up College gal ,Hannah , to take her for lunch.. got a text message we will be leaving beween 10-10:30... ... going to be a fun BUT... I twisted the left knee yesterday... it does not hurt nor but I can not depend on it to take much walking or stepping up. but I will do what I can,, will not pass up a trip to visit Hannah or to shop a bit.. we are to be hunting new "tops" for me..
so far we have sunshine... but are predicting showers for late afternoon.. lets hope the weather guys know what they are talking about...
see you this evening ...
Hi Justy
Keep smiling Paula..
and everyone else, have a g reat dayTake it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.
Got the predicted rain yesterday afternoon which put the baseball game into rain delay and so I took a nap and then was up all night. Cardinals eventually beat the Cubs and tonight we will clean up on the BlackHawks and advance to round two!! Hopefully it will be a bad day for the Chicago teams. Carpenter was so quick with his bid because he is between jobs and will be here today to work on the steps. Hope the rain holds is sunny right now. Andrew came in asking for money for the book one and get one, end of school year sale I guess. He is going to buy a book and get a free book and then spend the rest on good junk. Really? Good Junk? Conned into donating another 20 to that school! Can they get me for more in the couple of weeks befire school is out? JOn is off today so will handle the carpenter, I will maybe get another nap in since the hockey game is late and I was up all night recovering from yesterdays nap.
Good morning, everyone.
Today I need to get back on my positive-thinking track. Yesterday threw me for a loop (separate post). At one point yesterday I wondered if the medical people have to take a course in selling used cars ------- what they promise is not always what you get. My port, which should make IV's and lab work easier, will take about 2 weeks to stop hurting they finally said. The gal in the lab who had to take the needle out of the port yesterday, I thought she'd break my shoulder in the process.
Well, today we will see 94°. Hot & sunny. I can live with that!
Nothing on today's agenda to speak of.
Maye, do you have an Ace bandage? Wrap that knee before going anywhere!
To all, have a great day today. 🌞~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Create a beautiful day wherever you go.
Good morning everyone.
Have tried getting on, but was interrupted both days that I have been missing. Tuesday my friend in the country called at 8 saying she was going to mow. On Monday, my "rest" day turned into tilling the garden and planting the "cold weather" crops. After my friend called Tues. morning, I ran out to plant radishes and then on to Walmart to buy compost to put in my large planters. Came back home and mixed the compost with 12-12-12 then put the mixer in the large planters. Have the smaller pots to fill yet. By the time I finished, it was time to head for the country to mow. Finished that by 4 p.m. and then came home and collapsed in my recliner. Wore my back brace so the riding mower wasn't as bad on my back.
Yesterday, as I started toward the computer room and my cousin called and we talked for 2 hours. I was still in my jammies so I had to shower and got dressed so I could go to the Amish builders to get the phone number of the guy who delivered my large shed about 3 years ago. I want to move my small shed to the Lake where I have gotten a lot. I don't need the smaller shed since I got the large one, but need a shed at the Lake lot. Got the guy called and he was already heading toward town so he dropped by to see if he could move it for me. Finally, something is starting to work out for me. He said there shouldn't be a problem as it will fit on his trailer. That will save me a bunch of money in the cost of a new shed.
I will be gone over to the Lake tomorrow and Sat. The guy tearing down the building at the Lake is suppose to start today. Then I'm to look at 2 different campers to put on the pad while I'm over there. Have made arrangements for both owners to move the camper that I choose to put it on the concrete pad that will be left after tearing down the building.
JoG, my brother has a port that the dialysis team uses. He also has a fistula in his right arm which they haven't started using yet. He cannot shower because he can't get the port wet, so my S-I-L gives him sponge baths in the laundry room.
While I was up there, I did exercises with him before the physical therapist came. Then that evening I pushed him in his wheelchair all through the neighborhood just to get him out and about and to get some fresh air in his lungs. He actually enjoyed it and wanted to just set out in the sunshine when we got back to the house. Of course he had some things to do in the garage, so guess who got to do that. It wasn't him and there was only the 2 of us out there. I promised him I'd try to get back at least 2 times before winter.
Pat, your friend "left" in quick time, but that gave her less time to suffer.
Sharon, don't let that ugly chrones get to far ahead of you. Camping season is coming real fast now.
Paula, I know how loud that roof hammering can be. My last roof was metal and no noise putting it on.
Donna, Bliase will cherish the times he has been with you and be so thankful for the time you spent with him. I'm sure he will grow into a polite young man.
Laydebug, don't float away. Maybe you should tie a rope around one of your trees so you can hold on if the house starts to float.
Maye, I also know about those sore knees. Also Barb, If the Dr. suggest a knee replacement, go ahead and get a new knee. You won't regret it.
Think I have written enough to cover my 2 days of absence so will just say have a good day. ( don't you wished someone would have interrupted me today? )
Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.
Well, so glad it didn't delete your post, Jostoy! You amaze me with all you do, for yourself and others.
Jo, I read your other post and the one E wrote and today's: Hope it is just one of those speed bumps that may slow us but is not a barrier. Bless you both and praying for your good spirits and humor to see you through.
It is a birthday in daycare. Every child has asked if we can have cupcakes now. I asked, "Do we ever eat cupcakes with breakfast?" They answered, No, so can we have cupcakes now?
At least the mother brought the little cupcakes...few kids this age eat more than the frosting!
And I am chanting my diet mantra: I will not eat...I will not eat...(cupcakes).
Boffler, you sure started with a cheerful tone!
I will second what Jo said, Maye, about wrapping your knee. Take care!
Beth, have fun at volunteering and with your visit with your parents.
Maxie, my 10 year old grandson, Boone, wants to take up hockey when he moves to Maryland. First he will have to learn to ice skate, but that doesn't seem to be a worry.
Well, kids are needing a little direction here, so I better close with my heartfelt hope you have a good day!
And Donna, sorry for that awful call😩
we got our trip in... was sucessful... and Karen parked as close as possible to the store.. and we walked slow , no steps involved .. we zipped through the clothing 3 ordinary tops.. to wear shopping etc.. and one new Style one. a loose. bright colors see through , over a white "undershirt. ..probably will wear once. but it will look adorable ..also got 2 pr of summer weight slacks. needing hems.. .. picked up Hannah, (seen her room first. 4.girls FOUR girls live in this space not bigger than my living room. no wonder Hannah has been depressed all year!!!!!!!!... she has had a large herself. ( she did share for about two years when Bethany was a lot younger).. . and this room is huge.. 18'x20'.. ... next year she will have a new roommate, just one
in a room , and the might make life easier for her..
had lunch , then stopped at walmart , for toothpaste ,, finally got back to campus.. set and talked.. finally headed home... great day
Thanks for advice on wrapping the knee,, I never thought of that.... will keep it in mind the next time I head out for a walking or where are steps,, trip..
the rains are here...
Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.