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Monday ~ Feb. 29th ~ Leap Day!

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  • Monday ~ Feb. 29th ~ Leap Day!

    Morning all And Happy Leap Day!

    Back to work - yada yada yada.

    Turd's truck got repo-ed this weekend. Is it wrong of me to gloat? However, that being said, I am now the sole source of transportation for Erin. Thank God Chris is helping me out.

    Still waiting to hear about the job for Chris. They said around the 1st, so keep your fingers crossed, pray, and send good thoughts! It would be a super ego boost for him.

    I'm off to get this office cranked up. Y'all have a good 'un!

    The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.

  • #2
    Good morning...still fighting my head ache..headed to the doctor this morning...I am thinking its got something to do with my ears!


    • #3

      Good Morning! I loved this Doodle created by Google. Clever.

      Although this day only comes once every four years, it's just another day for us. Nothing exciting here.
      Well, except that I looked out yesterday and the entire herd was in the front yard and up and down the road. They had knocked over a birdbath and even had two calves on the front porch investigating the flower bed.
      It's a good thing the nephew lives nearby and that the cattle follow his feed truck. Did not take long to get them inside the pasture once her arrived. We can no longer rangle cattle.

      Wishing Chris good luck!

      Hope everyone has an exceptional day.


      • #4
        Good morning, all.
        Nothing new here. We will be packing up to go home today. It's been a nice visit, but it has tired me out.
        The girls did ask to be "kept in the loop" on my condition. I just said I don't want to leave them with just half the facts, but after my two appointments this week we will give them the whole picture.
        They all said that was a good idea.

        Love today's graphics, Pat & Elaine.
        Pat, my fingers are crossed; hope Chris gets that job.
        Elaine, I think that was excitement enough for today. How do they get out of their fences?!!!!
        Beth, hope the headache gets taken care of.

        To all. I hope you have a great Leap Day.
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #5
          Good Morning....

          Elaine that would be some kind of wake up call to see all the cattle in your yard...Love the graphic also...hubby said it would be awful if you only had a birthday every 4 yrs. NOT!!

          Pat, didn't realize the Turd did much running around for/to Erin...Does Turd have a job? Does Turd pay any support? If it affects Erin it would concern you for sure. Hoping Chris gets some good news today...also love your graphic...

          Bethina, hope they find the reason for your headache and can give you something to get rid of it..

          JoG, I believer waiting until you have all the facts about what exactly is going on and what they plan to do is best..I do that with my kids also, unless I am down for the count I do not burden them with my life, I want them to have theirs. I think as parents all we really want is for them to care enough to ask or call us every now and again and find out how we really are..texting is just not the same..

          Paula, will be waiting tomorrow to see what the end result is on the issue you are having.

          Justy???Where have you been?

          And many others...I see a lot of people read and want to know what we are doing, to bad they don't let us know how they are doing and what is going on in their lives. If we don't get more interest in this forum could just go by the wayside with only a few participating, kind of sad if you ask me. We are boring enough they don't want to post, but interesting enough they want to read about what we are doing...go figure...I understand every now and again going through a 'quiet' time where I only read, but I do come back, I don't stay gone for very long...and most times it is because I am sick or just not feeling it... So miss people coming here and sharing their lives with us and their families, pets, etc. I do see a lot of them on Facebook, think Facebook has taken our place...I have Facebook and use it a lot also, and it is easier to post and go on with life...but I still have to come here...UNLESS the board acts up again, LOL

          Okay, time to get busy, hubby's Grandpa will be having his gallbladder removed today, Saturday they did the endoscope and removed stones from bile duct..He will be 91 in two weeks and is full of spunk...Have a great day one and all...make it count.

          Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


          • #6
            Good Morning! It's cool & blustery around here this morning even though no high winds were noted on

            Yesterday was good. Decided to make 2 pies...a banana cream (new recipe) and a lemon meringue. While assembling the pies, Kathy called & ask that I bring Blaise to her for the BD party. Had 6 of us for card party last night. One lady brought pizza plus everyone else brought something to share. We had pie as the finishing touch around 9pm. Then played more until about 10:30. Had a very nice evening.

            This morning I'm making a loaf of bread and the spinach & tomato pasta to take over to Corky & his lunch buddies. I'm also taking the leftover pie. My SIL is coming to get Blaise off the bus while I do this. We'll then have lunch once I get back. I'm so blessed to have such a kind SIL. I would do the same for her. I know I could have ask Kathy, but I don't trust her to get up and she'd just take her frustration of having to get up early out on Blaise. Not sure what the rest of my day will bring.

            Praying for Chris. I KNOW how much a job that they like effects a man's ego & self worth. I have a very unhappy husband right now.


            Have a good one all!


            • #7
              Good morning! I am up early for two reasons, need to call for a haircut as soon as she unlocks the door and Sierra has a demonstration to give in speech class and will drop her ingredients here and then I will meet her at class time. She is going to instruct the class in making rolled out sugar cookies...bunnies in honor of the season. The cookies are prebaked and iced but she will mix a bowl of dough and then roll out a bit, press a cookie and hopefully they are so good the instructor will give her an A...maybe. Her dad of home today so if my haircut (which comes first) interfers he can haul ingredients. Need to call the power company today and see where the bill is. It is either lost of we threw it away. Balanced my checkbook yesterday and have an error. Cannot find it so will let it ride until next month and see if it works out. Only 40.00 but I have been doing some silly thinking I used my debit and it was my credit...did that twice. I have so much going in and out of my brain I don;t know and certainly envy people who just float through life la de da and nothing bothers them. When I am upset the entire world flips and I do the dumbest things. Like lose bills and write strange things in my checkbook! Nothing happening of importance around here today. Beth get that headache taken care of and good luck to Chris. Elaine I imagine riding through a big herd of cattle to get to your front door like the cowboy movies. Do you have to hose off the droppings when you corral them?


