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Friday ~ February 19

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  • Friday ~ February 19

    Good Morning!

    Busy day yesterday. Abdominal scan at one place, injection to stimulate white blood cells at another place, breakfast at Ihop, on to Courthouse to get a handicapped sticker for the car. Then to the dentist and off to another town for a haircut. All this for 2 people who should be at home on the couch. LOL But it was a good day because John felt good.

    So today we get a call at 8:20 with instructions for the biopsy on Monday, nephew Frank is coming to fix the holes he made in the cabinet walls when the plumbing went kaplooey, and other than that, I hope NOTHING happens except some dusting and vacuuming.

    Bless you each for your well wishes for my precious husband. I love you for it.

    Have a good Friday, Everyone.

  • #2
    Good Morning.

    Elaine....I give you permission just LET THE DUST SETTLE...just sit, relax, and enjoy each others company. ((((Elaine & John)))) Like you need my permission....LOL!

    Yesterday was good. Bible study in the morning was very interesting. You read the same passages all your life & then when they explain the back ground of those times, locations, and people, it sheds a whole new light on the situation and you go...OHHHHHH! Came home & just puttered along all day.

    I actually won a couple battles with Kathy yesterday. She wanted to "earn" $20 for her trip to Ohio....NO...I'm spending over $20 on getting HER cat fixed on Monday. She wanted to take my car to New Castle to pick up her friend who was going to Ohio with her because she didn't want to put more strain on her car and once she got it through her head that I wasn't going to let her have it, she then switched to taking it to Freeport to get paid by a friend's Mom who she cleaned house for and I said no to that. My thinking is if your car can't make it to those places, then you have no business going to OH and if you do, don't call me when your car breaks down. Of course she tried to guilt me, but it didn't work...yea for me!!! LOL!!!

    Made Orange Chicken (actually it was Apricot with a few drops of orange oil this time) for dinner...YUM! Ended my evening with a 2 hr chat with my friend & old realtor from Bradford. After three years of talking weekly & monthly, we became friends. It had been a while since we talked, so we had a LOT of catching up to do.

    This morning as soon as Blaise is on the bus, I'm out of here. Going for LAB work, to the pharmacy, and then to Aldi's. Hopefully I get home in time to breath a little before he gets home at noon. Not sure what the rest of the day will bring. I just smilin' cause I won't have Kathy drama for at least 3 days.

    Have a good one all!


    • #3
      Good Morning ..

      the hours of sleep at night are getting longer ..yea... this means more energy for the morning housework.. After yesterdays long day of Doctoring stuff.. ( think I posted it on yesterday ,rather late in the day..)David was ready for a good nights sleep.. He might have gotten up early but was he and Kat were quiet . for a change.

      wow.. Donna is sounding more and more like her aunt J... nagging Elaine. standing firm with Kathy ... you go girl!!!!!!,, keep that foot down
      with Kathy, Blaise and all teachers, stores,,,( and husband.). Yes. and so you take your own advice about resting ,, slow the pace down a wee bit.
      btw.. we are going together on Sunday to Shawna's. got a text,I was invited via. Facebook..

      I was playing with my Great-grandson Logan last evening !!!. GS. Ian brought him out to visit.. he is adorable ...unfortunately I had a lesson come,, and I had to stop and go teach... but I ask for another visit soon... how wonderful to have a baby in the family and to hold a little one .

      better get moving . have not done much of anything in this house... hey, it's Feb. puzzle building month . watch out the window at the snow month.
      chat with friends month... see you all later .
      Pat. think of you and Erin often
      Elaine ,hugs and prayers.. tell John, David sends greetings from his recliner.
      Hi Justy!..
      Hi Paula!!
      Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


      • #4
        Good morning...head ache again this morning..will probably sleep a bit more...then decide what I want to do...Yesterday was a really long but really good day...volunteering was loud and bit crazy but everything else was pretty while my family is away on vacation I am volunteering an extra day and some extra hours....I told my supervisor that there was a chance that I wouldn't have a ride next week...she said she would come get me with out me even ask! I have to be ready by 530 one of the days and will stay until 2 thats the day that my supervisor will get me..the other 2 days I will be there from 830 until 2....I am going to tell my supervisor that my time is hers except when I have meetings related to finding a job...IF they need me and can come get me just call me and I will be there...I took a class on line for safe food handling....I needed that certification to help my supervisor prep the food while the other staff do the other stuff...well I did that last night...needed 75 % to pass and scored 92 %


        • #5
          Morning all

          Elaine - I'm holding you and John both in my heart.

