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Thursday ~ March 3rd

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  • Thursday ~ March 3rd

    Morning all

    STILL no word on the job for Chris. He has pretty much given up. What is UP with companies that go through the process of a face-to-face interview and then NEVER let you know if you were hired or not? It is VERY disheartening!

    Weather here has been absolutely gorgeous the past few days - low 70's and sunny. Think we may get some rain tonight, though.

    Aunt Maye - only SEVENTEEN more days until Spring officially arrives! WOOT!

    I'm off to get more coffee and crank this office up. Y'all have a good 'un!
    The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.

  • #2
    Good morning.
    Today I go for an MRI. Otherwise, nothing new here.
    We are having nice weather this week, in the 80's mostly.

    Pat, can Chris make a follow-up call to see if they made a decision yet about the job? Sometimes the company discussions about filling a position can take a week or two.

    I will be back later to read today's posts.
    Have a great day! ☀️
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • #3
      Good morning yesterday was a really good day even with my adventure in the morning...

      I managed to get myself lost or in unfamiliar surroundings atleast.

      I was wanting to go to dollar general..I wanted to go there to see if I liked the store and the employees. I am thinking about applying for a part time job there...anyways the closest the bus could get me was about 3 and a half blocks..I couldn't see the dollar general when I got off the bus I knew what direction to go in thanks to the bus driver...well after I was done at DG I started walking back to the place that I needed to go to meet the bus..well I realized there was not a good waiting place for me to wait for the bus to come back through so I kept walking walking and walking some more maybe 15 minutes almost all the way back to where all the buses meet every hour. My feet were tired but I was proud of myself for not getting to upset or scared but keeping a level head and problem solving about who to call when I wasn't exactly sure where I was.

      Then when I finally did get close to my house on the bus the driver didn't make a stop at my stop so I had to make him aware that I needed to stop..and ended up having to walk a little bit further than normal to get home..

      My friend that gives me a ride to church called early last night before church and we ended up going out to eat before church..that was fun too.

      Today I volunteer and have my meeting in Saint Louis.


      • #4
        Good Morning! Looks like it might be sunny, but very cold.

        Yesterday was OK. I cooked most of the day preparing Karen's meal. About 1pm she texted & said she should have canceled because nobody else was going to be home for dinner but her....too late! Her daughter did end up coming home for dinner and the rest they'll have as leftovers today. I went to too much work to say "Oh that's OK you don't have to get it today." LOL! Tomorrow is a memorial service at our church & they needed cakes for the meal afterwards, so I signed up to make one of them. I'm taking it today since I'll be there for Bible study. I made the cake last night. Thank goodness for icing because the cake cracked & crumbled is a few spots. Made white with raspberry filling. I do round layer cakes...hate making 9x13 plus you have to remember to get your pan later. I just put the round cake on one of the disposable cardboard discs.

        This morning is Bible study. Woke up to Kathy & her friend Arora rumbling around. Arora was throwing up...found out she tried my potato salad and didn't like it. whatever. Goofy girl. Anyways, Kathy was just stopping to get clothes and heading out for the weekend...whatever....means peace & quiet around here...sort of. Anyways, not sure what the rest of the day may bring. Might take Blaise & go to Aldi's. They have their drumsticks on sale for $.49/lb as long as supply lasts. Saw yesterday that Aldi's is now accepting all major credit cards.

        Becca had her big girl panties on yesterday. She signed a lease for an apt starting in June for 6 months until she graduates. Then she went for a job interview. She thought is was for an internship, but she said it ended up for a regular job that has nothing to do with her degree. If she gets offered the job, she'll then ask about the internship but may accept the position until an internship comes available. She then made an appt at the Verizon store she get a new phone today. Found out when I was checking out the prices on their online store that you can make an appointment at one of their physical stores....less waiting. We've got stung going to one of the Un-Wired places, so only the actual Verizon stores for us now.

        Time to get Blaise out the door....have a good one all!

        Oh Pat....we've gone through the non-hearing about jobs MANY times with Cork. HOW RUDE!


