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Tuesday May 16th Good Morning!

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  • Tuesday May 16th Good Morning!

    Good Morning! Going to be another sunny day today and some heat is being added to the mixture.

    Yesterday was good. I spent a good chunk of my morning at the school. I'm volunteering with 2 other moms to present the JA programs to Blaise's classroom in a couple of weeks. Next Tuesday morning they are coming here, and we are going to get ourselves organized. Yesterday we just got the material & a pep talk.

    Picked up and cleaned a bit around here after I got home. Not my favorite thing to do, but I feel better once it's done. Called & got an appt for my car to get new rear brakes this morning. Got the laundry done....the ENDLESS laundry. Cooked a decent dinner with leftovers for Corky to take to work. Blaise ended up in an unusually polite mood. He was whining about doing his Math homework, when I threw down a challenge to him. I copied the page and I did the math too. It was a race. It worked. Then onto spelling. You know that boy can actually write nice when he puts his mind to it. I could actually read everything. I love times like that. Kathy told me the night before I need to teach that boy more manners and to eat more neatly. The pot calling the kettle black. But she was serious. She has no patience and chooses everything to be a battle.

    Oh...the Prince did ruffle my feathers a bit. I went into the pantry only to find the freezer wasn't completely shut. Had to defrost that. Oh fun! It needed it done, but after that, it REALLY needed it done.

    This morning after Blaise goes to school, I'll be taking my car to the garage. It's only about a half mile down the road from us, so I'll just drop it off, & walk home. Need to bake & hopefully ice 3 doz star sugar cookies. There is some paperwork that needs done. Not sure what I'll make for dinner tonight.

    Have a good one all!

  • #2
    Good morning...a very busy day ahead of me. In am working this morning. My mom and dad are coming today to meet my nieces new goats. My mom and sister are going to brunch then picking me up from work. We will do a bit of shopping at savers for sure and mayb salvation army if I can talk them into it. Then go meet the baby goats. I have to be home by 5. I have the incharge of my activities group coming for supper and paperwork. Then in have social college starting tonight
    About the house next door....the police were here again when I got home yesterday. The officer came talked to me and let me know the man got the house back from for clue how..and they are cleaning it all up so he can get power back on...i just hope he behaves..


    • #3
      Good morning

      up early..going to regret missing that extra hr of sleep later today. .. got the shower and shampoo done.. will get busy here , pick up, rid up. etc. then go vote in primary... quick stop in little town at Dollar store.... Maybe catch a nap after lunch invited and going to Pittsburgh with my very grown-up piano student and family.. to hear her perform with the Pitts. symphony orchestra ( violin). selected high school students honors.... her mom will pick me up sometime shortly after 4pm.. .looking forward to being very proud of her ( Danielle).. and the part I had to play in her music career.. I will be gone all evening ... just hope DAvid behaves himself while I'm gone.. I have the family on alert to "check" on him....

      Donna, what is JA... junior achievement?.

      better get busy..

      Hi Sassygirl.. you ok?... are one very busy lady!..

      see you later
      Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


      • sassygirl01
        sassygirl01 commented
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        Maye,I am so sorry..The time just..flew by...
        I was sewing...Pillows...

    • #4
      Good Morning to all that have or will pass this way today.

      Cloudy morning out there but supposed to be a beautiful day....went and got our plants for the garden yesterday, hoping its safe enough to plant them...also some bean seeds I ordered...growing up we had what was called a white half runner bean, loved them so found some heirloom ones and ordered them from Burpee hope they do well. Also got 3 different types of potatoes to plant and some candy onions, here's to hoping that after cutting down the walnut trees and turning the soil over and over has gotten rid of the juglone. (
      produce a substance called juglone that is toxic to other plants) last year after we planted a garden after about two weeks everything started dying, our garden was ruined...I love having fresh tomatoes and canning tomatoes and making juice, I use a lot of tomatoes in cooking.

