I just wanted to let you all know what was going on. It's mostly "behind the scenes" stuff. When NIghtStorm fixed the RT, he set it up on his own server. He also told me that he could host the RT much cheaper than what we were paying. As of today, I canceled the old hosting. So we are now permanently on his server. I think this is for the best as he has a vested interest in the RT and he can take better care of it there. I know I feel better having it in the hands of one of our own. Besides, I think he should get the fees anyway as he is the one doing all the tech work. He never asked to be paid but I think this is fair. And if you are wondering, I do not need any funds at this time. The monthly hosting fees and the yearly domain fees are minuscule. I have that covered easily. If we ever need to update or anything that would require a more substantial amount, I will let you know.
So sit back and enjoy!
So sit back and enjoy!