          Finally broke down and took Erin to the doctor yesterday. They did a strep test (negative! yay!) and told us it is just viral again. Gave us a script for the nausea and suggested pushing fluids and Chloraseptic for the sore throat. Hopefully she will improve today.

          My biggest problem with her is her attitude. When she doesn't feel well she is a total CRAB. NOTHING makes her happy and she takes it out mostly on ME. HELLO?!? I'm the one trying to HELP you!

          Chris has a HUGE job interview today - PRAY!!! Pray that the salary is good and that he gets the job - it's a IT job with a local hospice which has offices in four cities (Pensacola, Panama City, Marianna, and Tallahassee). This would be just the job for him.

          The weather here is gorgeous - almost 70° every day and sunny. Aunt Maye, I wish you were here. We would soooooo walk on the beach and have coffee in the sunshine!

          I'm the only one in the office today, so I'm sure to be busy all day. No problem there - it makes the day go faster.

          This weekend is the CAM class (Community Association Manager). Keep me in your thoughts!

          Y'all have a good 'un!
          The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


          • #6
            Good morning, all. Cooler this morning but will still be warm later. Nice to be able to go out without a jacket. Lily didn't want to go out this morning. Actually she wanted to go out until she saw it was still dark out and she doesn't like to go out until it's daylight. I think it's because of her vision being so poor.

            My Swedish meatballs were a big hit because they disappeared like magic. One of the ladies brought a delicious bread pudding. That was devoured, too. Not a lot of people yesterday; maybe 20 but it was still fun.

            Ladyebug, I hope all goes well with John's biopsy.

            Maye, I'm expecting two babies in our family. My eldest grand daughter is having a boy in May and Joyce's youngest is having a baby sometime later. Sadly I don't know when or if I'll ever get to see them as Erika is in Texas and Sarah is in North Dakota.
            Nine grands and only one lives here.

            Pat, I hope the CAM is what you want to do. Hoping Erin gets it together soon.

            Beth, it looks like you're enjoying your new place.

            Donna, you run me ragged.

            Everyone be well.


            • #7
              Good morning.
              I'm really sore from under my ribs on down to my lower back. Feel like I was used for a punching bag. E said it was the biopsies. They told him they had trouble getting the biopsies and had to be forceful. I guess they were. 😮
              I have inform my INR doctors of the upcoming cat scan next week, and that I'll still see them Monday for monitoring, and that I haven't heard anything from the surgeon yet. This is a long time without my Coumadin, so I'm already seeing magic little bruises appear here and there.

              Today I go for a "Vision Field Eye Test". That ends my glaucoma exam. No other plans.

              Elaine, I'm glad you and John had a good day.
              Cookie, good for you! Tough love.
              Beth, that was a great test score!
              Pat, I hope Chris gets that job. Sounds like Erin is being herself, and that may not change - but we can hope. Raising teens can be really difficult.
              Hi Maye. And all who follow.
              Have a great day. ☀️
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


              • #8
                Good Morning, well it would be if I was not so tired and sleepy...hubby decided to drive home from the airport last night after he landed, which didn't put him back home until about 12:45 a.m. and of course I could not go to sleep until I knew he was home safely, then he snored like a freight train, so loud even ear plugs didn't help, so I am tired, sleepy, grumpy, etc. and then his alarm goes off at 5:45 a.m., so then the cats started meowing and having fits!! I will be so glad when he retires and I can have a better time sleeping and an earlier dinner..eating at 6:30 p.m. is just getting to be to late for this ole gal...4:00 p.m. would be perfect.

                Okay complained enough, time to flip the switch..

                Elaine, you guys sure had a busy day of it, hope today you catch up on some rest, the dust will wait. Hope John has a good day today also, many prayers for hearling and answers for him..

                Donna, keep up the good job of standing firm with Kathy!!! She sure needs it! Hope you have a good day, you are always so busy, but having a talk with a friend always cheers a person up...I wish I was more of a talker on the phone, but I really am not, a few friends and my sisters is about it really.

                Aunt Maye, sounds like you had a good day, babies can make a lot of things better...glad you are getting more sleep now..

                Pat good luck tomorrow on your class, Chris also right? And good luck to Chris on the job. Erin is a teenager its what they do, we always hurt the ones we love because we trust they will never turn their backs on us or leave us...your Mom!! I think they want to be loved, be first, taken care of just like we do, if not more since they really are still just me, even when they get older it changes, they then think you are the child and they are the parent.LOL

                Bethina, good for you and the volunteer work...

