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Friday oct. 2

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  • Friday oct. 2

    hello hello .. where are you?.

    everyone slept in?..... waiting on sunshine ... and moving kind of slow... when dawn gets later and later .
    I will become a hermit in my cave...

    Must make trip to library and exchange finished book for the ordered one.. and David will want to go on to Walmart???. somewhere..

    we got to the soccer game last evening. but left early... the wind was blowing and we just did not have on enough coat.... D. got the shakes.. so we missed the best part.. our kids were losing . but came back , tied the score and played overtime! but lost anyhow... however .. neither one of us can stand to fight the cold.. be down with something , sore throat etc etc.. Bethany was in for almost the whole game.. she is still very timid but will get better ( or realize it isn;t her cup of tea and quit )

    see you all later
    Last edited by Mayebarnes; 10-02-2015, 07:25 AM.
    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

  • #2
    Hello! I'm Here.

    Hi Everyone.

    Just reading a few posts from yesterday. Looks like maxie and I are the only baseball fans around here.

    Home today just piddling. Still no rain so will have to drag the hoses around.

    Have a good Friday!


    • #3
      Good Morning, here I am, here I am...very windy morning out there, just as it was all day yesterday. Glad the weekend is here, get to spend a little more time with hubby and less time alone, LOL...Not much on my agenda today, pay a few bills and decide on something for supper..amazing how little it takes to feed two people, I made sloppyjoes yesterday used two lbs. of meat and it look like way to much, always the freezer..

      Ordered me some flannel pants and thermal shirts for the winter months, my kind of 'stuff' to wear when it is cold outside, also ordered some bathroom rugs, mine are so old they are starting to come apart, wishing I could find the kitchen rugs that I want. So I have been 'finger' shopping this going out into the masses.

      Lots of walnuts falling on the ground, wish they were easier to crack and shell I always make a mess of them, would love more whole pieces..

      Well time to get some tea read the news..
      Hugs for a great day and weekend...jostoy should be back...
      Wondering how JoS is doing?

      Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


      • #4
        Good Morning! My blood must be thickening a bit because I'm not totally froze even though it's not super warm anymore. We FINALLY saw some sunshine yesterday. YEA!!!!!

        Yesterday was OK. Bible study was good....taking about encouraging. Came home & then we went to the funeral home up in Slippery Rock....Corky's home town. Got to see friends from long ago, unfortunately Blaise would not behave, so we left quickly. That put me in a very bad mood. I had planned to go see Becca once she got off work, but since we left so early, I was not waiting around for 90 minutes plus I was ticked at Blaise. We should have ask my Mom to watch him while we went, but I rarely ask her....I can count on one hand how many times she watched my girls when they were growing up.
        Anyways, we came home & I jumped right into baking today's pies. I was just getting ready to put the first pies in the oven & a lady called. She ended up coming over for one of the pies an hour later when it came out of the oven. I guess it was a good thing we didn't go visit Becca because it took me until almost 8pm before all the pies came out of the oven. Sat & watched the Steeler football game with Corky. It went into overtime & I went to bed.

        This morning I've got an ultra sound on my Thyroid. Got the icing made for the 3 doz cupcakes I need to get made for a baby shower tomorrow. Will make those sometime today. Discovered this morning that I need to go buy Blaise a heavy coat. The ones I purchased at the thrift store last year are too big yet, so I need to find something for this year. Think I'll start out at the thrift store & if I don't get something there, will go to a regular store. Hate paying full price, but the morning have been too cold for a light jacket. IF all the pies sell today, I know I'll be baking pies later on for tomorrow.

        Have a good one all!


