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Its NOVEMBER 1st already!

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  • #16
    Aloha all! Now you are all one hour closer to me. Good. Except JoG of course who didn't have to change her clocks either.

    Sorry, Maye, for repeating myself here as I already posted on the Playground.

    The food at our Halloween party was excellent yesterday, but the LOUD band that played the whole time and the confusion of how the custom checking was not good. I came back to my apartment with a splitting headache. What was the staff thinking with that sort of music for this sort of crowd. If they have the same entertainment next year I'm not going to it.

    Nice quiet day here. Around 11 PM last night the fire alarm went off --twice. Found out this morning it was from the dust blowing and clogged the system or something. They cleaned the carpets in the dining room last night and had big blowers to dry the carpet and it blew the dust around. Guess they don't dust that well here.

    Have a good day all!


    • #17
      Cookie, thanks for the update. Kim or Nightstorm will have to help her set up again, I guess.

      Hi Nalani. We were wondering about the guy's music down the street. What was he thinking with his music? It was perfect for a stadium party, but far too loud for a residential area. I'm sure neighbor complaints are that closed him down music-wise within the hour. I'm sure the windows were rattling from it. Some people just don't think.
      Hope your day is more relaxing today.
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