      Never made it to the grocery store yesterday so for sure I will need to go today, I use to be able to buy fruits, veggies and they would last for two weeks in the fridge, not anymore seems everything gets rotten before its time..

      Maye enjoy your day listening to the music, Bethina hope your neighbor does behave himself, enjoy your family time.
      And yes not sassygirl? hope all is well with her.
      Donna great idea with Blaise, and funny Kathy says 'you' need to teach him better table manners, LOL...

      Well off to find something for breakfast, read the news, get a shower then get my day started..

      Hope we all see sunshine and nice weather..

      Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


      • #5
        Good morning.
        Have an appt with the PCP this morning, just another follow up. For once I have something for her to treat. This summer cold. My lips are so chapped (Blistex hadn't worked this time) and the cold sore keeps cracking so there's a bit of blood to deal with. So difficult to eat with this problem.....either sip soups or have very soft foods. Last night I found some Neosporin lip treatment in the medication cabinet, so tried that. Probably too far gone for it to help now.

        Well, I'm going to finish my mocha, and need to hit the shower before E gets up.
        Don't know what today will bring, other than cooler temps in the mid-70's today. Tomorrow it'll be mid-80's again.
        But at least the winds are supposed to stop today. Yesterday our Pistach tree looked like Hogwart's Whipping Tree! It
        Almost looked like it would twist right out of the ground.

        Well, off to shower and an attempt to look presentable.
        Have a very good day, peeps. ☀️
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #6
          Good Morning.

          Just got back from town. Took John at 6a for transfusion and then shopped at WM. Actually got there before the floor washers and stockers started. Excellent!

          Have a cake in the oven, jello salad made, and onto chicken pot pie. (using up leftovers).

          Other than that, nothing much to report.

          Janet, how WONDERFUL that you are being invited to such a special event. I know she loves you. I love you, and you have never given me piano lessons.

          Well, everyone. hope your day is turning out well.

          Hugs ~ ~ ~ ~


          • #7
            It is lightly raining out and that is fine with me! It gets the edges watered and is keeping our lawn green. By the end of this week it is to be in the 100* range!
            I was asked to make dog treats for a fundraiser for the pet shelter this Saturday and that is what I will be doing each evening for the rest of the week. Until Friday, of course, when we will be at the graduation ceremony. Becky's last actual test (final) was yesterday in has been interesting to talk with her about it, although, it gets so complicated I understand only half, if that much. She has done well in the class and the professor knows her by name. From now on it will be just her major classes in political science and internship.
            I need to sweep and clean the daycare bathroom so I better get this day started.
            I hope it geos well for all of you!
            Maye, enjoy that concert!


            • #8
              Morning! Sunny and hot today. My favorite type of day. Maye, that is so wonderful to be invited to see this proud you should be! Cookie, manners and a little boy is a tough combination, especially if the school cafeteria is involved. Today none of us will eat with manners since we have our first ballgame and may have to run out for baseball shoes first. Last night we were informed his mother had not gotten them yet. It drives me crazy when people wait until the last minute to do things! I mean it actually drives me insane!! I do things early and try to always be prepared and then she will swoop in 10 minutes after the game starts with shoes...or I will get a frantic call at noon to run around and find a pair. You know I will so am going to get online this morning and see if I can find places that sell them....hours before the game starts. Jo hope your cold is better or you get relief soon. Wasn't there a commercial once about a summer cold being a dirty animal? No garden for us Sharon...planting is the easy part...weeding and watering seem to be our weakness. Plus the danged ole rabbits! Elaine I am still in my jammies thinking about starting my day and you are half through yours. Beth another busy day for you. Are these fainting goats? Baby goats are so cute! Guess I need to start the day. Travel agent called yesterday and our documents are in so it is getting close to vacation. I love to see the excitement build in Andrew. Good morning to any I missed and have a happy, sunny day. Either fast leftovers for us or fast food on the road...we are gonna play ball!!!...just hope he isn't playing barefoot...