        • #5
          Good morning! Somehow I don't have too much to do before the kids arrive and I am able to get to the RT now.
          Yesterday was one for the books! A dad showed up and said he wanted to see his child. Just the day before the mother had got here and said he had been harassing her at her office and then followed her almost to my house...they are in court and lawyer proceedings. I said he could come in and see him but I understood there were new court orders. That kind f set him off and he started talking very forcefully about the mother and her lawyer. I gave him my "look" and told him to keep his voice and words down in the daycare. He said a few more things and then said he was going to get a car seat and be back for his child...I had texted the mom as soon as he sat down with GAge but hadn't got any answer. As Soon as he left I was making multiple calls trying to get her, having the kids around me doing music with my ipad (which kept them so happy). Finally, I called her lawyer and explained and she said "Call the police." Which was what I was thinking, just not wanting to think it had come to that. No one wants to see a police car out in front of a daycare! The police pulled up just before the mom. I just told the kids that Officer Dever was one of our town's helpers and we should always thank him and his friends who keep us safe. All the while the music is playing and he and I are talking about what just happened with the dad. He talked to the mom out front for a longtime, contacted the dad on his cell and finally let the mom come in and take the little guy. She went directly to the lawyer's office, and the officer told me that as long as she brings me the paperwork I am not to hand the child over to the dad. And if he shows up call the PD. Nothing you can put on FAcebook and I didn't want to worry BEcky, so you guys are the only ones I have to let this out...I hate confrontation, and being in the middle but when push comes to shove I can tell anyone they arent' taking a child without a carseat, that's for sure. I am just so thankful he didn't just go to Walmart and buy a new one. He would have been back in 15 minutes.
          Sorry for going on....It will be a better day today and actually, yesterday wasn't that bad. The mom who had been in a meeting realized she hadn't given me the phone number which would have gone to the building operator....I was leaving messages and texts all over!
          So, no cookies were made although, I made dough. Today will be my cookie baking if the new little guy (who wasn't her yesterday) will let me. I will probably wait till naptime.
          Thanks for being around. So glad to read Boffler's post!
          Have a good (uneventful) day!


          • #6
            Good Morning, everybody.
            Temps are 97°, 91° tomorrow....and rain is forecasted after the weekend. Wish I could bottle up some of this sunshine and share it with you who need it.
            Yes, Maye, I slept in til 6:15 this morning.....your morning was half gone by then. ☺️

            Yesterday was a busy afternoon. E needed a package mailed. Then off to Macy's sale and picked out long sleeved tops and sweaters at a terrific savings. We then went to dinner at our favorite restaurant...we each ordered an appetizer and side dish, a perfect sized meal. Had to send back the badly charred ribs, and got a fresh order done just right. Then on the way home we stopped at the Gaslight and picked up our tickets for Sunday. It should be a good one.
            I surprised E, not agreeing to stop at See's candy store when we left the mall. I need extra sugar like I need extra salt! So we passed on by.
            It's been a week of swelling feet for me. Including yesterday after shopping, and already this morning. I sit with my feet up, one foot massaging the other. No fun in that. I still need to get groceries, preferably today. I can send E with a list, but he can't find some stuff, isn't comfortable selecting fresh produce, and adds extra snackies. Maybe il just relax my feet today, and shop tomorrow after my haircut.

            Sharon, you're sounding better every day! Am so glad!!!
            Cookie, I just can't imagine doing all that you do. I suspect you have more minutes in your hours than the rest of us do!
            Paula, that's a whole lot of excitement at your place. I like the way you explain things to the children!

            Beth, are you moved in to your new place yet?
            Has anyone heard from Schmitty?

            To all, have a wonderful day! 😄
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


            • #7
              Good morning. We had a fair rain storm yesterday, I think a measurable amount but no more in sight.

              Timer is beeping for my oatmeal. See you all later.


              • #8
                Wow..that was some excitement. So sorry to hear about these types of disputes..they make you worry for the kids safety. Maye I learned a long time ago that one of the coldest places on earth is a soccer field! They are so open and the wind whips across them....burr! I really hated the night games. Nothing of any interest happened around here yesterday. Drew came in after school and we went out to eat instead of our family sit down meal we had a family sit down meal in a restaurant. It was fine but I do like a home meal on nights we are all together. They are so few and far between. Today I have to run the vacuum and finsih up laundry. Andrew has an early dismissal today so will be most of the afternoon until his mother picks him up. I have been finger shopping curtains. I know what I want and how I want to dress these two sets of windows (the kitchen and living room share a wall with the front door between). My problem is I know what I want and how I want them to look but now need to find them. Can't hang anything until the doors are replaced but that is coming soon and I want to be ready. I wish I could just take off an entire day and do nothing but look at curtains and I can I just do not want to drive around from store to store so I finger shop like Boffler. I do love my baseball. Have been a Cardinal fan my entire life! Used to go to a lot games but now prefer sitting in the comfort of my own house...have froze at many early season games and sweltered in the summer. Then we move into hockey for the winter. This is the season I can have baseball and hockey on every single night of the week! Only thing October is good for!


                • #9
                  Aloha all!

                  Oh my, Paula, that must of been horrible. You don't need things like that to happen. I thought you handled it very well.

                  Off to see what needle arts is all about as I think it's a new activity here. Can't really see that well any more but want to see what it is about.

                  Have a good day all!

