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Signs of spring

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  • Signs of spring

    The back yard was full of robins and cedar waxwings this morning. Narcissus are blooming and the roses are starting to get new leaves.

    They usually eat the berries on the pyracantha/fire thorn by the middle of December. They aren't even touching them yet. Another weird thing.

  • #2
    I see the daffodils are sticking up thru the ground.... a wee bit early but they can take cold ,snow , just not below zero...will be nice to see them...
    ah spring is on the way.

    have birds everywhere..they are still hanging around the feeder but that will stop as soon as they can get to their own bugs. ect.
    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


    • #3
      Daffodils are in bloom here; but haven't seen a robin yet. There are all kinds of birds at the birdfeeders. (cardinals, blue jays, wrens morning doves, red headed woodpecker, mocking bird, and finches.)
      Cleaned out the bluebird houses, awaiting for their arrival. Also crocus should be popping up any day now.
      I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
      Phillipians 4:13


      • #4
        Watching a pair of red-shouldered hawks build a nest in one of our tall oaks by the lake. Hmmmmm......will need to post a warning sign up closer to the house where all the little domestic birdies feed. The smaller birds have just now begun to learn that there are 2 stupid cats that wander around ( supposed to be neighbor's inside pets ).....Grandpa Kitty and Crazy Gary......some names for cats, huh ?
        There is a difference between giving up and knowing when you've had enough......


        • #5
          Lord how I hate you people! Seriously though we're having a mini blizzard as there's a gusty North wind blowing all that new snow around. Doubt we'll see any signs of Spring until the end of March! Oh well ...


          • #6
            My daffodils are blooming too.... and tulip greens are high...won't be long and will have tulips blooming..
            Money can't buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to live with.


            • #7
              The wildflowers are in bloom. All I see are the various sized daisy-like plants, though. These are what used to grow in our yard, til the neighbors said something about them being weeds. Our pest control guy also does weed control, and I miss my yard being bright with those blooms.

              My hearing aids were fixed, and now I hear a lot more birds twittering than i realized were around.. I wondered where they went.
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

