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Tooth Fairy inflation gone wild

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  • Tooth Fairy inflation gone wild

    "If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in five years there would be a shortage of sand."
    Milton Friedman, economist:

  • #2
    Geez....when I was a kid, the Tooth Fairy only left a dime! But it was a brand new shiney dime, so we knew it was special.
    She left my kids a quarter, though.

    I remember one morning my son was devasted because the Tooth Fairy hadn't come. I told him that she was probably just late because she had extra kids to take money to. So while he was in another room, I'd gotten a little plastic motorcycle out of the cereal box. I forget what I rolled the wheels in, but the motorcycle left tracks across the pillow and a quick exchange was made, and the motorcycle left on the windowsill.
    After about 30 minutes he made the discovery and came running to me with his coin and the toy. "Look, Mama! The Tooth Fairy came on a motorcycle, so she's a HE !!!!" He claimed to have heard the motorcycle noise in his room from the other room.

    Hope you all don't mind the stories that I sometimes add.
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

