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My Travel Log.

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  • #31
    One never knows! Of course, who knows where they're off to now?
    We can only speculate.

    Then again, here's yet another scenario: They could have won a lottery, or come into a chunk of inheritance?... Or something. Maybe they didn't want family/friends to discover that or try to pry it from them. So they spent it on a once-in-a-lifetime trip. It might be the one big thing they have for themselves.

    There are always people with a keen eye out on other peoples' money. Like, when I was 18, I slipped out of my parents' house with 1 suitcase of belongings, and eloped. So this uncle-by-marriage who married my Mom's sister .... he was a white collar worker in a big auto plant, whereas my Dad was a blue collar worker for another auto plant ...... This uncle said "now that your girl is gone and won't be going to college, why don't you give me that money to put one of my kids through college?" Can you imagine such a thing? My mom, of course, said "No way!" and pointed out all the advantages of his payroll in comparison. And if my dad got as angry at that outrageousness, one look at him and they'd be quickly gone.
    :roll eyes:
    Last edited by JoGee; 03-20-2014, 07:17 PM.
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • #32
      Jo, they always say that when you come into a sum of money you have more family than you know what to do with.

      I got to wondering about the witness protection in this digital age. Used to if put in some rinky dink town as long as they didn't call attention to themselves they could live a pretty normal life. Now even in rinky dink towns you would have to be careful to not let a picture be snapped of you, because it would end up on the internet and someone from your past life could see it and know where you were.

      My Mother's cousin's husband was a very wealthy man, some of his money was not earned by completely honest means as in his younger years he had a couple of scams he ran but a lot of it was made through the stock market. Any how, they never dressed fancy or had a big fancy house, if you just looked at him you would never guess that at any given time he had a couple thousand dollars spending money in his pocket, or at least somewhere on his person. He always said that if you showed your money with your clothes, houses, cars there would be someone who would be looking to take it away from you, if you lived "poor" they left you alone. LOL


      • #33
        Yep, that's how it goes. The very rich people are not big spenders. Those who throw it around don't stay in the money for long.

        In this digital age, if someone wants to find you, they can find you. You can change your name and location, but many things about you don't change. Old habits, for instance. Eyes alone can be a giveaway.
        E discovered that his computer does facial recognition in photos. He hit a button called Faces in a photo program, and it picked out all the faces within his photos, and enlarged them to viewing size to be per used. There is another button for Places, which he needs to figure out yet.
        Last edited by JoGee; 03-21-2014, 08:58 AM.
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #34
          Thanks Jo.....really enjoy reading your travel log.......can feel like I was there.... look forward to any additions...
          Money can't buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to live with.


          • #35
            I'm glad you enjoyed reading this.
            Despite the below-freezing temperatures there, it was a very enjoyable trip. Interesting.
            I can imagine all the people in the Off-Grid areas, no electricity, propane their only real convenience to keep warm and cook; must be a lot like "Dogpatch" there. They get the free train rides to pick up necessities. One very old lady stepped off the train into a good foot of snow, and after a few steps she fell face down, but laughed....fortunately someone was there to meet her and helped her up.
            One day there the temp did reach 34°, and you wouldn't believe that it actually felt warm!

            E did pay for a website for me. He will help me build it and post our pictures and comments about them.
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


            • #36
              E is still working up a website for the pics. I'll post the addy when it's done.
              Last edited by JoGee; 04-01-2014, 09:07 AM.
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


              • #37
                Pictures are here.

                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • #38
                  Thanks Jo for sharing. Wonder if the guy in the red shirt in the group picture poses as Santa Clause?


                  • #39
                    We wondered that, too. Someone asked him that, and he just laughed. Mostly he resembles a farmer, as he wore denim overalls a lot.

                    Oh, if you can't tell, I'm smack dab in the middle of the group, white sweater. E is behind me, hand on my shoulder.
                    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                    • #40
                      Glad it was you that went. Love seeing the pictures, but have no desire to go where there is that much cold and snow. Really love to see the sculptures as I think about the person has to not only have a great imagination, but be an artist. I'd have to have a pattern laid out on the ice, wood, or what ever I'd be "carving".

                      Thanks for showing us the pictures.
                      Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


                      • #41
                        It was colder than cold, Jostoy. At least, I was always cold outdoors there, plus indoors it was always just on the chilly side for me. Being from Arizona might have something to do with it; if not also my age (72), and/or general health. Even back in AZ, I can't stand A/C if the air is blowing right on me; and I take sweaters in stores when I go shopping. Ridiculous, huh?
                        But the trip was worth it. It was a great experience. Plus, it's almost miraculous to find such a large group of people who got along so well.....10 days of bus rides, meals together, sharing space, conversations, jokes, teasing, etc. well, 38 out of 40, but the two "mysterious people" kept to themselves very quietly. We saw and did so much, the days were full. If I shivered with cold, I considered it a kind of Isometric Exercise, and the countdown of the days left. I dealt with it, and am glad I did.
                        I'm also glad to share the commentary and the pictures.
                        I'm glad you're enjoying it.

                        Determined, Jostoy, and anyone else who cares to post comments, Thank You very much.
                        Last edited by JoGee; 08-22-2014, 11:25 PM.
                        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