        • #5
          Good morning, all. Still clear here but possible rain tomorrow and on into next week. Report expects feet of snow and lots of rain and wind. Glad to see the snow. We need it desperately.

          Took the carrot cake to the luncheon yesterday and it was a big hit. Sent the rest home with Twilla so she could share with her son. I still have the ends I cut off but without the frosting. It has a glaze on it and, personally, I think that's enough.

          I also think it's rude to interview someone and not respond by a letter or phone call. From two different schools I received letters and a couple of times phone calls. Seems like only when I applied for out of town jobs that I got no response.

          Beth, I'm glad to see you kept it all under control while you were out yesterday. You will soon learn the area and have no more problems.

          About all for now. Everyone have a great day and keep dry.


          • #6
            Been up and seems like I have already put in a full day just so I can get out of here and shop with my sister. Put a big stew in the crock pot and unthawed bread, unloaded the dishwasher so I could reload the dishwasher. Son took leftovers in in his lunch and left the bigger bowls all in the sink and NOT soaking. Sooooo, have cleaned the kitchen and need to shower but first a relaxing cup of hot coffee. Gloomy with rain today but maybe not as cold as yesterday? Looking forward to getting out for some retail therapy and interesting conversation....our 'other sister' is coming along. Can't leave home without her! More trouble with homework last night. I know Jon wants to do it for him and have it done without a scene but he must learn to do it. I gave him the old 'you are to smart' speech and he turned around and said he was not smart, he was stupid. Broke my heart! He is not stupid but has a reading problem which trickles down into everything else you do in life. I gave him the old speech about if the world fell apart he is the one I would want to look out for me because he was so smart and brave and he just needed to put that into his homework he had people here who wanted to help. Why is life so hard on kids? Not fair!! And these are the kids that suffer when cuts are made in educational funds. They just need a little extra and then I felt bad because we had tuna casserole for supper and he hates tuna casserole so he got a pizza. He came in to say goodby and I got a hug so hope we are making some headway. I do not want to be the bad guy with homework....I just don't! Hope Chris hears about the job soon. Hope your scan is easy JoGee. Good for you for keeping your cool Beth. I get lost all the time! That cake sounded wonderful cookie...I could dive in and eat an entire cake in one sitting this morning. Stress and strife are always the makins' of a good cake pig out.


            • #7
              Good Morning .

              cold again ..

              Pat, I slid the Spring poster you had on... to my desktop and open it at least once a Day.... It may be snowing on the first day of spring . but it will still be spring !..... ah..for Chris's sake, hope they are are just taking a long look ..but if it don't come thought ,, then he ain't meant to be there .. ( my speech to my dear Granddaug. . )

              feeling sad today... my dear friend, ex-piano student. lovely young lady passed away yesterday... she had mitochondial disease ... an incurable
              debilitating disease, mean, hateful painful disease... but she had a radiant smile.. and a heart of gold.. Loved the Lord with all her heart .. my heart aches for her parents, sister ... it always has. to watch your child be in this situation must hurt so bad... Now Peace can come to them.

              heading out for groc stores. list isn't very long but D is itching to get out .. see you all later

     headed lady... GOOD JOB!...

              Donna, found a pile of recipes in my file cabinet.. you must read through them... some written by my Mom
              Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


              • #8
                That is sad, Maye. Prayers for the family's comfort.
                "Gloomy with a Chance of rain" is a great way of putting it, Maxie! And your last statement,m" stress and strife" ( and pretty much all other strong emotions can send me to the kitchen, too.
                Pat, these companies could at least set up a link for applicants to get information about positions filled and other positions coming up, etc. Maybe if Chris writes a thank you for the interview letter he could suggest (especially since he is an IT guy) that for future ease of relaying information, they could set up some link for applicants and that a word.
                IT IS DEFINITELY the gray with a chance of rain here, only not gloomy because we still need it. And that snow pack Barb was talking about. This year we actually have had snow on Mt. Shasta and Mt. Lassen. Last year none at all!
                I decided to come here before make up or even unlocking the daycare so I could say a real Good Morning to you all.
                All the talk of carrot cake and Pat's pineapple bundt cake have convinced me to, an inside day with kids needs a little something special to keep them happy.
                Cookies for daycare and then to decide what else...for the weekend.
                Have a good Thursday!


