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Tuesday ~ March 8

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  • Tuesday ~ March 8

    Good Morning!

    Where is everyone hiding? It is nearly 7a central.

    Well, wish I had something to talk about. I don't.

    JoG, thinking of you today.

    Sending hugs to everyone.

    Last edited by ladyebug; 03-08-2016, 07:48 AM.

  • #2
    Good morning..Today is a volunteer day...then home...I have decided to take the membership classes at the church that I have been attending since moving..there are 2 tonight and one in 2 weeks..


    • #3
      Good Morning! I'm here...I just was waiting for someone else to start this thread.

      Yesterday was a beautiful spring day and today has started out the same but even warmer. Just had to wear a jacket out to the bus stop this morning.

      (((JoG))) Praying for you.

      Yesterday wasn't too productive, but I did get my taxes done though I have to get her a little bit more information so we can take a credit for Becca's education. Kathy was here most of the day and had dinner with us. I made orange chicken. YUM! Finally figured out how to get Netflix working again on our TV. It's been almost a week.

      This morning I'm going to try making 3 different kinds of soup...ham & bean, split pea w/ham, and chicken pasta. I'm in the mood. Of course I'll share some. My Mom loves soups, so I think we'll take some over to her.

      Have a good one all!


      • #4
        Good Morning .

        having trouble getting to sleep in bed...I will doze in the chair. but when I turn the light out and get into bed.. my "head " won't turn off. weird..

        so I got up at 6 .ate a bite. and snoozed in the recliner.. .. now to get this day going ... Karen will be getting her spag. sauce sometime today..
        I ask son Bruce to stop in this afternoon and help me get some more water into the tubes in the water bed.. not a hard job. just takes two.. and its a bend over type job.. so D. cant help..the water bed has 7 lengthwise tubes setting in a frame. with a foam top and then the mattress pad , covers . the water has evaporated just enough over the years.that it feels like your shoulder and butt are sleeping in a valley . . Gddau Carrie will be with him. so should get done quickly..

        David went out alone to bank and then to the Garage to get turn signal light fixed yesterday.. made it back safely.

        couple of lessons this evening .. and thats my exciting day to come..

        sure did like the warm day and having another one today..

        Hi Elaine, Donna and Beth.
        HI Paula
        Hi Justy..

        ~~~` at you sleepy heads.
        cleaning out some paper stuff in my file cabinet . came across a folder with the names of our Rounders from about 2000.. I should made a print out and post it here. anyone interested in seeing it?.

        Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


        • #5
          Good morning.
          Yesterday I was in the infusion room for 5 hours, was receiving blood for 4-41/2 of those hours. I got 2 units. Despite being in their recliner chair all that time, I was pretty wiped out. Was glad to get home. Slept through the night.
          Today my energy level is up, so the infusion must be working.
          This morning we go back to the Cancer Center for I guess another blood see if my blood is getting along with the new blood???
          Tomorrow is prep day. Worst part of all this. I am seldom able to finish the solution.
          Ellis is antsy. We still don't have the surgery time for Thursday. I figure we will get it sometime tomorrow.

          Oh, and yesterday we got two calls (SCAM) that IRS is pressing charges against us for something. The Treasury Dept now has that number and the info we got.

          Well, not sure what the day will brin when we get back home. A lot of waiting for information about prep & surgery.

          Thanks for your prayers and good wishes.
          Have a super-duper day. 🎶
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • #6
            Good morning, all. Clear for now and a bit frosty but more rain is on the way. I don't mind it when we have these breaks between storms. Only bothers me after 4 or 5 days with no breaks.

            I have decided that I will stop going to the Senior lunch for a while. I have gained 6 unwanted and unneeded lbs. Bad sweet tooth and buttered popcorn almost every evening have caught up with me. Will bake only when I'm taking it to an event otherwise the temptation is too much and my will power is Zilch.
            Lunch yesterday was pretty good with Pesto Chicken and pasta but I had no appetite. Got home and realized I had not taken my stomach pill so I had heartburn all afternoon until the pill kicked. Had a bowl of shredded wheat for supper.

