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Sunday 4-19-2015

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  • Sunday 4-19-2015

    Good morning rounders... been up for several usual with Snoopy on my lap...after his first visit outside... I will be going to get ready for my day....first on my agenda is going out to breakfast with son Matt and wife Shirley...not sure what will follow...think Marianne mentioned something we could do today that will be fun....think it involved a place with fun music.

    Marianne went to a group she likes to get together with is a painting event....she has made several paintings that we have hanging around the house....she left the one she did yesterday on the table and it is so pretty...know it will find a place on our family room wall...

    We finally had a nice warm day yesterday.....77 degrees.... she and I went to KMart just for fun.....found a sleeveless warm top I could use when I feel cold...which has been very often lately. Then went on to a Mexican restaurant Marianne had a Groupon to use....we shared a meal and ordered a dip which we hardly made a dent in so have it in the refrigerator.

    Still have a pile of slacks and tops to take in....may get to it today.....will decide which ones I really need...and put the rest in a bag for Leisa's Mom...who is taller than I am...and may be able to use. She has a sewing machine too...and can alter them if necessary.

    Hope all rounders are in for a good day....will go back and read what has been happening before I leave...

  • #2
    Hi Mickie! Hi Everyone.

    I got up before the chickens, as well. Been working on my pasta salad for church. You will not believe. I made a dressing yesterday and kept it in the refrig overnight. Got it out and spilled it all. Lucky part was it fell in the sink, so no cleanup to speak of. But then I had to punt. Well, whatever. I have the salad ready for church.

    More rain overnight. Another half inch and LOTS of wind. Afraid to look outdoors. Hopefully, no limbs to pick up.

    Well, better get bulletins printed. Hope you all have a very nice day.


    • #3
      Morning all

      Chris and I went to a fish fry yesterday evening - I took Paula's Key Lime Poke Cake - everyone RAVED over it. Definitely a keeper. I can only hope Pillsbury keeps the Key Lime Cake mix on the shelves!

      Today? Our only day off together. Erin went to her Dad's last night for the night. It's raining here, so we'll probably just spend the day like last Sunday - cooking and watching TV. And that is absolutely FINE with me.

      For now- more coffee. Y'all have a good 'un.
      The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


      • #4
        Good morning...Yesterday was great! I treally really enjoyed the few hours with just my dad...I have not had that opportunity in I don't know when. I had a plan for going to church with my parents this morning but I just got off the phone with my mother and they are only going to Sunday school. There is a very nice flea market about an hour from here and my dad is wanting to go spend time there. So they are going for the day. I am very very happy for them to get this opportunity. They need to spend some time together just them as much as I was looking forward to church. I will go to Sunday school downstairs. I don't need to be on my foot hurts from being on it yesterday. I am thinking that I will just come back up after Sunday school and read my kindle...and wait for my parents call...We may go for frosties when they come home.


        • #5
          Good morning. A bit nippy out right now we are supposed to get rain, but rain is what makes spring come alive.
          Elaine at least one good thing came out of the dressing, it could have been worse, all over the kitchen floor and splashed all over.
          Schmitty hope you have a good breakfast and a great day.
          Bettina you are right your parents need that time together. As much as I love my children I love my alone time with hubby more, even more so as we get older. It gives me piece of mind knowing my kids are safe and have their lives to live also.
          Nothing exciting on my agenda except the race this evening.
          Pat you and Chris enjoy your alone time also.
          Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


          • #6
            Good Morning! The sun is shining beautifully again. Yesterday was gorgeous. In the late afternoon yesterday the temps really dropped & I thought it might rain, but it didn't.

            Yesterday was good. Got the turkey dinner made & delivered. Tasted good when we had it too. Cork got the yard mowed. Tried out some puff paint I saw on FB, and Blaise really enjoyed it. Got all the laundry done last night while watching TV. Nothing good on regular TV, so I watched the Chopped competition btw the network chefs.

            Church this morning. Nothing planned for this afternoon. Have a few more things on the desk to give attention, so I might do those. Or I might just start a new book. I've got all those pictures of Blasie, I might get some of them ready to send out for family.

            Have a good one all!


