No, that would come under 'treating him like a child'. No matter...I just go with the flow. Last night I gave him the items in questions n that I ordered a couple of years ago. They've been in the kitchen corner next to my garden tools, near where he sits. ("Well, if I'd told him..." , "They look smaller than the ones in his catalog"... They're not at all...). You get the idea.
He also doesn't like to hear bad grammar......he earned the nickname at work, Grammar Nazi. 😄
When he complains about scientific misinformation, I remind him how long ago the movie was made, imaginations were stretched, and the errors sounded scary-thrilling at the time. He sometimes agrees, or just sits quietly.
On my side, I don't nag, I am even tempered, he gets first-class treatment from me (taught to me growing up to respect my dad). But sometimes I need to let this stuff out somewhere.
I can say he is patient when it comes to being my chauffeur, carrying packages for me, etc.
Does me favors. A good guy, really. What's said can sometimes be hurtful, though.
Right now we are working together on Weight Watchers online, and he doesn't complain how much I've shaved off his meals because he really wants to lose weight.
No announcement yet.
Oh, heck...
Anything you can write on note pads or a white board so no one will forget?
One thing you said recently about E that has made me smile a lot is how he doesn't like inaccuracy of facts like in the sci-fi you watched...I hate that! I am not really scientific, but historical "tweaks" to make a movie more appealing or humorous or a better setting will set me off...
Poetic license or not!
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You know, I don't know if I'll ever get used to retirement business. He's been retired for 2 years, and counting.
He's beginning to forget things. What I hate is when he has fully forgotten that I ever told him something, and suddenly I'm a liar. He never says that word, he talks around it, but it's very clear, nonetheless.
Then 30 minutes later, he tells me he loves me...several times. I keep in mind, though, that he will be 79 after the holiday season. 80 is the "iffy" age for men in his family; most have died far younger than that. I'm sure he has weighing concerns about lifespan and losing his faculties.
Sometimes he forgets how to get to some place. Especially if he talks while driving. So I'm asking "weren't you going to turn here?", "do you have a route to get there from this highway???", "aren't we going to X instead of Y ?". We make a lot of U-turns these days. I call these Little Adventures.
His nose is always in his computer or mobile devices. He doesn't get much done indoors or outdoors. He's a procrastinator. Unfortunately, I'm slowing down, too. But I get stuff done as it gets noticeable.
With no company coming, he's got an electronics mess all over the dining nook. Again. I'd like to get rid of stuff that's taking up space, but I also want to avoid personal problems between us ..... those are never ending. *sigh*
Frustrating. I know that's not his intention. It's just time passing, and we all lose aspects of our former selves with age. I'll get this figured out eventually, but am not finding it too easy.
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And I am reading this even longer after the fact but it was a sweet story.
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Oh, I know I am reading this way after the facts, but this was a sweet little cyber drama; kind of. Hurray for the dinner and roses!
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Wow...sent E out to get our mail, and when he returned he also had my favorite frozen dinners (which HE heated), plus a dozen gorgeous coral colored roses ..... just because. 😄
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Yesterday turned out okay in the long run. Men can be so childish. I will not argue or fight, and it's a stupid disagreement anyway. But he put on the TV for a marathon of Key & Peel comedy. I don't like them for the most part....much of their comedy is cruddy. But I didn't say a word. I can block out the crud. But I did get to see the entire range of their talents....all the way to Shakespeare and Opera, and they were really terrific!. Big surprise! Anyway, they had a big finalle last night, the act is breaking up and they'll pursue their careers independently. (I hope they do less, or better yet - eliminate, the cruddy stuff, despite audience demand.)
But E put the last few hours on tape, and put on the NCIS recordings for me.
Today he's supposed to put some effort in cleaning up his messes in the living room. He never used to be sloppy. Guess I should blame retirement.
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Oh, heck...
I'm in Dutch now. This morning I refused to take a pill - mucinex - that E had gotten a lot of relief from. Well, I took one at bedtime last night, and woke at 2am feeling gut-punched. It's the only new pill I've had after the cough drops. It took an hour for the sensation to go away. E does not like being disagreed with. But if my cold is breaking up and I'm just coughing out the phlegm, well, I was taught that was a good thing. I should be over this in a day or so. So I interrupted his sleep at 9:30 by coughing. He really should be up anyway, but he went back to bed. He says "Well, just wait and see what your throat feels like in another hour" as if it's a curse. Frankly, between coughs, my throat is feeling better than before. But when he's in this kind of mood there's no talking to the guy. Oh well.Tags: None
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