            Thinking of you JoG and glad to see that you're getting better energy.

            Maye I think David will feel more like himself now that he is getting around on his own.

            Breakfast is calling so I will run along now. Have a good one.


            • #7
              Good Morning to all.

              Yes I am late getting here, had a call from a long lost cousin and he was in the mood to talk, so talk I did...until finally I said I needed to get going which I did )do).

              Got a call last night at 8:45 p.m. telling me my furniture would be delivered today, short notice, they were sorry, but they are having troubles with delivery truck and wanted to get as many deliveries done today as possible before the truck goes in for service...told them they would have to take furniture from house and set it in garage until we could deliver it to the people we are giving it problem, so I need to get the vacuum out and get things arranged for the delivery...hubby is already worried about the fabric, because we saw it with leather but ordered with material and he is afraid we will regret it...told him we will find out as we go, not to project a problem before it happens..

              I need to do some more laundry that I did not get done yesterday and a few others things on my short and sweet here this morning...time to get moving, I am hungry and need something, started to feel sick to my thinking of everyone today, love, hugs and prayers to all..

              Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


              • #8
                Yesterday was a good least nothing bad happened. Drew got into the car and said he had a surprise and I would have a heart attack. He missed one on his timed test and finished it. The one he missed was 7x2 but he got 2x7 right. Today should be the last of the twos. Guess I will run the vac and do a load of towels. Both kids here for supper and I have nothing planned. Could set down and pay a bunch of bills but what fun is that? Rain coming in for the rest of the week but temps will be warm. Thinking of you JoGee...hope the new furniture is everything you wanted Boffler. Happy Tuesday all!!


                • #9
                  Morning all

                  It's my day to take Erin to school, so I don't get to work until 8am or after. Feel like it puts me behind the rest of the entire day!

                  JoG - still thinking of you each and every day.

                  Nalani - fascinating reading about your whale-watching trip. I am envious!

                  Time to get my rear in gear. Y'all have a good 'un!
                  The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


                  • #10
                    Good sunny morning! In a bit of a hurry because I finally felt like doing the treadmill again this morning. I feel much better from the flu/cold I had and the coughing is almost, I thought I would just do what I felt like and did a mile! ,for me, that is good!
                    For today, I am gong to be positive and patient!
                    Yesterday is gone!
                    I will come back later..too many kids to concentrate!


                    • #11
                      Aloha all!

                      Pat, do you ever see whales in the gulf? It seems a good calm place for them to come in the winter to have their babies.

                      My prayers and good wishes are with you, JO.

                      Everything seems to be running pretty smoothly with all of you and hope it will continue to do so.

                      Have no plans for the day so far.

                      Everyone have a good one in doing what ever you will do today.


                      • #12
                        Nalani - no, we don't get whales in the Gulf of Mexico - WAY too warm for them here.
                        The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


                        • #13
                          GOOD evening ..

                          what a lovely lovely day... it was sunny,, warm.. not quite setting out on deck yet.. but in and out to mailbox without coat kind of day.

                          David went off to the car wash ,, without me.. and then went to mechanic garage , Buick had turn signal light out.. I felt like I did when the Kids first got their license to drive.. and went off on their own.... .. but he made it .. and was so much happier the rest of the day. son Bruce and Gd dau CArrie did come up and they got more water into the tubes of the water bed. .then just set and visited for another hour or so.. David and Bruce got in a good talk . and D. did not sleep all afternoon... ..the home health care nurse call to schedule for tomorrow.. but I told him D. was released from Doctors and was no longer home bound . ( was out driving). and that ends the home care.!... another milestone.

                          Jo G. you are in my thoughts so much ... prayers coming your way...
                          As is John,, Elaine.. please pass on that David ask every day about him.

                          now for some reading... see you all in the morning
                          Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

