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When Depression Becomes Deadly

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  • When Depression Becomes Deadly

    Depression Health Center

    When Depression Becomes Deadly

    By Kathleen Doheny
    WebMD Health News Reviewed by Arefa Cassoobhoy, MD, MPH

    Aug. 12, 2014 -- The apparent suicide of Oscar-winning actor and comedian Robin Williams on Monday rocked the entertainment world.

    Williams’ publicist said in a statement he'd been “battling severe depression,” according to media reports.

    Millions of U.S. adults struggle with depression. Often, medication and psychotherapy help their moods and outlook.

    For some, though, hopelessness reigns, even with treatment. About 39,000 suicides happen each year in America, many driven by depression, anxiety, or psychosis.

    What makes depression deadly for some? And are there concrete warning signs to help loved ones intervene?

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