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David's upcoming heart surgery.

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  • David's upcoming heart surgery.

    When we got shut down ,, David was going for his electrocardiogram.. ....well. this was the shocker... he was diagnosed with Aortic valve stenosis, severe.
    which means the main valve is extremely narrow and this is a serious condition.. so he went from his PcP to a Cardiologist 2 days later.. got the same diagnosis. and given the choice of doing nothing . or having a valve replacement.. to do nothing . he would only grow weaker and have less oxygen and finally succumb. He chose to get the replacement which is a major , open chest operation .but if he does well, he could be back to his healthy working self by summer... he never even stopped to think .;operation.... 7 days later ( yesterday)we were setting and chatting to heart Surgeon... who clarified in detail what was going to be involved . but they all considered David's general health good and he is strong enough to have this done at 84...
    A heart catherization will be done first.. Next Mon or Tuesday... to evaluate what else might need to be done while they are in fixing the valve.
    The actual operation will be Monday the 18th.. ....

    I feel like the world is spinning so fast around me.. but I am so glad to have the RT back, need a place to come and drop my anxieties

    the funny part .this all started out looking for a reason for double vision.... the heart dr though Maybe, just maybe, the pressure needed to push blood through the bad valve was causing tiny bits of crud to break away and get into tiny veins in head ,causing the mini stroke maybe near the eye. he has not had any more of those since he started on vit B12 .. so maybe that was the problem..???? whatever it was,, by the neurologist ordering all the tests, this heart problem was found, David was having the symptoms , we just weren't paying attention because most of them mirror how you feel just because of age. we are on this new road of adventure..

    thoughts and prayers appreciated...

    will keep you updated as each step comes along .. the week of operation . you may have to get news from Donna..
    Last edited by Mayebarnes; 01-08-2016, 08:41 AM.
    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

  • #2
    Aunt Maye I will keep your hubby in my prayers! Love you!


    • #3
      I will be thinking of him. Sending Blessings for a great recovery.


      • #4
        Hugs and prayers to you both (and your family)


        • #5
          Janet, thank the Lord they found this problem. I have 2 friends about David's age with valve replacements - one pig and one cow. They are both in great shape.


          • #6
            Janet, my cousin went into surgery for 6 by passes and they found the aortic valve needed replaced as well. Even though he is only 73, he has been in very bad health for several years due to lung problems. Makes me wonder if some of his "lung problems" wasn't caused by heart problems. He is doing great now and his surgery was done about 6 weeks ago. He is breathing better and feeling much better over-all. I said all this to help encourage you that all will be O.K. with David since he is diagnosed as being in good health otherwise.
            Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


            • #7
              My prayers and thoughts are with you and David, Maye. I know it will go well and the hard part will be making him not do what the doctor doesn't want him to do afterwards.


              • #8
                Janet, I will certainly be thinking of you & David during this time.
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • #9
                  I will also be thinking, praying and sending every positive thought to his long list of well wishers.
                  I am putting his name on the Prayer Roll in the Temple and will keep it there.


                  • #10
                    Thank you all so much,, ,I just knew if we got back "Home",, I would feel better ..can count on all of you to back me up...

                    Nalani , you have the exact thing that worries me a lot... that David won't listen to the Dr. orders.. and I will have to get out a big club to
                    make him!.... and I will do that .... the snow When it gets here will be our first big fight!... I said that to the Dr. yesterday and he said
                    NO Shoveling /sweeping etc.. ..he is a stubborn old coot..
                    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


                    • #11
                      Maye, just so very glad they found the problem and there is a surgery to fix it, I also know a lady that was 89 yrs. old when she had hers, they didn't want to do it because of her age, she went to another Dr. that said since she was in such good health otherwise no reason not to, they did and she lived to be 95 yrs. old..My Mother had that also, but her health was such they could not do the surgery and it was sad to see her decline..

                      I will keep you both in my prayers, you are both strong willed and will get through this just as you do everything else, the great part is, you have a niece that can cook you guys some good meals and freeze them for you!!

                      You know they found my carotid blockage because of my eyes, the eyes tell much..
                      Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God

