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Tuesday Dec 15

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  • Tuesday Dec 15

    a very early Good Morning

    I woke up at 2: 30 . never got back to sleep. finally came to my cave to read and snooze .. have done neither.. so ..... I do see a nap later on ..

    Yesterday was a really great day... in many ways.. the first being I got to spend time with Granddaughter #1.. Carrie.. she is 23 ,a college graduate, still trying to get the police office to pass her on her drivers test... Works in a day care center... like Paula's.. loves it.. her chosen field of education is Creative her working skills will be anything at all for a paycheck and spend rest of her time writing . at home.. . but ..this was the first time her and I have spent a lot of time together . She did all mixing of the buns.. and help the whole way thought .. doing the break while dough was raising ....... I found out she is also a computer genius........ I bought a new printer yesterday...

    and this young lady. proceeded to completely take charge . unpacked. set it up. and installed every bit of the complicated system for printing , Scanning and copying..... also deleted all the fragments of the old printer from the computer... also deleted the set up on my computer that we had installed when kids were little. with the guards against accidently getting into Bad sites.. I probably could have figured it out eventually but its so nice to have someone else. click right though it!..

    we cleaned up our kitchen mess . ate . .I took her home ,, came in the house and crashed. was in bed by .9.30.. a good, good day..

    be back later.
    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

  • #2
    Good Morning!

    Janet, you should be sound asleep after the busy day you had yesterday. Remind me: Who does Carrie belong to?
    My grandparents were my "minders" my whole life. Never had a baby sitter one time. My parents worked and I spent my summers with them. My love for them is boundless.
    I know Carrie feels the same about you and Dave.

    Well, had my teeth cleaned yesterday and John goes tomorrow, so we have that chore tended to. My hygienist has been doing this job for 28 years. God bless her. Can't imagine spending my day dealing with people's teeth. Yikes!

    Nothing new. Have the bug to scrub down the bathrooms today. Hope that happens.

    Hugs to Everyone.


    • #3
      Morning all

      At my desk waiting on the coffee to finish perking so I can get a cup.

      I know I should be thankful for the off-season at work, but dang! It is so boring! I am SEARCHING for things to do. I even have a stack of library books to read.

      Looks like Chris and I will be taking a short trip to Savannah, GA in March - my old boss owns a condo on Tybee Island. Since I never got to stay there when I worked for him, I asked if we could now and he said YES. We only have to pay the cleaning fee of $85 for a 3-night stay. Now we have to start saving some bucks so we can be tourists in Savannah. And I can spend some time searching for things to do/places to eat while we are there.

      Aha - the coffee is finished. Time to get a cup and see what's up. Y'all have a good 'un!
      The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


      • #4
        It is going to be a bit cooler today. That is fine since we have been running 20 degrees above normal.

        One son had to have his wife at a hospital over 60 mile from them at 7:00. So, that made an early rise for them. Same son has to go to Dr. for his back in a week. Good thing he works for a family owned business or he would go broke taking all of us to Dr. plus himself!

        Lincare brought me a new hose for my Trilogy machine. It is smaller and softer. Nice although I had been getting along fine with the old one. Their nurse said I was one of the few that have been lucky to get used to the machine so fast. Guess I do something right once in awhile. LOL

        Better get my day started.


        • #5
          I thought we need a good
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          • #6
            Good morning...I was awake several times last night..went to bed at 8 to watch tv and read...I was freezing cold too so I wanted to get under my covers..

            We are now on the road to getting me some of the services that I need...the lady came to the house yesterday and my sis and I met with her and filled out a bunch of paper work...

            Today is my volunteer day....I have some papers to drop off after that...then home and I may take a nap..


            • #7
              Good DREARY Morning! Blah!

              Yesterday was productive. Didn't get much baking done, but enough. Spent the morning sorting all the bagged up cookies & let customers know their orders were ready. Had to make 3 trays for pick up. Got more late orders. With Corky not working a good paying job, I'm taking every order I can get. Cooked a nice roast beef dinner for my cousin & us. Started mixing up cookie dough & found I didn't have the needed brown sugar. Oh well. Baked off the tiny sandwich wafer cookies and rolled the two doughs I got mixed up into the balls & ready to be baked off today.

              First thing this morning I'm heading to Aldi's to get my needed supplies and then come home to mix & bake for the rest of the day. Leftovers tonight. I feel a tiny bit out of control with these late orders. They are mostly trays & I'm not sure if I have enough assorted cookies baked or not. I really need to take an inventory.

    'd your investigative trip on the Red bus go yesterday? Sassy.....that is too cute!!! big! Pat...NICE!!!!! are you feeling?

              Have a good one all!


              • #8
                Good Morning, just a quick hello and then back to the couch...I have a stomach bug of some sort and it makes other things go haywire also, unfortunately...I do have my appt. in MI on Jan. 4th, maybe new Drs., group of professionals will fix this ole girl up... I spent a big part of the day sleeping yesterday, when I stand up everything hurts so laying down is much better...I don't want to rain on anyone parade, I will be fine, just another day in the life of a woman with Crohn's Disease..LOL I am hoping to be able to address some Christmas cards today, just haven't felt up to it, they have been on the table for over a week now..