              • #9
                Good morning. Lot's happened since I was here last I'm now in Nebraska. Trying to piece together what has went on Dr. gave me metforman and it did it's best to shut down my body


                • boffler
                  boffler commented
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                  Okay Darla please fill us in on why you are now in Nebraska, and what the heck happened with the Metformin? Wondered what in the world was going on with you, knew you were in hospital then heard nothing more...I hope you are doing better now..

              • #10
                Can I say something about kids', eating habits, and messiness before I leave?
                Hey, it's very natural for them. They probably like finger foods best during their early years. As long as they enjoy the foods, it shouldn't be a big problem. Handling foods, be it with bare hands or silverware, is a learning experience.
                They learn the physical properties of the food. As long as they're not purposely getting it on others, or smearing it on clothes and furniture, they're doing fine. (Washcloths make perfect "napkins" for them to use.) by the time they're about 10, they know they want to "look nice" and "be nice" among their friends, or co-students. The messiness should pretty much stop by then. Manners will develop in good time. It doesn't hurt if you let kids know in advance, if you're going to a special gathering or restaurant, what is expected of them. Most will catch on to this manners business sooner than later.
                In the meantime, praising good manners or not leaving big messes, helps...... the praise will leave its influence along the way.

                (I only know of one child - he's about Blaise's age - this doesn't work for. Unfortunately he is one of our great-grands, who gets no punishments whatsoever. The parents just softly say "that is not acceptable". The kid gets every other kid in the room in trouble before he's done, though. We're afraid he's going to have a serious behavorial problem before he's a teen, including causing serious injuries. He has a hateful look in his eyes that scares even us. We totally avoid that family whenever possible.) 😔
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • #11
                  Hi Darla. Didn't see you when I posted!
                  Welcome back. I hope you can work past your problems and life gets stable again. I'm not familiar with metform.
                  What has moved you to Nebraska?

                  Oops, time to start heading out the door to my doc appt.
                  See ya later.
                  Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                  • determined
                    determined commented
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                    Jo it is a drug was supposed to lower a1c but sometimes it goes crazy. I know I. Was on dyallis. Guess it attacked my heart too. My girls came and stayed at the hospital and brought me back to NE with them
                    Right now they aren't leaving me alone one of them is with me at all times

                • #12
                  About manners
                  I start teaching kids as soon as they sit at the table that we can chew with our mouths closed. I show them and we practice.
                  I also talk about Never touching someone else's plate or food.
                  Choking no on food is a serious issue with kids and learning to control what they put in their mouths and how they eat is a safety issue in daycare.


                  • sassygirl01
                    sassygirl01 commented
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                    And open door too...And to speak "RIGHT"....

                • #13
                  Paula, you make some very good points there! Thank you for bringing all that up.
                  Those are things I told my kids, when I saw those things begin. I hadn't given it a thought unless it happened again.
                  (Then you can expect your little darlin' to loudly point out some adult's misbehavior at your next restaurant meal. )

                  Geez, I see too many adults in restaurants who I'd like to tell to close their mouth when chewing. Take smaller bites if you absolutely have to talk, or just shut up til you swallow! We don't want to see your chewing gum, either. Some people never learned to chew foods properly, and that's sad.
                  Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                  • Paula A
                    Paula A commented
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                    Having a grandson on the autism spectrum I have learned very well how a child can speak up and point thngs out!
                    Thankfully, he learned how to write things down that bothered him so he didn't speak up...and his parents learned to choose tables in restaurants far away from other patrons!

                • #14
                  Paula, my great granddaughter has autism. She doesn't go out in crowds. They may have taken her once to a restaurant on a slow hour; she went to one movie on a very slow day there. Can't put her amid a bunch of strangers at any time. I'm not sure how she adjusted in her special school. She doesn't point things out, but has to be watched carefully so she doesn't get panic attacks. But I'll mention the writing down things that bother her. She's still quite young but big for her age.... loves reading, spelling, and "singing".
                  Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