              • #8
                Cow Pies! I could not think of the name...cow pies we called them. Are they cow pies then they come from a herd of cattle? And what do you do with a front yard full of 'pies'?


                • #9
                  Good morning, all. Haven't been around for a couple of days. Not much new here.

                  I remember dad chasing cows out of his Victory garden. Owner wasn't very good at keeping up the fences. I had a neighbor whose pigs occasionally escaped but I got them chased away before they did much damage.

                  LOL at Maxie's last post.

                  Hoping for the best for Chris.

                  My brain is shutting down. Have a good one.


                  • #10
                    Sharon - to answer your questions: He will occasionally pick Erin up and take her to an appointment (I use occasionally when I should say RARELY). No, he doesn't work - he is "disabled" (and I use that term loosely also). I do not get child support, but Erin gets a social security check every month in lieu of support - it is paltry (only $300 a month) and would barely cover the groceries needed to feed her, much less to pay for transportation, clothing, or anything else.
                    The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


                    • boffler
                      boffler commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Hope I wasn't being to noisy...just wondered how a bank would even loan him money, LOL...well I guess at least he has some sort of relationship with her, more than some Father's or Mother's for that matter...

                  • #11
                    Good Morning not much going on here. 40 years ago I was wishing for my new niece of nephew to be born on leap day. My brother told me that if sister-in-law went into labor he was tying her legs together until after midnight. His insurance didn't kick in to cover everything until March 1st. Nephew didn't make his appearance until the first so everything worked out.

                    Elaine, sure don't miss the days of waking up to a yard full of cows. Can remember my Granny talking about that during the depression they would go out into the pasture and gather the dried cow pies to burn in the stoves, seems that they helped supplement the wood to keep the fires burning.

                    Pat keeping fingers crossed for Chris and the job.

                    Beth, have they ran allergy test to see if maybe something that you are eating or something you are using is causing the headaches? A friend went thorough them and found out that some spice that she was using in her cooking was the trigger.


                    • #12
                      Maxie, I had a friend in the Amarillo. She did collect semi-hardened cow pies. Then she would add bits of scrub, weeds, stones, etc., to make a "western scene". She might even add a cowboy and horse to one. They were pretty attractive, really. And didn't smell once they were dried. She took one to work and got lots of compliments.....til they found our what it was. 😂
                      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                      • #13
                        Oh, my friend's husband was a really truly cowboy! On his trail rides, the Cowboys would collect all the cow pies they could, and let them harden. They never knew from one nights stop to the next if they'd have firewood, and cow pies burned efficiently be it for cooking or just to keep the Cowboys warm on cold evenings.
                        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                        • #14
                          Ok, will try to post...Which means all kids are here and who knows what emotions are in store for us.
                          Pat, I am so hoping and praying for that job for Chris! And hope that Erin sees how you guys just step in and cover all her bases...
                          It is sunny here and the fruitless mulberry out front has little light green covering that turns into caterpillar type stuff that drops all over and allergy rates go sky high.
                          How did the banana cream pie taste? Did I miss that? My first ever ribbon at the county fair was a second place for lemon meringue...
                          We didn't make the cookies, yet. My cough is still going and I just can't think of baking when I am spreading germs.
                          Gotta go. Thanks for all your great posts this morning. Love having one extra day and hope to do good in it.


                          • boffler
                            boffler commented
                            Editing a comment
                            Paula, sure hope you can get rid of that nasty cough. Are you otherwise feeling better?

                          • Paula A
                            Paula A commented
                            Editing a comment
                            Coughing is much diminished! I didn't wake up the baby today like I did on Friday!
                            Thanks, Sharon. And now, just the stress of the energy test again tomorrow...the guy and I are getting to know each other!

                        • #15
                          good morning ...

                          Paula ,You beat me here... .... but I had a weird night... slept soundly until 2am.. wind was blowing fiercely.. motion light outside the window was off/on. so I got up . read until 4am.. decided to lay down again.. woke up at 8.45.. great sleep!.... but there went the crock pot roast I had planned to get on about 5.30-6am.. for lunch today...

                          gd Dau . Shawna is supposed to be coming to wash down my bathroom. , especially the tile around the tub.. and I was going to feed her and hubby this wonderful roast beef dinner.. sigh ... so if she comes , it will have to be "breakfast" instead. .

                          Sharon ...never give up on the Round Table.. there are a lot of ... so called Guest ,,, who look like they are here reading .. but really not from "our original Folk list". I was afraid they were hackers . but Nightstorm said not , and not to worry about them....I too miss old time regulars. and blame Facebook . I have become weary of Facebook.....I like to hear about our real lives..and share our real feeling with each other.. in the privacy of this Forum...
                          if anyone "new " or just reading is here...... sign in , join us.. newbies are so welcomed.

                          David's grandfather was a leap year baby... his Dad was a new years day baby....

                          and tomorrow is the month of Spring!...
                          Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