                Can't believe how fast this month is passing by!! Soon it will all be over with. Hubby has been playing Santa at work, they take on a lot of families for Christmas, buy gifts, food, etc. the list they get has the peoples wants and needs on them and they fulfill them, some ask for utilities to be paid even..sometimes in Dec. that can make a difference in whether you can have Christmas for your children or my lowest of days when I was a single Mom of two, my kids came first no matter what, I did without to make sure they had their wants and needs met. I never wanted them to feel left out or anything or embarrassed at school when others ask them what they got for Christmas...

                Well enough of that, time to read, drink some water, (no coffee right now) then get my day started....

                Have a great day one and all.
                Maye get some rest after yesterday.

                Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


                • #9
                  Good morning.
                  Yesterday was simply a wet day, dreary and unexciting. Looks like there was rain in the early hours today....the block fence is dark from moisture. We've got a few nights yet of below freezing temps. Clouds are breaking up, so maybe some sunshine ahead today yet.

                  Wondering how the kids will fill our week when we are in Phoenix. One has selected Sunday, her only day off of work. One gal is still checking with her kids for their days off...but she invited us to a mixed holiday dinner on the 24th. (A late dinner, food for her daughter's Jewish boyfriend's family, traditional foods for the Christians, a favorite food for a pagan, and hopefully she'll come up with a Kwanzan dish for the heck of it, for the heck of it. We usually retire early, so it's iffy we'll go....but may change our mind if it's the only time we meet with GD's future in laws.....and the MIL to be is a woman who likes to put on airs of being "high society", which she is not. It's funny.
                  The other 2 kids there, not a peep from them yet. I'd better leave this 2 a text to look at their emails.

                  So.....nothing much exciting here. I did some laundry yesterday, 3 loads. The holiday spirit eludes me yet. Maybe I'll pick it up in Phoenix.
                  I guess I'll get my tea and start my day.

                  Have a good one! 😊
                  Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                  • #10
                    Good morning everyone.

                    Got the dehydrator going drying the meat for beef jerky. Guess Sharon and I are the only ones eating jerky.

                    Pat, how do you manage getting all the protein? Not nosey, just wanting maybe some new ideas.

                    Sharon, hope you get over that "bug" before too much longer. Know how much you are looking forward to this Christmas being a "healthy" one.

                    Cookie, are you going to bake up until Christmas morning ????

                    Water aerobics today and that will be the last for me. Won't be around for the spring semester. I may not go back at all as it is hard on my back. Even not doing the exercises that I know hurts the back, I still hurt a lot after the class is over. The next morning I feel like I need a tow truck to get me out of bed. Seems a bit silly to continue something that you know makes you hurt, but I have enjoyed the people and the instructor.

                    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
                    Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


                    • #11
                      Wrote this several times and it keeps disappearing. Not going to try again when I have nothing to say anyway. Dinner with a friend this evening and trying to get rid of the headache I took to bed last night. I am looking forward to my evening out so maybe I will go lay back down for a while with more pills.


                      • #12
                        Jostoy - I eat a LOT of eggs. And peanut butter. In reality, though, a serving of meat is usually only the size of a deck of playing cards, so that's not very much.
                        The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


                        • #13
                          Well shoot, Pat, I already do that. I will even eat PB and toast with a cup of coffee, even though I'm not to drink anything while I eat. That is one of my favorite breakfasts. My stomach doesn't hold more than 1/2 cup of food, so I sometimes eat more later. I'm suppose to have 3-4 snacks a day. Lots of times I will just drink 2-3 of my protein shake to help make up the protein requirement.
                          Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


                          • #14
                            Jostoy, do protein shakes help?
                            I haven't put this on Facebook but my heater is out and needs a part. The guy ordered it and it should be in on Thursday. The friend who cleared my tree brought over two nice space heaters. I am using them in daycare. I have my fireplace screen in front of one and sitting between the kids and the other one. All the kids understand what they are, but I won't be going to the bathroom unless kids are in cribs or high chairs! TMI, I know...
                            Jo, actually, that mix of people and food sounds exciting. Or, possibly, the potential for Very Exciting! I have a friend who sounds like the future MIL...funny how some people are.
                            Sunny today, so that helps with the house temperature...or so I tell myself!
                            The wind does not help..
                            Maye or Pat or anyone who there an easy way to get photos from Facebook to here? I posted a picture of the yard without the tree. All cleared and just the hole left. I think I will have a couple of big rocks and flowers and ornamental grass planted there. I already miss seeing the tree out my windows.
                            I am trying not to let any of this bring me down...but not saying What next, either!
                            Pat, the planning and saving for a trip add to the anticipation. My days go so fast. The time to go will be here before you know it. Enjoy every stage of planning!
                            Elaine, I agree! I don't want to get that close and personal with anyone's mouth!
                            I will check back during nap time...
                            Stay healthy and happy!


                            • #15
                              For what it's worth, I was told that the egg WHITES have all the protein, and the egg yolks are basically just cholesterol. This is why scrambled egg whites or egg white omelette are supposed to be better for you. If you don't like just the whites, just keep the portion of yolks 'way smaller than the whites. Of course a bit of shredded cheddar on the egg whites would make the whites have a better flavor.

                              Paula, the potential MIL looked down her nose at me when we met. I was not told the get-together was dressy and didn't know we'd have other than our immediate family there. None of her family is that way, though. Her husband showed up in his work clothes (he installs stuff in homes.). I felt better about being in casual attire then. I'll probably wear a sweater and jeans to that dinner, because it will be cold out there.....otherwise I'd wear my red Snoopy-tangled-in-lights tee shirt. 😄
                              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