                Well off to the shower and get the attitude changed, not really, I have a really hard time staying grumpy, just not my thing. Hope everyone has a good all of those typing while I was, I will check back later.

                Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


                • #9
                  Good Morning, not much going on here, had my regular Dr. visit yesterday, my BP was up so he increased my one pill. I also asked for something for the neropothy in my feet (had been waking up at least 3 times a night thinking the house was on fire because of the burning in my feet) so after we talked he gave me the Lyrica, I had done some research and think that it is the best fit for me, he was going to give me something else but I told him that I was not just going by the TV commercials but by the info on a diabetic forum about the problems of the one he wanted to give me and he said he had no problems with my choice. My head is a little fuzzy this morning but think it is just getting adjusted to the new med, but I did sleep all night without the burning feet and am walking okay this morning without feeling like I'm walking bare footed through a patch of stickers

                  So glad so many are on the mend. That John and David are feeling better. JoG hope that they can fix you up soon. Beth, great news on the test score. Donna and Pat, know what you are going through but trust me you can get through it, may take awhile until they grow out of it. My youngest daughter was my problem child, she has actually has told me that she was sorry for what she put my through, but she knew that no matter what she did I would always love her and would be the one who wouldn't just walk away. Boffler, have you thought about sleeping in different rooms? Had neighbors who did this, he needed a very hard mattress and snored very loudly, she needed a softer mattress and had restless legs, someone made a comment about not being close enough for "grown up games". The both laughed and said that there was a path between the rooms, that could be used at anytime, and that they both were happier when they got their sleep.


                  • #10
                    Sunny and warm for a winter day...I'll take it. It has been a good week here with both boys around and the grands have been here every night. Leftovers for supper tonight. We eat early here and I love it. Drew gets off the bus just when his dad is coming home and Sierra's classes are all finished up by 3:00 each day so rather than have everyone come in starving and eating junk I have a meal out by 4:00. Everyone helps clear and now that the dishwasher is in I can have cleanup completed by 5:00. No plans for today. Spring Training is underway and the Blues won again last night! Everything is good in my corner of the world...


                    • #11
                      I had chills and fever all last night. I texted my parents and cancelled daycare which I haven't done since Gary passed away.
                      Wind, rain and maybe thunder.
                      Crackers, water and ginger ale today.
                      Pat, hoping the best for your class and Chris' interview!
                      Elaine, that was a schedule I would be hard pressed to keep. Keeping you and John in my prayers.
                      I read all the posts but can't sit up any longer..
                      Do not get this.


                      • #12
                        Just got back from the eye specialist. I didn't see HIM, of course, but one of his "trained monkeys" who operates the machine I needed to pass. I will get a letter from him about the results.
                        Turns out he IS the guy who humiliated me in front of the entire 3-doctors' waiting room, yelling at me that he's a good doctor and nobody, especially a female opthomologist, can tell him the eye he fixed the cataract in has a retinal tear. He really didn't look at it.
                        (That was 14 yrs ago and somebody else repaired my retina.)
                        I wasn't sure it was him, til he read my records to me, and made it "sound" like he was responsible for both cataract surgeries and the retinal one. (I know he could tell the very moment I recognized him.) So I see him as an arrogant, credit-taking, man who I won't be seeing again. He did only one cataract for me. And that eye was the retina that tore. I know I passed the last eye test. So I need not see him again.

                        My Anticoagulation doctors cancelled my appointment Monday. I've been off the Coumadin so long that it's out of my system completely now. They want updates, though.

                        I let my gastro-NP know my status....she received no other information as yet, nothing on the biopsies yet, either.

                        I'm back to feeling chilly. Heating pad is on in my chair. But that's my dangerously lowering hemoglobin speaking. I will put on sox to warm my feet, maybe I'll warm up. I need to lower the house temp for E, once I find a comfortable area to be in.
                        I'm also doing laundry, so the movement helps I think.
                        But I'm limited pretty much from my current torso soreness, which I really didn't expect.

                        Other than that, it's a beautiful, if cloudy day today.
                        I'm doing my best not to sit around totally. E insists on waiting on me, but I need to do something useful where I can.

                        Pat, good luck this weekend. We are anxious for your success!
                        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                        • #13
                          Aloha all!

                          Glad to hear the upbeat news from most of you and for the rest of you who are ailing a big hug!

                          I am meeting my best friend, bridesmaid, and high school roommate for lunch today at a nice restraint in Ma'alaea, about halfway from where I live and where they are staying in Lahaina. I haven't seen her for about 15 years or so. So there will be a lot of catching up to do. She and her family are from the Seattle area. Should be fun!

                          Have a good day all!