            • #7
              good morning

              been up since 7.. .but just setting . coffee.. and got two more rows on the afghan..Mark stopped in and we had nice 3-way chat with us..
              still tired from yesterdays day at the competition... but just watching Bethany doing following in the footsteps of her older cousin.. was worth every achy muscle for me..

              don't know what the day will bring .. maybe go visit an old friend who resides in residential care..... or .... just stay home , read, snooze and crochet. ( play games on iphone.).

              Pat , your day has a good plan.... and I must go get the details of that cake ...hoping it is posted in Kitchen... sounds like something I would love.

              Elaine,,,the urge to use a few bad words this morning ?. like 'gosh darn'... ... I agree ,glad it landed in the sink...

              HI Donna, Bethina,& Mickie
              Boff,, it is a good feeling to know your kids are settled? into their own lives.. now you can start worrying about your grands .ha

              better get moving... don't know if D. wants to go out for lunch ... but will tidy up house first. see you all later.
              Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


              • #8
                Good morning, all. Getting warmer here, too. 47º outside but it felt warmer when I took Lily out.

                Not sure what today will bring as I'm not really awake yet. Thinking about breakfast but I don't know what I want yet. Yesterday I made bacon, eggs, and toast. Rarely do that as way too much fat but it was a nice treat. Probably back to cereal and fruit.

                Joyce has been gone for a month now but it still doesn't seem like it. Ross finally went back to work which I thought he should do. He was planning on retiring but he decided that he needed the money more than retirement.
                I think he needs to work to keep from brooding all day.

                I wish you all a lovely Sunday. Take care, all.
                Last edited by BarbCA108; 04-19-2015, 09:09 AM.


                • #9
                  Good morning, all.
                  Again, I've overslept. The nights are nippy at best, in the 50's, but the days are back in the 80's.
                  Sunny, warm days are SO welcome. Like Micky, I get chilled easily --- even here in the desert.

                  I'm so glad we got our new tree planted (early for Arbor Day or Earth Day). I think this one will grow happily. The nursery people don't get through all the coliche and rock, and the 4 trees they planted didn't make it. Live and learn.

                  I feel good about the pile of clothes I've discarded. Half to my girls, half to Goodwill. I looked at what's still in my closet, and piece by piece will decide what still fits and what else I can discard.
                  With the change in meds last November and resulting side effects, I'd gained 10#. This past week it's been dropping off bit by bit.....5# so far. So I'm waiting to see. I think one more med change comes up in June -- we will see -- but I have no idea how my body will react to it. Not so badly, I hope.

                  Hi Micky, Pat, Beth,Boff.
                  Elaine, you're so lucky to have drooped the dressing in the sink, rather than the floor!
                  Cookie, will you post Blaise's picture here? He's growing up quickly now, isn't he! I enjoy your stories of his escapades.

                  To all, have a great day!
                  Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                  • #10
                    good morning! It was in the 9-'s yesterday and it will be sunny and warm again today.
                    Pat, last year I bought a few extra cake mixes and kept them in the refrigerator to use. Glad people liked the cake.
                    church this morning and then not sure what this afternoon. Becky has a group meeting with her communications class, so I will just do daycare stuff. Oh, and make the cake Pat sent me.
                    7-Up pound cake.
                    I am sorting out books, too. I would like to send some of the hardbacks off to a VA hospital or something like that. Our Friends of the Library sale is too far off and they sell hardbacks for only 50 cents...these are all new and newer books so I would rather give them and they have been passed around to all our friends....
                    The news makes the weather some of your are having sound awful. Hope your are all ok.
                    Rest up and enjoy your day. Elaine, sorry about the dressing, but as was said, it could have been so much worse: drop the whole salad going out...I did that once.
                    Again: have a great day!


                    • #11
                      Good morning all!

                      Cake mixes can be stored in the freezer and keep for quite a while there.

                      Nice day here and may get to spot painting my patio chairs, but then again may wait until tomorrow when it'll be even nicer. Bim and I got rid of a lot of his stuff and took it to Good Will yesterday and then we went to a family (his favorite) for a nice lunch. He goes there a lot and all the wait staff came up and told me how they will miss him and please let them know how he does in Kihei. So took one of their cards so I could send them a note. Will have Bim write too.

                      Off the chapel service in a few minutes. Am basically just puttering around today.

                      Have a good one all!