                • #9
                  To all - Chris DID do both a follow-up call AND email. Zero response.
                  The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


                  • #10
                    Pat, then that seems like a company one shouldn't want to work for.
                    They would expect better of him, if he had the job.
                    But the double-standard, with rudeness on their part, would be hard for a good employee to deal with.
                    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                    • #11
                      Good for Chris and everything Jo said...
                      Except, dang! We all want Chris to get that job!


                      • #12
                        Good Evening, has been a very eventful day to say the least...

                        Left the house at 8:00 a.m., got there for my infusion and as soon as I saw which nurse I had I knew it was going to be a long day...she is just so very slow in everything she does, what most people do in 30 mins. takes her an hour and an hour it did. She went to mix my Remicade and I heard her out in the hall asking another one of the nurses if her formulary was correct, then they both left and she returned 20 mins, later, THEN she began to start and IV with the saline solution bag, which by the way is supposed to be started before she mixes the formula. Well she tried once to get and IV started and she thought she had a good vein BUT once she open the IV port it was obvious it wasn't because I started to burn big time...took her forever to turn it off instead of grabbing the tubing and crimping it off until she could reach it...(other nurse told her that). So then another nurse tried the other hand and that just about sent me through the roof with all the moving around she was doing trying to get it, it was also a no go, so she tried the other arm and finally found one close to my elbow...I finally left there at 1:45 p.m.

                        But while getting my infusion, hubby called and said his sister had called him and needed his help, Grandpa was being taken downstairs to the rehab area to stay until strong enough to go home and he refused, said NO, he was not going to any rehab he was going home!! Well he is not strong enough to be by himself, and he has a poodle that jumps up on him all the time and he has to get out of bed to let her up and off the bed all night long...hubby's sister has a job that she will lose if she doesn't show up, hubby can do a lot of his job on his work computer and from home...hubby is worried about me because this was my first double dose of Remicade and he was afraid I might need him...I told him to go ahead, leave work, go home back a bag and go stay with his Grandfather, I have been taking care of myself for years with this stuff and I can do it now. I took Benadryl and Tylenol today before I left, and I did a bit sick to my stomach, not really hungry, but otherwise okay...I told my hubby I give it 24 yrs. and his Grandpa will run him off...

                        Also a text from my BFF and some terrible stuff going down in her hubby's family, with her 36 yr. old stepson and family...and the nurse said I must be having a rough day my blood pressure kept going up and was the highest it has even been when getting a treatment...130/70, LOL if that is as high as it ever gets why worry, LOL....I use to long for it to be that low...

                        So I had a meatloaf mixed up for this evenings supper, I baked it and after it cooled stuck it in the fridge...anyone every froze a cooked meatloaf? If yes, what did you think about it when you reheated it?

                        I am rather sleepy and tired this evening...snow is falling down right now, supposed to get around 2-3 inches...

                        Well I wrote a book and didn't say much.

                        Have read all the post and to many to speak to individually...but I am thinking of all of you...

                        Hugs to all

                        Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


                        • #13
                          Sharon ,Sharon,, you need some HUGS..... what a day.! why did you not have a tempter tandrum!!!!!.. and demand a new nurse... really really loud!... cry , cry, scream... sob.. but get a nurse who knew what she was doing.. you knew she was doing it wrong... just think of what she might dp to some totally unaware person ?... and I feel so bad about Grandpa... we oldies just want to be at home .David turned down physical rehab. you know the kind with treadmill. steps etc. stubborn old coots. so hard to let go of our independence
                          yes you can feeze a cooked meatloaf.. advise to cut it in slices and freeze in serving size. will thaw faster..

                          was a quiet kind of day... got the groceries all in .. and spent the rest ,reading ,sleeping. phone calls . no lessons.. enjoyed it!
                          Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

